Tektronix RFA300A User Manual

User Manual
RFA300A Measurement Set 8VSB
Copyright © Tektronix, Inc. All rights reserved.
Tektronix products are covered by U.S. and foreign patents, issued and pending. Information in this publication supercedes that in all previously published material. Specifications a nd pric e change privileges reserved.
TEKTRONIX and TEK are registered trademarks of Tektronix, Inc.


Tektronix warrants that the products that it manufactures and sells will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of shipment. If a product proves defec tive during this warranty period, Tektronix, at its option, either will re pair the defective product without charge for parts and labor, or will provide a replacement in exchange for the defective product.
In order to obtain service under this warranty, Customer must notify Tektronix of the defect before the expiration of the warranty period and make suita ble arrangements for the performance of service. Customer shall be responsible for packaging and shipping the defective product to the service center designated by Tektronix, with shipping charges prepaid. Tektronix shall pay for the return of the product to Customer if the shipment is to a location within the country in which the Tektronix service center is located. Customer shall be responsible for paying all shipping charges, duties, taxes, and any othe r charges for products returned to any other locations.
This warranty shall not apply to any defect, failure or damage caused by improper use or improper or inadequate maintenance and care. Tektronix shall not be obligated to furnish service under this warranty a) to repair damage resulting from attempts by personnel other than Tektronix re presentatives to install, repair or service the product; b) to repair damage resulting from improper use or connection to incompatible equipment; c) to repair any damage or malfunction caused by the use of non-Tektronix supplies; or d) to service a product that has been modified or integrated with other products when the effect of such modification or i ntegration increases the time or difficul ty of servicing the product.

Table of Contents

Getting Started
General Safety Summary vii.........................................
Preface ix........................................................
Related Documentation ix...........................................
Contacting Tektronix x.............................................
Getting Started 1--1............................................
Product Description 1--1..............................................
Accessories 1--4.....................................................
Installation 1--5...............................................
Check the Shipping List 1--5...........................................
Operating Requirements 1--6...........................................
Hardware Installation 1--6.............................................
Creating a Startup Disk 1--13...........................................
RF Connections 1--14.................................................
Interface Connections 1--16.............................................
Keyboard and Mouse Connections 1--16...................................
Powering On and Off 1--17.............................................
Selecting RF Input Channel and Channel Freque ncy 1--18....................
Incoming Inspection 1--20..............................................
Operating Basics
Operating Basics 2--1..........................................
Front Panel 2--1.....................................................
Home Window 2--4..................................................
Making a Measurement 2--6...........................................
Online Help 2--9.....................................................
Backing Up Files 2--10................................................
RFA300A Reference 3--1........................................
Out of Channel Emissions 3--1.........................................
S/N, EVM, and Pilot Amplitude Error 3--3................................
Phase Noise 3--4.....................................................
Frequency Response and Group Delay 3--6...............................
Amplitude and Phase Errors 3--8........................................
Peak-to-Average and Channel Spectrum 3--10..............................
Signal Monitor 3--12..................................................
8VSB Overview 3--14.................................................
Closed-Loop Transmitter Control 3--18...................................
RFA300A Measurement Set 8VSB
Table of Contents
Appendix A: Specifications A--1..................................
Specification Tables A--1..............................................
Performance Conditions A--1...........................................
RFA300A Measurement Set Specifications A--2............................
Measurement Specifications A--4........................................
Platform Characteristics A--9...........................................
Power Characteristics A-- 13.............................................
Environmental Characteristics A--14......................................
Electromagnetic Compatibility A--16.....................................
Mechanical (Physical) Characteristics A--18................................
Appendix B: User Service B--1...................................
General Care B--1....................................................
Preventive Maintenance B --1...........................................
In Case of Problems B--3..............................................
Repackaging for Shipment B--5.........................................
Appendix C: System Recovery C--1...............................
Overview C--1.......................................................
Restore the BIOS Settings C--3.........................................
Restore the Contents of the Partitions C--4................................
Install and Configure Individual Components C--6..........................
Appendix D: Mask File Formatting D--1...........................
Glossary Index
RFA300A Measurement Set 8VSB

