Quick Start Guide for Linux
Author(s): Teledyne SP Devices
Document ID: 14-1276-23
Classification: Public
Revision: PD1
Print date: 2019-06-05
Classification Revision
Public PD1
Document ID Print date
14-1276-23 2019-06-05
1 Introduction
Congratulations on having purchased a Teledyne SP Devices digitizer product. To get the most out of
the digitizer we recommend that you read the documentation set carefully.
Disclaimers and Safety
Ground the antistatic package before removing the board from the package. Electrostatic
discharge may damage the card. Be sure to ground yourself by touching the grounded
frame and avoid touching any components on the card.
Before connecting any equipment to the digitizer, please check the absolute maximum
ratings in the digitizer data sheet to assure that the connected equipment cannot damage
the digitizer.
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Classification Revision
Public PD1
Document ID Print date
14-1276-23 2019-06-05
2 Installing the Software
Before connecting the digitizer to the host computer for the first time, the software development kit (SDK)
must be installed. To install the SDK, enter the packages/ directory and find the subdirectory corresponding to the Linux distribution and processor architecture of the host computer. Instructions for each
distribution follows below1.
Make sure the digitizer is connected to the host computer before you begin the installation process.
Ubuntu and Debian
Install the delivered SDK packages using dpkg -i packagename. Use the following order:
1. spd-adq-pci-dkms (needed for PCIe/PXIe/MTCA)
2. libadq0
3. adqtools
OpenSUSE and SUSE Linux Enterprise
Install the following packages using zypper install packagename:
• make
• kernel-devel
• kernel-source
• gcc
The version of kernel-devel and kernel-source must match your current kernel. Install the
delivered SDK packages using rpm -U packagename. Use the following order:
1. dkms (needed for PCIe/PXIe/MTCA)
2. spd-adq-pci-dkms (needed for PCIe/PXIe/MTCA)
3. libadq0
4. adqtools
Fedora 19, 20 and 21
Install the following packages using yum install packagename:
• dkms (needed for PCIe/PXIe/MTCA)
Install the delivered SDK packages using rpm -U packagename. Use the following order:
1. spd-adq-pci-dkms (needed for PCIe/PXIe/MTCA)
These instructions are also available in the README included in the SDK archive.
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Classification Revision
Public PD1
Document ID Print date
14-1276-23 2019-06-05
2. libadq0
3. adqtools
Fedora 22 and higher
Install the following packages using dnf install packagename:
• dkms (needed for PCIe/PXIe/MTCA)
Install the delivered SDK packages using dnf install packagename. Use the following order:
1. spd-adq-pci-dkms (needed for PCIe/PXIe/MTCA)
2. libadq0
3. adqtools
CentOS / Red Hat Enterprise Linux / Scientific Linux
For RHEL6, use CentOS6 packages.
Install the following packages using yum install packagename:
• make
• kernel-devel
• gcc
The version of kernel-devel must match your current kernel. Install the SDK packages using rpm
-U packagename. Use the following order:
1. dkms (needed for PCIe/PXIe/MTCA)
2. spd-adq-pci-dkms (needed for PCIe/PXIe/MTCA)
3. libadq0
4. adqtools
After installing all necessary packages, reboot the system so that udev reads the updated configuration
and the driver loads. In earlier versions there was a package called adqupdater which is now replaced
by the adqtools package.
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