TEKVOX TekTouchPad User Manual

TekTouchPad Configuration Utility User’s Guide
Revised: March 12, 2015
FILE MENU OPTIONS.................................................................................................................................... 5
RESOURCES MENU OPTIONS ....................................................................................................................... 6
OPTIONS MENU OPTIONS ............................................................................................................................ 6
HELP MENU OPTIONS .................................................................................................................................. 6
BUTTON CONTEXT MENU OPTIONS .............................................................................................................. 6
PAGE TITLE ................................................................................................................................................. 6
THE COMMAND EDITOR ........................................................................................................................................ 7
BUTTON ID .................................................................................................................................................. 7
BUTTON LABEL ............................................................................................................................................ 7
TYPE .......................................................................................................................................................... 8
RADIO GROUP ............................................................................................................................................. 8
SCHEME ...................................................................................................................................................... 8
BITMAP ....................................................................................................................................................... 8
CONTROL GROUP ........................................................................................................................................ 8
REPEAT ...................................................................................................................................................... 8
ASCII ......................................................................................................................................................... 9
ADD FEEDBACK ........................................................................................................................................... 9
COMMAND LIST ......................................................................................................................................... 10
Serial Command ............................................................................................................................................................... 10
Delay ................................................................................................................................................................................ 11
Button Press ..................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Lamp Command ............................................................................................................................................................... 11
Goto Page ......................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Output .............................................................................................................................................................................. 12
SYSTEM CONFIGURATION .................................................................................................................................... 13
SPLASH SCREEN ....................................................................................................................................... 13
SPLASH TIMEOUT ...................................................................................................................................... 13
SCREEN TIMEOUT ...................................................................................................................................... 13
PASSCODE ................................................................................................................................................ 14
TEKLINK FUTURE .................................................................................................................................... 14
INVERT SCREEN ........................................................................................................................................ 14
OPERATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS ............................................................................................................... 14
LOAD COMMUNICATIONS ............................................................................................................................ 14
TekTouchPad Configuration User’s Guide
UPDATING THE FIRMWARE .................................................................................................................................. 17
DOWNLOADING THE CONFIGURATION ................................................................................................................ 18
UPLOADING THE CONFIGURATION ...................................................................................................................... 19
BUTTON CONFIGURATION STRATEGIES ............................................................................................................... 20
UPDATING FIRMWARE ................................................................................................................................ 23
CREATING AND LOADING A TOUCH PANEL CONFIGURATION ........................................................................... 23


Typically in installations that utilize mechanical switch panels for A/V control, installers and users run into difficulties in setting up these switch panels. These difficulties arise from have to physically change the switch labels, and having to interpret differing depths of functionality ie. A button may have multiple functions based on the current mode. The TekTouchPad overcomes these difficulties by providing programmable buttons that may be paged via an LCD touch screen, so that each button has a discrete function, and no interpretation is needed. In order to provide a means of setting up the TekTouchPad for each specific use, a configuration utility is provided. The TekTouchPad Configuration utility provides a simplified means of defining and configuring your TekTouchPad for use. This manual will take you through the steps necessary to create a button page definition and subsequent loading into the actual device for use. The quick start section gives a minimal process for defining a quick setup if no custom color aspects are required.

Operational Discussion

The TekTouchPad firmware consists of two modules, the bootloader and main graphics, process, and communications code block. The bootloader and main code block are typically loaded at the final assembly site. Without a panel configuration loaded, the unit will generate a default panel configuration for operational verification prior to final setup. When the unit is first powered up, it executes the bootloader code for approximately 10 seconds as indicated by a LED flashing on the PCB at about a half second interval. Once the time is expired, the unit progresses into the main code block for executing the LCD/Touch panel reducing the LED blink rate to about 1 second. The screen will proceed to preload the configured pages prior to displaying the logo screen. This is shown by a progress indicator on the screen prior to logo display. If no logo is loaded into the configuration space, the unit will proceed directly to the first defined button page. Moving to different defined pages is accomplished via the static paging buttons located at the bottom of the LCD screen. If no further pages are defined, no further action will occur from touching the paging button. Defined button serial commands are sent out through the serial communications channel at the defined operational communications settings, see Command Editor. An interactive protocol is also supported to allow for issuing touch pad commands via the serial port, and querying touch pad status information, see Appendix C, Touch Pad Interactive Protocol.

The Main Window

The Main Window is the access point for the majority of the operations of the configuration utility. It is organized into 4 pages of 8 buttons much like the actual TekTouchPad. This organization allows for viewing all the defined buttons on one screen alleviating the need to tab to other pages to verify what has been done. The definitions of resources and file operations are accessed via the main menu operations, File” and Resources, while communications and global setup parameters are found in the options menu. The Help” function allows for access of this document and links to further information. The Page 1 Scheme Page 4 Scheme selections allow for the overall page appearance, specifically defining background color, static
TekTouchPad Configuration User’s Guide
button, and default button color if not otherwise defined within the button. The default scheme is supplied with the software, and is defined in Appendix D. This scheme should not be modified, and a new scheme created and selected if differing global scheme parameters are desired.

