Tektronix 200 Series, Phaser 200E, Network Utilities User Manual

User Manual
Network Utilities for Phaserª Color Printers
First printing December 1993 070-8901-00
Copyright All rights reserved. Contents of this publication may not be reproduced in any form without permission of
1993 by Tektronix, Inc., Wilsonville, Oregon. Printed in the United States of America.
Tektronix, Inc.
This instrument, in whole or in part, may be protected by one or more U.S. or foreign patents or patent applications. Information provided upon request from Tektronix, Inc., P.O. Box 1000, Wilsonville, Oregon 97070-1000.
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Tektronix, Inc., P.O. Box 1000, Wilsonville, Oregon 97070-1000.
is a registered trademark of Tektronix, Inc. TekColorª, ColorCoatª, ColorStixª and Finepointª are trademarks of Tektronix, Inc. Phaserª is a trademark of Tektronix, Inc. for color printers and related products.
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Timesª , Helveticaª and Palatinoª are trademarks of Linotype-Hell AG and/or its subsidiaries.
Other marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of the companies with which they are associated.
Colors generated by Phaser Color Printers are four-color process simulations and may not match PANTONE-identiÞed solid color standards. Use current PANTONE Color Reference Manuals for accurate colors.
PANTONE Color simulations are only obtainable on these products when driven by qualiÞed Pantone-licensed software packages. Contact Pantone, Inc. for a current list of qualiÞed licensees.
Pantone, Inc.Õs check-standard trademark for color reproduction and color reproduction materials.
© Pantone, Inc., 1988.
1 Introduction
How to use this manual 1-1 Related documentation 1-2 Whom to call for help 1-3
Customer support 1-3 Automated information by fax 1-3 Printer service and repair 1-3
Typographical conventions 1-4
File names, directory names, folder names 1-4 Menus and command names in menus 1-4 Sample lines from ASCII files 1-4 Command line syntax 1-5
2 Network Printing with Tektronix Color Printers
How to tell if the Ethernet internal hardware is installed in your printer 2-1 How to tell which protocols are enabled in your printer 2-2 Your printerÕs configuration page 2-3 TCP/IP authorization code 2-4 Network installation overview 2-5 Ethernet connection 2-6
If you are connecting both EtherTalk and LocalTalk 2-6 Ethernet adapters 2-6 Ethernet cables and termination 2-8
10BASE-T (Twisted Pair) 2-8 10BASE2 (Thin Ethernet) 2-8 10BASE5 (Thick Ethernet) 2-8
Your printerÕs network utilities diskettes 2-9 Resetting your printer 2-11
Resetting your printer using PostScript files 2-12
Macintosh users 2-12 PC users 2-13 Workstation users 2-13
3 EtherTalk Configuration (Macintosh)
Before you begin 3-1 Using AppleTalk Phase 2 3-1 EtherTalk configuration overview 3-2 Print out the configuration page 3-2 Finding your printerÕs name in the Chooser 3-3 Changing your printerÕs zone 3-4 Changing your printerÕs name (optional) 3-5 Printer name and AppleTalk zones 3-6 Disabling protocols 3-7
4 Novell NetWare Configuration
Before you begin 4-1 NetWare configuration overview 4-2 Allowing unencrypted passwords 4-3 Printer configuration using the Advanced Configuration Tool 4-4
Installing the Advanced Configuration Tool 4-5 Choosing items in the Advanced Configuration Tool 4-6 Advanced Configuration Tool menu map 4-8 NetWare quickstart procedure (Quick Configuration) 4-10
Default parameters set up by quick configuration 4-12
Advanced configuration 4-14
Configure print server (printer) menu 4-15 Configure print server (file server) menu 4-16 Configure queue menu 4-17
Obtaining print server and queue status 4-18
Print server status menu 4-18
Queue status menu 4-18 Monitoring print server activity 4-19 Changing the print server name or password 4-19
If you configured NetWare using the Advanced Configuration Tool 4-19
If you configured NetWare using PCONSOLE 4-20 Exiting the Advanced Configuration Tool 4-20
Printer configuration using PCONSOLE 4-21
Adding a print server 4-21 Selecting queues for the printer 4-22
