Tektronix MSO5000, DPO5000 DATASHEET

Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes
MSO5000, DPO5000 Series Data Sheet
53 Automated Measurements, Waveform Histograms, and FFT Analysis for Simplied Waveform Analysis
TekV P I®Probe Interface supports Active, Differential, and Current Probes for Automatic Scaling and Units
10.4 in. (264 mm) Bright XGA Display with Touch Screen
Small Footprint and Lightweight – Only 8.12 in. (206 mm) Deep and Less than 15 lb. (6.7 kg)
Features & Benets
Key Performance Specications
2 GHz, 1 GHz, 500 MHz, and 350 MHz Bandwidth Models
Up to 10 GS/s Real-time Sample Rate on One or Two Channels and up to 5 GS/s on All Four Channels
Up to 250 Megapoint Record Length with M u ltiView Zoom™
FastFrame Segmented Memory Acquisition Mode with >310,000 Frames per Second Capture Rate
Standard Passive Voltage Probes with Less than 4 pF Capacitive Loading and 500 MHz or 1 GHz Analog Bandwidth
16 Digital Channels (MSO Series)
User-selectable Bandwidth Limit Filters for Better Low-frequency Measurement Accuracy
Suite of Advanced Triggers
Two USB Host for Quick and Easy Data Storage, Printing, and Connecting USB Peripherals
USB Device Port on the Rear Panel for Easy Connection to a PC or GPIB Control with an Adapter
Integrated 10/100/1000BASE-T Ethernet Port for Network Connection and Video Out Port to Export the Oscilloscope Display to a Monitor or Projector
Microsoft®Windows 7 64-bit Ope rating System for Easy Connectivity and Integration into Your Environment
LXI Class C Compliant
Mixed Sig
Automated Triggering and Decode on Parallel Buses
Per-channel Threshold S ettings
MagniVu™ High-speed Acquisition provides 60.6 ps Fine Timing Resolution on Digital Channels
Ports on the Front Panel and Four on the Rear Panel
nal Design and A nalysis (MSO Series)
Optional Serial Triggering and Analysis
Automated Serial Triggering and Decode Option s for I2C, SPI, RS-232/422/485/UART, and USB
Automated Serial Decode and Vehicle Network Monitoring of CAN and LIN
Ease-of-Use Features
Wave Inspector®Controls provide Easy Navigation and Automated Search of Waveform Data
MyScope®Custom Control Windows and Right Mouse Click Menus for
ional Efciency
l Technology Specic Analysis
Software Solutions provide Built-in Domain Expertise for Ethernet and USB 2.0 DDR Memory Bus Analysis
Limit a
Compliance Testing, Jitter, Timing, Eye Diagrams, Power, and
nd Mask Testing provide Quick Insight into Signal Characteristics
Data Sheet
all channels and an optional record length of up to 250M points on two channels.
With Wave Inspector than 10 optional software and analysis packages for common technologies and in-depth an provides the feature-rich tools you need to simplify and speed debug of your complex design.
controls for rapid w aveform navigation, and more
alysis tasks, the MSO/DPO5000 Series from Tektronix
Discover – Fast waveform capture rate - over 250,000 wfm/s - maximizes the probability of capturing elusive glitches and other infrequent events.
Feature-rich Tools for Debugging Mixed Signal Designs
With the MSO/DPO5000 Mixed Signal Oscilloscope Series, you can analyze up to 20 analog and digital signals with a single instrument to quickly nd a 2 GHz and sample rates up to 10 GS/s ensure you have the performance you need to see fast-changing signal details. To capture long windows o f signal activity while maintaining ne timing resolution, the MSO/DPO5000 Series offers a deep record length of up to 12.5M points standard on
nd diagnose problems in complex designs. Bandwidths up to
e Features Speed Every Stage
of Debug
The MSO/DPO5000 Series offers a robust set of features to speed every stage of debug capturing it, to searching your waveform re c ord for the event and analyzing its characteristics and your device’s behavior.
To debug a design problem, rst you must know it exists. Every design engineer spends time looking for problems in their design, a time-consuming and frustrating task without the right debug tools.
The MSO/DPO5000 Series offers the industry’s most complete visualization of signals, providing fast insight into the real operation of your device. Tektronix proprietary FastAcq™ technology delivers a fast waveform capture – greater than 250,000 waveforms per second – that enables you to see glitche true nature of device faults. A digital phosphor display with color intensity grading shows the history of a signal’s activity by using color to identify areas of the signal that occur more frequently, providing a visual display of just how often anomalies occur.
ging your design – from quickly discovering an anomaly and
s and other infrequent transients within seconds, revealing the
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Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes — MSO5000, DPO5000 Series
Capture–T complete s quickly ca
riggering on a specic transmit data packet going across an RS-232 bus. A
et of triggers, including triggers for specic serial packet content, ensures you
pture your event of interest.
Discovering a device fault is only the rst step. Next, you must capture the event of interest to identify root cause.
