Teledyne Echotrac MKIII Operator's Manual

Version: 4.06
Teledyne Odom Hydrographic
Teledyne Marine
Fabriksvangen 13
3550 Slangerup
Number of pages: 48
Date: 21 January 2019
Echotrac MKIII Operator's Manual 4.06
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January 21, 2019
Revision History
P. Oostenrijk
Initial version – draft
S.F. Apsey
S.F. Apsey
Updated manual for firmware version 2.07;Changed default of Tracking Gate. Added Skip Alarms. Added Grey shades.
S.F. Apsey
Updated manual for firmware version 2.14: Added Subottom TVG, SB TVG Range, Pre Amp Gain, Dual Light Shade parameters.
S.F. Apsey
Changes from Echotrac MKIII 3.05 to 3.06: 1-When the Echotrac MKIII is set to read in heave through com4 it will check to see if the first character in the string is an ‘R’ (remote heave). If the first character is an ‘R’ the Echotrac will use the remote heave value for corrections otherwise the Echotrac will use the local heave. 2-Added a parameter called HEAVECORR. This parameter will heave correct the chart when turned on or not heave correct the chart if turned off. The selection of the ‘Heave Out’ serial string will now no longer affect the heave correction on the chart. 3-The parameter DIGILINE will now have a range of 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 instead of on or off. When set to 0 the digitizer line will not be printed. If set to any other number, the digitizer line will be printed that many units above the raw bottom. 4-The parameter LIGHTSHADE will now have the selections Chnl2 Dark, Chnl1 Dark, Chnl2 Only and Chnl1 Only. This will reflect how the data and what data will be printed when both channels are turned on. If Chnl2 Dark is selected, Channel 2 will be printed darker than Channel 1. If Chnl2 only is selected then only Channel 2 will be printed.
P. Oostenrijk
Updated manual for firmware version 3.08 Added section on how to request parameter settings through the serial port.
P. Oostenrijk
Added UDP port, Hours of operation, Packet size 8/16 bits, outputstring DESO DDV, print German Help.
P. Oostenrijk
New optimized Deso command handling routines. Re-enabled TVGgainref and Trackinggate in Echotrac Control program. Improved annotation handling.
P. Oostenrijk
Improved Echotrac Control program network detection interface. Low Frequency pulse width increased to 256. Corrected auto-scaling when draft and index are used. Added support for Echotrac CVM.
P. Oostenrijk
Fixed: Stopping the synchronization process disabled communication with Echotrac. Added compatibility check and warning for Echotrac Control Program version and Echotrac firmware version. If during synchronization a parameter is missing, the parameter name is now displayed. Improved version control in firmware and diagnostic window. Added Echotrac and Subbottom mode to Control Program. This is not supported on the MK3. Added Datacheck for GPS and Heave. Depth values are red in case of depth alarm. Added transparency feature on depth monitor window. Added support for CV100. Added Power & Gain control to Depth Monitor window.
P. Oostenrijk
Updated to 3.26 for Echotrac firmware version compliance.
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Revision History
P. Oostenrijk
When a menu parameter value is changed, only the value is highlighted. But upon entering the edit mode for the menu value almost instantly the entire menu row would be highlighted. The problem appears when DESO_DDV+C is selected and Atlas Susy sends event commands to the MK3.
P. Oostenrijk
Improved verification of power settings when scale changes occur.
P. Oostenrijk
Added description for Missed Returns and Mode on Setup tab. Minor change in Grey Shades description. Updated COM port's baudrate options to include 38400. Removed chapter Overview Parameters and Settings. This is now refers to the Technical Specification Ethernet Interface document.
P. Oostenrijk
Updated Odom Title and Logo on cover page. Updated Header and Footer according to new template. Updated uploading firmware and upgrading DSP firmware.
P. Oostenrijk
Updated document version to match software/firmware version.
P. Oostenrijk
Added support of extra fine scale grid. Added support for DESO DDV outputstring for all sounders.
P. Oostenrijk
Updated Scale change functionality. Updated CVM channel handling as 1 and 2 instead of 1 and 3.
A. Moeller
Updated Odom logo and front page. Updated header and footer format. Updated 1.5 LCD Chart Panel. Updated wording in 2.3.7 VGA.
A. Moeller
Contact details updated (page 1). Expanded with two paragraphs and table of pulse widths at certain frequencies. Section 9.2: corrected numbered list (no. “13” was repeated). App. A added with support and service details.
A. Moeller
Updated support e-mail throughout document. Warning, Caution, and Note boxes added throughout document where relevant.
1.2 Echotrac MKIII Operator’s Manual – new section about the purpose, scope, warnings and notes, etc. 4, 5, and 7: Somewhat rearranged, reworded. App. A LCD15 Module. NEW. App. B: AUX Modification for SILAS Output. NEW.
All rights are reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable, and may be subject to change without notice. The publisher will not accept any liability for any consequence of its use. Publication thereof does not convey nor imply any license under patent- or other industrial or intellectual property rights.
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1 Introduction......................................................................................................................................................7
1.1 Echotrac MKIII.............................................................................................................................................7
1.1.1 Dual Frequency Operation ...................................................................................................................7
1.1.2 Printer Mechanism ...............................................................................................................................7
1.1.3 Display .................................................................................................................................................7
1.1.4 LCD Chart Panel ..................................................................................................................................7
1.1.5 Keypad .................................................................................................................................................7
1.1.6 Receivers .............................................................................................................................................7