Modifying other print server parameters (optional) 4-23 How to disable protocols 4-24 Troubleshooting 4-25
Printer does not appear in the Advanced Configuration Tool 4-25
Testing the file server-to-printer connection 4-26
Cannot submit job to a queue 4-27
Job appears in queue, but printer does not to service it 4-28
Job is serviced, but does not print 4-29
5 TCP/IP Configuration
Before you begin 5-2 Installing files from your printerÕs network utilities diskettes 5-3 Downloading files from the Tektronix Color Printer Information Server 5-4 TCP/IP configuration overview. 5-6 Printing out the configuration page 5-7 Authorizing the TCP/IP protocol 5-7
How to tell if TCP/IP is authorized on your printer 5-7
Sending the authorization code to your printer 5-8
Authorizing TCP/IP from a Macintosh 5-9 Authorizing TCP/IP from a PC 5-11
Authorizing TCP/IP from a UNIX host 5-14 Configuring your host 5-16 Configuring your printer 5-17
Setting your printerÕs IP address 5-18
Setting your printerÕs IP address using RARP or BOOTP (server-based
configuration) 5-18
Setting your printerÕs IP address information in the printerÕs internal memory
(printer-based configuration) 5-20
Controlling host access and control character filtering 5-24
LPR (BSD systems) 5-24 AppSocket (TCP Sockets) 5-26
Receiving printer status (optional) 5-27
Syslog 5-27 SNMP 5-29
Troubleshooting 5-31
Testing the network connection 5-31 Solving printing problems 5-32
How to disable protocols 5-33
A Unix Host Configuration for TCP/IP
How to use this manual
This manual provides information needed by system administrators and others who need to install Tektronix color printers equipped with an internal Ethernet interface. Tektronix printers that do not support the internal Ethernet interface can be attached to Ethernet networks by using the Tektronix 4511A Network Interface. The 4511A Network Interface supports the TCP/IP protocol (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol). See your authorized Tektronix representative for 4511A ordering information.
Before using this manual, you should unpack and set up your Tektronix printer. You should also install the appropriate drivers on any PC and Macintosh computers on your network. Instructions for these unpacking, set-up, and installation tasks are contained in your printerÕs user manual and the manual that is shipped with your Tektronix printerÕs drivers and utilities diskettes.
After your printer is set up, use this network manual in
conjunction with your printerÕs network utilities diskettes to conÞgure the printer for network operation.
Chapter 2 of this manual contains general information about the internal network interface in Tektronix color printers. Whether you are installing the printer into an EtherTalk, NetWare, TCP/IP, or mixed environment, you should read this chapter.
Chapters 3, 4, and 5 explain conÞguration for EtherTalk, NetWare, and TCP/IP respectively. Read the chapter(s) appropriate for your network.
User Manual
Related documentation
Several manuals and other documents are included with your printer. In most cases, you will need to use some or all of these documents before you use this manual for network conÞguration.
Network upgrade kit installation instructions. These
instructions describe how to install the circuit board that provides your printer with network capability.
upgrades only; if you order your printer from Tektronix with networking capability, the circuit board is already installed and you do not receive these instructions.
Printer user manual. This manual describes how to set up and
use your printer. Printer setup includes installing transfer rolls, loading paper trays, and connecting cables (except Ethernet). Other topics include installing drivers, power up, printing, printer cleaning, and troubleshooting.
These instructions are for
Printer drivers and utilities manual. This manual describes how
to use the software on your printerÕs drivers and utilities diskettes. This software includes Tektronix printer drivers and other useful Þles. Important topics in this manual include driver installation and use, color correction, and printer conÞguration through PostScript Þles.