List of Figures

Table of Contents
Figure 1--1: RFA300A 8VSB Measurement Set front panel 1--2.......
Figure 1--2: Home window 1--3..................................
Figure 1--3: Attaching the extension brackets to the
stationary tracks 1 --8.......................................
Figure 1--4: Mounting hole selection on the front rails of the
equipment rack 1--8........................................
Figure 1--5: Attaching the extension bracket to the rear rail of the
equipment rack 1--9........................................
Figure 1--6: Mounting the stationary section to the front rail of the
equipment rack 1--10........................................
Figure 1--7: Stationary bracket, extension bracket, and
attaching screws 1--10........................................
Figure 1--8: Installing the instrument into the equipment rack 1--11....
Figure 1--9: Transmitter connection 1--14...........................
Figure 1--10: Rear view 1--15.....................................
Figure 1--11: Keyboard and mouse connections 1--16.................
Figure 1--12: On/Standby switch 1--17.............................
Figure 1--13: System setup 1-- 19..................................
Figure 2--1: Front panel 2--1.....................................
Figure 2--2: Home window 2--4..................................
Figure 2--3: Toolbar 2--5........................................
Figure 2--4: Help menu 2--9.....................................
Figure 3--1: Out of Channel Emissions measurement window 3--2.....
Figure 3--2: Out of Channel Emissions setup 3--2...................
Figure 3--3: S/N, EVM, and Pilot Amplitude measurement window 3--3
Figure 3--4: Phase Noise Measurement window 3--5.................
Figure 3--5: Phase Noise setup 3--5...............................
Figure 3--6: Frequency Response and Group Delay measurement
window 3--7...............................................
Figure 3--7: Frequency Response and Group Delay setup 3--7.........
Figure 3--8: Amplitude and Phase Errors measurement window 3--9...
Figure 3--9: Amplitude Error and Phase Error setup 3--9............
Figure 3--10: Peak-to-Average and Channel Spectrum measurement
window 3--10...............................................
RFA300A Measurement Set 8VSB
Table of Contents
Figure 3--11: Peak-to-Average Setup 3--11..........................
Figure 3--12: Signal Monitor measurement window 3--12.............
Figure 3--13: Signal Monitor Setup 3--13...........................
Figure 3--14: 8VSB exciter block diagram 3--14......................
Figure 3--15: Data interleaving 3--15...............................
Figure 3--16: Data segment sync 3--16..............................
Figure 3--17: Frame synchronizing segment 3--17....................
Figure A--1: IF filter characteristics A--3...........................
Figure A--2: 8VSB transmitter emissions mask A--8.................
Figure B--1: Repackaging the instrument (new packagin g) B--6.......
Figure B--2: Repackaging the instrument (old p ackaging) B--8........
Figure B--3: Placement of bottom spacer pad in inner shipping box B--9
RFA300A Measurement Set 8VSB

List of Tables

Table of Contents
T able 1--1: Standard accessories 1--4.............................
Table 1--2: Optional accessories 1--4..............................
Table 1--3: Operating requirements 1--6..........................
Table 2--1: Front panel-key controls 2--2..........................
Table 2--2: Control key combination functions 2--3.................
Table 2--3: Toolbar functions 2--5................................
Table A--1: Input specifications A--2..............................
T able A--2: Measurement specifications A--4.......................
T able A--3: System components A--9..............................
T able A--4: Front panel interface characteristics A--10................
Table A--5: Rear panel interface characteristics A--11................
T able A--6: AC power source characteristics A--13...................
T able A--7: Environmental characteristics A--14.....................
Table A--8: Dynamics A--15......................................
Table A--9: Transportation A--15..................................
Table A--10: Certifications and compliances A--16...................
T able A--11: Mechanical characteristics A--18.......................
Table B--1: Troubleshooting B--4.................................
Table D--1: ResultID Values for Mask Tests D--2....................
RFA300A Measurement Set 8VSB
Table of Contents
RFA300A Measurement Set 8VSB

