Synchronous optical network (SONET) is a standard for optical
telecommunications transport formulated by the Exchange Carriers Standards
Association (ECSA) for the American Nation al Standards Institute (ANSI), which
sets industry standards in the U.S. for telecommunications and other industries.
The comprehensive SONET standard is expected to provide the transport
infrastructure for worldwide telecommunications for at least the next two or
three decades.
This tutorial provides an introduction to the SONET standard. Standards i n the
telecommunications field are always evolving. Information in this SONET primer
is based on the latest information available from the Bellcore and International
Telecommunications Union–Telecommunications Standardization Sector (ITU–
T) standards organizations.
Use this primer as an introduction to the tec hnology of SONET. If more de tailed
information is required, consult the latest mate rial from Bellcore and ITU–T,
paying particular attention to the latest date.
For help in understanding the language of SONET telecommunications, a
comprehensive Glossary is provided.
Synchronous optical network (SONET) is a standard for optical
telecommunications transport. It was formulated by the ECSA for ANSI, which
sets industry standards in the United States for telecommunications and other
industries. The comprehensive SONET/synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH)
standard is expe cted to provide the tra nsport infrastructure for worldwide
telecommunications for at least the next two or three decades.
The increased configuration flexibility and bandwidth availability of SONET
provides significant advantages over the older telecommunications system. These
advantages include the following :
• reduction in equipment requirements and an increase in network
• provision of overhead and payload bytes—the overhead bytes permit
management of the payload bytes on an individual basis and facilitate
centralized fault s ectionalization
• definition of a synchr onous multiplexing format for carrying lower
level digital signals (such as DS–1, DS–3) and a synchronous structure
that greatly simplifies the interface to d igital switches, digital crossconnect switches, and add-drop multiplexers
• availability of a set of generic standards that enable products from
different vendors to be connected
• definition of a flexible architecture capable of accom modating future
applications, with a variety of transmission rates
In brief, SONET defines optical carrier (OC) levels and electrically equivalent
synchronous transport signals (STSs) for the fiber-optic–based transmission
Before SONET, the first generations of fiber-optic systems in the public telephone
network used proprietary architectures, equipment, line codes, multiplexing
formats, and maintenance procedures. The users of this equipment—regional Bell
operating companies and interexchange carriers (IXCs) in the United States,
Canada, Korea, Taiwan, and Hong Kong—wanted standards so that they could
mix and match equipment from different suppliers. The task of creating such a
standard was taken up in 1984 by the ECSA to establish a standard for connecting
one fiber system to another. This standard is called SONET.
Synchronization of Digital Signals
To understand the concepts and details of SONET correctly, it is important to be
clear about the meaning of sy nchronous, asynchronous, a nd plesiochronous.
In a set of synchronous signals, the digital transitions in the signals occur at
exactly the same rate. There may, however, be a phase difference between the
transitions of the two signals, and this would li e within specified limits. These
phase differences may be due to propaga tion time delays or jitter introduced into
the transmission network. In a synchronous network, all the clocks are traceable
to one primary reference clock (PRC). The accuracy of the PRC is better than ±1
in 1011 and is derived from a cesium atomic standard.
If two digital signals are plesiochronous, their transitions occur at almost the
same rate, with any variation being constrained within tight limits. For e xample,
if two networks must interwork, their clocks may be derived from two different
PRCs. Although these clocks are extremely accurate, there is a difference between
one clock and the other. This is known as a plesiochronous difference.
In the case of asy nchronous signals, the transitions of the signals do not
necessari l y occur at the same nominal rate. Asynchronous, in this case, means
that the difference between two clocks is much greater than a plesiochronous
difference. For example, if two clocks are derived from free-running quartz
oscillators, they could be described as asynchronous.
Basic SONET Signal
SONET defines a technology for carrying many signals of differen t capacities
through a synchron ous, flexible, optical hierarchy. This is ac complished by means
of a byte-interleaved multiplexing scheme. Byte-interleaving simplifies
multiplexing and offers end-to-end network management.
