Tektronix TBS1000B Series, TBS1000B-EDU Series User Manual

TBS1000B and TBS1000B-EDU Series Digital Storage Oscilloscopes
User Manual
TBS1000B and TBS1000B-EDU Series Digital Storage Oscilloscopes
User Manual
Revision A
Copyright © Tektronix. All rights reserved. Licensed software products are owned by Tektronix or its subsidiaries or suppliers, and are protected by national copyright laws and international treaty provisions.
Tektronix products are covered by U.S. and foreign patents, issued and pending. Information in this publication supersedes that in all previously published material. Specications and price change privileges reserved.
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TBS1000B and TBS1000B-EDU Oscilloscopes
Tektronix war
rants that the product will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of ve (5) years from the date of original purchase from an authorized Tektronix distributor. If the product proves defective during this warranty period, Tektronix, at its option, either will repair the defective product without charge for parts and labor, or will provide a replacement in exchange for the defective product. Batteries are excluded from this warranty. Parts, modules and replacement products used by Tektronix for warranty work may be new or reconditioned to like new performance. All replaced parts, modules and products become the property of Tektronix.
In order to obtain service under this warranty, Customer must notify Tektronix of the defect before the expiration of the warranty period and make suitable arrangements for the performance of service. Customer shall be responsib
le for packaging and shipping the defective product to the service center designated by Tektronix, shipping charges prepaid, and with a copy of customer proof of purchase. Tektronix shall pay for the return of the product to Customer if the shipment is to a location within the country in which the Tektronix service center is located. Customer shall be responsible for paying all shipping charges, duties, taxes, and any other charges for products returned to any other locations.
This warranty shall not apply to any defect, failure or damage caused by improper use or improper or inadequate maintenance and care. Tektronix shall not be obligated to furnish service under this warranty a) to repair damage resulting from attempts by personnel other than Tektronix representatives to install, repair or service the product; b) to r
epair damage resulting from improper use or connection to incompatible equipment; c) to repair any damage or malfunction caused by the use of non-Tektronix supplies; or d) to service a product that has been modied or integrated with other products when the effect of such modication or integration increases the time or difculty of servicing the product.
[W19 – 03AUG12]
TPP0051, TPP0101, TPP0201, and P2220 Probes
Tek t r o n ix war
rants that the product will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of original purchase from an authorized Tektronix distributor. If the product proves defective during this warranty period, Tektronix, at its option, either will repair the defective product without charge for parts and labor, or will provide a replacement in exchange for the defective product. Batteries are excluded from this warranty. Parts, modules and replacement products used by Tektronix for warranty work may be new or reconditioned to like new performance. All replaced parts, modules and products become the property of Tektronix.
In order to obtain service under this warranty, Customer must notify Tektronix of the defect before the expiration of the warranty period and make suitable arrangements for the performance of service. Customer shall be responsib
le for packaging and shipping the defective product to the service center designated by Tektronix, shipping charges prepaid, and with a copy of customer proof of purchase. Tektronix shall pay for the return of the product to Customer if the shipment is to a location within the country in which the Tektronix service center is located. Customer shall be responsible for paying all shipping charges, duties, taxes, and any other charges for products returned to any other locations.
This warranty shall not apply to any defect, failure or damage caused by improper use or improper or inadequate maintenance and care. Tektronix shall not be obligated to furnish service under this warranty a) to repair damage resulting from attempts by personnel other than Tektronix representatives to install, repair or service the product; b) to r
epair damage resulting from improper use or connection to incompatible equipment; c) to repair any damage or malfunction caused by the use of non-Tektronix supplies; or d) to service a product that has been modied or integrated with other products when the effect of such modication or integration increases the time or difculty of servicing the product.
