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Table of Contents
General safety summary .............. .................................. ................................ ..........iv
Service safety summary...........................................................................................vi
Review the fo
this product or any products connected to it.
To avoid pot
Only qualified personnel should perform service procedures.
While using this product, you may need to access other parts of a larger system.
Read the safety sections of the other component manuals for warnings and
cautions r
Use proper power cord. Use only the power cord specified for this product and
certified for the country of use.
Ground the product. This product is grounded through the g rounding conductor
of the power cord. To avoid electric shock, the grounding conductor must be
connected to earth ground. Before making connections to the input or output
terminals of the product, ensure that the product is properly grounded.
Observe all terminal ratings. To avoid fire or shock hazard, observe all ratings
and markings on the product. Consult the product manual for further ratings
information before making connections to the product.
llowing safety precautions to avoid injury and prevent damage to
ential hazards, use this product only as specified.
elated to operating the system.
The inputs are not rated for connection to mains or Category II, III, or IV circuits.
Power disconnect. The power cord disconnects the product from the power source.
Donotblockthepowercord;itmustremain accessible to the user at all times.
Do not operate without covers. Do not operate this product with covers or panels
Do not operate with suspected failures. If you suspect that there is damage to this
product, have it inspected by qualified service personnel.
Avoid exposed circuitry. Do not touch exposed connections and components when
power is present.
Replace batteries properly. Replace batteries only with the specified type and
Use proper fuse. Use only the fuse type and rating s pecified for this product.
Wear eye protection. Wear eye protection if exposure to high-intensity rays or
laser radiation exists.
ivRSA5100A Series Service Manual
General safety summary
Terms in this manual
Symbols and terms on the
Do not operate i
Do not operate in an explosive atmosphere.
Keep product surfaces clean and dry.
Provide prop
on installing the product so it has proper ventilation.
These terms may appear in this manual:
in injury or loss of life.
damage to this product or other property.
These t
erms may appear on the product:
DANGER indicates an injury hazard immediately accessible as you read
the ma
n wet/damp conditions.
er ventilation. Refer to the manual's installation instructions for details
Warning statements identify conditions or practices that could result
. Caution statements identify conditions or practices that could result in
WARNING indicates an injury hazard not immediately accessible as you
the marking.
CAUTION indicates a hazard to property including the product.
The following symbol(s) may appear on the product:
RSA5100A Series Service Manualv
Service safety summary
Service safet
Only qualifiesafety summary and the General safety summary before performing any service
Do not service alone. Do not perform internal service or adjustments of this
product unless another person capable of rendering first aid and resuscitation is
Disconnect power. To avoid electric shock, switch off the instrument power, then
disconnect the power cord from the mains power.
Use care when servicing with power on. Dangerous voltages or currents may exist
in this p
test leads before removing protective panels, soldering, or replacing components.
To av oi
d personnel should perform service procedures. Read this Service
roduct. Disconnect power, remove battery (if applicable), and disconnect
d electric shock, do not touch exposed connections.
viRSA5100A Series Service Manual
This is the service manual for the RSA5100A Series Real-Time Signal Analyzers.
Read this preface to learn how this manual is structured, what conventions it uses,
and where you can find other information related to servicing this product.
Manual Cont
Manual Conventions
Plug-In Module
This manual contains information related to servicing an RSA5100A Series
Real-Time Signal Analyzer. For information related to installing and operating
the instr
user document as described in Related User Documents on the following page.
Be sure to
important information needed to perform the service correctly, safely, and
This manual uses certain conventions that you should become familiar with
before attempting service.
The term module refers to a collection of items that are replaceable as a unit. A
module may contain electrical a nd mechanical assemblies, circuit boards, and
interconnecting cables.
The term Plug-in Module refers to the units that plug into the Main Digital
Interface board.
ument, or for a list of instrument s pecifications, refer to the appropriate
read the introductions to all procedures. These introductions provide
his manual refers to any field-replaceable assembly or mechanical part by its
Replaceable Parts
RSA5100A Series Service Manualvii
name or generically as a replaceable part. In gene ral, a replaceable part is any
circuit board or assembly that is listed in the Replaceable Parts section.
Symbols and terms related to safety appear in the General Safety Summary found
at the beginning of this manual. Be sure to read both the General Safety Summary
and Service Safety Summary before performing any service to this instrument.
Related User Documents
The following related English user documents are available if you need more
information about operating the instrument. These documents are located on the
RSA5100A Series Real-Time Signal Analyzer User Documentation CD-ROM or
can be downloaded from the Tektronix Web site (www.tektronix.com/manuals).
