, Phaser
Inc. PhaserLink™, PhaserPrint™, PhaserSym™, PhaserTools™, and the TekColor™ name are trademarks of
Tektronix, Inc. TekColor Care
, Acrobat
, PhaserShare
, Acrobat
, the TekColor
is a service mark of Tektronix, Inc.
Reader, Illustrator
icon, and Made For Each Other
, PageMaker
, Photoshop
are registered trademarks of Tektronix,
, and PostScript
are registered trademarks
and Brilliant Screens™ and IntelliSelect™ are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated or its subsidiaries which may be
registered in certain jurisdictions.
, LaserWriter
, LocalTalk
, Macintosh
, and TrueType2
are registered trademarks and Mac™OS is a trademark of
Apple Computer, Incorporated.
ITC Avant Garde Gothic
is a registered trademark of Xerox Corporation.
Software is a registered trademark of FTP Software, Incorporated.
, ITC Bookman
, ITC Zapf Chancery
, and ITC Zapf Dingbats
are registered trademarks of
International Typeface Corporation.
Times™, Helvetica™ and Palatino™ are trademarks of Linotype-Hell AG and/or its subsidiaries.
and Windows
and NetWare
is a registered trademark of SPARC International, Incorporated. SPARCstation™ is a trademark of SPARC
are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
are registered trademarks of Novell, Incorporated.
International, Incorporated, licensed exclusively to Sun Microsystems, Incorporated.
, Sun Microsystems
, and Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation
are registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems,
is a registered trademark in the US and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Limited.
Other marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of the companies with which they are associated.
is a registered trademark of Hewlett-Packard Corporation.
Colors generated by Phaser color printer are four- and/or three-color process simulations and may not match
PANTONE-identified solid color standards. Use current PANTONE Color Reference Manuals for accurate colors.
PANTONE Color simulations are only obtainable on this product when driven by qualified Pantone-licensed software
packages. Contact Pantone, Inc. for a current list of qualified licensees.
All trademarks noted herein are either the property of Tektronix, Inc., Pantone, Inc., or their respective companies.
PhaserLink Printing servers 3
Email accounts 3
Communication using TCP/IP3
Communication on the Internet 3
Understanding the PhaserLink printing process4
Simple, recommended configuration 4
Alternative configuration5
Overview of steps you need to complete6
Understanding what printers can comprise a group6
2Setting Up and Configuring Printers from the PhaserLink Printing Web Page
System requirements7
Overview of setup and installation 8
Configuring your printers 8
Required fields on the PhaserLink Printing Settings web page9
Fields required for email status messages 9
Optional fields on the PhaserLink Printing Settings web page10
Applying your changes10
3Installing and Configuring PhaserLink Printing Software
Installing the client software 12
Getting to know the Destination Manager13
Adding an Internet-connected printer 15
How the Internet-connected Printers list relates to the Windows Printers folder19
Adding groups of Internet-connected printers 20
How the Internet-connected Groups of Printers list relates to the Windows Printers folder21
Adding printers to a group 21
Deleting printers and groups 22
Requesting a printer’s status 23
Controlling the appearance of the Destination Manager 23
Displaying and suppressing the toolbar 23
Displaying and suppressing the status bar 23
Closing the Destination Manager 24
User Manual
4Printing with PhaserLink Printing Software
Using the Print Redirector26
Adding groups and printers to the destination list26
Removing groups and printers from the destination list26
Setting options for the current job27
5Using Advanced Features
Creating subgroups 29
Viewing and modifying printer properties 30
Viewing group properties32
Renaming printers and groups 33
Receiving printer status email messages 34
Setting job options34
Sharing Destination Manager information 35
Receiving email update notices 39
Customer Support Centers40
TekSMART™ Knowledge Base41
Getting information by fax42
PhaserLink Printing Software
PhaserLink Printing
Software Overview
PhaserLink Printing Software allows you to print to one or more remote Tektronix
Phaser color printers (such as a Phaser 360 color printer) over the Internet, directly
from Windows applications. The print jobs are sent as email (electronic mail).