[W15 – 15AUG04]
Table of Contents
Important safety information..................................................................................... iv
Generalsafety summary ..................................................................................... iv
Service safety summary..................................................................................... vii
Terms in this manual ........................................................................................ viii
Symbolsand terms on theproduct......................................................................... viii
Compliance information.......................................................................................... ix
EMC compliance ............................................................................................. ix
Safety compliance ............................................................................................ xi
Environmental considerations.............................................................................. xiv
Getting Started . . ... . ... . .. . ... . ... . .. . ... . ... ... . ... . .. . . .. . ... . .. . ... . ... . .. . ... . ... . .. . ... . ... . .. . ... . ... ... . ... . . 1
General Features............................................................................................... 1
Installation...................................................................................................... 2
Functional Check .............................................................................................. 4
ProbeSafety.................................................................................................... 5
Manual Probe Compensation................................................................................. 6
Probe Attenuation Setting.. ... . ... . .. . ... . .. . ... . .. . . .. . ... . .. . ... . .. . ... . ... . .. . ... . .. . ... . ... ... . ... . .. . ... . 6
CurrentProbe Scaling......................................................................................... 7
Self Calibration ................................................................................................ 7
Firmware Updates Through theInternet .................................................................... 8
Operating Basics.................................................................................................... 9
DisplayArea ................................................................................................... 9
Usingthe Menu System...................................................................................... 11
VerticalControls .............................................................................................. 11
Horizontal Controls........................................................................................... 12
Trigger Controls............................................................................................... 13
Menu and ControlButtons................................................................................... 13
Input Connectors.............................................................................................. 15
Other Front-Panel Items...................................................................................... 16
Understanding Oscilloscope Functions . .. . ... . ... ... . ... . .. . ... . ... ... . ... . .. . ... . .. . ... . .. . . .. . ... . .. . ... . .. . . 17
Setting Up the Oscilloscope ... . ... ... . ... . .. . ... . ... ... . ... . .. . ... . ... ... . ... . .. . ... . ... ... . ... . .. . ... . ... .. 17
Triggering...................................................................................................... 18
Acquiring Signals............................................................................................. 20
Scaling and Positioning Waveforms .. .. . ... . ... . ... ... . ... . .. . . .. . ... . ... . .. . ... . ... . .. . ... . ... . ... ... . ... . 21
Taking Measurements........................................................................................ 23
ApplicationExamples............................................................................................. 25
Taking Simple Measurements ............................................................................... 26
UsingAutorange to Examine a Series of TestPoints ..................................................... 30
Taking Cursor Measurements ............................................................................... 30
Analyzing Signal Detail...................................................................................... 34
TBS1000B and TBS1000B-EDU Series Oscilloscopes User Manual i
Table of Contents
Capturing a Sin
gle-Shot Signal ............................................................................. 36
Measuring Propagation Delay............................................................................... 38
Triggering on a Specic Pulse Width... . .. . ... . .. . ... . .. . ... . .. . ... . .. . ... . .. . ... . ... ... . .. . ... . ... ... . .. . . 39
Triggering on a Video Signal ................................................................................ 41
Analyzing a Differential Communication Signal.......................................................... 44
Viewing Impedance Changes in a Network................................................................ 46
Data Logging (non-EDUmodels only)..................................................................... 48
LimitTesting (non-EDU models only) ..................................................................... 49
FFT.................................................................................................................. 51
Setting Up the Time-Domain Waveform.. . .. . . .. . ... . .. . ... . ... . .. . ... . ... ... . ... . .. . ... . ... . .. . ... . .. . . .. 51
Displaying the FFT Spectrum ............................................................................... 53
Selecting an FFT Window ................................................................................... 54
Magnifying and Positioning an FFT Spectrum . . .. . ... . .. . ... . .. . . .. . ... . .. . ... . ... . .. . ... . ... ... . ... . .. . . 57
Measuring an FFT Spectrum Using Cursors............................................................... 58
USB Flash Drive and Device Ports.............................................................................. 59
USB Flash Drive Port ........................................................................................ 59
File Management Conventions.............................................................................. 60
Saving and Recalling Files With a USB Flash Drive ... ... . ... . .. . ... . .. . ... . ... . .. . ... . .. . ... . .. . . .. . ... 61
Using the Save Functionof the Front-PanelSave Button................................................ 63
USB DevicePort.............................................................................................. 65
Installing the PC Communications Software on a PC .. .. . ... . .. . ... . ... . .. . ... . ... ... . ... . .. . ... . ... . .. . 65
Connecting to a PC........................................................................................... 66
Connecting to a GPIB System............................................................................... 67
CommandEntry............................................................................................... 68
Reference........................................................................................................... 69
Acquire......................................................................................................... 69
Autorange...................................................................................................... 71
Autoset ......................................................................................................... 73
Counter......................................................................................................... 76
