Telesis TMP1700 User Manual

TMP1700/470 Marking System
TMP1700/470 Marking System – General Arrangement


The Telesis® TMP1700/470 PINSTAMP® marking system permanently prints messages into a variety of materials such as steel, aluminum, and plastic. A hardened pin is pneumatically accelerated to indent dot matrix characters into the item being marked. The shape, size, density, and location of characters are determined by the user through the system software. The marking head moves the pin cartridge through X- and Y-axis motions to reach the correct position for each dot of the characters to be marked. The system software automatically controls pin extension and retraction to mark the message.
The system is compliant with UL, CSA, CE, and RoHS specifications.
TMP1700 Marking Head includes the mechanical motion components to position the marking pin at precise X/Y positions and the pneumatic components to drive the marking pin from, and return the pin to, the pin cartridge.
The floating pin design permits high quality, consistent marks on irregular, slightly curved surfaces. It also accommodates applications where marking surfaces cannot be positioned at a consistent distance from the marker.
The TMP1700 marking head is an X/Y-traversing mechanism. Using two stepper motor drives, it accurately and rapidly positions the pin at coordinate-defined locations in marking window within .001" (.025 mm). The TMP1700 accommodates the rigorous dynamics of impacting, rebounding, and rapid positioning of the marking pin through a system of rigid rails and ball bearing saddles, timing belts, and direct-drive, toothed pulleys.
The internal mechanism is protected from debris by an integral shield. Three stainless steel panels slide against one another, constrained by the cartridge and the high-impact ABS cover, to
prevent debris from entering the marking head. A flexible, oil­resistant fabric boot is also available for applications requiring additional protection, especially against liquid sprays and mists.
Marker Cable, pre-wired to the marking head, connects the marker to the controller. The highly flexible cable is 4m (13 ft.) long. Optional extension cables are available for greater distances.
Pin Cartridges, machined from engineered plastic materials, offer long life with little maintenance. Clasps are used to attach the pin cartridge to the marking head for easy cleaning and pin replacement.
Marking Pins for the TMP1700 include the 25L-, 25XL-, 150S, 150SA-series and the 10MP MicroPin™. Refer to the TMP1700 Marking Head Dimensions drawing for pin stroke (pin extension) dimensions. Refer to the marking depth tables for pin cone angles and depths.
Filter/Regulator Unit includes two regulators with pressure gauges to control the drive air and return air. The first regulator contains a filter to help remove contaminants from the supply air. Two air lines connect the regulated air to the marking head. Drive air fires the impact pin; return air pushes it back into the cartridge. The standard air lines are 12 ft. (3.6 m) long made of 1/4" tubing.
TMC470 Controller contains an integrated keyboard with an LCD display. It provides a text-only operator interface and allows full operational control of the TMP1700 marking head. The back panel provides the electrical interface for connecting to optional, remote I/O sources. Refer to TMC470 Controller Specifications for details.
Optional System Computer. The TMC470 Controller may be connected to a PC that runs the Merlin
III Visual Design Software. The PC may be supplied by Telesis or by the customer. Refer to PC-based Merlin III Software and TCP/IP Interface for details.
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TMP1700/470 Marking System
TMP1700 Marking Head Dimensions


When designing a fixture, allow for 3-axis adjustment to aid in horizontal, vertical, and lateral alignment of the marking head.
1. Mount marking head to optional tool post assembly (or other suitable fixture) using two M6 bolts. Mounting bolts
must not extend into marking head more than more 5/8" (15 mm).
2. Mount filter/regulator assembly within 12 ft. (3.6m) of marker.
3. Connect drive air and return air lines to the marking head.
4. Connect supply air to input port on filter/regulator assembly.
The TMC470 is not a sealed unit. Protect it from potentially damaging conditions and contaminants. Do not block vents in bottom of case. Ensure the marking system is electrically isolated from any devices that may generate extreme electromagnetic interference (EMI).
5. Locate controller as close as practical to marking head. Standard marker cable length is 4 m (13 ft.).
6. Install the controller as a table-top, wall-mounted, panel­mounted, or enclosure-mounted unit, as applicable.
7. Ensure controller power switch is OFF.
8. Connect marker cable to controller.
9. Connect power cable to controller.
10. (optional) For systems that connect to a PC running the Merlin III Visual Design Software:
a. Ensure PC power switch is OFF. b. Connect cable to controller Ethernet Port and to PC. c. Connect power cable to PC. d. Position PC power switch to ON. e. (customer-supplied PC) Install marking system
11. Position controller power switch to ON.
12. Start marking system software.
13. Adjust pin stroke, drive air, and return air for impact depth.
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TMP1700/470 Marking System


