Tektronix P7260 Service Manual

Service Manual
P7260 6 GHz 5X/25X Active Probe
The servicing instructions are for use by qualified personnel only. To avoid personal injury, do not perform any servicing unless you are qualified to do so. Refer to all safety summaries prior to performing service.
Copyright © Tektronix, Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed software products are owned by Tektronix or its suppliers and are protected by United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions.
Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(i i) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, or subparagraphs (c)(1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer Software -- Restricted Rights clause at FAR 52.227-19, as applicable.
Tektronix products are covered by U.S. and foreign patents, issued and pending. Information in this publication supercedes that in all previously published material. Specifications and price change privileges reserved.
Tektronix, Inc., P.O. Box 500, Beaverton, OR 97077
TEKTRONIX, TEK, TekConnect, and KlipChip are registered trademarks of Tektronix, Inc.

General Safety Summary

Review the following safety precautions to avoid injury and prevent damage to this product or any products connected to it. To avoid potential hazards, use this product only as specified.
Personal Injury
Symbols and Terms
Connect and Disconnect Properly. Connect the probe output to the measurement instrument before connecting the probe to the circuit under test. Disconnect the probe input and the probe ground from the circuit under test before disconnecting the probe from the measurement instrument.
Observe All Terminal Ratings. To avoid fire or shock hazard, observe all ratings and markings on the product. Consult the product manual for further ratings information before making connections to the product.
Do Not Operate Without Covers. Do not operate this product with covers or panels removed.
Do Not Operate With Suspected Failures. If you suspect there is damage to this product, have it inspected by qualified service personnel.
Do Not Operate in Wet/Damp Conditions.
Do Not Operate in an Explosive Atmosphere.
Keep Product Surfaces Clean and Dry.
Terms in this Manual. These terms may appear in this manual:
WARNING. Warning statements identify conditions or practices that could result in injury or loss of life.
CAUTION. Caution statements identify conditions or practices that could result in damage to this product or other property.
Terms on the Product. These terms may appear on the product:
DANGER indicates an injury hazard immediately accessible as you read the marking.
WARNING indicates an injury hazard not immediately accessible as you read the marking.
CAUTION indicates a hazard to property including the product.
P7260 6 GHz 5X/25X Active Probe Service Manual
General Safety Summary
Symbols on the Product. The following symbols may appear on the product:
Refer to Manual
P7260 6 GHz 5X/25X Active Probe Service Manual

Service Safety Summary

Only qualified personnel should perform service procedures. Read this Service Safety Summary and the General Safety Summary before performing any service
Do Not Service Alone. Do not perform internal service or adjustments of this product unless another person capable of rendering first aid and resuscitation is present.
P7260 6 GHz 5X/25X Active Probe Service Manual
Service Safety Summary
P7260 6 GHz 5X/25X Active Probe Service Manual


Manual Structure

Related Documentation

This is the service manual for the P7260 6 GHz Active Probe. Read this preface to learn how this manual is structured and where you can find other information related to servicing this product.
This manual is available as a printable .pdf file on our website at
www.tektronix.com. Select the Software and Drivers link l ocated on the home page.
This manual contains two sections—Description and Performance Verification and is intended to be used by qualified service personnel. Replaceable parts are limited to accessories and adapters and are described in the User Manual that is shipped with the probe.
Be sure to read the introductions to all procedures. These introductions provide important information needed to do the service correctly, safely, and efficiently.
The probe is shipped with the following manual:
H P7260 6 GHz 5X/25X Active Probe User Manual (Tektronix part number
P7260 6 GHz 5X/25X Active Probe Service Manual

Contacting Tektronix

Phone 1-800-833-9200*
Address Tektronix, Inc.
Department or name (if known) 14200 SW Karl Braun Drive P.O. Box 500 Beaverton, OR 97077 USA
Web site www.tektronix.com
Sales support 1-800-833-9200, select option 1*
Service support 1-800-833-9200, select option 2*
Technical support Email: support@tektronix.com
1-800-833-9200, select option 3*
6:00 a.m. -- 5:00 p.m. Pacific time
* This phone number is toll free in North America. After office hours, pl ease leave a
voice mail message. Outside North America, contact a Tektronix sales office or distributor; see the Tektronix web site for a list of offices.
P7260 6 GHz 5X/25X Active Probe Service Manual
+ 18 hidden pages