Course (EDU models only).................................................................................. 77
Cursor.......................................................................................................... 79
Default Setup.................................................................................................. 81
Display......................................................................................................... 81
FFT............................................................................................................. 83
Function........................................................................................................ 83
Help ............................................................................................................ 85
Horizontal...................................................................................................... 85
Math............................................................................................................ 85
Measure........................................................................................................ 86
MeasurementGating ......................................................................................... 90
Menu Off ...................................................................................................... 91
ii TBS1000B and TBS1000B-EDU Series Oscilloscopes User Manual
Table of Contents
Print-Ready Sc
reenshots ..................................................................................... 91
Reference Menu............................................................................................... 91
Save/Recall .................................................................................................... 92
TrendPlot (non-EDU modelsonly) ........................................................................ 96
Trigger Controls............................................................................................... 96
Utility . ... . .. . ... . .. . ... . ... ... . ... . .. . ... . .. . ... . .. . ... . ... ... . ... . .. . ... . .. . ... . .. . ... . .. . ... . .. . . .. . ... . .. . 102
Vertical Co
ntrols ............................................................................................ 106
Zoom Controls.............................................................................................. 108
Appendix A: Specications .................................................................................... 109
Oscilloscope Specications.. . ... . ... ... . ... . .. . ... . .. . ... . .. . ... . ... ... . ... . .. . ... . .. . ... . .. . . .. . ... . .. . .. 109
Appendix B: TPP0051, TPP0101 and TPP0201 Series 10X Passive Probes Information . . .. . . .. . ... . . 113
Connecting the Probe to the Oscilloscope ... . ... . .. . ... . .. . ... . .. . ... . .. . ... . .. . ... . .. . ... . .. . ... . .. . ... 113
ating the Probe .................................................................................. 113
Connecting the Probetothe Circuit ...................................................................... 114
Standard Accessories....................................................................................... 115
Optional Accessories....................................................................................... 116
Specications. . ... . .. . ... . ... ... . ... . .. . ... . ... ... . ... . .. . ... . ... ... . ... . .. . ... . ... ... . ... . .. . ... . ... ... . ... . 116
Performance Graphs........................................................................................ 117
ty Summary ............................................................................................ 118
Appendix C: Accessories and Options ........................................................................ 121
Appendix D: Cleaning .......................................................................................... 125
GeneralCare ................................................................................................ 125
Cleaning ..................................................................................................... 125
Appendix E: DefaultSetup..................................................................................... 127
pendix F: Font Licenses ..................................................................................... 129
TBS1000B and TBS1000B-EDU Series Oscilloscopes User Manual iii
Important safety information
Important saf
ety information
This manual c
ontains information and warnings that must be followed by the user
for safe operation and to keep the product in a safe condition.
To safely perform service on this product, additional information is provided at the end of this section. (See page vii, Service safety summary.)
General safety summary
Use the product only as specied. Review the following safety precautions to avoid injury and prevent damage to this product or any products connected to it. Carefully read all instructions. Retain these instructions for future reference.
Comply with local and national safety codes.
For correct and safe operation of the product, it is essential that you follow generally accepted safety procedures in addition to the safety precautions specied in this manual.
The product is designed to be used by trained personnel only.
Only qualied personnel who are aware of the hazards involved should remove the cover for repair, maintenance, or adjustment.
Before use, always check the product with a known source to be sure it is operating correctly.
This product is not intended for detection of hazardous voltages.
Use personal protective equipment to prevent shock and arc blast injury where hazardous live conductors are exposed.
While using this product, you may need to access other parts of a larger system. Read the safety sections of the other component manuals for warnings and cautions related to operating the system.
When incorporating this equipment into a system, the safety of that system is the responsibility of the assembler of the system.
To avoid re or personal
Use proper power cord. Use only the power cord specied for this product and
certied for the country of use.
Do not use the provided power cord for other products.
Ground the product. This product is grounded through the grounding conductor of the power cord. To avoid electric shock, the grounding conductor must be connected to earth ground. Before making connections to the input or output terminals of the product, make sure that the product is properly grounded.
iv TBS1000B and TBS1000B-EDU Series Oscilloscopes User Manual
Important safety information
Do not disable t
he power cord grounding connection.
Power disconnect. The power switch disconnects the product from the power source. See instructions for the location. Do not position the equipment so that it is difcult to disconnect the power switch; it must remain accessible to the user at all times to allow for quick disconnection if needed.
Connect and disconnect properly. Do not connect or disconnect probes or test leads while they are connected to a voltage source.
Use only insulated voltage probes, test leads, and adapters supplied with the product, or indicated by Tektronix to be suitable for the product.
Observe all terminal ratings. To avoid re or shock hazard, observe all ratings and markings on the product. Consult the product manual for further ratings information before making connections to the product. Do not exceed the Measurement Category (CAT) rating and voltage or current rating of the lowest rated individual component of a product, probe, or accessory. Use caution when using 1:1 test leads because the probe tip voltage is directly transmitted to the product.
Do not apply a potential to any terminal, including the common terminal, that exceeds the maximum rating of that terminal.
Do not oat the common terminal above the rated voltage for that terminal.