Oil Resistant Fabric Boot
Marking Head Extension Cables
Tool Post Assembly
Auxiliary Axis Driver Board Kit
Motorized Z-axis Tool Post with Programmable Travel
Motorized Theta-axis with Programmable Rotary Drive Unit
TMC470 Controller Wall-mounting Bracket Kit
TMC470 Controller Panel-mounting Bezel/Bracket Kit
Bar Code Scanner or Bar Code Wand with Cable
Foot Switch (Start Print) or Pushbutton Station (Start/Abort)
Backup Utility Software
Upgrade Utility Software
Logo/Font Generator Software
Merlin III Visual Design Software
System Computer (to run the Merlin III software)



The TMP1700 marking head specifications are subject to change without prior notice.
Dimensions ............................... refer to TMP1700 Marking Head
Weight ...................................... 6.4 lb. (2.9 kg)
Operating Temperature. .......... 32° to 122° F (0° to 50° C),
Air Supply ................................. Clean and dry, 60 to 120 psig
Air Consumption ...................... .04 SCFM (idle) 0.6 SCFM (marking)
Marking Area ............................ 2.5 x 1.5" (63 x 38 mm)
Pin Types .................................. 10MP-, 25L-, 25XL-, 150S, or
Pin Material............................... Carbide (10MP-series MicroPin™)
Powdered metal or stainless steel
Powdered metal or tool steel with
Dimensions drawing
(4.2 to 8.3 bars)
with diamond tip or carbide (25L-, 25XL-series)
carbide tip (150S-, 150SA-series)

TMP1700 MARKING HEAD (continued)

Marking Characteristics

The TMP1700 can produce characters as small as .030" (.76mm), printed at any angle within the marking window. Printing resolutions range from 10 dots per inch to 200 dots per inch for an engraved look. The depth of mark can be adjusted over a significant range by adjusting the pin stroke and, to a lesser extent, by adjusting the drive air pressure.

Marking Speeds

Generally, the system will mark four characters per second (using 5x7 font, .125" [3 mm] high characters). Speeds will vary slightly depending on the selected character size, style, and dot density. Specific times can be verified by a Telesis

Pin Life

Pin life depends largely on the type of material being marked, how hard or abrasive it is, and the required marking depth. On typical metals with a hardness of Rockwell Rb47, marking at a depth of .005" (.127 mm), powdered steel pins average about 3 million impressions before needing sharpened; carbide pins average approximately 9 million impressions. If carbide pins are used, marking times will increase by approximately 25% due to the increased weight of the pins.

Marking Noise

When marking cold-rolled steel strips at 50% duty cycle, the noise level of the TMP1700 Marking System has been measured at 74.6 dB, using the "time weighted average" approach (average sound exposure over an 8 hour period). It is expected that as the duty cycle rises, the time weighted average will rise also. Typical applications average around 20%-30% duty cycle where the sound pressure level would not exceed 70 dB (A).
Noise-level Tests have been carried out under controlled conditions imitating as closely as possible predicted normal operation. Conditions such as rigidity of the work piece, material, setting of the machine, ambient noise, etc. may vary when in operational use and would alter the actual noise level.
Despite detailed guidance notes provided with each machine, these conditions would be out of the control of Telesis and must remain the responsibility of the end user to conduct their own tests to establish safe working levels of use.
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