Supplies information sheet. Use this sheet to order accessories
and supplies for Tektronix printers.
Network Utilities for Phaser Color Printers
Whom to call for help
Customer support
Call your dealer or a Tektronix sales representative for assistance, or in the U.S.A. and Canada, call the Customer Support Hot Line:
Automated information by fax
As an alternative to calling the Customer Support Hot Line, call HAL, our automated information system. HAL faxes you information immediately. Topics include:
The latest technical hints and tips
Solutions to most common technical problems
Application notes (for example, QuarkXpress, CorelDRAW!)
1-800-835-6100 .
Product information such as data sheets and sales literature
To order a complete technical support catalog listing all available articles offered by HAL, from any touch-tone phone call call
1-800-835-6100 (6:00 am - 5:00 pm, PST). For complete instructions on
using HAL, refer to your printerÕs user manual.
(503) 682-7450 directly, or
Printer service and repair
If your printer needs service or repair, call 1-800-547-8949 (in the U.S.A., from 5:00 am to 5:00 pm PST). Outside the U.S., contact your nearest Tektronix dealer.
User Manual
Typographical conventions
The typographical conventions used in this manual are described in the following topics.
File names, directory names, folder names
File names, directory names, and folder names in text are represented in
italics . For example:
/etc/hosts (Unix)
Reset Printer (Macintosh)
Menus and command names in menus
Menus and command names in a menu-driven interface are represented in
bold . For example:
Print ConÞguration Page from the File menu.
Sample lines from ASCII Þles
Sample lines from ASCII Þles are represented in Courier font. For example:
Go to the 9th line; it looks like this:
NAME="Tektronix Phaser III PXi"
Network Utilities for Phaser Color Printers
Command line syntax
Bold type is used to indicate characters you must type exactly as shown. For
Optional command parameters are indicated within [square brackets]. For example:
Extra spaces are added between command elements for clarity; you need only type a single space.
type indicates variable elements. For example:
arp -a printer-name printer-Ethernet-address
To extract the Þles from the diskette, enter this command:
tar xvf /dev/ devicename [ dir ]
Þle ]
where specifying extracts a single Þle, and no arguments extracts the contents of the entire disk.
dir extracts an entire directory, specifying Þle
User Manual
Network Utilities for Phaser Color Printers
Network Printing with Tektronix Color Printers
Many Tektronix color printers are equipped with a rear panel Ethernet connector. However, to make the connector active, internal hardware is required. The internal hardware can be purchased initially with the printer as an option or later as an upgrade kit. The internal hardware is a small circuit board installed inside the printer.
How to tell if the Ethernet internal hardware is installed in your printer
To determine if the Ethernet internal hardware is installed, look for the label near the Ethernet port on the printerÕs rear panel. If the Ethernet option is installed, a label showing the word ÒINSTALLEDÓ is attached; otherwise, ÒNot InstalledÓ is visible.
If the Ethernet internal hardware is installed, the printerÕs startup page and conÞguration page list the following Þelds:
Startup page ConÞguration page
Ethernet Protocols Ethernet Address Authorization Code
Ethernet Address Authorization Code EtherTalk NetWare PrintServer TCP/IP LPR AppSocket Syslog SNMP
User Manual
Network Printing with Tektronix Color Printers
If the Ethernet internal hardware is not installed, the Þelds listed in the table do not appear; instead, a Þeld reading ÒEthernet: Not InstalledÓ is listed.
Refer to your printerÕs user manual for more information on the startup page. For more information on the conÞguration page, see ÒYour printerÕs conÞguration pageÓ on page 2-3.
How to tell which protocols are enabled in your printer
All protocols can be enabled and disabled. However, TCP/IP must Þrst be authorized by sending the printer an authorization code (see ÒTCP/IP authorization codeÓ on page 2-4). Once TCP/IP is authorized, it can be enabled or disabled like the other protocols.