Do not operate without covers. Do not operate this product with covers or panels removed, or with the case open. Hazardous voltage exposure is possible.
Avoid exposed circuitry. Do not touch exposed connections and components when power is present.
Do not operate with suspected failures. If you suspect that there is damage to this product, have it inspected by qualied service personnel.
Disable the product if it is damaged. Do not use the product if it is damaged or operates incorrectly. If in doubt about safety of the product, turn it off and disconnect the power cord. Clearly mark the product to prevent its further operation.
Before use, inspect voltage probes, test leads, and accessories for mechanical damage and replace when damaged. Do not use probes or test leads if they are damaged, if there is exposed metal, or if a wear indicator shows.
Examine the exterior of the product before you use it. Look for cracks or missing pieces.
Use only specied replacement parts.
Use proper fuse. Use only the fuse type and rating specied for this product.
TBS1000B and TBS1000B-EDU Series Oscilloscopes User Manual v
Important safety information
Wear eye protec
tion. Wear eye protection if exposure to high-intensity rays or
laser radiation exists.
Do not operate in wet/damp conditions. Be aware that condensation may occur if a unit is moved from a cold to a warm environment.
Do not operate in an explosive atmosphere.
Keep product surfaces clean and dry. Remove the input signals before you clean
the product.
Provide proper ventilation. Refer to the installation instructions in the manual for details on installing the product so it has proper ventilation.
Slots and openings are provided for ventilation and should never be covered or otherwise obstructed. Do not push objects into any of the openings.
Provide a safe working environment. Always place the product in a location convenient for viewing the display and indicators.
Avoid improper or prolonged use of keyboards, pointers, and button pads. Improper or prolonged keyboard or pointer use may result in serious injury.
Be sure your work area meets applicable ergonomic standards. Consult with an ergonomics professional to avoid stress injuries.
Probes and test leads
Before connecting probes or test leads, connect the p
ower cord from the power
connector to a properly grounded power outlet.
Keep ngers behind the nger guards on the probes.
Remove all probes, test leads and accessories that are not in use.
Use only correct Measurement Category (CAT), voltage, temperature, altitude, and amperage rated probes, test leads, and adapters for any measurement.
Beware of high voltages. Understand the voltage ratings for the probe you are using and do not exceed those ratings. Two ratings are important to know and understand:
The maximum measurement voltage from the probe tip to the probe reference lead.
The maximum oating voltage from the probe reference lead to earth
These two voltage ratings depend on the probe and your application. Refer to the Specications section of the manual for more information.
WARNING. To prevent electrical shock, do not exceed the maximum measurement
or maximum oating voltage for the oscilloscope input BNC connector, probe tip, or probe reference lead.
vi TBS1000B and TBS1000B-EDU Series Oscilloscopes User Manual
Important safety information
Connect and dis
connect properly. Connect the probe output to the measurement
product before connecting the probe to the circuit under test. Connect the probe reference lead to the circuit under test before connecting the probe input. Disconnect the probe input and the probe reference lead from the circuit under test before disconnecting the probe from the measurement product.
Connect and
disconnect properly. De-energize the circuit under test before
connecting or disconnecting the current probe.
Connect th
e probe reference lead to earth ground only.
Do not connect a current probe to any wire that carries voltages above the current probe vol
tage rating.
Inspect the probe and accessories. Before each use, inspect probe and accessories for damage (cuts, tears, or defects in the probe body, accessories, or cable jacket). Do not use if damaged.
-referenced oscilloscope use. Do not oat the reference lead of this probe
when using with ground-referenced oscilloscopes. The reference lead must be connected to earth potential (0 V).
The Service safety summary section contains additional information required to safely perform service on the product. Only qualied personnel should perform service procedures. Read this Service safety summary and the General safety summary before performing any service procedures.
To avoid electric shock. Do not touch exposed connections.
Do not service alone. Do not perform internal service or adjustments of this
product unless another person capable of rendering rst aid and resuscitation is present.
Disconnect power. To avoid electric shock, switch off the product power and disconnect the power cord from the mains power before removing any covers or panels, or opening the case for servicing.
Use care when servicing with power on. Dangerous voltages or currents may exist in this product. Disconnect power, remove battery (if applicable), and disconnect test leads before removing protective panels, soldering, or replacing components.
Verify safety after repair. Always recheck ground continuity and mains dielectric strength after performing a repair.
TBS1000B and TBS1000B-EDU Series Oscilloscopes User Manual vii
Important safety information
These terms may appear in this manual:
WARNING. Warning statements identify conditions or practices that could result
in injury or loss of life.