General Safety Summary

Review the following safety precautions to avoid injury and prevent damage to this product or any products connected to it. To avoid potential hazards, use this product only as specified.
Only qualified personnel should perform service procedures.
Personal Injury
Use Proper Power Cord. Use only the power cord specified for this product and certified for the country of use.
Ground the Product. This product is grounded through the grounding conductor of the power cord. To avoid electric shock, the grounding conductor must be connected to earth ground. Before making connections to the input or output terminals of the product, ensure that the product is properly grounded.
Observe All Terminal Ratings. To avoid fire or shock hazard, observe all ratings and markings on the product. Consult the product manual for further ratings information before making connections to the product.
Do Not Operate Without Covers. Do not operate this product with covers or panels removed.
Use Proper Fuse. Use only the fuse type and rating specified for this product.
Avoid Exposed Circuitry. Do not touch exposed connections and components
when power is present.
Do Not Operate With Suspected Failures. If you suspect there is damage to this product, have it inspected by qualified service personnel.
Do Not Operate in Wet/Damp Conditions.
Do Not Operate in an Explosive Atmosphere.
Keep Product Surfaces Clean and Dry.
Provide Proper Ventilation. Refer to the manual’s installation instructions for
details on installing the product so it has proper ventilation.
RFA300A Measurement Set 8VSB
General Safety Summary
Symbols and Terms
Terms in this Manual. These terms may appear in this manual:
WARNING. Warning statements identify conditions or practices that could result in injury or loss of life.
CAUTION. Caution statements identify conditions or practices that could result in damage to this product or other property.
Terms on the Product. These terms may appear on the product:
DANGER indicates an injury hazard immediately accessible as you read the marking.
WARNING indicates an injury hazard not immediately accessible as you read the marking.
CAUTION indicates a hazard to property including the product.
Symbols on the Product. The following symbols may appear on the product:
Refer to Manual
Protective Ground
(Earth) Terminal
RFA300A Measurement Set 8VSB


This manual contains operating information for the RFA300A Measurement Set 8VSB. The manual consists of the following sections:
H Chapter 1: Getting Started. Provides a product description, installation
procedures, connection information, and information on getting the instrument ready for use.
H Chapter 2: Operating Basics. Provides basic information about using the
H Chapter 3: Reference. Contains an overview of each measurement window
and of the 8VSB standard.
H Appendix A: Specifications. Lists the environmental, physical, and electrical
properties of the instrument.
H Appendix B: User Service. Provides user service information including
general care, preventive maintenance, troubleshooting, and repackaging.
H Appendix C: Software Installation. Describes how to format a hard drive and
reinstall the operating system software and associated hardware drivers.

Related Documentation

H Appendix D: Mask File Formatting. Describes how to format a mask file
using a text editor.
In addition to this user manual, the following documentation is available for your measurement set.
H The online help provides information about using the measurement set. To
view online help, select Help Topics from the Help menu.
H The optional RFA300A Measurement Set 8VSB Service Manual provides
board-level service information.
RFA300A Measurement Set 8VSB

Contacting Tektronix

Phone 1-800-833-9200*
Address Tektronix, Inc.
Department or name (if known) 14200 SW Karl Braun Dri ve P.O. Box 500 Beaverton, OR 97077 USA
Web site www.tektronix.com
Sales support 1-800-833-9200, select option 1*
Service support 1-800-833-9200, select option 2*
Technical support Email: techsupport@tektronix.com
1-800-833-9200, select option 3*
6:00 a.m. -- 5:00 p.m. Pacific time
* This phone number is toll free in North America. After office hours, please leave a
voice mail message. Outside North America, contact a Tektronix sales office or distributor; see the Tektronix web site for a list of offices.
RFA300A Measurement Set 8VSB

Getting Started

Product Description

This chapter provides basic information about using and installing the RFA300A Measurement Set 8VSB. There is information about the physical instrument and introductory material on how to operate it. Once you have a basic understanding, proceed to the next chapter, Operating Basics, to form a conceptual model of how the measurement set works.
The measurement set provides information on 8VSB digital television signals in conformance with the ATSC Digital Television Standard. Signals are acquired at the transmitter and the measurements consist of the following:
H Complex Modulation Error Ratio
H Signal to Noise Ratio
H Error Vector Magnitude
H Pilot Amplitude Error
H Out-of-Channel Emissions
H Frequency Response Error
H Group Delay
H Amplitude Error
H Phase Error
H Phase Noise Error
H Peak to Average Ratio
H Channel Spectrum (display of the selected channel, not a measurement)
The instruments measurements can run continuously, thereby monitoring transmitter performance on a constant basis. Operation of the instrument is controlled from the front panel keypad and the touch screen or from an attached keyboard and mouse. Figure 1--1 shows the front panel of the measurement set.
RFA300A Measurement Set 8VSB
1- 1
Getting Started
Figure 1- 1: RFA300A 8VSB Measurement Set front panel
The measurement set uses the Microsoft Windows NT operating system. The Home window is the point-of-entry into the program. Access each measurement from the Home window by clicking on the appropriate icon as shown in Figure 1--2 on page 1--3.
1- 2
RFA300A Measurement Set 8VSB
RFA300A --Home
Figure 1- 2: Home window
Getting Started
Refer to the next chapters Operating Basics and Reference for an overview on operating the measurement set. For detail information, refer to the online help.
RFA300A Measurement Set 8VSB
1- 3
Getting Started