The conÞguration page reports which protocols are enabled. If a protocol is enabled, the field for that protocol lists the current parameters. If the protocol is disabled, the field for that protocol contains an entry reading ÒDisabled.Ó
For more information on the conÞguration page, see the next topic.
Network Utilities for Phaser Color Printers
Network Printing with Tektronix Color Printers
Your printerÕs conÞguration page
Your printer can generate a conÞguration page that lists the following types of information:
General printer information
TekColor settings
Communication and network parameters for all ports
SCSI disk settings (if the printer has a SCSI port)
The information supplied on the conÞguration page is very helpful when you are installing and conÞguring the printer on a network.
There are two ways to print the conÞguration page:
Use the printerÕs rear-panel DIP switches. See your printerÕs user manual for instructions on printing the conÞguration page by setting DIP switches. Use this method if your printer is not yet conÞgured on the network.
Send a PostScript language Þle from your printerÕs network utilities diskettes to the printer. You will not be able to send PostScript language Þles to the printer over Ethernet until your printer is conÞgured on the network. See ÒYour printer Õs network utilities diskettesÓ on page 2-9 for more information on your printerÕs network utilities diskettes.
From a Macintosh, send the Þle Print ConÞguration Page. The Þle is self-sending. Select the printer in the
Chooser , then double-click
the self-sending arrow icon to send the Þle to the printer.
From a PC, send the Þle PRNTCNFG.PS in the NET-UTIL directory.
Use the DOS COPY command to send the Þle to the printer.
From a UNIX workstation, send the Þle prntcnfg.ps.
Do not attempt to use the Print ConÞguration Page command in the LaserWriter UtilityÕs Utilities menu to print the conÞguration page.
User Manual
Network Printing with Tektronix Color Printers
TCP/IP authorization code
When the Ethernet option is installed, the EtherTalk and NetWare protocols are immediately active. To acquire TCP/IP capability, another option is required. Upon purchasing the TCP/IP option, you receive an authorization
code, which is sent to the printer to activate the TCP/IP protocol. If you purchase the TCP/IP option initially with the printer, the authorization code is sent to the printer at the factory (TCP/IP is active when you receive the printer). If you
add the TCP/IP capability later with a printer upgrade kit, you must send the authorization code to the printer to activate TCP/IP. For speciÞc instructions on sending the authorization code to the printer, see ÒAuthorizing the TCP/IP protocolÓ on page 5-7.
The authorization code is printed on a certiÞcate. The certiÞcate is included with your printer (if the TCP/IP option is factory-installed) or with the upgrade kit (if the TCP/IP option is added later).
Retain the certiÞcate as proof-of-purchase for the TCP/IP option. Tektronix service personnel may need to refer to this number if your printer requires service.
Network Utilities for Phaser Color Printers
Network installation overview
The following diagram summarizes the process of installing a Tektronix printer on a network.
Network Printing with Tektronix Color Printers
Step 1, unpacking and setting up your printer, must be done before attempting to conÞgure the printer on a network. Printer setup includes installing transfer rolls, loading paper trays, and turning on the printer. See your printerÕs user manual for information about printer setup. ÒEthernet connectionÓ on page 2-6 provides information about physically connecting the printer to an Ethernet network.
Step 2 is done at the factory when the Ethernet interface is purchased initially with your printer.
Step 3 is also done at the factory if the TCP/IP option is purchased initially with the printer. When the Ethernet interface is purchased later as an upgrade kit, instructions for installing the internal hardware are provided in an instruction sheet supplied with the circuit board. For speciÞc instructions on Step 3, sending the authorization code to the printer, see ÒAuthorizing the TCP/IP protocolÓ on page 5-7.
Step 4 is conÞguration for any of the supported network protocols. See Chapter 3 for EtherTalk, Chapter 4 for NetWare, and Chapter 5 for TCP/IP.