CAUTION. Caution statements identify conditions or practices that could result in
damage to this product or other property.
Symbols and terms on the product
These ter
ms may appear on the product:
DANGER indicates an injury hazard immediately accessible as you read the mark
WARNING indicates an injury hazard not immediately accessible as you read th
e marking.
CAUTION indicates a hazard to property including the product.
When this symbol is marked on the product, be sure to consult the manual to nd out the nature of the potential hazards and any actions which have to betakentoavoidthem.(Thissymbolmayalsobeusedtorefertheuserto ratings in the manual.)
The following symbol(s) may appear on the product:
viii TBS1000B and TBS1000B-EDU Series Oscilloscopes User Manual
Compliance information
This section lists the EMC (electromagnetic compliance), safety, and environmental standards with which the instrument complies.
EMC compliance
EC Declaration of Conformity – EMC
Meets intent of Directive 2004/108/EC for Electromagnetic Compatibility. Compliance was demonstrated to the following specications as listed in the Ofcial Journal of the European Communities:
EN 61326-1:2006, EN 61326-2-1:2006. EMC requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use.
CISPR 11:2003. Radiated and conducted emissions, Group 1, Class A
IEC 61000-4-2:2001. Electrostatic discharge immunity
IEC 61000-4-3:2002. RF electromagnetic eld immunity
IEC 61000-4-4:2004. Electrical fast transient/burst immunity
IEC 61000-4-5:2001. Power line surge immunity
IEC 61000-4-6:2003. Conducted RF immunity
IEC 61000-4-11:2004. Voltage dips and interruptions immunity
EN 61000-3-2:A1/A2 2009. AC power line harmonic emissions
EN 61000-3-3:2008. Voltage changes, uctuations, and icker
European contact.
Tektronix UK, Ltd. Western Peninsula Western Road Bra
cknell, RG12 1RF
United Kingdom
EMC compliance
Meets the intent of Directive 2004/108/EC for Electromagnetic Compatibility when it is used with the product(s) stated in the specications table. Refer to the EMC specication published for the stated products. May not meet the intent of the directive if u
sed with other products.
European contact.
Tektronix UK, Ltd. Western Peninsula Western Road Bracknell, RG12 1RF
TBS1000B and TBS1000B-EDU Series Oscilloscopes User Manual ix
Compliance information
United Kingdom
This product is intended for use in nonresidential areas only. Use in residential areas may cause electromagnetic interference
Emissions which exceed the levels required by this standard may occur when this equipment is connected to a test object.
To ensure compliance with the EMC standards listed here, high quality shielded interface cables should be used.
The instrument will exhibit  3.0 division waveform displacement and 
6.0 division increase in peak-to-peak noise when subjected to radiated
per IEC 61000-4-3.
The instrument will exhibit  2.0 division waveform displacement and 
4.0 division
increase in peak-to-peak noise when subjected to conducted
interference per IEC 61000-4-6.
Criterion C applied at the 70%/25 cycle Voltage-Dip and the 0%/250 cycle Voltage-Interruption test levels (IEC 61000-4-11). If the instrument powers down upon a voltage dip or interruption, it will take longer than ten seconds to return to the previous operating state.
Australia / New Zealand
Declaration of
Conformity – EMC
Complies wi
th the EMC provision of the Radiocommunications Act per the:
CISPR 11:2003. Radiated and Conducted Emissions, Group 1, Class A, in accordanc
e with EN 61326-1:2006 and EN 61326-2-1:2006.
Australia / New Zealand contact.
Baker & McKenzie Level 27, AMP Centre 50 Bridge Street Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
Exempt from FCC 47 CFR, Part 15.
Russian Federation
This p
roduct is approved by the Russian government to carry the GOST mark.
x TBS1000B and TBS1000B-EDU Series Oscilloscopes User Manual
Compliance information
Safety compli
This section lists the safety standards with which the product complies and other safety compliance information.
EU declarati
on of
conformity – low voltage
Compliance was demonstrated to the following specication as listed in the Ofcial Journal of the European Union:
Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC.
EN 61010-1. Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control, and Laboratory Use – Part 1: General Requirements.
EN 61010-2-030. Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control, and Laboratory Use – Part 2-030: Particular requirements for testing and measuring circuits.
EN 61010-031. Particular requirements for handheld probe assemblies for electrical measurement and test equipment.
U.S. na
tionally recognized
testing laboratory listing
UL 61010-1. Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control, and Laboratory Use – Part 1: General Requirements.