The first step in the SONET multiplexing process involves the generation of the
lowest level or base signal. In SONET, this base signal is referred to as
synchronous transport signal–level 1, or simply STS–1, which operates at 51.84
Mbps. Higher-level signals are integer multiples of STS–1, creating the family of
STS–N signals in Table 1. An STS–N signal is composed of N byte-interleaved
STS–1 signals. Thi s table also includes the optical counterpart for each STS–N
signal, designated optical carrier level N (OC–N).
Synchronous and nonsynchronous line rates and the relationships between each
are shown in Tables 1 and 2.
Table 1. SONET Hierarchy
Signal Bit Rate (Mbps) Capacity
STS–1, OC–1 51.840 28 DS–1s or 1 DS–3
STS–3, OC–3 155.520 84 DS–1s or 3 DS–3s
STS–12, OC–12 622.080 336 DS–1s or 12 DS–3s
STS–48, OC–48 2,488.320 1,344 DS–1s or 48 DS–3s
STS–192, OC–192 9,953.280 5,376 DS–1s or 192 DS–3s
STS = synchronous transport signal
OC = optical carrier
Traditionally, transmission systems have been asynchronous, with each terminal
in the network running on its own clock. In digital transmission, clocking is one
of the most important considerations. Clocking means using a series of repetitive
pulses to keep the bit rate of data constant and to indicate where the ones and
zeroes are located in a data stream.
Because these clocks are totally free-running and not synchronized, large
variations occur in the clock rate and thus the signal bit rate. For example, a DS–
3 signal specified at 44.736 Mbps + 20 parts per million (ppm) can produce a
variation of up to 1,789 bps between one incoming DS–3 and another.
Asynchronous multiplexing uses multiple stages. Signals such as asynchronous
DS–1s are multiplexed, and extra bits are added (bit-stuffing) to account for the
variations of each individual stream and combined with other bits (framing bits)
to form a DS–2 stream. Bit-stuffing is used again to multip lex up to DS–3. DS–3s
are multiplexe d up to higher rates in the same manner. At the higher
asynchronous rate , they cannot be accesse d without demultiplexing.
In a synchronous system such as SONET, the average frequency of all clocks in
the system will be the same (synchronous) or nearly the same (plesiochronous).
Every clock can be traced back to a highly stable reference supply. Thus, the S TS–
1 rate remains at a nominal 51.84 Mbps, allowing many synchronous STS–1
signals to be stacked together when multiplexed without any bit-stuffing. Thus,
the STS–1s are easily accessed at a higher STS–N rate.
Low-speed synchronous virtual tributary (VT) signals are also simple to
interleave and transport at higher rates. At low speeds, DS–1s are transported by
synchronous VT–1.5 signals at a constant rate of 1.728 Mbps. Single-step
multiplexing up to STS–1 requires no bit stuffing, and VTs are easily accessed.
Pointers accommodate differences in the reference source frequencies and ph ase
wander and preven t frequency differences during synchronization failures.
Synchronization Hierarchy
Digital switches and digital cross-connect systems are commonly employed in the
digital network synchronization hierarchy. The network is organized with a
master-slave relationship with clocks of the higher-level nodes feeding timing
signals to clocks of the lower-level nodes. All nodes can be traced up to a primary
reference source, a Stratum 1 atomic clock with extremely high stability and
accuracy. Less stable clocks are adequate to support the lower nodes.
Synchronizing SONET
The internal clock of a SONET terminal may derive its timing signal from a
building integrated timing supply (BITS) used by switching systems and other
equipment. Thus, thi s terminal will serve as a mas ter for other SONET nodes,
providing timing on its outgoing OC–N signal. Other SONET nodes will operate
in a slave mode ca lled loop timing with their internal clocks timed by the
incoming OC–N signal. Current standards specify that a SONET network must be
able to derive its timing from a Stratum 3 or higher clock.