RSA6100A Series Real-Time Spectrum Analyzers, RSA5100A Series Real-Time
Signal Analyzer Quick Start User Manual. This document provides the basic
includes a listing of the available instrument options and accessories.
on you need to install and operate the instrument. The document
Performance Verification Technical Reference (English). This document
contains the following technical information about the instrument:
Electrical and physical specifications, including a list of certifications
and compliances.
A performance verific ation procedure to check instrument performance
against guaranteed specifications.
RSA6100A S eries Real-Time Spectrum Analyzers, RSA5100A Series
Real-Time Signal Analyzer Programmer Manual (English). Describes the
GPIB instrument programming commands and interface.
RSA5100A Series Real-Time Signal Analyzer D eclassification and Security
Instructions (English). Provides instruction on how customers with data
security concerns can sanitize or remove memory devices from the instrument.
Series Real-Time Signal Analyzer Series Specifications and
viiiRSA5100A Series Service Manual
Operating Information
For information on installing and operating your RSA5100A Series Real-Time
Signal Analyzer, refer to the RSA6100A Series Real-Time Spectrum Analyzers,
RSA5100A Ser
ies Real-Time Signal Analyzer Quick Start User Manual.
RSA5100A Series Service Manual1
Operating Information
2RSA5100A Series Service Manual
Theory of Operation
This section provides a basic description of the Real-Time Signal Analyzer (RSA)
operation. Refer to the following block diagram of the instrument while reading
through this
gure 1: RSA5100A Series block diagram
RSA5100A Series Service Manual3
Theory of Operation
A processor system controls the RSA5100A instrument. The instrument features
an XGA resolution flat-panel display, a transparent touch-screen, and a front-panel
with direct a
mouse or other pointing device, and/or a keyboard.
ccess to common RSA features. You can also use the RSA with a
The RSA uses
Signal Path and Processing
RF Signal Path
Acquisition System
Processor System
An RF sign
The RF signal path consists of an attenuator, optional preamplifier, 1st converter,
and 2nd c
replica of a portion of the input signal range to an intermediate frequency (IF)
which can be sampled by a high-dynamic-range A/D converter.
The processor system controls the RF signal path.
The acquisition system samples the IF signal and converts it to digital signals.
direct display or by measurement applications to provide signal quality metrics
to the user. T he acquisition data processing is performed by one of several
field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) under control of the processor. The
processor performs m easurement applications.
The processor system consists of a COM Express PCI-based processor board and
a Digital Interface board that connects the processor to the acquisition board.
the Microsoft Windows 7 operating system.
al enters the RSA through a direct N-type coaxial connection.
onverter. The purpose of the RF signal path is to translate a band-limited
digital signals are then filtered numerically and processed either for
Trigger Inputs
4RSA5100A Series Service Manual
There are two coaxial trigger inputs. One is on the front panel below the display
and the other is on the rear panel. Both trigger inputs connect directly to the
Digital Interface board. Trigger signals are processed by an FPGA on the Digital
Interface board. The information from the trigger system is combined with
acquisition data by the processor system.
The Trigger Out signal is a coaxial connection on the front panel below the
display. The trigger out signal comes from the Acquisition Control FPGA,
through the Digital Interface board.
Display Panel
Theory of Operation
Waveforms, spectral traces, measurement results, and control menus are displayed
on a 10.4 inch, color, active-matrix LCD display with touch panel.
Display System
Front Panel
Touch Panel
The display system consists of a display adapter board. The display adapter board
sends text and waveform information to the display panel.
The displa
y adapter board sends information from the touch panel to the processor.
The touch panel is listed as a USB HID device in the Window Device Manager
The processor system de tects changes in the front-panel switches and encoder. The
processor also turns the LEDs on and off. Communication between the processor
system and the front panel is performed over an internal USB connection.
The ON/STBY switch passes through the display adapter board, the PC carrier
board, the digital interface board, and to the PC board.
The DVD-RW and removable HDD (hard disk drive) communicate over a SATA
connection directly to the processor system.
The following table describes the rear panel connectors.
Table 1: Rear panel connectors
Input or
Reference In
USBInput/OutputUSBTwo USB 2.0 connectors
SerialInput/OutputD-SubSerial communications port (COM1) to
Trigger InInput
OutputBNC10 MHz output or loop-through of user
BNCExternal time-base reference. See data
sheet for signal quality requirements.
Reference In signal
PS/2Keyboard-only PS/2 connector
BNCTTL Gate/trigger input signal
10/100/1000baseT Ethernet connector
External monitor connector
processor system
RSA5100A Series Service Manual5
Theory of Operation
Table 1: Rear panel connectors (cont.)
