TeleAlarm MIYRAC User Manual

Author: TeleAlarm SA Edition: April 2009 Document N°: 953-57
MIY Wireless Contact RAC (434) – Set-up Information
The MIY Wireless Contact RAC (called RAC hereafter) can be used to monitor presence (passive alarm) or to transmit particular events. For use as a presence control, the NurseCall system can i nitiate a call for help automatically when there is no sign of activity during a certain lapse of tim e. To use as a transmitter for particular events, the alarm can be activated by approaching and/or moving away a magnet, or by the opening and/or closing of an electrical contact. In this case, the alarm is immediately transmitted by the NurseCall system.
Magnet 1
Housing with magnet
Bottom plate
Spacing plate
Radio Transmitter 4
Top Lid
PCB assembly
Battery holder
Bottom plate
Spacing plate
REED Contact
- Allow a minimum height of 20 cm from the ground.
- Do not use on metallic surfaces. If this is not possible, use the two spacing plates.
- Install the magnet on the moving part (door or window) and the radio transmitter on the frame.
- Avoid using "double side" adhesive tape.
- The RAC is not waterproof.
Open lid 4 of the radio transmitter by pressing on the two narrow sides. Remove the printed circuit board 5 by pressing on clip 6 from the bottom plate.
Do not touch the electronic components.
The bottom plate 10 of the radio transmitter is fixed by two screws. Use the spacing plate 11 to compensate for a difference in height or to move the radio transmitter away from metallic surfaces.
Replace the printed circuit board 5 carefully; install the battery 8 with the positive pole (+) to the top and the negative pole (-) against the battery holder 9. Close lid 4.
The RAC features two REED contacts 12. Their posi ti ons are i ndi cated on li d 4 by two arrows. The bottom plate 2 of the magnet is secured by two screws. The spacing between the radio transmitter and t he magnet should not exceed 10 mm in the closed state (check the matching of the arrows on the two lids). Use also the spacing plate 3 to compensate for the height or to move away the magnet from metallic surfaces. Close the lid 1.
Use only one single magnet per radio transmitter.
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Author: TeleAlarm SA Edition: April 2009 Document N°: 953-57
Configuration and wiring
J9 J8
CR 2032
Configuration and wiring has to be done before placing the battery.
External Alarm input
The RAC features two screw terminals to connect an external electrical floating contact. The cable length should not exceed 2 m. The external input cannot be used in conjunction with a magnet and REED contact.
Jumper Position Description
J8 Set The radio message is transmitted by openi ng the external contact J2 J9 Set* The radio message is transmitted by closing the external contact J2
*factory setting
If both jumpers J8 or J9 are remov ed, the contact or the magnet will not generate any radi o signal. On the other hand it is possible to place both jumpers J8 and J9. The radi o message will then be sent by both the closing and the opening of the external contac t, or by approaching and moving away the magnet.
Jumper Position Description
J5** J6** J7**
*factory setting
** Jumpers J5, J6 and J7 are used to set-up the criteria that is transmitted to a Nursecall system (only one jumper should be set at a time). I f none of them is set, activ ation of the external Al arm input or a REED contact will generate the transmission of a Call for help on the Nursecall system.
A* A daily message is transmitted every 24 hours B No transmission of the daily message Set Transmission of a Fire alarm when the tran smitter is activated
Set Transmission of a Call for help when t he transmitter is activated Set * Transmission of a Door event when the transmitter is activated
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