User Manual
Network Printing with Tektronix Color Printers
Ethernet connection
Ethernet is a communication standard that supports very high speed data transmission. Ethernet offers signiÞcant speed improvement compared to serial, parallel, and LocalTalk connections. Speed improvement varies greatly depending on network trafÞc, computer hardware, and other factors.
The printer's Ethernet port conforms to the IEEE 802.3 and Ethernet II standards, but it uses the smaller AAUI connector (developed by Apple Computer, Inc.) instead of the 15-pin AUI connector described in these standards. Ethernet AAUI adapters, available from Tektronix and other sources, connect the printer to the network cable or a conventional AUI cable.
If you are connecting both EtherTalk and LocalTalk
If you have both LocalTalk and Ethernet cables as part of the same Apple internet (EtherTalk), it is recommended that you connect only the Ethernet
cable. There is no beneÞt to making both LocalTalk and Ethernet connections to the printer if both cables are part of the same Apple internet. For information on printer behavior in this conÞguration, see ÒPrinter name and AppleTalk zonesÓ on page 3-6.
Ethernet adapters
Network Utilities for Phaser Color Printers
Your printerÕs Ethernet connector allows you to connect to one of three standard Ethernet cable types by using an Ethernet adapter. The Ethernet adapters shown on the next page are available through Tektronix or your dealer. Contact your dealer for Ethernet cables.
Make sure that the printer is turned off before making any Ethernet connections.
Network Printing with Tektronix Color Printers
Twisted pair (10BASE-T) adapter (Tektronix order number
Printer connection
Twisted pair connection
Thin coax (10BASE2) adapter (Tektronix order number 011-0161-00)
Printer connection
Ethernet cable connection
Thick coax (10BASE5/AUI) adapter (Tektronix order number 011-0160-00)
Printer connection
Thick AUI connection
AC power connection
User Manual
Network Printing with Tektronix Color Printers
Ethernet cables and termination
10BASE-T (Twisted Pair)
Do not use Òsilver satinÓ telephone extension cables for 10BASE-T networks, either as drop cords or as patch cables in the wiring closet. (Silver satin cables are ßat, usually silver or gray, with 28-gauge stranded or tinsel conductors.) Do not use shielded twisted pair cable intended for IBM token ring networks or voice-grade (level 1 or 2) unshielded twisted pair cable for wiring runs. These cables do not meet the requirements for 10BASE-T and
will lead to unreliable operation.
10BASE2 (Thin Ethernet)
Depending on the type of Ethernet cables you use and your network conÞguration, you may need to use terminators at certain points in the installation. Refer to the documentation for your Ethernet adapters and cables for details.
Tektronix and Apple 10BASE2 Ethernet adapters have built-in terminators and do not require additional terminators. Adapters from other manufacturers may not have built-in terminators and may require terminators and connectors such as those listed in the following table.
10Base2 BNC terminators and connectors
Part Tektronix order number
50-ohm BNC 011-0123-00
BNC T-connector 103-0030-00
50-ohm BNC receptacle-to-receptacle barrel connector
50-ohm BNC plug-to-plug barrel connector
10BASE5 (Thick Ethernet)
Contact your network administrator to obtain an approved AUI drop cable.
Network Utilities for Phaser Color Printers
Network Printing with Tektronix Color Printers
Your printerÕs network utilities diskettes
Your printerÕs network utilities diskettes contain programs for authorizing TCP/IP and for conÞguring your printer on a network. Use the appropriate diskette for your network:
For EtherTalk networks, use the software on the Macintosh
For NetWare networks, use the software on the PC version of the
For TCP/IP networks, use the software on the UNIX workstation
Do not confuse the printerÕs network utilities diskettes with the standard printer utilities diskettes. The standard utilities diskettes contain PostScript Þles for printer conÞguration not related to networking.
version of the printerÕs network utilities diskettes.
printerÕs network utilities diskettes.
version of the printerÕs network utilities diskettes. This diskette contains shell scripts that create PostScript Þles for TCP/IP authorization and conÞguration. It also contains PostScript files that you can send directly to the printer to perform various configuration tasks.
