Tektronix Video Signal Generators
SPG600 and SPG300 Data Sheet
The Sync signal generator family SPG600 (full rack width) and SPG300 (half rack width).
Features & Benefits
Two models, SPG600 (full rack width) and SPG300 (half rack
width), which provide all of the conventional video and audio signals
that you need in one unit, Analog Black-burst/Test Signal, SD-SDI
Black-burst/Test Signal, AES/EBU Digital and Analog Audio Signal
Stay GenLock™ – Unique, robust Genlock mode provides stable
synchronization signals, for digital and traditional broadcast facilities
All analog and SD-SDI signal output channels are configurable with
SNMP and Web remote control makes it easy to integrate the units into
any operational environment
Choose between two form factors; Full rack width – SPG600, or Half
rack width – SPG300
Optional fine timing offset feature for analog video outputs –
Up to 8 optional Analog Black-burst/Test Signal outputs with independent
timing offset – SPG600 Option 02
Up to 4 optional SD-SDI Black/Test Signal outputs w ith independent
timing adjustment – SPG600 Option 03
of black-burst or test signal outputs
PG300 O ption 01
Broadcast ma
Unique and robust Genlock – Stay GenLock™
Genlock to house master sync
The SPG600 and SPG300 Sync Pulse Generators provide synchronization
and test signals for both traditional analog and mixed digital and analog
facilities, in both NTSC/525 and PAL/625 environments. These products are
ideal as a stable master sync signal, which is critical in digital broadcast
mode, a momentary loss of synchronization at the genlock reference input
will not c a use a disturbance in the unit's test signal and black outputs. When
the genlock signal is reapplied the SPG system will gradually reacquire lock,
causing little disruption in the outputs of the device, and will not ca use any
noticeable glitches in the outputs of the SPG. The Genlock source can be
Genlock timing can be adjusted on all the NTSC or PAL color frames.
ster sync generator
ts. When the SPG600/SPG300 is configured for Stay GenLock
ack Burst, NTSC/PAL Sync, or CW. When using CW lock, the

Data Sheet
Analog Black-burst/Test Signal Outputs
The SPG600 and SPG300 each provide four black-burst output channels
which may be independ ently timed o ver the full NTSC or PAL color frame
range. The black-burst output channels can be configured as a black-burst
or a test signal output, providing outstanding flexibility to handle your
production facility's needs. In analog-to-digital transition environments
especially, t
The SPG600 and SPG300 are suitable for use as a master sync generator
for small facilities or as a slave sync generator in larger environments. With
Option 02 the SPG600 can provide four additional black-burst outputs, and
with Option 01 the fine timing offset can be individually adjusted for each
black-burst output in 0.1 ns increments, to support timing adjustments to
analog syste
The SPG600 and SPG300 also provide basic test signals for analog
facilities. These test signal outputs can include ID text (up to 20 cha racters)
or logo insertion. The ID text or logo may be positioned anywhere in the
viewable are
he sync generator n eeds to provide a variety of sync outputs.
a and, if desired, be made to blink.
Serial Digital Video Outputs
The SPG600 and SPG300 provide two independently timed SD SDI black
outputs with full frame range for 525/60 or 625/50. The SD SDI black output
channel can be configured to provide SD SDI black or SD SDI test signals,
similar to the analog black-burst outputs. With Option 03 the SPG600 offers
two additional SD SDI black outputs.
The SPG600 and SPG300 also provide fundamental test signals for digital
broadcast environments, which are selected individually from the analog
test signals. As with the analog outputs, up to 20 characters of ID text or
your logo can be inserted into the signal, positioned anywhere in the image,
and, if desired, set to blink.
There are 16 channels of e mbedde d audio which can be active in the S D
SDI outputs. Audio Click (1 s, 2 s, 3 s, and 4 s) is available for easy channel
AES/EBU Digital Audio Outputs
The SPG600 provides four BNC connectors and two XLR connectors for
AES/EBU Digital Audio. Frequency and level can be set on the eight
AES/EBU unbalanced outputs, and each channel can have separate Audio
Click channel
match the 1+2 and 3+4 BNC outputs. One-word clock output is available.
The SPG300 pr
provides a one-word clock output.
identification. The two XLR balanced outputs can be set up to
ovides two XLR connectors for AES/EBU Digital Audio, and
Analog Audio Outputs
The default setting for the two XLR outputs is AES/EBU Digital Audio. For
analog audio applications, these two XLR outp uts can be configured as
two analog au
set on each channel.
dio outputs. Frequency, level, and audio iden tification can be
SNMP and Web Remote Control
The SPG600 and SPG300 both support SNMP, making it easy to integrate
these generators into automated service and maintenance functions.
these generators, and the remote monitoring software gives you a view of
SPG600 or SPG300 o peration at a distance. The SPG600 and SPG300
also provide traditional GPI featu res for reporting alarms and recalling
let based remote control makes it easy to remotely control
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Tektronix Video Signal Generators — SPG600 and SPG300
Note: Unless otherwise noted, specifications are common to both the SPG600 and
Reference Input
Input Connector Two BNC connectors, loopthrough
S/N Ratio
SCH Phase Nominal ±40°
Return Loss >40 dB to 5 MHz
Pull-in range Fsc±5 ppm
Burst lock
Sync lock
Genlock Timing Offset
Serial Digital Video Outputs
SDI Black Output 1/2. Add 3/4 with SPG600 Option 03.
