Tektronix Phaser 750DX, Phaser 750P, Phaser 750N, Z750/N - Phaser Color Laser Printer, Z750/P - Phaser Color Laser Printer User Manual

User Guide
Copyright © Tektronix, Inc. Unpublished rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. Contents of this publication may not be reproduced in any form without permission of Tektronix, Inc. Tektronix®, Phaser®, PhaserShare®, ColorStix®, the TekColor® icon, and Made For Each Other® are registered trademarks of Tektronix, Inc. PhaserLink™, PhaserPort™, PhaserPrint™, PhaserSym™, PhaserTools™, TekSMART™, and the TekColor™ name are trademarks of Tektronix, Inc. TekColor CareSM and RealSUPPORTSM are service marks of Tektronix, Inc.
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Printer Warranty
Tektronix warrants that the Phaser 750 Printer will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of shipment. If the product proves defective during the warranty period, Tektronix, at its option, will:
(1) repair the product by means of telephone support or on-site service at no charge for parts or labor, (2) replace the product with a comparable product, or (3) refund the amount paid for the product, less a reasonable allowance for usage, upon its return.
Under this product warranty, Customer must notify Tektronix or its authorized service representative of the defect before the expiration of the warranty period. To obtain service under this warranty, the Customer must first contact Tektronix Telephone Support personnel or that of its authorized service representative. Telephone Support personnel will work to resolve issues professionally and quickly, however the Customer must reasonably assist Tektronix or its authorized representative.
If telephone support is unsuccessful, Tektronix or its authorized service representative will provide warranty repair at Customer's site without charge as provided below.
Service is available anywhere within the United States for products purchased in the United States
Inside the European Economic Area, service is available within the customary on-site service area for products purchased in the EEA
Outside the US & EEA, service is available within the customary on-site service area in the country of purchase
A description of the customary on-site service area may be obtained from the local Tektronix subsidiary or authorized Tektronix distributor. On-site service is at Tektronix or its authorized service representative’s sole discretion and is considered an option of last resort.
If the Customer’s product contains features that enable Tektronix or its authorized service representative to diagnose and repair problems with the product remotely, Tektronix may request that Customer allow such remote access to the product.
In the maintenance of the product, Tektronix may use new or equivalent to new parts or assemblies for equal or improved quality. All defective parts and assemblies become the property of Tektronix. Tektronix, at its option, may request the return of these parts.
For the software warranty please see the end user license agreement included with the software.
If you are an Australian consumer, you should be aware that the Trade Practices Act 1974 and equivalent State and Territory legislation (collectively "the Acts") contain special provisions designed to protect Australian consumers. Nothing in any Tektronix warranty material excludes or limits the application of any provision of any of the Acts, where to do so would contravene the Acts or cause any part of this warranty to be void. In this warranty material, an implied condition or warranty, the exclusion of which from a contract with a "Consumer" (as defined in the Acts) would contravene any provision of the Acts or cause any part or all of this warranty to be void, is called a "Non-excludable Condition". To the full extent permitted by law, Tektronix’s sole and total liability to the customer for a breach of any Non-excludable Condition (including for any consequential loss suffered by the customer) is limited, except as otherwise stated herein, to (at Tektronix’ option) replacing or repairing the goods, or resupplying, or paying the cost of the resupply of, the services, in respect of which the breach occurred. Subject to the above, all conditions and warranties which would or might otherwise be implied in a Consumer contract, whether by operation of statute, inference from circumstances, industry practice or otherwise, are excluded.
Symbols as marked on product:
DANGER high voltage:
Protective ground (earth) terminal:
Hot surface on or in the printer. Use caution to avoid personal injury:
Use caution. Refer to the manual(s) for information:
If the product loses the ground connection, usage of knobs and controls (and other conductive parts) can cause an electrical shock. Electrical product may be hazardous if misused.
For your protection, do not defeat any interlocks.