Accurately capturing any signal of interest begins with proper probing. The MSO/DPO5000 Series includes four high-impedance low-capacitance probes for accurate signal capture. These industry-rst high-impedance passive voltage probes have less than 4 pF of capacitive loading to minimize the effect of the probe on your circuit’s operation, offering the performa
nceofanactiveprobewiththeexibility of a passive probe.
The MSO/DPO5000 Series provides a complete set of triggers – including
itch, width, timeout, transition, pattern, state, setup/hold violation,
runt, gl serial packet, and parallel data – to help quickly nd your event. Enhanced Triggering reduces trigger jitter at the trigger point. In this mode, the trigger point can be used a s a measurement reference.
With up to a 250M point record length, you can capture many events of interest, even thousands of serial packets, in a single acquisition for further analysis while maintaining high resolution to zoom in on ne signal details. Investigate multiple segments of your waveform capture simultaneously
tiView Zoom™ to quickly compare events in real time. FastFrame™
with Mul Segmented Memory mode enables you to make efcient use of large records by capturing many trigger events in a single record eliminating large time gaps between events of interest. View and measure the segments individually or as an overlay.
From triggering on specic packet content to automatic decode in multiple data formats, the MSO/DPO5000 Series provides integrated support for a broad range of serial buses – I
lity to decode up to 16 serial and/or parallel buses simultaneously
The abi
C, SPI, RS-232/422/485/UART, an d USB.
means you gain insight into system-level problems quickly.
Search – Results of an advanced search for a runt pulse within a long waveform record. Each instance of the runt is automatically marked for easy reference. Wave Inspector controls provide unprecedented efciency in viewing and navigating waveform data.
To further help troubleshoot system-level interactions in complex embedded systems, the M SO500 0 Series offers 16 digital channe ls in addition to its analog channels. Since the digital channels are fully integrated into the oscilloscope, you can trigger across all input channels, automatically time correlating all analog, digital, and serial signals. The MagniVu™ high-speed acquisition enables you to acquire ne signal detail (up to
60.6 ps resolution) around the trigger point for precision measuremen ts. MagniVu is essential for making accurate timing measurements for setup and hold, clock delay, signal skew, and glitch characterization.
Finding your event of interest in a long waveform record can be time consuming without the right search tools. With today’s record lengths pushing beyond a million data points, locating your event can mean scrolling through thousands of screen s of signal activity.
The MSO/DPO5000 Series offers the industry’s most comprehensive search and waveform navigation with its innovative Wave Inspecto r
controls. These controls speed panning and zooming through your record. With a unique force-feedback system, you can move from one end of your record to the other in just seconds. User marks allow you to mark any
n that you may want to reference later for further investigation. Or,
locatio automatically search your record for c riteria you dene. Wave Inspector will instantly search your entire record, including analog and digital data. Along the way it will automatically mark every occurrence of your dened event so you can quickly move between events. The advanced search and mark capability of the MSO/DPO5000 Series can even search for up to eight
nt events simultaneously and stop a live acquisition when it nds an
differe event of interest, sa ving even more time.
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Data Sheet
Analyze – W (jitter) o data. A com performan
aveform histogram of a falling edge showing the distribution of edge position
ver time. Included are numeric measurements made on the waveform histogram
prehensive set of integrated analysis tools speeds verication of your design’s
Verifying that your prototype’s performance matches simulations and meets the project’s design goals requires analyzing its behavior. Tasks can range from simple checks of rise times and pulse widths to sophisticated power loss analysis, characterization of system clocks, and investigation of noise sources. The MSO/DPO5000 Series offers a comprehen sive set of
ted analysis tools including waveform- and screen-based cursors, 53
integra automated measurements, advanced waveform math including arbitrary equation editing, waveform histograms, and FFT analysis.
Every MSO/DPO5000 Series oscilloscope includes the DPOJET Essentials jitter and eye pattern analysis software package, extending the oscilloscope’s measurement capabilities to make measurements over contiguous clock and data cycles in a single-shot real-time acquisition. This enables measurement of key jitter and timing analysis parameters such as
terval Error and Phase Noise to help characterize possible system
Time In timing issues. Analysis tools such as plots for time trends and histograms quickly show ho w timing paramete rs change over time, and spectrum analysis quickly shows the precise frequency and amplitude of jitter an d modulation sources.
Specialized application support for serial bus debug and compliance test, jitter and eye pattern analysis, power supply design, limit/mask testing , and DDR memory bus analysis is also available.
Wave Inspector controls provide unprecedented efciency in viewing, navigating, and analyzing waveform data. Zip through your long record by turning the outer pan control (1). Get from the beginning to end in seconds. See something of interest and want to see more details? Just turn the inner zoom control (2).
