The E.P.A. permits eyepiece
projection photography with
any 1¼” or 2" focuser. Our
Questar and 0.965" adapters permit use with those
instruments also.
The following Tele Vue
eyepieces can be used:
8mm, 11mm, 15mm,
20mm, 25mm Plössls;
7.4mm, 10.5mm, 13mm,
17mm, 21mm, and 26mm
(old series) Plössls; 4.8mm
Nagler; 15mm Panoptic;
15mm and 19mm (discontinued) Wide Fields. Other
manufacturer’s 1¼” eyepieces may be used also, as
long as the top barrel is less
than 1-9/16" dia. and 1½”
For any telescope, the
image magnification is
approximately 130 divided
by the eyepiece focal length
in millimeters. The f/# is
increased (slowed) by the
same ratio.
To use the E.P.A.:
1) Slide the eyepiece into
bottom bushing so the
eyepiece’s 1¼” barrel
extends through.
2) Screw top
sleeve into
bushing until it
tightly locks
eyepiece into
3) Gently
tighten plastic
lock screw.
4) Insert assembly into
telescope focuser and lock
(Note: In order to reach
focus with Tele Vue telescopes insert both the 2" &
3.5" extension tubes (X2C-
0008, X3C-0009) into the
focuser before installing the
Installation and use of the
Eyepiece Projection Adapter
(with prime focus capability)
is simple. Please read the
following instructions.
5) Screw a T-Adapter for
your camera onto the top
6) Attach camera to TAdapter.
You now have the
most versatile and solid
eyepiece projection system
available. It’s perfect when
you need extra magnification for lunar and planetary
photography. For normal
prime-focus photography,
simply use
the top sleeve
only with a
2" extension
tube (X2C-
0008) in a
2" focuser.
The table
shows the
increase in
and f/#
using Tele
Vue eyepieces. For maximum sharpness and contrast, always use Tele Vue
Eyepiece Magnification Factor f/5 Example
25mm Plössl 5.2 26.0
20mm Plössl 6.5 32.5
15mm Panoptic/Plössl 9.1 45.5
11mm Plössl 11.8 59.0
8mm Plössl 16.3 81.5
4.8mm Nagler 28.7 143.5
32 Elkay Drive, Chester, New York 10918 845.469.4551 www.televue.com