1.1.7 Transmitter ...........................................................................................................................................7
1.1.8 Communication Ports...........................................................................................................................8
1.2 Echotrac MKIII Operator’s Manual ..............................................................................................................8
1.2.1 Purpose................................................................................................................................................8
1.2.2 Scope ...................................................................................................................................................8
1.2.3 Warnings, Cautions, and Notes ...........................................................................................................8
1.2.4 Glossary ...............................................................................................................................................8
2 Installation........................................................................................................................................................9
2.1 Echotrac DF 3200 MKIII Recorder Installation ............................................................................................9
2.1.1 Power ...................................................................................................................................................9
2.1.2 Cabling .................................................................................................................................................9
2.1.3 Fuses ...................................................................................................................................................9
2.1.4 Chart Paper........................................................................................................................................10
2.2 Transducer Installation ..............................................................................................................................11
2.2.1 "THROUGH HULL" Installation ..........................................................................................................12
2.2.2 "SEA CHEST" Installation ..................................................................................................................12
2.2.3 "OVER-THE-SIDE" Transducer Installation .......................................................................................12
2.2.4 “HULL MOUNT” Installation ...............................................................................................................12
2.3 Echotrac MKIII Cable Connections ...........................................................................................................13
2.3.1 Serial 1 ...............................................................................................................................................13
2.3.2 Serial 2 ...............................................................................................................................................13
2.3.3 Serial 3 ...............................................................................................................................................13
2.3.4 Serial 4 ...............................................................................................................................................13
2.3.5 GPS In................................................................................................................................................13
2.3.6 GPS Out.............................................................................................................................................14
2.3.7 VGA....................................................................................................................................................14
2.3.8 LAN ....................................................................................................................................................14
2.3.9 Aux .....................................................................................................................................................14
2.3.10 TX1 .................................................................................................................................................15
2.3.11 TX2 .................................................................................................................................................15
2.3.12 DC ..................................................................................................................................................15
2.3.13 AC...................................................................................................................................................15
3 Quick Start Operating Procedures...............................................................................................................16
4 Chart Recorder Controls...............................................................................................................................17
4.1 ON/OFF.....................................................................................................................................................17
4.2 FEED.........................................................................................................................................................17
4.3 TAKE-UP...................................................................................................................................................17
4.4 LIGHT........................................................................................................................................................17
5 Display Panel Controls..................................................................................................................................18
5.1 Analog Controls.........................................................................................................................................18
5.1.1 POWER..............................................................................................................................................18
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5.1.2 Transmitter and Receiver Controls ....................................................................................................19