Wave Ins Search a
nd Mark
Navigation and Advanced
A 12.5M point standard record length represents thousands of screens of
tion. The MSO/DPO5000 Series enables you to nd your event in
informa seconds with Wave Inspector, the industry’s best tool for navigation and search.
spector offers the following innovative controls:
Wave In
A dedicated, two-tier front-panel control provides intuitive control of both zooming and panning. The inner control adjusts the zoom factor (or zoom
; turning it clockwise activates zoom and goes to pro gressively higher
scale) zoom factors, while turning it counterclockwise results in lower zoom factors and eventually turns zoom o ff. No longer do you need to navigate through multiple menus to adjust your zoom view. The outer control pans the zoom box across the waveform to quickly get to the portion you are interested in. The outer control also utilizes force feedback to determine how fast to
the waveform. The fa rther you turn the outer control, the faster the
pan on zoom box moves. Pan direction is changed by simply turn in g the control the other way.
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Search step 1: You dene what you would like to nd.
Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes — MSO5000, DPO5000 Series
osphor technology enables greater than 250,000 wfm/s waveform capture rate
Digital ph
ime color grading on the MSO/DPO5000 Series.
and real-t
User Marks
Press the Set Mark front-panel button to place one or more marks on the waveform. Navigating between marks is as simple as pressing the Previous ()andNext () buttons on the front panel.
tep 2: Wave Inspector automatically searches through the record and marks each
Search s
th a solid colored triangle. You can then use the Previous and Next buttons to
event wi
m one event to the next.
jump fro
A dedicated Play/Pause front-panel button scrolls the waveform across the display automatically while you look for anomalies or an event of interest. Playback speed and direction are controlled using the intuitive pan control. Once again, turning the control further makes the waveform scroll faster and
ng direction is as simple as turning the c ontrol the other way.
Search Marks
The Search button allows you to automatically search through your lon g acquisition looking for u ser-dened events. All occurrences of the event are highlighted with search marks and are easily navigated to, using the front-panel Previous () and Next () buttons. Search types include
itch, width, timeout, runt, pattern, state, setup and hold, transition,
edge, gl and window.
Digital Phosphor Technology
The MSO/DPO5000 Series’ digital phosphor technology provides you with fast insight into the real operation of your device. Its fast waveform capture
eater than 250,000 wfm/s – gives you a high probability of quickly
rate – gr seeing the infrequent problems common in digital systems: runt pulses, glitches, timing issues, and more.
Waveforms are superimposed with one a nother and waveform points are color coded by frequency of occurrence. This quickly highlights the events that occur more often over time or, in the case of infrequent anomalies, occur less often.
With the MSO/DPO5000 Series, you can choose innite persistence or variable persistence, determining how long the previous waveform acquisitions stay on-screen. This allows you to determine how often an
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Data Sheet
With the co values are transitio support fo
lor-coded digital waveform display, low values are shown in blue and high
shown in green, enabling instant understanding of the bus value whether
ns are visible or not. You can set threshold values for each channel, enabling
r up to 16 different logic families.
Accurate High-speed Probing
The TPP Series probes, included standard with every MSO/DPO5000 Series oscilloscope, provide up to 1 GHz of analog bandwidth, and less than 4 pF of capacitive loading. The extremely low-capacitive loading minimizes adverse affects on your circuits and is more forgiving of longer ground leads. And with the probe’s wide bandwidth, you can see the high-frequency componen
ts in your signal, which is critical for high-speed applications. The TPP Series passive voltage probes offer all the benets of ge neral-purpose probes like high dynamic range, exible connection options, and robust mechanical design, while providing the performance of active probes.
Mixed Signal Design and Analysis (MSO Series)
The MSO5 channels. These channels are tightly integrated into the oscilloscope’s user interface, simplifying operation and making it possible to solve mixed-signal issues easily.
Color-coded Digital Waveform Display
The MSO5000 Series has redened the way you view digital waveforms. One common problem with other mixed-signal oscilloscopes is determining
000 Series mixed-signal oscilloscopes provide 16 digital
The MagniVu high-resolution record provides 60.6 ps timing resolution, enabling you to make critical timing measurements on your digital waveforms.
a is a one or a zero w hen zoomed in far enough that the digital
if dat trace stays at all the way across the display. To avoid this problem, the MSO5000 Series has color-coded digital traces, displaying ones in green and zeros in blue.
tiple transition detection hardware of the MSO5000 Series will show
The mul you when the system detects more than one transition. This indicates that more information is available by zooming in or acquiring at faster sampling rates. In most cases zooming in will reveal a glitch that was not viewable with the previous settings.
MagniVu™ High-speed Acquisition
The main digital acquisition mode on the MSO5000 Series will capture up to 40M points at 500 MS/s (2 ns resolution). In addition to the main record, the MSO5000 provides an ultra high-resolution record called MagniVu which acquires 10,000 points at up to 16.5 GS/s (60.6 ps resolution). Both the main and MagniVu waveforms are acquired on every trigger and can be
d between on the display at any time, running or stopped. MagniVu
switche provides signicantly ner timing resolution than comparable mixed-signal oscilloscopes on the market, instilling condence when making critical timing measurements on digital waveforms.
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