This diskette can be read by any workstation that can read tar format. If your workstation cannot read tar format, you can download the Þles from the Tektronix Color Printer Information Server. For instructions on downloading Þles, see ÒDownloading Þles from the Tektronix Color Printer Information ServerÓ on page 5-4.
User Manual
Network Printing with Tektronix Color Printers
The following table lists the Tektronix printer networking software according to the tasks required for network conÞguration.
Tektronix printer network software
Task Macintosh Þle PC Þle UNIX Þle
Add/remove CTRL-D characters to/from PostScript Þles
Authorize TCP/IP protocol
Change printerÕs name
Download PostScript Error handler to printer
Enable and disable Þltering of control characters from Þles
Enable and disable protocol operation
Perform NetWare conÞguration
Print conÞguration page
Authorizer AUTHRIZR.EXE authorize-feature*
LaserWriter Utility None None
Tek Error Handler TEKEHAND.PS tekehand.ps
Enable EtherTalk Disable EtherTalk Enable NetWare Disable NetWare Enable TCP-IP Disable TCP-IP
None Advanced
Print ConÞguration Page
ConÞguration Tool (ACT.EXE)
PRNTCNFG.PS prntcnfg.ps
addctrld delctrld
ethertalk-on.ps ethertalk-off.ps netware-on.ps netware-off.ps tcp-ip-on.ps tcp-ip-off.ps
Reset printer Reset Printer RESET.PS reset.ps
Set EtherTalk zone LaserWriter Utility None None
Set TCP/IP device parameters
*These Þles require that the Þle job-error-handler be installed in the same directory. The Þle job-error-handler is supplied on the UNIX diskette.
None None conÞg-IP*
Network Utilities for Phaser Color Printers
conÞg-LPR* conÞg-SNMP* conÞg-sockets* conÞg-syslog*
Resetting your printer
Several of the procedures in this manual require you to reset the printer. There are three ways to reset the printer:
Turn the printer off, then back on again.
Use the printerÕs rear-panel DIP switches. See your printerÕs user
manual for details.
Use a PostScript language file from the printerÕs network utilities
diskettes. Resetting the printer with a PostScript Þle restarts the printer as soon as all the jobs in its queue are Þnished. You will not be able to use this method until your printer is conÞgured on the network. For more information see the speciÞc instructions for Macintosh, PC, and workstations, which follow.
Resetting the printer by any of these methods restores the printer to its power-on conditions (not its factory default conditions). The power-on conditions include any custom changes made to the printer that are stored in the printerÕs non-volatile memory and are therefore persistent across printer power cycles. For example, the printerÕs name and serial port conÞguration are power-on conditions that are not altered by resetting the printer.
Network Printing with Tektronix Color Printers
User Manual
Network Printing with Tektronix Color Printers
Resetting your printer using PostScript Þles
Macintosh users
Do not use the Restart Printer command in the LaserWriter UtilityÕs Utilities menu. Follow this procedure to reset the printer using the LaserWriter Utility to download the Reset Printer utility Þle.
Select the printer in the Chooser.
Locate the LaserWriter Utility on the Macintosh version of the printerÕs network utilities diskettes.
Double-click on the LaserWriter Utility icon.
Choose Download PostScript File from the Utilities menu.
Select the Reset Printer Þle in the list; then click Open.
At the prompt
Save PostScript output as:
you are prompted to name the log Þle that the LaserWriter Utility creates for PostScript errors. Use either the default name given in the edit box or type in a new name. Click Save to send the Þle to the printer.
Network Utilities for Phaser Color Printers
The process of resetting the printer takes a few minutes to complete. You will receive a message on your screen indicating that the connection has been interrupted during the reset. The connection is re-established after the reset, so you can ignore this message; click the Continue button.
If the printer reports no PostScript errors, the LaserWriter Utility displays a dialog box. Click OK in the box to continue.