5.1.3 MARK.................................................................................................................................................19
5.2 Parameter Entry System ...........................................................................................................................20
5.2.1 System Menu .....................................................................................................................................20
5.2.2 Setup Menu........................................................................................................................................22
5.2.3 Calibrate Menu...................................................................................................................................25
5.2.4 Chart Menu ........................................................................................................................................26
5.2.5 Communications Menu ......................................................................................................................28
5.2.6 Diagnostic Menu ................................................................................................................................29
6 Operating Procedures ...................................................................................................................................31
6.1 Shallow Water Operation ..........................................................................................................................31
6.2 Deep Water Operation ..............................................................................................................................31
6.3 Calibration .................................................................................................................................................32
7 Data I/O ...........................................................................................................................................................33
7.1 Serial Ports – Serial 1................................................................................................................................33
7.1.1 SERIAL OUTPUT STRING FORMATS .............................................................................................33
7.1.2 DESO DDV ........................................................................................................................................36
7.1.3 DESO COMMANDS...........................................................................................................................37
7.1.4 NMEA DBS ........................................................................................................................................37
7.2 Serial Data Input / Chart Annotation..........................................................................................................37
7.2.1 External Serial Control of Echotrac Parameters ................................................................................38
8 Overview parameters and settings ..............................................................................................................40
8.1 External Ethernet Control of Echotrac Parameters ...................................................................................40
8.2 Serial Ports – Serial 2................................................................................................................................40
8.3 Serial Ports – Serial 3................................................................................................................................40
8.4 Serial Ports – HEAVE................................................................................................................................40
8.5 ETHERNET Port .......................................................................................................................................40
9 Uploading Firmware ......................................................................................................................................41
9.1 Upgrading Motorola Processor Firmware..................................................................................................41
9.2 Upgrading DSP Firmware and Transceiver Processor Firmware .............................................................41
Appendix A – LCD15 Module................................................................................................................................43
A.1 Connections to the MKIIIE.........................................................................................................................43
A.1.1 Mouse and Keyboard Considerations ................................................................................................44
A.1.2 Starting and Shutting down the LCD15 Module .................................................................................44
A.1.3 Use of USB Memory Stick..................................................................................................................44
A.1.4 LCD15 Brightness Control .................................................................................................................44
A.2 Connecting to the MKIIIE...........................................................................................................................44
A.3 Making Changes To The Embedded Software Configuration ...................................................................45
A.3.1 Enhanced Write Filter.........................................................................................................................45
A.3.2 File Locations .....................................................................................................................................45
A.3.3 Installing Programs ............................................................................................................................45
Appendix B – AUX Modification for SILAS Output.............................................................................................46
Appendix C – Support and Service......................................................................................................................48
C.1 Support......................................................................................................................................................48
C.2 Returning Goods for Service.....................................................................................................................48
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1.1 Echotrac MKIII