File Menu Options

New Project Resets all current configuration data to default state and creates an
empty project.
Open Project Allows for opening a saved TekTouchPad project file. Save Project as Allows for saving a defined TekTouchPad project file or to a new
project creating a project clone.
Open Driver Template Opens an xml type file, see Appendix D, defining serial
command definitions to be utilized in the Serial Command dialog of the Command Editor, see Command Editor.
Import Project Allows for importing a project that has been archived, Export Project -
Main Startup Window

Resources Menu Options

Color Schemes Allows for modifying or creating new color scheme formats.
Assigns a unique ID to the scheme and stores it away with a sch extension.
Bitmaps Allows for importing bitmaps into the system. Takes a .bmp file and tags it
with a unique ID and adds a tkb extension.
Fonts Allows for importing fonts into the system. Takes a .bin file and tags it with a
unique ID and adds a tkf extension.

Options Menu Options

Host Com Settings Sets the current connection communications settings. Panel System Settings Allows for setting the global TekTouchPad system settings. Reset Touch Pad Config Resets a custom Touch Pad button configuration to
internal default.
Reset Touch Pad Splash Resets the defined splash screen to no splash screen. Reset Touch Pad Causes a Touch Pad reset to occur. Status View Provides a report of built in test results from panel self-test. Path Settings Sets the locations of the various TekTouchPad files.

Help Menu Options

Contents Produces this document. About Displays the current version and copyright data.

Button Context Menu Options

Right clicking on one of the programmable buttons on the main panel creates a context menu:
Copy Copies all configuration data pertaining to the clicked button to the clipboard. Paste Pastes all configuration data contained in the clipboard to the selected
button. Button configuration data saved in the clipboard may be pasted into other instances of the configuration utility.
Clear Resets the button to its default Undefined state. When cleared this button
will not be shown.

Page Title

At the top of the screen a page title can be added. Adding a title will shrink the buttons and shift them
down. Clicking on Page Title” displays the Page Title
dialog to enter the text and color scheme. The color scheme needs to be different from the background.
TekTouchPad Configuration User’s Guide

The Command Editor

Clicking on any configurable button on the main window will launch the Command Editor. The Command Editor is the main window for button definition, and includes many facets of button character and operation described below.

Button ID

This is the ID defined to the button and indicates the page and button number of the specific button. This value is assigned by the system, and cannot be changed.

Button Label

In order to enable a button for display it must have a name other than Undefined”. The Button Label entry is what will appear on the touch screen button when configured. This label may contain up to two lines of data of varying lengths depending on font size. If the lengths are too long, the characters will be truncated on the actual button. If it is desired to disable the button, return the value to Undefined or Right-Click to select Clear. If it is desired to not have any text appear on a button as in the case of a bitmap button, simply clear the field. Use Ctrl Enter to create a second line.
Command Editor Window


The type of a button defines the button operational mode and can be; Toggle, Radio, or Momentary. The Toggle type button will toggle on and off with subsequent pushes. The Radio button usually belongs to a group of buttons, and when it is pressed, all other buttons of the same group are released. The Momentary button is only active when it is pressed, and releases automatically after the touch is removed.

Radio Group

The Radio Group defines the group number associated with a Radio type button and identifies which buttons belong to the same mutually exclusive group. All other type buttons default to a 0 group number.


The scheme of the button defines the buttons appearance such as normal and selected coloring along with font information. Schemes are defined through the Resources/Color Schemes menu option of the main window. The particular defined scheme is then selected for this button through this window. Schemes create files that are kept in the project directory and end in .sch. These files can be copied to other project directories to be used.


The Bitmap selection is used to select a bitmap for the face of a button. This bitmap will not change when the button is selected or deselected so it is suggested that the scheme edge colors be significantly different between selected and normal so that a pressed condition is easily identifiable. Bitmaps are added to the system through the Resources/Bitmaps menu option of the main window, see Adding Bitmaps. The particular defined bitmap is then selected for this button through this window item. The source bitmaps should be defined as 95 x 60 24bit bmp files prior to import. If it is desired not to have the button label overlay the bitmap during operation, clear all text in the button label entry field.

Control Group

The Control Group defines a set of mutually exclusive buttons as a collection of controls to be reset by a single command. This is independent of the Radio Group number, and defines a block” of buttons which may span several pages. It is possible to overlap Control Groups and Radio Groups.


The Repeat checkbox inserts the commands for repeating a sequence of commands in the Press Command Script. Checking this box generates another dialog allowing the entry of the time interval in 10ms increments between repetitions. The commands following the Repeat instruction are repeated at the rate defined.
TekTouchPad Configuration User’s Guide


The ASCII checkbox allows commands to be displayed in ASCII format. Un-checking this box defaults to a Hex format display.

