Opening the Teleport takes less than a minute, once you are familiar
with the procedure. It’s very easy, but improperly performing some
steps can cause collimation error, reducing the image quality. It can
also cause poor stability, and
even damageeven damage
even damageeven damage
even damage. Practice the steps
exactly exactly
exactly exactly
exactly to form good habits right from the start.
Remove the Top Plate
1. Orient the scope to read the caution label on
the top plate.
2. Grasp inside the left altitude ring opening
with your left hand, and the left end of the
carrying strap with your right.
3. Keep the top plate
, and pull your
two hands apart
just enough
for the top plate
to clear the slot in the left side of the rocker
box( Fig 12) when you push it to the right.
4. Tilt the left side of the top plate up
to clear the top of the rocker box and
move the plate to the left until it is out of the
right slot (Fig 13).
Never tilt the left side of the top plate up
more than an inch (Fig 14). The tremendous
leverage you have on the slot could split the
top edge of the rocker box!
5. Place the top plate on the right side of the
scope about an inch above the ground, align
the velcro, and press it in place.
Extend and Clamp the Struts
When opening or closing the Teleport, never release it completely
unless at least one strut has
clamps locked, or it may fall and
be damaged!
1. Stand in front of the scope, facing the
power supply.
2. Insert the fingertips of both hands into the
top opening of the secondary cage and
grasp it at about 3 and 9 o’clock (Fig 15).
3. Lift up smoothly and evenly with both
hands, stretching the shroud and extending the scope to its full height.
4. Still holding the secondary cage up firmly
with your right hand fingertips, move your
left hand to grasp the left strut upper section and hold up on it.
Fig 12 - Yes
Fig 13 - Yes
Fig 14 - NO!
Fig 15: Grasp the
secondary cage