PhaserLink Printing Software provides the following key features:
The ability to send print jobs to a group of printers
Print services across firewalls and proxies
Status reporting using email messages
This chapter provides an overview of how PhaserLink Printing Software works.
Chapter 2 tells you how to install and set up the PhaserLink Printing client software
and your printers, while Chapter 3 discusses the basics of creating groups of
Internet-connected printers, using the client software. Chapter 4 explains how to
send print jobs using PhaserLink Printing Software; Chapter 5 covers more
advanced topics. Chapter 6 tells you how to find help if you need it.
How PhaserLink Printing Software works
PhaserLink Printing Software consists of two parts:
Client software installed on each user’s workstation or personal
computer. This software allows users to send print jobs from Windows
applications to remote Tektronix printers over the Internet.
The client software lets users set up their Internet-connected printers, and
create groups and subgroups of printers for easy distribution of print jobs.
The client software includes the following components:
Destination Manager , which enables you to create groups of
Internet-connected printers.
Print Redirector , which routes a print job to the appropriate
Internet-connected printer or group of printers.
PhaserLink Printing Server on a Phaser color printer. Part of the printer
software, this server processes print jobs from the clients.
Supported operating systems
For this software release, PhaserLink Printing software is available only for
Windows 95.
User Manual
PhaserLink Printing Software Overview
Understanding PhaserLink Printing Software
fundamental concepts
It is beyond the scope of this manual to explain in detail how to install email servers.
You can refer to your operating system’s documentation and your email
application’s documentation for further details. However, this section does supply
the fundamental concepts of email communication between client PCs and remote
printers, so you can properly install and configure PhaserLink Printing Software.
Clients and servers
The first concept you should understand is client versus server. The following table
explains this concept in both general terms and in terms of PhaserLink Printing
Understanding Clients and Servers
Generala piece of hardware or
PhaserLink Printing
software that requests a
service from another piece
of hardware or software
a PC that sends a print job
to a remote printer
a piece of hardware or
software that provides a
service for a client
email servers
PhaserLink Printing
Server on each remote
Email servers
Email servers receive email from and send email to clients. When the email moves
from client to server or vice versa, the email is transferred using a particular protocol
that defines how the message is handled. For PhaserLink Printing Software, you
need to have email servers that support two email protocols:
SMTP protocol : SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. This
protocol is used for email communication over the Internet and for email
from clients to server.
POP3 protocol : POP3 stands for version 3 of the Post Office Protocol. This
protocol is used for email communication from server to clients.
It is possible for one email server to support both the SMTP and POP3 email
In most cases, POP3 email servers have a password associated with them that
enables you to control who can send email through that server. You’ll need to know
this password before you can configure a printer to be used with PhaserLink
Printing Software.
If you need more information on these email protocols, or information on where to
obtain SMTP and POP3 email servers for your operating system, contact your
System Administrator or operating system vendor.
PhaserLink Printing Software
PhaserLink Printing servers
PhaserLink Printing servers are part of the printer’s software. You configure the
server through the printer’s PhaserLink web page, where you set printer options
such as who is allowed to send jobs to the printer, how often the printer polls the
system for jobs, and who is responsible for fixing problems with the printer.
Email accounts
Each client PC that is a member of an email network has an email account, which is
basically a name that uniquely identifies the client. This account is created using
whatever email application the network uses.
For printers to be used with PhaserLink Printing Software, each printer client that
will be sent email needs an email account on a POP3 email server. For example, the
printer’s email account name might be Phaser360 . When sending email to a
network client, use the form account-name @ mail-server-name . For example, email
addressed to the printer might be addressed to Phaser360@wolf.mycompany.com .
PhaserLink Printing Software Overview
When you create email accounts for printers that will receive email, be sure to
provide the printer’s gatew a y address (that is, the address of the router). Otherwise,
the printer cannot interact with network components outside its own subnet. If you
do not know the printer’s gateway address, contact your System Administrator.