The Echotrac MKIII professional grade echo sounder Recorder, Digitizer, Transceiver, utilizes multiple processors including two dedicated Digital Signal Processors (DSPs), working in concert to accomplish specific analysis tasks while communicating effectively on a real-time basis in order to assure accurate measurements under difficult sea conditions and over all types of seabed.

1.1.1 Dual Frequency Operation

Two simultaneously transmitted frequencies are selectable in 100 Hz steps in the following bands: High Band - from 100 kHz to 1000 kHz and in the Low Band – from 10 kHz to 50 kHz.

1.1.2 Printer Mechanism

The high-resolution thin-film thermal print head (216mm (8.5") wide, 8 dots per mm (203/in.) is capable of printing returns in up to 16 gray shades. Because of its construction, the print head consumes very little power compared to previous technologies. A stepper motor drives the print mechanism while a DC motor and associated slipping-clutch mechanism re-winds the printed chart independently.

1.1.3 Display

Transflective, Back-lighted Graphical LCD Module (64 x 240 dots). The display shows six dot rows, has an on board controller and LED backlighting. The transflective display was chosen because of its excellent visibility in all light conditions from bright sun to darkened wheelhouse.

1.1.4 LCD Chart Panel

An alternative to the printer module is the LCD chart panel. It is a 1024x768 pixel color active matrix display with a 500 NIT back light. The LCD chart panel records echosounder data on internal drives. An export is possible via the LCD chart panel’s USB interface or LAN interface.

1.1.5 Keypad

The 18 key-sealed micro-switch unit has good tactile feel and audible feedback. The keypad is used for direct parameter value entry and functional control of the sounder from the front panel.

1.1.6 Receivers

The MKIII gives immediate control of Receiver Gain via continuously variable front panel mounted potentiometers. The unit incorporates multiple, selectable TVG curves (10 log, 20 log, 30 log, and 40 log) and AGC as well.

1.1.7 Transmitter

Transmit frequencies are digitally synthesized and based on the stable frequency characteristics of a crystal controlled clock oscillator. Transmitted power for both high and low channels is individually adjustable via front panel mounted controls. Power is adjustable from the minimum of only 2 watts in high frequency shallow water applications to over 2000 watts in low frequency deepwater uses. Transmit Pulse Width is variable either automatically (actual value dependent on frequency and depth) or manually by keypad entry.
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1.1.8 Communication Ports

Warnings alert the user to potential harm to personnel. Ignoring warnings may lead to injury, health hazards, or death.
Cautions alert the user to improper use of the system. Ignoring cautions may lead to accidental damage to the equipment or loss of data.
Notes provide additional system or operating information not related to the safety of personnel or equipment.
The Echotrac MKIII has 4 serial ports that can be configured to interface with computers, positioning systems, motion reference units and remote displays. The MKIII also has an Ethernet port that outputs the 16 bit samples of the acoustic data for further processing or visualization.

1.2 Echotrac MKIII Operator’s Manual

1.2.1 Purpose

The purpose of this document is to explain the features and operation of the Echotrac MKIII.

1.2.2 Scope

The content of this document is focused on the end-user.

1.2.3 Warnings, Cautions, and Notes

Throughout the manual the following definitions apply and in the format shown.
If you require additional information or need clarification of any part of this document, please contact the customer support hotline
Europe: +45 20 999 088 USA: +1 805 233 3900 E-mail:

1.2.4 Glossary

DBS Depth Below Surface DBT Dual Bottom Tracking DSP Digital Signal Processor NMEA National Marine Electronics Association SBT Single Bottom Tracking TVG Time Varied Gain VDC Volts Direct Current
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DC Fuses
DC Power Connector
AC Fuse Compartment
AC Power Conn.

2.1 Echotrac DF 3200 MKIII Recorder Installation

The Recorder is a flexible unit designed for tabletop, rack, or bulkhead mounting. Rack mounting can be accommodated with the included special hardware, while bulkhead mounting requires ordering additional optional hardware. Where tabletop mounting is preferred, it is highly recommended that the unit be secured with external 'tie-downs' for rough seas or heavy swells.