3. Frame Format Structure
SONET uses a basic transmission rate of STS–1 tha t is equivalent to 51.84 Mbps.
Higher-level signals are integer multiples of the base rate. For example, STS–3 is
three times the rate of S TS–1 (3 x 51.84 = 155.52 Mbps). An STS–12 rate would
be 12 x 51.84 = 622.08 Mbps.
STS–1 Building Block
The frame format of the STS–1 signal is shown in Figure 1. In general, the frame
can be divided into two main areas: transport overhead and the synchronous
payload envelope (SPE).
Figure 1. STS–1 Frame Format
The synchronous payload envelope can also be divided into two parts: the STS
path overhead (POH) and the payload. The payload is the revenue-producing
traffic being transp orted and routed over the SONET n etwork. Once the payload
is multiplexed into the synchronous payload envelope, it can be transported and
switched through SONET without having to b e examined and possibly
demultiplexed at intermediate nodes. Thus, SONET is said to be serviceindependent or transparent.
Transport overhead is composed of section overhead and line overhead. The
STS–1 POH is part of the synchronous payload envelope.
The STS–1 payloa d has the capacity to transport up to the following:
STS–1 is a specific sequence of 810 bytes (6,480 bits), which includes various
overhead bytes and an envelope capacity for transporting payloads. It can be
depicted as a 90-column by 9-row structure. Wi th a frame length of 125 µs
(8,000 frames per second), STS–1 has a bit rate of 51.840 Mbps. The order of
transmission of bytes is row- by-row from top to bottom and from left to right
(most significant bi t first).
As shown in Figure 1, the first three columns of the STS–1 frame are for the
transport overhead. The three columns contain 9 bytes. Of these, 9 bytes are
overhead for the section layer (for example, each section overhead), and 18 bytes
are overhead for the line layer (for example, line overhead). The remaining 87
columns constitute the STS–1 envelope capacity (pay load and POH).
As stated before, the basic signal of SONET is the STS–1. The STS frame format is
composed of 9 rows of 90 columns of 8-bit bytes, or 810 bytes. The byte
transmission order is row-by-row, left to right. At a rate of 8,000 frames per
second, that works out to a rate of 51.840 Mbps, as the following equation
(9) x (90 bytes/frame) x (8 bits/byte) x (8,000 frames/s) =
51,840,000 bps = 51.840 Mbps
This is known as the STS–1 signal rate—the electri cal rate used primari ly for
transport within a specific piece of hardware. The optical equivalent of STS–1 is
known as OC–1, and it is used for transmission across the fiber.
The STS–1 frame consists of overhead, plus an SPE (see Figure 2). The first three
columns of each STS–1 frame make up the tran sport overhead, and the last 87
columns make up the SPE. SPEs can have any alignment within the frame, and
this alignme nt is indicated by the H1 and H2 pointer bytes in the line overh ead.
STS–1 Envelope Capacity and Synchronous
Payload Envel ope (SPE)
Figure 3 depicts the STS–1 SPE, which occupies the STS–1 envelope capacity.
The STS–1 SPE consists of 783 bytes, and can be depicted as an 87-column by 9row structure. Column 1 contains 9 bytes, designated as the STS POH. Two
columns (columns 30 and 59) are not used for payload but are designated as the
fixed-stuff columns. The 756 bytes in the remaining 84 columns are designated as
the STS–1 payload capacity.
Figure 3. STS–1 SPE Example
STS–1 SPE in Interior of STS–1 Frames
The STS–1 SPE may begin anywhere in the STS–1 envelope capacity (see Figure
4). Typically, it begins in one STS–1 frame and ends in the next. The STS payload
pointer contain ed in the transport overhead designates the loc ation of the byte
where the STS–1 SPE begins.
STS POH is associated with each payload and is used to communicate various
information from the point where a payload is mapped into the STS–1 SPE to
where it is delivered.