UL 61010-2-030. Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control, and Laboratory Use – Part 2-030: Particular requirements for testing and measuring circuits.
UL 61010-031. Particular requirements for handheld probe assemblies for electrical measurement and test equipment.
nadian certication
CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 61010-1. Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control, and Laboratory Use – Part 1: General Requirements.
CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 61010-2-030. Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control, and Laboratory Use – Part 2-030: Particular requirements for testing and measuring circuits.
CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 61010-031. Particular requirements for handheld probe assemblies for electrical measurement and test equipment.
TBS1000B and TBS1000B-EDU Series Oscilloscopes User Manual xi
Compliance information
Additional compliances
IEC 61010-1. Sa
fety Requirements for Electrical Equipment for
Measurement, Control, and Laboratory Use – Part 1: General Requirements.
IEC 61010-2-0
30. Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control, and Laboratory Use – Part 2-030: Particular requirements for testing and measuring circuits.
IEC 61010-031. Particular requirements for handheld probe assemblies for electrical measurement and test equipment.
Equipment type
Tes t and me
asuring equipment.
Safety class
Class 1 – grounded product.
Pollution degree
A measure of the contaminants that could occur in the environment around and within a product. Typically the internal environment inside a product is considered to be the same as the external. Products should be used only in the environment for which they are rated.
Pollution degree 1. No pollution or only dry, nonconductive pollution occurs. Products in this category are generally encapsulated, hermetically sealed, or locat
ed in clean rooms.
Pollution degree 2. Normally only dry, nonconductive pollution occurs. Occa
sionally a temporary conductivity that is caused by condensation must be expected. This location is a typical ofce/home environment. Temporary condensation occurs only when the product is out of service.
Pollution degree 3. Conductive pollution, or dry, nonconductive pollution that becomes conductive due to condensation. These are sheltered locations where neither temperature nor humidity is controlled. The area is protected from direct sunshine, rain, or direct wind.
Pollution degree 4. Pollution that generates persistent conductivity through conductive dust, rain, or snow. Typical outdoor locations.
Pollution degree rating
Pollution degree 2 (as dened in IEC 61010-1). Rated for indoor, dry location use only.
xii TBS1000B and TBS1000B-EDU Series Oscilloscopes User Manual
Compliance information
Measurement and
overvoltage category
Measurement te
rminals on this product may be rated for measuring mains voltages from one or more of the following categories (see specic ratings marked on the product and in the manual).
Category II. Circuits directly connected to the building wiring at utilization points (socket outlets and similar points).
Category III. In the building wiring and distribution system.
Category IV
. At the source of the electrical supply to the building.
NOTE. Only mains power supply circuits have an overvoltage category rating.
Only measurement circuits have a measurement category rating. Other circuits within the product do not have either rating.
Mains overvoltage
category rating
Overvoltage category II (as dened in IEC 61010-1).
TBS1000B and TBS1000B-EDU Series Oscilloscopes User Manual xiii
Compliance information
Environmental considerations
This section provides information about the environmental impact of the product.
Product end-of-life
Observe the f
ollowing guidelines when recycling an instrument or component:
Equipment recycling. Production of this equipment required the extraction and use of natural resources. The equipment may contain substances that could be harmful to the environment or human health if improperly handled at the product’s end of life. To avoid release of such substances into the environment and to reduce the
use of natural resources, we encourage you to recycle this product in an appropriate system that will ensure that most of the materials are reused or recycled appropriately.
This symbol indicates that this product complies with the applicable European Union re
quirements according to Directives 2002/96/EC and 2006/66/EC on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) and batteries. For information about recycling options, check the Support/Service section of the Te kt r on
Restriction of hazardous
This pr
oduct is classied as an industrial monitoring and control instrument, and is not required to comply with the substance restrictions of the recast RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU until July 22, 2017.
xiv TBS1000B and TBS1000B-EDU Series Oscilloscopes User Manual
Getting Started
TBS1000B and TBS1000B-EDU Series Digital Storage Oscilloscopes are small, lightweight, benchtop instruments, which you can use to take ground-referenced measurement
This chapter describes how to do the following tasks:
Install your product
Perform a brief functional check
Perform a probe check and compensate probes
Match your probe attenuation factor
Use the self calibration routine
NOTE. You can select a language to display on the screen after you power on
the oscilloscope. At any time, you can access the Utility Language option to select a language.