2.1.1 Power

The MKIII can be powered by either AC or DC power sources. Switch over between sources is automatic. DC operation requires an input voltage between 18 and 29 VDC (nominal 24 VDC). Average power consumption is approximately 75 watts. Frequently, power is derived from two 12 V lead-acid batteries connected in series. Two "car" batteries (24V configuration), fully charged, and in good condition, can normally power a unit for a full day without re-charging.
If using an AC source, the unit’s internal switcher accommodates either 110 or 230 VAC (50/60HZ) operation without operator intervention. Regardless of the input source (AC or DC), the input power should be well regulated and monitored closely for voltage transients, spikes, etc. Regulated DC supplies should be able to source a short duration in-rush current spike of approximately 6 amps and an average current load of 3 amps. In the case of "charger" type (unregulated) supplies, the output should be "floated" across a battery load and not connected solely to the echo sounder’s DC input. Details of the power cable are given in section 2.3. Should the DC input voltage polarity be applied in reverse, an audible alarm within the unit will sound regardless of the POWER switch setting. In the event that the input voltage drops below the minimum threshold, the unit will automatically shut down.

2.1.2 Cabling

All cabling is via the connectors located in the recessed panel at the top rear of the unit. A view of the connector arrangement is shown in Figure 2.1. Cable details are given in section 2.3. Care should be taken to route cables using horizontal and vertical runs wherever possible. Avoid paths that run adjacent to transmitter feeder cables or close to heat radiating elements such as steam pipes. For permanent installations, cables should be clamped at regular intervals (1m) along their complete lengths.
Figure 1: Cabling

2.1.3 Fuses

For DC operation, both the positive and return lines are protected by fast blow standard glass tube (5-Amp/250 Volts) fuses. The two externally accessed fuses are mounted on the rear connector panel. The negative fuse protects the unit from damage resulting from contact with external peripherals that do not share a common return path potential. A 5-amp fuse is included in the AC input connector as well.
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2.1.4 Chart Paper

Print Head release lever
Supply Door release lever
Take-Up Door release lever General Paper Description
The Echotrac MKIII uses either thermal film or high quality thermal paper as the recording media for the analog chart. The rolls are 216mm (8.5") wide and contain approximately 52m (170') of paper (film rolls are approximately 30m long). The inside diameter of the core is 12.7mm (½"), and the outside diameter of the roll is about 64mm (2.5").
Figure 2: Chart Paper Loading paper
Loading paper is a multi-step process, but it need not be a difficult one if care is taken to assure that each step is accomplished properly. As in almost all thermal recorders (including FAX machines), paper is sourced from a supply roll, where it passes over a roller, which moves the paper past the thermal print head. A print head release mechanism lifts the head away from the roller to assist in initial paper loading.
The Echotrac’s printed chart paper is taken up on a take-up spool behind the paper access door at the far left of the chart panel. The motor that drives the take up spool does not advance the paper, as is the case in some echo sounders. Movement of paper across the print head is accomplished by the stepper motor. In this configuration, previously printed chart can be pulled from the take up assembly for review and simply re-wound without disturbing the recording process.
Loading Paper Procedures:
1) Open the plexiglass chart door by pulling on the handle on the left side and remove it by lifting up on the hinged side.
2) If paper has been previously installed in the unit, place the power switch in the STANDBY position. Press the CHART FEED switch until sufficient paper has been advanced to clear any previously recorded data. Cut the paper at some point after the recorded data and press the Chart Take-up switch. This will allow the take-up mechanism to wind up the recorded chart.
3) Locate the print head release lever on the right side of the print head. Move the lever to the right in order to lift the print head away from the roller.
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4) To gain access to the supply roll turn the supply side door release lever located on the lower right side of the chart panel counter clockwise and pull the door open.
5) Remove any remaining paper from the paper path and remove the spent supply roll from the holder mechanism by grasping the core and pushing it to the left and pulling out.
6) To gain access to the take-up roll turn the take-up door release lever located on the lower left side of the chart panel clockwise and pull the door open.
7) Remove the take-up roll by grasping it, pushing it to the left, and pulling out. To remove the old paper from the take up spool, spin the take-up spool in the opposite direction the paper is wound onto the take-up spool. Remove the plastic end cap using a twisting motion and pull the paper off.
To Install a Fresh Paper Supply Roll:
8) Remove the source paper ends from the spent core and insert them into a new paper supply roll.
9) Insert the roll in the slots until it reaches the end and shift to the right, locking into place. Make sure the paper is feeding from the right side of the roll.
10) Thread the paper past the print head and towards the take-up side as indicated in the paper path drawing.
11) The paper can be attached to the take-up spool either with a small piece of tape or by inserting the paper in the slot of the take-up spool. Inserting the paper in the slot requires folding up the edges of the paper. Replace the end cap to the take up spool and insert the take-up roll into the chart the same way as the supply roll.
12) Close both doors and press the feed button until the paper is aligned. Close the print head release lever. Now the unit is ready for normal operation.