Table 1--1 and Table 1--2 list the standard and optional accessories.
Table 1- 1: Standard accessories
Description Quantity Part number
RFA300A Measurement Set 8VSB User Manual 1 071-0697-XX
RFA300A Measurement Set 8VSB Application Software on CD-ROM
Windows NT Software and manual on CD-ROM 1 119-5514-XX
WINNT keyboard (US) 1 119-6216-XX
Tektronix three-button mouse 1 119-4330-XX
Standard IEC power cord, 125 V 1 161-0104-00
Front protective cover 1 200-4408-XX
10 dB Attenuator 1 119-6328-00
Rackmount slides hardware kit 1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
1 063-3410-XX
Table 1- 2: Optional accessories
Description Quantity Part number
Accessory pouch 1 016-1441-XX
Power cord options
Opt. A1 Universal Euro 230 V, 50 Hz 1 161-0104-06
Opt. A4 North America 240 V, 60 Hz 1 161-0104-08
1- 4
Portable cabinet kit w/ instructions 1 016-1929-XX
Option D1, Calibration certificate 1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
RFA300A Measurement Set 8VSB Service Manual
Performance Procedure and Adjustment Procedure software disk
RFA300A Measurement Set 8VSB


Check the Shipping List

Read this section before attempting any installation procedures. This section describes site considerations, power requirements, and ground connections for your instrument.
Verify that you have received all of the parts of your measurement set. Use the shipping lists that came with your instrument to compare against the actual contents of your order. You should also do the following:
H Verify that you have the correct power cord for your geographical area.
H Verify that you have the CD that contains a backup copy of the installed
software. Store the CD in a safe location where you can easily retrieve the software for maintenance purposes.
H Verify that you have a boot disk in case you reformat the hard drive or
damage operating system files or drivers.
NOTE. Keep the software packaging available. You will need it to enter the Windows NT software registration number when you first power on the analyzer. (See step 3 under Powering On and Off on page 1--18.)
H Verify that you have all the other standard and optional accessories that you
RFA300A Measurement Set 8VSB
1- 5

Operating Requirements

Table 1--3 lists the operating requirements. Refer to Appendix A: Specifications for a complete specification list.
Table 1- 3: Operating requirem ents
Requirement Specification
Source voltage 90--250 VAC
Steady State input current 6A
Maximum power consumption 540W
Temperature +5 °Cto+45°C(32°Fto113°F), 30 °C/hr max
Humidity 20% to 80% relative humidity, non-condensing.
maximum, 1.9 A typical
gradient, non-condensing (derated 1 °C per 1,000 ft. above 5,000 ft. altitude)
Max wet bulb temperature: +31 °C (derates relative humidity to ~50% @ 50 °C).