General Features
Model Channels Bandwidth Sample rate Display
1 GS/s Color
1 GS/s Color
1 GS/s Color
1 GS/s Color
2 100 MHz
2 GS/s Color
2 100 MHz
2 GS/s Color
2 150 MHz
2 GS/s Color
2 150 MHz
2 GS/s Color
2 200 MHz
2 GS/s Color
2 200 MHz
2 GS/s Color
Context-sensitive help system
7-inch color LCD display
Educational courseware integrated in the instrument (EDU models only)
Limit tests, data logging, and trend plots (non-EDU models only)
Dual-channel independent counters
Selectable 20 MHz bandwidth limit
2,500 point record length for each channel
TBS1000B and TBS1000B-EDU Series Oscilloscopes User Manual 1
Getting Started
Setup and waveform storage
USB Flash Drive port for le storage
PC communications through the USB Device port with OpenChoice PC Communications software
Connect to a GPIB controller through an optional TEK-USB-488 adapter
Cursors with readouts
Trigger f
requency readout
34 automatic measurements — and measurement gating
Waveform averaging and peak detection
Math functions: +, -, and × operations
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
Pulse Width trigger capability
Vid e o
trigger capability with line-selectable triggering
External trigger
Variable persistence display
User interface and help topics in 11 languages
Zoom feature
Power Cord
Use only the power cord provided with your oscilloscope. Appendix C: Accessories lists the standard and the optional accessories.
Power Source
Use a power source that delivers 90 to 264 VAC
,45to66Hz. Ifyouhavea
400 Hz power source, it must deliver 90 to 132 VAC
, 360 to 440 Hz.
The product's maximum power consumption is 30 W.
Security Loop
Use a standard laptop computer security lock, or thread a security cable through the built-in cable channel to secure your oscilloscope to your location.
2 TBS1000B and TBS1000B-EDU Series Oscilloscopes User Manual
Getting Started
Security cable channel Security lock hole
Power cord
NOTE. The oscilloscope cools by convection. Keep two inches clear on the sides
and top of the product to allow adequate air ow.
TBS1000B and TBS1000B-EDU Series Oscilloscopes User Manual 3
Getting Started
Functional Ch
Perform this functional check to verify that your oscilloscope is operating correctly.
ON/OFF button
1. Power on the oscilloscope.
Push the Default Setup button.
The default
Probe option attenuation setting is
Default Setup button
2. Connect the TPP0051, TPP0101, or TP0201 probe to channel 1 on the oscilloscope. To do this, align th
e slot in the probe connector with the key on the channel 1 BNC, push to connect, and twist to the right to lock the probe in place.
t the probe tip and reference lead to the
PROBE COMP terminals.
3. Push the Autoset button. Within a few seconds, you should see a square wave in the display of about 5 V peak-to-peak at 1 kHz.
Push the channel 1 menu button on the front panel twice to remove channel 1, push the channel 2 menu button to display channel 2, and repeat steps 2 and 3.
Calibration: PASSED
4. Check that the instruction passed the calibration tests. Push Utility - more - page 1 of 2 (push more again on EDU models)  System StatusMisc.. Look for Calibration PASSED
4 TBS1000B and TBS1000B-EDU Series Oscilloscopes User Manual
Getting Started
Probe Safety
Check and observe probe ratings before using probes.
A guard around the TPP0051, TPP0101, or TPP0201 probe body provides a nger barrier for protection from electric shock.
Finger guard
WARNING. To avoid electric shock when using the probe, keep ngers behind
the guard on the probe body.
To avoid electric shock while using the probe, do not touch metallic portions of the probe head while it is connected to a voltage source.
Connect the probe to the oscilloscope, and connect the ground terminal to ground before you take any measurements.
TBS1000B and TBS1000B-EDU Series Oscilloscopes User Manual 5
Getting Started
Manual Probe C
You can manually perform this adjustment to match your probe to the input channel.
1. Push the 1 Probe Vo ltag e Attenuation option and select 10X. Connect the appropriate TPP0051, TP
P0101, or TPP0201 probe to channel 1 on the oscilloscope. If you use the probe hook-tip, ensure a proper connection by rmly inse
rting the tip onto the probe.
2. Attach the probe tip to the PROBE COMP ~5V@1kHz terminal and the reference lead to the PROBE C
OMP chassis terminal. Display the
channel, and then push the Autoset button.
Compensated correctly
3. Check the shape of the displayed waveform.
4. If necessary, adjust your probe.
t as necessary.
Probe Attenuation Setting
Probes are available with various attenuation factors which affect the vertical scale of the signal.
Select the factor that matches the attenuation of your probe. For example, to match a probe set to 10X connected to CH 1, push the 1  Probe  Volt age  Attenuation option, and select 10X.
NOTE. The default setting for the Attenuation option is 10X.