2.2 Transducer Installation

Proper mounting of the transducer is a crucial part of the installation of any "survey" echo sounder. An improperly mounted transducer will result in poor system operation and unacceptable data quality.
In the case of temporary installations, the transducer may be mounted over-the-side. In permanent installations and “class 1 surveys", hull mounts are generally preferred and often required. In either case, transducers should be mounted at least 0.3 meters below the waterline. In cases where "over-the-side" mounts are exposed to wave action, ensure that the transducer is mounted sufficiently deep so that it does not break the surface during vessel roll motions.
A preferred mounting location is near the keel of the vessel, in an area where the planning attitude of the hull at speed, and the pitch and roll angles of the vessel in seas, have the least effect. The transducer should be mounted far enough aft of the bow so that bubbles generated by the bow wave will not pass over the face of the unit.
Figure 3: Chart Module Top View
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Transducers should be located away from sources of turbulence and cavitation bubbles such as propellers, bow
Care should be taken to protect the transducer from damage and turbulence by installing a fairing with a sloping forward edge ahead of the unit. The fairing has the dual effect of minimizing possible strike damage and smoothing the flow of water over the face of the transducer.
Care should be taken to assure adequate protection for the transducer cable, particularly at the point where the cable leaves the transducer body.
thrusters, and hull protrusions. Considerations should also be given to sources of mechanical noise generated within the vessel (engines, props, pumps, generators, etc.). In some severe cases of mechanically coupled noise, vibration-isolating mounts may be required to decouple the transducer from the hull.
Transducer mounting can be accomplished in many different ways. The following four sections show common configurations.

2.2.1 "THROUGH HULL" Installation

The topside of the transducer is accessible from inside the vessel while the transducer face is directly exposed to the water.

2.2.2 "SEA CHEST" Installation

In a "sea chest" mount, a fluid-filled enclosure large enough to contain the entire transducer is attached to the outer hull of the vessel. The outer hull is removed within the area of the chest and replaced with an acoustically clear "window", which is mounted flush with the hull immediately below the chest. Depending on construction, the material selected for the acoustic window, and the draft of the vessel, access can often be gained to the transducer from inside the hull without putting the vessel in dry-dock. In most installations, a water-filled standpipe is incorporated into the "sea chest" design in order to provide hydrostatic pressure equalization. Transducer cables generally leave these assemblies through “stuffing tubes” designed to maintain the watertight integrity of the chest.

2.2.3 "OVER-THE-SIDE" Transducer Installation

A temporary mount of this type is frequently constructed by welding a length of pipe to a flat plate that has been drilled to accommodate the mounting points of the transducer. This length of pipe should be chosen to position the transducer well below the waterline. A sturdy support on the vessel should be selected for the attachment point of the pipe. Guy lines are usually attached at the transducer plate and run fore and aft to tie-points on the gunnels. The guy lines and topside fixing point help to maintain a stable, horizontal transducer attitude.