Communication using TCP/IP
When setting up your printer as a PhaserLink Printing Software client, you need to
know certain information about the printer:
IP address
Network mask
Possibly a gateway address
Your System Administrator may have to set these parameters manually, or they may
already be set by a TCP/IP management application using a method such as RARP
(Reverse Address Resolution Protocol), DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration
Protocol), or BOOTP (Bootstrap Protocol). For more information on configuring a
printer for TCP/IP communication, see your PhaserShare Networking Setup Guide
For more information about creating email accounts, refer to your email
application’s documentation.
Communication on the Internet
The power of PhaserLink Printing Software lies in its ability to send print jobs, in the
form of email messages, over the Internet to remote printers. For example, an
employee in one company can send a print job to a printer at another company. The
reason this is possible is that the email is sent using the SMTP email protocol, which
can pass through firewalls. (A firewall is a network security measure that keeps the
security of the network from being compromised.)
User Manual
PhaserLink Printing Software Overview
Understanding the PhaserLink printing process
The PhaserLink Printing process consists of various communications between the
client PC and the remote printer via email servers. The exact process depends on
how your email system is configured.
Simple, recommended configuration
The following illustration represents the simplest email system configuration used
by PhaserLink Printing Software:
Client = Windows PC
A user executes a print
command from a Windows
application to a remote
Tektronix printer or group
of printers.
The Print Redirector captures
the print data, encapsulates
the print data into an SMTP
email message or messages,
then sends the email to the
client's SMTP email server.
A Windows Application
File Edit View
Print Ctrl+P
Print Preview
Print Redirector
User's email
The SMTP email server
forwards the email (perhaps
through a firewall) to the POP3
email server connected to the
remote printer.
The POP3 email server stores
the message(s) for distribution
to the printer.
The PhaserLink Printing
Server on the Phaser color
printer retrieves the email
message(s) and prints it as a
PostScript print file.
Printer status messages are
SMTP email
server no.1
POP3 email server
(also SMTP email
server no. 2)
Printer with
PhaserShare Series B network interface
(e.g. Phaser 360)
forwarded to the client's SMTP
server, and thence to the
client's email application.
If requested by the user, the
printer sends status messages
back to the client through the
printer's SMTP email server.
In the illustration, “User’s email application” refers to how a PC receives email (such
as Eudora, MCI Mail, or another application).
While not required by PhaserLink Printing Software (and therefore not shown in the
illustration), a POP3 email server is usually required to view the printer status
In this simple configuration, the printer’s POP3 email server (from which the printer
receives email) has the same IP address as the printer’s SMTP email server (to which
the printer sends email).
PhaserLink Printing Software
A user executes a print
command from a Windows
application to a remote
Tektronix printer or group
of printers.
The Print Redirector captures
the print data, encapsulates
the print data into an SMTP
email message or messages,
then sends the email to the
client's SMTP email server.
PhaserLink Printing Software Overview
Alternative configuration
Your email system may not be as simple as the one shown in the diagram on page 4,
especially if you are printing to printers at a different company. The following
illustration may better represent your email system configuration. In this more
complicated setup, both the printer and the client are connected to two SMTP email
servers (for a total of four SMTP email servers). If your network is configured
somewhat like this, you’ll need to keep in mind the various IP addresses of the
different SMTP servers.
Client = Windows PC
A Windows Application
File Edit View
Print Ctrl+P
Print Preview
Print Redirector
User's email
The SMTP email server
forwards the email (perhaps
through a firewall) to the
POP3 email server connected
to the remote printer.
The POP3 email server stores
the message(s) for distribution
to the printer.
The PhaserLink Printing Server
on the Phaser color printer
retrieves the email message(s)
and prints it as a PostScript
print file.
The illustrations on page 4 and page 5 show only one client PC and one printer.
Now imagine hundreds of PCs and hundreds of remote Tektronix printers — you
begin to see the possible power (and complexity) of printing over the Internet.