Power Supply
Input or
Line In (blue)
MIC In (pink)
+28 VDCOutputBNC
Input3.5 mm
Input3.5 mm
Audio line input (disabled)
Audio input signal (microphone)
3.5 mm
External headphone connection
Noise source drive power
General Purpose Interface Bus
The Power Conversion board provides instrument power. The Power Conversion
board consists of several switching supplies that translate and b alance the power
taken from the power supply module.
Power is distributed from the Power Conversion board to both the RF Deck and
the Digital Interface board.
The ON/STBY switch, located on the front panel, controls all of the power to the
instrument except for the part of the circuitry in the standby power supply.
Several fans provide cooling to the RSA:
Three fans are located in the RF Deck and are controlled by the RF Interface.
Two fans provide cooling for the Digital Deck of the instrument.
The Power Supply module has an internal fan.
The COM Express PC board has a fan that is controlled by the COM Express
PC board.
The optional DPSA board contains a fan.
6RSA5100A Series Service Manual
Adjustment Procedure
There are no physical user adjustment procedures for the RSA5100A Series
instruments. However, you can run alignments from the RSA5100A Series
Running Ali
Alignment Status
Alignments are adjustment procedures run by the instrument using internal
reference signals and measurements, and do not require any external equipment or
There are two settings for Alignments:
If Automatically align as needed is selected, alignments run whenever the
Signal Analyzer detects a sufficient change in ambient conditions to warrant an
If Run alignments only when “Align Now” button is pressed is selected,
the Signal Analyzer never runs an alignment unless you manually initiate an
alignment using the Align Now button.
Automatically align as needed is not enabled.
alignment. If no message is displayed, you can assume that the Signal Analyzer is
properly aligned.
Automatically align as needed (Auto mode)
Run alignments only when the Align Now button is pressed
. There are a few critical adjustments that must run occasionally even if
Signal Analyzer displays a message on screen when it needs to run an
o initiate an alignment:
Initiating an Alignment
RSA5100A Series Service Manual7
1. Select Setup > Alignments.
2. Click the Align Now button.
The Signal Analyzer runs an alignment procedure. The instrument displays
status messages as the alignment procedure is running. If the instrument fails the
alignment procedure, the instrument displays an error message. If the instrument
fails an alignment, run Diagnostics (Tools > Diagnostics) to determine why the
alignment failed.
NOTE. While an alignment is running, both the IF and IQ outputs are disabled.
Adjustment Procedure
Alignments During
Alignments During Normal
Alignments Are Not
Alignments are
oscillator alignments); the instrument uses default alignment values (if Auto mode
is selected).
NOTE. Instrument performance is not warranted during the specified 20 minute
warm-up period.
Once the instrument reaches operating temperature, a full alignment is run every
two hours (for up to two minutes). Alignments can run more frequently if the
operating temperature changes. If an alignment becomes necessary during a
measurement cycle (if Auto mode is selected), the measurement is aborted and
an alignm
measurement cycle restarts.
reference signals and measurements. Calibrations can only be performed at a
Tektronix service center and require the use of traceable test equipment (signal
sources and measuring equipment) to verify the performance of the instrument.
nts are adjustment procedures run by the instrument using internal
not run during the 20 minute warm-up period (except for RF
ent procedure is run. Once an alignment procedure is completed, the
8RSA5100A Series Service Manual
This section contains the information needed to do periodic and corrective
maintenance on the instrument. The following subsections are included:
Preventing ESD –Generalinformationonpreventing damage by electrostatic
Inspection and Cleaning – Information and procedures for inspecting the
instrument and cleaning its external and internal m odules.
Removal and Installation Procedures – Procedures for the removal of
defective modules and replacement of new or repaired modules. Also
included is a procedure for disassembly of the instrument for cleaning.
Troubleshooting – Information for isolating and troubleshooting failed
modules. Included are instructions for operating the instrument diagnostic
routines and troubleshooting trees. Most of the trees make use of the internal
Repackaging Instructions – Information on returning an instrument for
tic routines to speed fault isolation to a module.
Preventing ESD
re servicing this product, read the Safety Summary and Introduction at the
front of the manual and the ESD information below.
CAUTION. Static discharge can damage any semiconductor component in this
When perfo
adhere to the following precautions to avoid damaging internal modules and their
components due to electrostatic discharge (ESD).
1. Minimize handling of static-sensitive circuit boards and components.
2. Transpo
or on a metal rail. Label any package that contains static-sensitive boards.
3. Discha
wrist strap while handling these modules. Perform service of static-sensitive
modules only at a static-free work station.
4. Do not allow anything capable of generating or holding a static charge on the
work station surface.
rming any service that requires internal access to the instrument,
rt and store static-sensitive modules in their static protected containers
rge the static voltage from your body by wearing a grounded antistatic
5. Handle circuit boards by the edges when p ossible.
RSA5100A Series Service Manual9
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