Limit and Mask Test Application Software
Option LT, MTH, MTM Data Sheet
Option MTM – Mask Test Application Software
Perform Pass/Fail Testing against Telecommunication and Computer
Customized Mask Tests allow for M ultiple Actions upon Test Failures
Detailed Test Statistics provide Insight into True Signal Behavior
Designed for use on MSO/DPO5000 Series and DPO7000 Series
Pass/Fail Testing
ANSI T1.102
Features & Benefits
Option LT – Limit Test Application Software
Conduct Limit Test Pass/Fail Testing against a “Golden” Waveform with
Customized Limit Tests allow for Multiple Actions upon Test Failures
Designed for use on MSO/DPO5000, DPO7000, and
A/MSO70000 Series Oscilloscopes
100BASE-TX, 1000BASE-CX/SX Ethernet
USB 1.1/2.0
Fibre Channel
MTH – Mask Test Application Software
Perform Pass/Fail Testing against Telecommunication and Computer
Customized Mask Tests allow for Multiple Actions upon Test Failures
Detailed Test Statistics pro vide Insight into True Signal Behavior
Designed for use on DPO/DSA/MSO70000 Series Oscilloscopes (comes
standard on D SA70 000 Series)
Serial ATA
Rapid IO
Video Standards

Data Sheet
Automated Pass/Fail Testing
Validating signal quality is an important part of any embedded system
design. One way to determine how well your signals conform to expected
signal quality is to use mask testing. A mask de fines a portion, or portions,
of the oscillo
The Limit Test Application Software (Option LT) makes it easier to validate
how your sign
The Mask Test Application Software (Options MTH and MTM) en ables
testing aga
providing automated statistical analysis of signal quality.
Option LT – Limit Test Application Soft ware
A common method for understanding your signal quality is to compare
against a known good or “golden” waveform. You can apply horizontal and
vertical t
used for quick, accurate Pass/Fail testing. This method is also a great way
to perform go/no-go testing on a manufacturing line by enabling repeatable,
fast decisions on the quality of a component or system. The Limit Test
Application Software allows you to save your limit test template for use later
across multiple oscilloscopes in a lab or on a production line.
The Limit Test Application Software will highlight any waveform samples
that fall outside of the limit test template, providing you with quick visual
scope display that a signal must not enter.
als are performing compared to a known good condition.
inst a well-defi ned telecommunication or computer standard
olerances to the golden waveform to create a template that can be
e of a failure.
finds infrequent glitches and runt signals using a mask created by adding vertical
Limit test
and horizo
waveform a
ntal tolerances around a golden waveform. Test your signals against a golden
nd quickly gain insight into anomalous behavior.
When a test failure is detected, the o scilloscope can perform a number of
actions in parallel. These actions include stopping the a cquisition, e-mailing
a message indicating the test has failed, saving a waveform to a file, logging
the date and time to a file, printing the waveform, and sending a GPIB SRQ
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Limit and Mask Test Application Software — Option LT, MTH, MTM
OC12 (622.
quick and a
5 Mb/s) standard mask showing results from a mask test. A robust set of
nications and computer industry standard masks make testing to standards
Option MTH, MTM – Mask Test Application Software
When it is necessary to measure performance of your signals against
telecommunications or computer standard s to verify compliance and
interoperability, the Mask Test Application Software, with more than 100
standard masks, makes it easy. Each standard mask is easily loaded
from the oscilloscope internal memory and can be immediately used to
conduct P
ass/Fail testing. Adherence to a standard mask is determined
pixel-by-pixel throughout the display.
When a sta
ndard mask is loaded, the oscilloscope makes use of the
integrated Communication Trigger. Each standard mask is associated
with a communication standard and the m ask you select automatically
determines which communication trigger is used. Some models include
integrated clock recovery circuitry up to 6 Gb/s for NRZ eye patterns. Clock
recovery allows you to perform more reliable and accurate ma sk testing.
The oscilloscope can reduce setup time for making a mask test
measurement by performing an Autoset for vertical, horizontal, and trigger
ers on the source signal. Additionally, to reduce the chance of
failures, the oscilloscope can Autofit the waveform to the mask to minimize
hits within the m ask. It can do this a single time following an Autoset or it
can perform an Autofit after every triggered acquisition.
The Mask Test Application Software provides flexible test definitions
enabling you to tailor the test to your needs. You can run a test for a
user-defined number of waveforms (up to 2.14×10
). The Repeat Test
and Pretest Delay capability enables swapping of test locations before
ding with a test over multiple cycles of the test. You can set the
number of violations that can occur before a test status is considered failed.
The oscilloscope can also perform a number of actions when a test fails or
completes. Actions the oscilloscope can perform when a test fails include
stopping the acquisition, e-mailing a message indicating the test has failed,
The Mask Test Application Software enables multiple actions upon a test failure or the
completion of a test, tailoring the test to your specific needs.
d mask test results show statistical information for the test. The results include
tion on test sample size, failures, total number of hits, and the number of hits in
k segment.
each mas
saving a waveform to file, logg ing the date and time of the fa ilure, printing a
waveform, sending a GPIB SRQ, and sending a trigger out pulse. Actions
the oscilloscope can perform when a test completes include sending a GPIB
SRQ and sending a trigger out pulse.
The Mask Test Application Software provides statistical results from each
ducted. The results include Pass/Fail status of the test, number
test con
of waveforms/samples tested, number of violations found, and the total
number of hits within the mask. A secondary display shows the total number
of hits in each segment of the mask providing further insight into any mask
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