An STS–N is a specific sequence of Nx810 bytes. The STS–N is formed by byteinterleaving STS–1 modules (see Figure 5). The transport overhead of the
individual STS–1 modules are frame aligned before interleaving, but the
associated STS SPEs are not required to be aligned because each STS–1 has a
payload pointer to indicate the location of the SPE (or to indicate concatenation).
Figure 5. STS–N
4. Overheads
SONET provides substantial overhead information, allowing simpler
multiplexing and greatly expanded operations, administration, maintenance, and
provisioning (OAM&P) capabilities. The overhead information has several layers,
which are shown in Figure 6. Path-level overhead is carried from end-to-end; it is
added to DS–1 signals when they are mapped into VTs and for STS–1 payloads
that travel end-to-end. Line overhead is for the STS–N signal between ST S–N
multiplexers. Section overhead is used for communications between adjacent
network elements such as regenerators.
Enough information is contained in the overhead to allow the network to operate
and allow OAM&P communications between an intelligent network controller
and the individual nodes.
Figure 6. Overhead Layers
The following sections detail the different SONET overhead information:
• section overhead
• line overhead
This information has been updated to refle ct changes in Bellcore GR–253, Issue
2, December 1995.
Section Overhead
Section overhead contains 9 bytes of the transport overhead accessed, generated,
and processed by section-terminating equipment. This overhead supports
functions such as the following:
• performance monitoring (STS–N signal)
• local orderwire
• data communication channels to carry information for OAM&P
This might be two regenerators, line-terminating equipment and a regenerator,
or two sets of line-terminating equipment. The section overhead is found in the
first three rows of columns 1 to 9 (See Figure 7).
Figure 7. Section Overhead–Rows 1 to 3 of Transport Overhead
Table 3 shows section overhead byte by byte.
Table 3. Section Overhead
Byte Description
framing bytes—These two bytes indicate the beginning of an STS–1
J0 section trace (J0 )/ s ection growth (Z0)—The byte in each of the N
STS–1s in an STS–N that was formally defined as the STS–1 ID (C1) byte
has been refined either as the section trace byte (in the fi rst STS–1 of the
STS–N), or as a section growth byte (in the second through Nth STS–1s).
B1 section bit-interleaved parity code (BIP–8) byte—This is a parity
code (even parity), used to check for transmission errors over a
regenerator section. Its value is calculated over all bits of the previous
STS–N frame after scrambling then placed in the B1 byte of STS–1 before
scrambling. Therefore, this byte is defined only for STS–1 number 1 of an
STS–N signal.
E1 section orderwire byte—This byte is allocated to be used as a local
orderwire channel for voice communication between regenerators, hubs,
and remote terminal locations.
F1 section user channel byte—This byte is set aside for the users'
purposes. It terminates at all section-terminating equipment within a line.
It can be read and written to at each section-terminating equipment in
that line.
section data communications channel (DCC) bytes—Together,
these 3 bytes form a 192–kbps message channel providing a messagebased channel for OAM&P between pieces of section-terminating
equipment. The channel is used from a cen tral location for alarms,
control, monitoring, administration, and other communication needs. It is
available for internally generated, externally generated, or manufacturerspecific messages.
Line Overhead
Line overhead contains 18 bytes of overhead accessed, generated, and processed
by line-terminating equipment. This overhead supports functions such as th e
• locating the SP E in the frame
• multiplexing or concatenating signals
• performance monitoring
• automatic protection switching
• line maintenance
Line overhead is found in rows 4 to 9 of columns 1 to 9 (see Figure 8).
Figure 8. Line Overhead: Rows 4 to 9 of Transport Overhead
STS payload pointer (H1 and H2)—Two bytes are allocated to a
pointer that ind icates the offset in bytes between the pointer and the first
byte of the STS SPE. The pointer bytes are used in all STS–1s within an
STS–N to align the STS–1 transport overhead in the STS–N and to
perform frequency justification. These bytes are also used to indicate
concatenation and to detect STS path alarm indication signals (AIS–P).