2 Channels 1 Black Generator and 1 Test Signal Generator
SD SDI Test Signal Output
Standards ITU-R BT 601, 656, EBU Tech 3267, SMPTE 125M,
Output Connector BNC
Output Impedance 75 Ω
Output Amplitude 800 mV ±10%
Rise and F all Time
Jitter <0.2 UI
Timing Offset Range: Full Color Frame
Return Loss
ID Text 20 characters max
Embedded Audio Signal
Active channels
Sample frequency
Digital coding 20 or 24 bits
Audio tone
Frequency (Hz) Inactive, Silence, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400,
Click 1 s, 2 s, 3 s, 4 s, or OFF
>40 dB
<1 ns
Full Color Frame
<0.5° of NTSC/PAL subcarrier
Test signal can be distributed to both channels
100%, 75%, and SMPTE Color Bars, Linearity, Flat
Field, Monitor, Multiburst, Pulse and Bar, Sweep, SDI,
Timing, Other, Rec 801
100%, 75% Color Bars and 100%, 75% Color Bars over
Red, Linearity, Flat Field, Monitor, Multiburst, Pulse and
Bar, Sweep, SDI, Timing, Other, Rec 801
244M, 259M, 272M, RP165, RP178
525-270, 625-270 (270 Mb/s)
0.4 ns to 1.5 ns (20% to 80%)
Resolution: <1/27 MHz
Blinking Interval: Fast, Slow, or OFF
ayscale, 4 level
inking Interval: Fast, Slow, or OFF
1 to 16 channels (4 groups)
48 kHz
500, 600, 750, 800, 1000, 1200, 1500, 1600, 2000,
2400, 3000, 3200, 4000, 4800, 5000, 6000, 8000, 9600,
10000, 12000, 15000, 16000, 20000
AES/EBU Digital Audio Outputs
Standards ANSI S4.40 (AES3); SMPTE 276M (AES3 ID)
Number of Audio Channels
SPG600 8 (1+2, 3+4, 5+6, 7+8) for BNC, 4 (1+2, 3+4) for XLR
SPG300 4 (1+2, 3+4) for XLR
Required Receiver
75 Ω ±10% for BNC, 110 Ω ±10% for XLR
Output Connector
SPG600 75 Ω BNC × 4 and XLR × 2*
SPG300 XLR × 2*
Audio Parameter
Frequency (Hz): Inactive, Silence, 50, 100, 150, 200,
250, 300, 400, 500, 600, 750, 800, 1000, 1200, 1500,
1600, 2000, 2400, 3000, 3200, 4000, 4800, 5000, 6000,
8000, 9600, 10000, 12000, 15000, 16000, 20000
–60 to 0 dBFS, 1 dB steps
Click 1 s, 2 s, 3 s, 4 s, or OFF
Quantized Resolution
20 or 24 bits
Unbalanced (BNC)
Balanced (XLR)
Rise and Fall Time
30 ns to 44 ns (measured 10% to 90%) to BNC
5 ns to 30 ns (measured 10% to 90%) to XLR
Jitter < ±8 ns
Timing Offset
Range 160 ms
Resolution 1 μs
Word Clock
Output connector BNC
Output level CMOS compatible
Frequency 48 kHz
*1The 2 XLR outputs can be set to AES/EBU or analog audio.
Analog Video Outputs
g Video Output 1/2/3/4. Add 5/6/7/8 with SPG600 Option 02.
k Generators and 1 Test Signal Generator
ignal can be distributed to up to 4 channels
Test s
Test Signal
NTSC and
NTSC No Setup
SMPTE Color Bar, 75% Color Bar, Linearity, Flat Field,
Monitor, Multiburst, Pulse and Bar, Sweep, Other
75% Color Bar, 100% Color Bar, 75% Color Bar over
Red, 100% Color Bar over Red, Linearity, Flat Field,
Monitor, Multiburst, Pulse and Bar, Sweep, Other
NTSC, NTSC no setup and PAL
Output Connector BNC
Output Impedance 75 Ω
ReturnLoss >30dBto5MHz
Burst Amplitude Accuracy
Sync Amplitude Accuracy ±3%
Blanking Level ±50 mV
SCH Phase Accuracy ±5°
Timing Offset
Full color frame
<1/27 MHz (Clock). 0.1 ns (Option 01)
ID Text 20 characters max
Blinking Interval: Fast, Slow, or OFF
Grayscale, 4 level
Blinking Interval: Fast, Slow, or OFF
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