Hardware Installation

Altitude To 10,000 ft. (3,040 m), (derated 1 °C per
1,000 ft. above 5,000 ft. altitude).
Before you can operate the product, you must connect the provided power cord. Refer to Figure 1--10 and connect the power cord to the instrument. Refer to Table 1--3 for the supply voltage rating and connect the other end of the power cord to the proper source. Do not connect to any power sources other than those for which the instrument is rated.
This section deals with hardware installation. To reinstall software, refer to Appendix C: System Recovery.
The factory installed cabinet is designed to operate in an equipment rack (see Rackmount Installation on page 1--7). The optional portable cabinet allows you to operate the instrument on a bench or cart (see Portable Installation on page 1--12). For proper cooling, at least two inches (5.1 cm) of clearance is recommended on the rear and sides of the instrument cabinet.
The measurement set is limited to installations where a single, high-amplitude, 8VSB RF signal is available for direct input to the measurement set. Refer to RF Connections on page 1--14.
1- 6
RFA300A Measurement Set 8VSB
Rackmount Installation
If your instrument has the rackmount cabinet, there is rackmounting hardware on each side of the cabinet.
CAUTION. For proper cooling in an equipment rack installation, the air temperature at all air intake vents (inside of the rack) must not exceed 50
Mounting the Stationary Tracks in the Equipment Rack. The slider kit consists of left and right stationary tracks that must be installed in the equipment rack. Extra hardware is provided with the slider assemblies. Since the hardware is intended to make the sliders compatible with a variety of racks and installation methods, not all of the hardware will be used for any installation procedure.
1. Attach the extension bracket to the rear of the stationary track.
a. Measure the distance between the front and rear rails of the equipment
rack using method A or method B. Refer to Figure 1--3.
H Method A. If the extension bracket is to be mounted against the front
edge of the rear rail in the equipment rack, measure from the front edge of the rear rail to the front edge of the front rail.
H Method B. If the extension bracket is to be mounted against the
inside surface of the rear rail in the equipment rack, measure from the front corner of the rear rail to the front edge of the front rail.
b. Attach the extension bracket to the rear of the stationary track so that the
length of the combined assembly is approximately that of the measure­ment taken in step a. above. Use the screws and bar nuts provided with the chassis tracks. Leave the screws loose.
2. Select the appropriate mounting holes in the front rails of the equipment
rack, observing the clearance measurements shown in Figure 1--4. The front panel of the rack adapter is designed to fit in an 11-inch high opening.
RFA300A Measurement Set 8VSB
1- 7
Method A Method B
Rear rail
10-32 PNH screw
Extension bracket
Stationary track
Bar Nut
Use this measurement
Stop latch hole
Automatic latchAutomatic latch
NOTE: Right-hand and left-hand stationary sections are designated by the RH and the LH marked on the rails. Stop latch holes should be towards the bottom when slides are in place. (The right hand rail is shown above.)
Figure 1- 3: Attaching the extension brackets to the stationary tracks
Rear rail
Extension bracket
Stationary track
Use this measurement
1- 8
0.500 in.
1.75 in.
Adjacent equipment
Figure 1- 4: Mounting hole selection on the front rails of the equipment rack
REV SEP 1994
RFA300A Measurement Set 8VSB
3. Mount the stationary sections (with extension brackets attached) to the front
and rear rails of the equipment rack.
a. Install the rear of the stationary section in front of, behind, or beside the
rear rail of the equipment rack. Use the mounting holes in the rear rails that correspond to the same level as the front rail holes selected.
If the rear-rail mounting holes are tapped, the bar nut is not used to attach the extensions. If the rear-rail mounting holes are not tapped, use the bar nut on the inside of the rail, as shown in Figure 1--5A or use suitable captive nut clips (not supplied). Figure 1--5B shows the extension bracket mounted to the inside surface of the rear rail.
Method A Method B
Rear rail
10-32 PNH
Bar nut (use
if rear rail is not tapped)
Figure 1- 5: Attaching the extension bracket to the rear rail of the equipment rack
Rear rail
RFA300A Measurement Set 8VSB
1- 9
b. Mount the stationary sections (with the bracket extensions) to the front
rails. If the front rails are not tapped, use the bar nuts. Refer to Figure 1--6.
Front rail
Bar nut (use if front rail is not tapped)
10-32 PNH
Figure 1- 6: Mounting the stationary section to the front rail of the equipment rack
4. Tighten the screws attaching the extension bracket to the stationary section.
Refer to Figure 1--7.
Tighten these screws
1- 10
Figure 1- 7: Stationary bracket, extension bracket, and attaching screws
RFA300A Measurement Set 8VSB
Installing the Instrument in the Equipment Rack. Perform the following steps to install the instrument in the equipment rack:
1. Pull out the intermediate sections of each slide-out track to the fully
extended position. Refer to Figure 1--8.
2. Insert the tracks of the rack adapter into the slide-out intermediate sections.
3. Press both stop latch releases and push the rack adapter toward the rack until
the latches snap into their holes.
4. Again press the stop latches and push the rack adapter fully into the
equipment rack.
Figure 1- 8: Installing the instrument into the equipment rack
RFA300A Measurement Set 8VSB
1- 11
5. If necessary, adjust the alignment of the stationary sections according to the
following procedure:
a. Loosen the mounting screws at the front of both stationary sections.
b. Allow the tracks to seek their normal positions with the adapter centered
in the rack.
c. Tighten the mounting screws.
Portable Installation
The optional portable cabinet allows you to operate the instrument on a bench or cart. If you operate the instrument while it rests on the rear feet, make sure that you properly route any cables coming out of the rear of the instrument to avoid damaging them. Table 1--2 on page 1--4 lists the part number of the portable cabinet.
CAUTION. Keep the bottom of the instrument clear of obstructions to ensure proper cooling.
1- 12
RFA300A Measurement Set 8VSB