H3 pointer action byte (H3)—The pointer action byte is allocated for SPE
frequency justification purposes. The H3 byte is used in all STS–1s within
an STS–N to carry the extra SPE byte in the event of a negative pointer
adjustment. The value contained in thi s byte when it is not used to carry
the SPE byte is undefined.
B2 line bit-interleaved parity code (BIP–8) byte—Thi s parity code
byte is used to determine if a transmission error has occurred over a line.
It is even parity and is calculated over all bits of the line overhead and
STS–1 SPE of the previous STS–1 frame before scrambling. The value is
placed in the B2 byte of the line overhead before scrambling. This byte is
provided in all STS–1 signals in an STS–N signal.
bytes are used for p rotection signaling between line-terminating entities
for bidirectional autom atic protection switching and for detecting alarm
indication signal (AIS–L) and remote defect indication (RDI) signals.
line data communications channel (DCC) bytes—These 9 bytes
form a 576–kbps message c ha nnel from a central location for OAM& P
information (alarms, control, maintenance, remote provisioning,
monitoring, administration, and other communication needs) between
line entities. They are available for internally generated, externally
generated, and manufacturer-specific messages. A protoc ol analyzer is
required to access the line–DCC informatio n.
S1 synchronization status (S1)—The S1 byte is located in the first STS–1
of an STS–N, and bits 5 through 8 of that byte are allocated to convey the
synchronization status of the network element.
Z1 growth (Z1)—The Z1 byte is located in the second through Nth S T S–1s
of an STS–N (3 <= N <= 48) and are allocated for future growth. Note
that an OC–1 or STS–1 electrical signal does not contain a Z1 byte.
M0 STS–1 REI–L (M0)—The M0 byte is only defined for STS–1 in an OC–1
or STS–1 electrical signal. Bits 5 through 8 are allocated for a line remote
error indication function (REI–L, formerly referred to as line FEBE),
which conveys the error count detected by an LTE (using the line BIP–8
code) back to its peer LTE.
M1 STS–N REI–L (M1)—The M1 byte is located in the third STS–1 (in
order of appearance in the byte-interleaved STS–N electrical or OC–N
signal) in an STS–N (N >= 3) and is used for a REI–L function.
Z2 growth (Z2)—The Z2 byte is located in the first and second STS–1s of
an STS–3 and the first, second, and fourth through Nth STS–1s of an
STS–N (12 <= N <= 48). These bytes are allocated for future growth.
Note that an OC–1 or STS–1 electrical signal does not contain a Z2 byte.
E2 orderwire byte—This orderwire byte provides a 64–kbps channel
between line entities for an express orderwire. It is a voice channel for use
by technicians and will be ignored as it passes through the regenerators.
STS POH contains 9 evenly distributed POH bytes per 125 microseconds starting
at the first byte of the STS SPE. STS POH provides for communication between
the point of creation of an STS SPE and its point of disassembly. This overhead
supports functions such as the following:
• performance monitoring of the STS SPE
• signal label (the content of the STS SPE, including status of mapped
• path status
• path trace
The POH is found in rows 1 to 9 of the first column of the STS– 1 SPE (see Figure
transmits a 64-byte, or 16-byte E.164 format string. This allows the
receiving terminal in a path to verify its continued connection to the
intended transmitting terminal.
B3 STS path bit-interleaved parity code (path BIP–8) byte—This is a
parity code (even) used to determine if a transmission error has occurred
over a path. Its value is calculated over all the bits of the previous SPE
before scrambling.
C2 STS path signal label byte—This byte is used to indicate the content of
the STS SPE, including the status of the mapped payloads.
G1 path status byte—This byte is used to convey the path-terminati ng
status and performance back to the originating path-ter minating
equipment. Therefore, the duplex path in its entirety can be monitored
from either end or from any point along the path. Bits 1 through 4 are
allocated for an STS path REI function (REI–P, formerly referred to as
STS path FEBE). Bits 5, 6, and 7 of the G1 byte are allocated for an STS
path RDI (RDI–P) signal. Bit 8 of the G1 byte is currently undefined.