Add Feedback

The Add Feedback” button presents another
dialog, Figure 3, for creating feedback strings to compare against, and perform the selection action. These actions are:
Pressed the button assumes a pressed
state without executing assigned commands
Released the button assumes a released state without executing assigned
Flashing the button goes into a flashing state until another command is
received or executed.
This function is primarily used to reflect actions taken directly on external devices by users and provide appropriate feedback as to the current state of the controlled device. As an example, if the match pattern were set to HDMI 3 and action set to Pressed, the touch pad will listen on the communications line for a serial string sequence containing HDMI 3. If detected, the touch pad would then place the button associated with the feedback pattern in a pressed visual state.
Each defined feedback string-command pair is inserted into the Feedback List of the Command Editor window. Right clicking in the Feedback List area of the Command Editor window also provides a context menu for feedback commands, the menu items are:
Add generates feedback dialog for adding feedback commands into the
Feedback List
Edit generates feedback dialog for editing feedback commands in the
Feedback List
Delete deletes the selected feedback command in the Feedback List
Double clicking on any feedback command in the Feedback List generates the feedback dialog for editing the feedback item selected.

Command List

This list contains the commands which may be associated with a button press or a button release. They consist of:
Serial Command Delay Button Press Lamp Command Goto Page Output
These commands may be inserted into the press or release command script windows by either dragging and dropping them into their respective lists, or by left or right mouse double clicks on them. The left mouse double click will insert the command into the press script list while the right mouse double click will insert the command into the release script list. Each of these commands will be discussed in further detail below.

Serial Command

The Serial Command assigns the serial transmit string to a button press or release. Once the command is selected by either double clicking or drag and drop, the Serial Command dialog is displayed. The data may be entered by either typing characters directly into the Serial Command field or by double clicking on an item in the Command List. To use the command list you must first select the Open Driver Template from the File menu option. Data is entered in ASCII character format or hex format by preceding the hex values by a backslash eg. \0D. Carriage return
and/or line feed may be indicated by \r and \n” also. To apply the entered data to the respective button command, click on OK which returns to the Command Editor
Once a command is selected, the Name of the command is displayed. This name is also displayed on the Command Editor dialog after selecting the command and hovering over the command.
TekTouchPad Configuration User’s Guide


The Delay command causes a delay of n * 10ms to occur whenever executed in the script list. Once the command is set either by double clicking or drag and drop, another dialog pops up allowing for the entry of the delay parameter. To apply the delay to the list,
click on OK which returns control to the Command
Editor dialog.

Button Press

The Button Command allows for defining a button press or button release of any defined button. Once the command is set either by double clicking or drag and drop, another dialog pops up allowing for the entry of the button command parameters. The Page No. defines which page the button resides and the Button No. defines which button on the page to press or release. The Press or Release selections define the action to take on the identified button. To apply the command to the list, click on OK which returns control to the Command Editor dialog.

Lamp Command

The Lamp Command allows for defining the visual aspect changes of a button when pressed or released. Once the command is set either by double clicking or drag and drop, another dialog pops up allowing for the entry of mutually exclusive lamp command parameters:
Reset Set Blink Color Lock
The Reset option restores the button to original created color scheme for the off state. Another feature of the Reset option is to allow for resetting a Control Group by selecting the Apply to Group option.
Use the Set option to select the on state of a button.
This option causes a button to flash at 1 second intervals between its on and off states.
The Color option allows for setting the button face to a user selectable color.
All commands have the Apply to All option which will apply the action to all defined buttons. To apply the Lamp Command to the list, click on OK which returns control to the Command Editor dialog.

Goto Page

The Goto Page provides a command to switch display pages programmatically. Once the command is set either by double clicking or drag and drop, another dialog pops up allowing for the entry of the button command parameters. The Page No. defines which page to switch while the Press or Release options determine which phase of the button action to execute the page switch on. To apply the Goto Command to the list, click on OK which returns control to the Command Editor dialog.


Current use of the output allows for a logic output to control a relay or other device. The output can be set to Open or Closed. To create a pulse place the Closed status in the Press side and the Open status in the release.
TekTouchPad Configuration User’s Guide

System Configuration

The System Configuration is accessed by menu item Options sub-item Panel System Settings” located at the top of the main window. These settings are used to configure the
TekTouchPad startup operations.

Splash Screen

The Splash or Logo Screen variable allows for selection of a Splash or Logo bitmap file to use as the Splash or Logo screen. This bitmap should be in a 240 x 400, 24bit pixel format with no Antialiasing on Text to display properly. If None is selected, there will be no display of any Splash or Logo screen during the startup process. Use the Browse button to locate the bitmap file if it has not been imported via the Resources” Bitmaps” option previously.

Splash Timeout

The Splash Screen or Logo Timeout value describes the amount of time in seconds that the Splash or Logo screen is displayed prior to display of the button panel. This value may be any number of whole seconds.

Screen Timeout

The Screen Timeout defines the amount of time of non-use prior to placing the display into a sleep mode. This feature is supplied in order to prevent burn-in” of images onto
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