Fortunately, the PhaserLink Printing client software makes it easy to configure and
organize the email server, printer IP addresses, and other information that
PhaserLink Printing Software needs.
SMTP email
server no.1
POP3 email server
(also SMTP
email server)
Printer with
PhaserShare Series B network interface
(e.g. Phaser 360)
SMTP email
server no.2
SMTP email
server no.4
Printer status messages
are forwarded to the client
through a separate SMTP
email server.
Printer status messages
are sent back via the
printer's own SMTP email
User Manual
PhaserLink Printing Software Overview
Overview of steps you need to complete
The following illustration explains the steps you need to complete before you can
use PhaserLink Printing Software:
First, you need to create an
email account for each printer
on a POP3 email server.
Next, configure each printer so
that it can receive email, as
described in "Configuring your
printers" on page 8.
Create email account
for each printer
each printer
PhaserLink Printing
web page
Finally, install the client software
and use it to add printers and
groups of printers to the
Destination Manager, as described
in Chapter 3.
Configuring the printers and adding printers and groups of printers to the
Destination Manager can be done in any order.
Install and configure
client software
Understanding what printers can comprise a group
When you create groups of printers, the printers in a group should use a similar
printer driver. Also, each printer needs a PhaserShare Series B network interface
For this release of PhaserLink Printing Software, the only printer available that
meets the network interface requirement is the Phaser 360 color printer.
on your PC
PhaserLink Printing Software
Setting Up and
Configuring Printers
from the PhaserLink
Printing Web Page
This chapter tells you how to configure your network and printers so that
PhaserLink Printing Software will work. Then it explains how to install the
PhaserLink Printing client software. Typically, the network and printer
configuration tasks are performed by a System Administrator.
System requirements
For this software release, the client software is available only for Windows 95.
The client software requires an SMTP-capable email server/forwarder through
which the client software on your PC can send email.
Printers used with PhaserLink Printing Software need one of the following:
■PhaserShare Series B Ethernet Interface
■PhaserShare Series B 10/100 Mbps Ethernet Card
■PhaserShare Series B Token Ring Card
PhaserLink Printing Software on each printer requires a POP3-capable email server
from which it can retrieve email.
User Manual
Setting Up and Configuring Printers from the PhaserLink Printing Web Page
Overview of setup and installation
Before you can send print jobs to a printer through PhaserLink Printing Software,
complete these steps:
Locate an SMTP email server to which the client software on your PC can
connect when sending email. For the fundamentals of email server
configuration, see “Understanding PhaserLink Printing Software
fundamental concepts” on page 2.
Establish an email account on a POP3 email server for each printer you
want to use with PhaserLink Printing software. For the fundamentals of
email server configuration, see “Understanding PhaserLink Printing
Software fundamental concepts” on page 2.
Configure each printer you intend to use as a remote printer. This step is
described on page 8.
Install the client software on each PC that will send print jobs to remote
printers. This step is described in “Installing the client software” on page 12.
Configuring your printers
Before you begin the printer configuration process, be sure you have identified the
following for each printer you will be configuring:
■Numeric IP address (not the DNS name) of the POP3 email server to which
the printer will send email
■Printer’s email ID on the POP3 email server
■The POP3 email server password
If you do not know these items, refer to the discussion in “Understanding
PhaserLink Printing Software fundamental concepts” on page 2 for more details, or
contact your System Administrator or other source of technical support at your
Configure each printer that you intend to use with PhaserLink Printing Software,
using the PhaserLink Printing web page. To access this web page, follow these steps:
Open the web browser that you want to use.
Enter the following URL: IP-address, where IP-address is the IP address for
the printer you are configuring.
Click Configuration. Click View and Configure Interface Settings. Click
View and Configure PhaserLink Printing Settings.
To jump directly to the View and Configure PhaserLink Printing Settings page, you
can enter the complete URL: IP-address/netconfig_plprint.html.
Set the various options on the View and Configure PhaserLink Printing Settings web
page. The following sections give an explanation of the required and optional fields.