Phaser 750 Color Printer
Phaser 750 Color Printer
High Capacity Toner Cartridges
Item Part Number
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
016-1800-00 016-1801-00 016-1802-00 016-1803-01
Standard Toner Cartridges
Item Part Number
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
016-1804-00 016-1805-00 016-1806-00 016-1807-01
Main Change Grid
Item Part Number
Main Charge Grid 016-1665-00
Phaser 750 Color Printer
Imaging Unit
Item Part Number
Imaging Unit (Color Imaging Kit) 016-1841-00
Transfer Kit
Item Part Number
Transfer Kit 016-1842-00
Phaser 750 Color Printer
A4 (Metric Letter) 210 x 297 mm
100 sheets / 14 labels per sheet
38.1 x 99.1 mm labels
A4 (Metric Letter) 210 x 297 mm
100 sheets / 8 labels per sheet
67.7 x 99.1 mm labels
Paper Trays
Item Paper Capacity Part Number
A/Letter (U. S.) 250 sheets 436-0282-02 A4 (Metric Letter) 250 sheets 436-0283-02 U. S. Legal 250 sheets 436-0314-02
Transparency Trays
Item Part Number
A/Letter (U. S.) 436-0284-02 A4 (Metric Letter) 436-0285-02
Printer Station
Features Part Number
Ergonomic surface height
Provides storage for supplies
Internal Hard Drive
Feature Part Numbers
Adds collation
User documentation on disk
Enhanced Job Accounting
Enhanced PhaserLink features
Tektronix Color Laser Labels
Size Description Part Number
8 Phaser 750 Color Printer
Print Quality Modes
You can select the Print Quality mode in the follow ways:
1. From the software driver. (This always overrides the front panel
2. From the printer’s front panel. Press Menu, scroll to Print Quality,
press Menu, and select a Print Quality Mode.
Black and White Converts all colors to black, white, and shades of
gray. Prints at 1200 x 600 dpi.
Fast Color Fastest color print mode. Prints at 600 x 600 dpi
using only the cyan, magenta, and yellow toners; black is a composite color. Not recommended for black text.
Standard General-purpose mode for color printing. Prints at
600 x 600 dpi using all four color toners. Transparencies are always printed in Standard mode even if another mode is selected.
Enhanced Produces superior text resolution and smooth colors.
Prints at 1200 x 600 dpi.
Premium Produces the highest-quality color prints at 1200 x
1200 dpi. Available only on 750P, 750DP, and the 750DX configurations.
10 Phaser 750 Color Printer
Paper Tips
Do not use any media designed for inkjet printers, especially inkjet coated paper and inkjet transparencies. Inkjet media is coated with a substance that will damage the fuser. Tektronix does not furnish warranty service for damage or malfunction caused by the use of non-Tektronix supplies or consumables. Always use Tektronix media that has been specially designed for use with Tektronix Laser Printers.
To prevent Jam-Wrong Media errors, load only paper in the PAPER
tray and Tektronix transparencies in the TRANSPARENCY tray or Multi-Purpose tray.
If you have the Automatic Duplex/Lower Tray Assembly:
Insert the Duplex Unit only in the upper (
) slot.
Insert the TRANSPARENCY tray only into the middle (
) tray
Insert the PAPER tray into the middle (
) or lower (c) slot.
Always use the Multi-Purpose Tray (
) for specialty media.
When loading the Multi-Purpose Tray, the front panel
automatically prompts you to select the media type and media size.
Paper Tips
12 Phaser 750 Color Printer
Supported page sizes and image area
The printer supports five media sizes, which you select in the Print screen (using a supported printer driver).
Media Page size Print area Top /
1 Letter
8.5 x 11 in. 8.21 x 10.56 in. .22 in. .14 in.
210 x 297 mm 200 x 287 mm 5 mm 4.8 mm
3 Legal
8.5 x 14 in. 8.2 x 13.5 in. .23 in. .14 in.
4 Executive
7.25 x 10.5 in. 6.93 x 10.31 in. .22 in. .15 in.
5 #10
4.13 x 9.5 in. (104.8 x
241.3 mm)
3.8 x 9.2 in. (96.5 x 233.7 mm)
.16 in. (4.1 mm)
.14 in. (3.6 mm)
+ 51 hidden pages