F2 path user channel byte—This byte i s used for user communication
between path elements.
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T multiframe indicator byte—This byte provides a generalized
multiframe indicator for p ayload containers. At present, it is used only for
tributary unit structured payloads.
The POH portion of the SPE remains with the payload until it is demultiplexed.
VT POH contains four evenly distributed POH bytes per VT SPE starting a t the
first byte of the VT SPE. VT POH provides for communi cation between the poin t
of creation of an VT SPE and its point of disassembly.
Four bytes (V5, J2, Z6, and Z7) are allocated for VT POH. The first byte of a VT
SPE (i.e., the byte in the location pointed to by the VT payload pointer) is the V5
byte, while the J2, Z6, and Z7 bytes occupy the corresponding locations in the
subsequent 125-microsecond frames of the VT superframe.
The V5 byte provides the same functions for VT paths that the B3, C2, and G1
bytes provide for STS paths—namely error checking, signal label, and path status.
The bit assignments for the V5 byte are illustrated in Figure 10.
Figure 10. VT POH—V5 Byte
Bits 1 and 2 of the V5 byte are allocated for error performance monitoring. Bit 3
of the V5 byte is allocated for a VT path REI function (REI–V, formerly referred
to as VT path FEBE) to c onvey the VT path terminating performance back to an
originating VT PTE. Bit 4 of th e V5 byte is allocated for a VT path remote failure
indication (RFI–V) in the byte-synchronous DS–1 mapping. Bits 5 through 7 of
the V5 byte are allocated for a VT path signal label to indicate the content of the
VT SPE. Bit 8 of the VT byte is allocated for a VT path remote defect indication
(RDI–V) signal.
SONET Alarm Structure
The SONET frame structure has been designed to contain a large amount of
overhead information. The overhead information provides a variety of
management and other functions such as the following:
Much of this overhead information is involved with alarm and in-service
monitoring of the particular SONET sections.
SONET alarms are defined as follows:
• anomaly—This is the smallest discrepancy that can be observed
between the actua l and desired characteristics of an item. The
occurrence of a single anomaly does not constitute an interruption in
the ability to perform a required function.
• defect—The density of anomalies has reached a level where the ability
to perform a required function has been interrupted. Defects are used
as input for performanc e monitoring, the control of consequent
actions, and the determination of fault cause.
• failure—This is the inability of a function to perform a required action
persisted beyond the maximum time allocated.
Table 6 describes SONET alarm anomalies, defects, and failures.
LOS is raised when the synchronous signal (STS–N)
level drops below the threshold at which a BER of 1 in
103 is predicted. It could be due to a cut cable,
excessive atten uation of the signal, or equipment
fault. LOS state clears when two consecutive framing
patterns are received and no new LOS condition is
OOF state occurs when four or five consecutive
SONET frames are received with invalid (errored)
framing patterns (A1 and A2 bytes). The maximum
time to detect OOF is 625 microseconds. OOF state
clears when two consecutive SONET frames are
received with valid framing patterns.
LOF state occurs when the OOF state exists for a
specified time in milliseconds. LOF state clears when
an in-frame condition exists continuously for a
specified time in milliseconds.
LOP state occurs when N consecutive invalid pointers
are received or N consecutive new data flags (NDFs)
are received (other than in a concatenation indicator),
where N = 8, 9, or 10. LOP state clears when three
equal valid poi nters or three consecutive AIS
indications are received.
alarm indication
signal (AIS)
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LOP can also be ide ntified as follows:
• STS path loss of pointer (SP–LOP)
• VT path loss of pointer (VP–LOP)
The AIS is an all-ones characteristic or adapted
information signal. It is generated to replace the
normal traffic signal when it contains a defect
condition in order to prevent consequential
downstream failures being declared or alarms being