6 TBS1000B and TBS1000B-EDU Series Oscilloscopes User Manual
Getting Started
If you change th
e Attenuation switch on a P2220 probe, you also need to change
the oscilloscope Attenuation option to match. Switch settings are 1X and 10X.
Attenuation switch
NOTE. When the Attenuation switch is set to 1X, the P2220 probe limits the
bandwidth of the oscilloscope to 6 MHz. To use the full bandwidth of the oscilloscope, be sure to set the switch to 10X.
Current P
robe Scaling
Current probes provide a voltage signal proportional to the current. You need to set the oscilloscope to match the scale of your current probe. The default scale is 10 A/V.
For example, to set the scale for a current probe connected to channel 1, push the
1 Prob
e Current Scale option, and select an appropriate value.
Self Calibration
The s
elf calibration routine lets you optimize the oscilloscope signal path for maximum measurement accuracy. You can run the routine at any time but you should always run the routine if the ambient temperature changes by 5 °C (9 °F) or more. The routine takes about two minutes.
For accurate calibration, power on the oscilloscope and wait twenty minutes to ensure it is warmed up.
To compensate the signal path, disconnect any probes or cables from the input connectors. Then, access the Utility Do Self Cal option, and follow the directions on the screen.
TBS1000B and TBS1000B-EDU Series Oscilloscopes User Manual 7
Getting Started
Firmware Updates Through the Internet
Update your TBS1000B’s rmware to take advantage of new features and bug xes. You can use the Internet and a USB ash drive to update your oscilloscope. If you do not have access to the Internet, contact Tektronix for information on update procedures.
Check the ve
rsion of your
current rmware
1. Power on the oscilloscope.
2. For the TBDS1000B: Push Utility  - more - page 1 of 2  System Status  Misc..
For the TBDS1000B-EDU: Push Utility  - more - page 1 of 3 - more ­page 2 of 3  System Status  Misc..
3. The oscilloscope displays the rmware version number.
Check the version of the
latest available rmware
1. Open up a
2. Enter “TBS1000B” in the search box.
3. Scan the list of available software for the latest TBS1000B rmware. Check
the version number.
If the
latest available
rmware Is newer than that
on your TBS1000B, update
product’s rmware
1. Download the latest rmware from www.tektronix.com/software to your PC. Unzip the les, if needed, and copy the designated rmware le into the root folder of a USB ash drive.
2. Insert the USB ash drive into the front-panel USB port on your oscilloscope.
3. Push Utility  - more - page 1 of 2  File Utilities  - more - page 1 of 2  Update Firmware  Update Firmware
It takes several minutes to update the rmware. Your oscilloscope will prompt you when the update is complete. Do not remove the USB ash drive or power off the oscilloscope until the rmware update is complete.
8 TBS1000B and TBS1000B-EDU Series Oscilloscopes User Manual
Operating Basics
The front panel is divided into easy-to-use functional areas. This chapter provides you with a quick overview of the controls and the information displayed on the screen.
Display Area
In add
ition to displaying waveforms, the display provides details about the
waveform and the oscilloscope control settings.
NOTE. For details on displaying the FFT function, (See page 53, Displaying
the FFT Spectrum.)
The items shown below may appear in the display. Not all of these items are visible at any given time. Some readouts move outside the graticule area when menus are turned off.
TBS1000B and TBS1000B-EDU Series Oscilloscopes User Manual 9
Operating Basics
1. The acquisition readout shows when an acquisition is running or stopped. Icons are:
Run: Acquisition enabled
Stop: Acquisitions not enabled.
2. The trigger position icon shows the trigger position in the acquisition. Turn the Horizontal Posit
ion knob to adjust the position of the marker.
3. The trigger status readout shows:
Armed: The oscilloscope is acquiring pretrigger data. All triggers are ignored in this state.
Ready: All pretrigger data has been acquired and the oscilloscope is ready to accept a trigger.
Trig’d: The oscilloscope has seen a trigger and is acquiring the posttrigger data.
Stop: The oscilloscope has stopped acquiring waveform data.
Acq. Complete: The oscilloscope ha
s completed a Single Sequence
Auto: The oscilloscope is in auto mode and is acquiring waveforms in the absence of trigger.
Scan: The oscilloscope is acquiring and displaying waveform data continuously in scan mode.
4. The center graticule readout shows the time at the center graticule. The trigger time is zero.
5. The trigger level icon shows the Edge or Pulse Width trigger level on the waveform. The icon color corresponds to the trigger source color.
10 TBS1000B and TBS1000B-EDU Series Oscilloscopes User Manual
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