2.2.4 “HULL MOUNT” Installation

Transducers that are “streamlined” and can be mounted directly to the outside of the hull or transducers that are fitted into streamlined fairings welded or otherwise attached to the outside of the hull, often make for excellent installations. The advantage here is that the radiating face of the transducer is generally below the “bubble stream” in clear water and no acoustic window or transducer tank is involved to create extra reverberation (ringing). This type of installation requires a stuffing tube to be installed in the hull in order to allow the transducer cable to penetrate the hull.
In all of the above installations, particular care should be taken to assure that the transducer radiating face remains as parallel to the water surface as possible while the vessel is underway.
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2.3 Echotrac MKIII Cable Connections

Connector PN
Pin Number
Signal Description
DB9 Male
Transmitted data from Echotrac MKIII
Received data to Echotrac MKIII
Connector PN
Pin Number
Signal Description
DB9 Male
Transmitted data from Echotrac MKIII
Received data to Echotrac MKIII
Connector PN
Pin Number
Signal Description
DB9 Male
Data from the positioning system to the Echotrac MKIII
Connector PN
Pin Number
Signal Description
DB9 Male
Data from the motion sensor to the Echotrac MKIII
Connector PN
Pin Number
Signal Description
DB9 Male
Transmitted data to the Internal GPS
Received data from the Internal GPS

2.3.1 Serial 1

Serial 1 is the main communication port to and from the Echotrac MKIII. Use this port to receive depth values, send annotation information, change parameters, and to upgrade the firmware.

2.3.2 Serial 2

Serial 2 is used for connecting a remote display to the Echotrac MKIII. Serial 2 is the only port that can be configured as either RS232 or RS422.

2.3.3 Serial 3

Serial 3 is used for interfacing a positioning system to the Echotrac MKIII. The Echotrac MKIII will read NMEA GLL or GGA sentences though this port.

2.3.4 Serial 4

Serial 4 is used for interfacing a motion reference sensor to the Echotrac MKIII. The Echotrac MKIII will read the TSS1 string through this port.

2.3.5 GPS In

GPS In is only used when the Echotrac MKIII has a built in GPS unit. If the Echotrac MKIII has a built in GPS then this is the configuration port for the GPS or can be used to input external RTCM correction to the GPS.
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2.3.6 GPS Out

Connector PN
Pin Number
Signal Description
DB9 Male
Transmitted data to the Internal GPS
Received data from the Internal GPS
Connector PN
Pin Number
Signal Description
VGA Male
Connector PN
Pin Number
Signal Description
TX +
TX -3RX +
RX -
Connector PN
Pin Number
Signal Description
External Mark Input
External Trigger Input
TxRx or Start Signal
Reply signal for low frequency
Reply signal for high frequency
GPS Out is only used when the Echotrac MKIII has a built in GPS unit. If the Echotrac MKIII has a built in GPS then this is the output port for the GPS data.

2.3.7 VGA

VGA is only used when the Echotrac MKIII has an LCD module in place of the printer. The VGA connector allows the user to connect a monitor to the Echotrac MKIII to see the same data that is in the LCD display.

2.3.8 LAN

The LAN connection is the Ethernet port for the Echotrac MKIII.

2.3.9 Aux

The Auxiliary port is used for acquiring the analog signal from the Echotrac MKIII.
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2.3.10 TX1

Connector PN
Pin Number
Signal Description
High Frequency
Low Frequency
Low Frequency
High Frequency
Connector PN
Pin Number
Signal Description
Low Frequency
Low Frequency
Connector PN
Pin Number
Signal Description
+ 24 Volt DC
TX1 is the main transducer connection port for the Echotrac MKIII. If using Odom Hydrographic Systems, Inc. normal dual frequency transducer or a signal frequency transducer connect the transducer here.

2.3.11 TX2

TX2 is used when there is a separate low frequency transducer from the high frequency transducer. The low frequency transducer is connected here.

2.3.12 DC

The DC connector is used to supply DC input power. The range of the DC power is 18-30 VDC.

2.3.13 AC

The AC connector is used to supply AC input power. The range of the AC power is 100-230 VAC, 50-60 Hz. The Echotrac MKIII power supply automatically senses the input range and adjusts to it.
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