PhaserLink Printing Software
Setting Up and Configuring Printers from the PhaserLink Printing Web Page
Required fields on the PhaserLink Printing Settings web page
POP3 Server IP Address:
for the printer’s POP3 email server. If this field is blank, PhaserLink
Printing Software looks for a POP3 server at the printer’s SMTP email
server IP address (the server that the printer sends email to).
For the printer to use the SMTP email server IP address, you must have
configured the printer’s email account with a gateway address; see “Email
accounts” on page 3 and your email system’s documentation for details.
POP3 User Name:
name on the POP3 email server. This is the same email address you enter
for the printer in the Destination Manager, as described on page 15.
POP3 Password:
POP3 password with the PhaserLink Printing job password. The POP3
password provides access to the POP3 email server; the PhaserLink Printing
job password provides access to the printer.
Printer Name:
printer name specified in the Destination Manager (as described on page 15).
Enter the printer’s email ID. This is an email account
Enter the printer’s POP3 password. Do not confuse the
Enter the printer name. The printer name should match the
Enter the numeric IP address (not a DNS name)
Fields required for email status messages
The SMTP fields are required only if you want email responses sent back from
PhaserLink Printing Software (such as error or job tracing messages). Because
these messages are useful, you should provide values for these fields.
The following fields relate to the SMTP email server to which the printer (not the
client PC) is connected. Refer to the diagrams on page 4 and page 5 and their
accompanying explanations for more information.
SMTP Server IP Address:
for the printer’s SMTP email server. This SMTP email server is the server
to which the printer will send status messages.
This machine must be on the same side of the firewall as the printer.
SMTP Domain Name:
(such as mycompany.com).
SMTP Reverse Path:
From: and Sender: email addresses in the email message are invalid.
Supplying a value for this field prevents the printer from being sent
bounced SMTP email. For example, you could set it to
phaserlinkmaster@mycompany.com. Whatever you set this field to, it
should be an email address that is always valid, so undeliverable email is
not returned to the printer.
Enter the numeric IP address (not a DNS name)
Enter the printer’s SMTP email server domain name
Enter an email address that will be used in case the
User Manual
Setting Up and Configuring Printers from the PhaserLink Printing Web Page
Optional fields on the PhaserLink Printing Settings web page
PhaserLink Printing Enabled:
Printing Software with this printer. Choose No to disable PhaserLink
Printing Software for this printer.
POP3 Polling Interval:
Printing Software to check for new messages on the printer’s POP3 email
server. The default value is 3 minutes; the maximum value is 32767
PhaserLink Printing Job Password:
has one. If you enter a password in this field, it should match the password
set for the printer in the Destination Manager (as described on page 17).
(Do not confuse this password with the POP3 password described on page
9, which provides access to the POP3 email server.)
Allow PhaserLink Printing Jobs from (Hosts):
the printer to selected hosts, enter the IP addresses of those hosts in this
field. Separate multiple hosts with a single space. The maximum number
of characters you can specify in this field is 256. This field is
case-insensitive. Leaving this field blank implies unrestricted access to the
Specify how often (in minutes) you want PhaserLink
Choose Yes if you want to use PhaserLink
Enter the password for the printer, if it
If you want to limit access to
Allow PhaserLink Printing Jobs from (Users):
the printer to selected users, enter the user IDs in this field. Separate
multiple IDs with a single space. The maximum number of characters you
can specify in this field is 256. This field is case-insensitive. Leaving this
field blank implies unrestricted access to the printer.
System Location:
360. If you are unsure of the printer’s location, contact your System
System Contact:
will receive the print jobs from this printer.
Applying your changes
On the View and Configure PhaserLink Printing Settings web page, click
the Do/Apply button.
If a PhaserLink password has been set, supply that password in the
Validation Password field on the View and Configure PhaserLink Printing
Settings web page. See your PhaserShare Networking Manual on your
printer’s software CD-ROM for more information.
If you want to limit access to
Enter the printer’s location, such as Building R, Room
Enter the name (not an email address) of the person who
PhaserLink Printing Software
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