Creating a Startup Disk

An RFA300A Windows NT Start Up disk is shipped with the instrument. Use this disk to restart your measurement set in case of a major hardware or software failure. This section creates an extra startup disk in case the original becomes corrupted.
All software is installed at the factory. If you ever need to reinstall, refer to
Appendix C: Software Installation.
NOTE. You cannot reinstall software without a startup disk.
To create a startup disk, do the following:
1. Open My Computer/Control Panel, and double-click on Add/Remove Programs.
2. Select the Startup Disk tab.
3. Click the Create Disk button and follow instructions.
4. Copy the following files to the startup disk:
5. Create a file named AUTOEXEC.BAT in the startup disk. Add the line MSCDEX.EXE /D:TEAC--CDI/L:D to the file.
6. Open the CONFIG.SYS file in the startup disk and add DEVICE=TEAC_CDLSYS /D:TEAC--CDI to the end file.
RFA300A Measurement Set 8VSB
1- 13

RF Connections

The quality of the input signal path is critical in obtaining the full-specified performance of the measurement set. Therefore, you must connect the measure­ment set to your transmitter using high quality cable and connectors. The following list provides the requirements needed for the RF connection:
H Hold the nonflatness of the input signal to approximately 0.05 dB peak-to-
peak or less over the width of the channel.
H Keep the station’s radiated signal to at least 63 dB down from the sampled
signal in the line by using appropriate shielding.
H The cable with connectors must have a return loss of at least 26 dB
(VSWR ± 1.10) over the channel width and a loss tilt of less than .02 dB over the channel width. This assumes that the tap used to obtain the signal has a return loss of ² 30 dB (VSWR ± 1.065).
High quality cable and connectors are required to meet the listed requirements. The connectors should be precision grade at both ends of the cable. The best cable type is dependent on the run length and operating frequency. The return loss requirement is hardest to meet at high frequencies, and the loss tilt is hardest to meet at low frequencies. In either case, minimize the difficulties by using only a few feet for cable length. Longer lengths (50 ft. or more) place extreme requirements on cable quality specifications.
The rear panel provides two RF input connectors for your transmitted signal. Refer to Figures 1--9 and 1--10 to connect the measurement set to your transmit­ter and for other connections.
Transmitter Channel filter
Power input
Figure 1- 9: Transmitter connection
Connect the measurement set to your transmitter in a manner that ensures the instrument will receive only one channel. If the input signal strength is more than 1 watt, install the external 10 dB attenuator (the input signal strength cannot be more than 2 watts).
1- 14
RFA300A Measurement Set 8VSB
NOTE. Power to the measurement set must be within the following ranges:
> 1 mW and < 1 W without the external 10 dB attenuator.
> 10 mW and less 2 W with the external 10 dB attenuator installed.
Power Alarm
Figure 1- 10: Rear view
RFA300A Measurement Set 8VSB
COM port 1
1- 15

Interface Connections

The interface connectors on the rear and side of the RF measurement set, shown in Figure 1--10 and Figure 1--11, provide the interconnection ports for peripheral devices and networking. Pin assignments for the rear panel and side panel connectors are listed in Table A--4 and Table A--5 in Appendix A:Specifications.

Keyboard and Mouse Connections

Connect the keyboard and mouse to the left side of the instrument as shown in Figure 1--11.
(Not used)
Figure 1- 11: Keyboard and mouse connections
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RFA300A Measurement Set 8VSB
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