Network Printing with Tektronix Color Printers
PC users
This procedure resets the printer by sending a PostScript language Þle over a serial or parallel connection. You can also reset the printer by sending a PostScript language Þle over a NetWare connection, after you have Þnished the NetWare conÞguration described in Chapter 4.
Locate the RESET.PS Þle in the NET-UTIL directory on the PC version of the printerÕs network utilities diskettes or copy the Þle to your hard disk.
Change to the directory containing the Þle. For example, type:
Use the DOS COPY command to send the Þle to the printer. For example, type:
Workstation users
This procedure resets the printer by sending a PostScript language Þle over a TCP/IP connection. You will not be able to use this method until you have completed the TCP/IP conÞguration described in Chapter 5.
Before performing this procedure, you must install the Þles from the UNIX version of your printerÕs network utilities diskettes on to your host computer (see ÒInstalling Þles from your printerÕs network utilities diskettesÓ on page 5-3).
Change (cd) to the directory where you placed your printerÕs network utilities.
Send the Þle to the printer. For example, type:
lpr -Pqueue-name reset.ps
User Manual
Network Printing with Tektronix Color Printers
Network Utilities for Phaser Color Printers
EtherTalk Configuration (Macintosh)
Before you begin
Before you begin the EtherTalk conÞguration, make sure that you have completed the following steps:
Your printer should be set up, connected to the network, and
turned on. See your printerÕs user manual for information about setting up and turning on the printer. For information about connecting the printer to the network, see ÒEthernet connectionÓ on page 2-6.
The Tektronix driver for your printer should be installed on every
Macintosh and PC that will send print jobs to the printer. For details on driver installation, see the manual that is shipped with your printer drivers and utilities diskettes.
Using AppleTalk Phase 2
If you connect the printer using EtherTalk, your computer must have AppleTalk Phase 2 software. If you connect the printer using LocalTalk, AppleTalk Phase 2 is not required (Phase 1 will work).
User Manual
EtherTalk Configuration (Macintosh)
EtherTalk conÞguration overview
The following diagram summarizes the steps of the EtherTalk conÞguration procedure.
Print out the conÞguration page
Your printerÕs conÞguration page reports the printerÕs default name, which you will need for EtherTalk conÞguration. For information on printing out a conÞguration page, see ÒYour printerÕs conÞguration pageÓ on page 2-3.
Network Utilities for Phaser Color Printers
EtherTalk Configuration (Macintosh)
Finding your printerÕs name in the Chooser
Select the Chooser from the Apple menu.
In the upper-left corner of the Chooser, Þnd the printer driver icon for your Tektronix printer. (If the printer driver icon does not appear in the Chooser, you need to install the printer driver.) Click on the printer driver icon for your Tektronix printer.
Select the proper zone in the list of AppleTalk Zones in the lower-left portion of the Chooser.
The printerÕs default zone is listed in the EtherTalk Þeld on the conÞguration page. For more information on the conÞguration page, see ÒYour printerÕs conÞguration pageÓ on page 2-3.
A list of printers appears in the right portion of the Chooser. Find the name of your printer in the list. The printerÕs default name is listed on the conÞguration page (see ÒYour printerÕs conÞguration pageÓ on page 2-3). If the name does not appear, check the cable connection between your printer and the network.
User Manual
EtherTalk Configuration (Macintosh)
Changing your printerÕs zone
Use the LaserWriter Utility to change the printerÕs zone.
Select the printer in the Chooser.
Locate the LaserWriter Utility on the Macintosh version of your printerÕs network utilities diskettes.
Double-click on the LaserWriter Utility icon.
Select Change Zone from the Utilities menu. The currently selected zone is listed in the dialog box. Type the new zone name in the edit box.
Click OK.
The printer changes its zone name and dynamically changes to the new zone (the printer appears on the new zone as if it were just turned on).
Network Utilities for Phaser Color Printers
+ 82 hidden pages