This document supports firmware version 2.94 and above for
MDO4000 Series instruments.
The servicing instructions are for use by qualified personnel
only. To avoid personal injury, do not perform any servicing
unless you are qualified to do so. Refer to all safety summaries
prior to performing service.
Tektronix products are covered by U.S. and foreign patents, issued and pending. Information in this publication
supersedes that in all previously published material. Specifications and pric e change privileges reserved.
TEKTRONIX and TEK are registered trademarks of Tektronix, Inc.
Contacting Tektronix
Tektronix, Inc.
14150 SW Karl Braun Drive
P.O . B ox 5 0 0
For product information, sales, service, and technical support:
n, OR 97077
In North America, call 1-800-833-9200.
World wi de, vis i t to find contacts in your area.
Table of Contents
General safety summary .............. ................................ ................................ ............iii
Table 16: Gain expected worksheet ......... ................................ .................................. ..69
Table 17: Maximum bandwidth frequency worksheet ........................................................74
e base system specifications........................................................................8
isplay system specifications........................ ................................ ..................20
iiMDO4000 Series Specifications and Performance Verification
General safety summary
General safet
To avoid fire or personal
y summary
Review the fo
this product or any products connected to it.
To avoid potential hazards, use this product only as specified.
Only qualified personnel should perform service procedures.
Use proper power cord. Use only the power cord specified for this product and
certified for the country of use.
Connect and disconnect properly. Do not connect or disconnect probes or test
leads while they are connected to a v oltage source.
Connect and disconnect properly. De-energize the circuit under test before
connecting or disconnecting the current probe.
Ground the product. This product is grounded through the grounding conductor
of the power cord. To avoid electric shock, the grounding conductor must be
connected to earth ground. Before making connections to the input or output
terminals of the product, ensure that the product is properly grounded.
Observe all terminal ratings. To avoid fire or shock hazard, observe all ratings
and markings on the product. Consult the product manual for further ratings
information before making connections to the product.
llowing safety precautions to avoid injury and prevent damage to
Connect the probe reference lead to earth ground only.
Do not apply a potential to any terminal, including the common terminal, that
exceeds the maximum rating of that terminal.
Power disconnect. The power cord disconnects the product from the power source.
Do not block the power cord; it must remain accessible to the user at all times.
Do not operate without covers. Do not operate this product with covers or panels
Do not operate with suspected failures. If you suspect that there is damage to this
product, have it inspected by qualified service personnel.
Avoid exposed circuitry. Do not touch exposed connections and components when
power is present.
Do not operate in wet/damp conditions.
Do not operate in an explosive atmosphere.
Keep product surfaces clean and dry.
Provide proper ventilation. Refer to the manual's installation instructions for details
on installing the product so it has proper ventilation.
MDO4000 Series Specifications and Performance Ve rificationiii
General safety summary
Symbols and terms on the
These terms may
WARNING. Warning statements identify conditions or practices that could result
in injury or loss of life.
CAUTION. Caution statements identify conditions or practices that could result in
damage to this product or other property.
These terms may appear on the product:
the marking.
read the marking.
The following symbol(s) m ay appear on the product:
appear in this manual:
dicates an injury hazard immediately accessible as you read
indicates an injury hazard not immediately accessible as you
N indicates a hazard to property including the product.
ivMDO4000 Series Specifications and Performance Verification
This chapter contains specifications for the MDO4000 Series oscilloscopes. All
specifications are guaranteed unless noted as "typical." Typical specifications are
provided for
marked with the
your convenience but are not guaranteed. Specifications that are
symbol are checked in Performance Verification.
All specific
ations apply to all MDO4000 models unless noted otherwise. To meet
specifications, two conditions must first be met:
The oscill
oscope must have been operating continuously for twenty minutes
within the specified operating temperature range. (See Table 12 on page 23.)
You m us t p
erform the Signal Path Compensation (SPC) operation d escribed
instep2oftheSelf Test before evaluating specifications. (Se e page 62, SelfTest.) If the operating temperature changes by more than 10 °C (18 °F), you
must perform the SPC operation again.
Analog Signal Acquisition System Specifications
The following table shows the specifications for the analog signal acquisition
Table 1: Analog signal acquisition system specifications
Number of input
Input coupling
Input resistance
put impedance,
DC coupled
Input Capacitance,
1M DC coupled,
4 analog channels, digitized simultaneously
DC or AC
1M or 50
250 k (to be selected for performance verification only).
1M1M ±1%
13 pF ± 2 pF
50 ±1%
MDO4104-XVSWR 1.5:1 from DC to 1 GHz, typical
MDO4054-XVSWR 1.5:1 from DC to 500 MHz, typical
MDO4034-3VSWR 1.5:1 from DC to 350 MHz, typical
MDO4014-3VSWR 1.5:1 from DC to 100 MHz, typical
MDO4000 Series Specifications and Performance Ve rification1
Table 1: Analog signal acquisition system specifications (cont.)
Maximum input
DC Balance
Number of digitized
Sensitivity range (fine)
Sensitivity resolution
(fine), typical
1M300 V
at the BNC
Installation Category II
Derate at 20 dB/decade between 4.5 MHz and 45 MHz
Derate 14 dB/decade between 45 MHz and 450 MHz
Above 450 MHz, 5 V
Maximum peak input voltage at the BNC, ±424 V
250 K75 V
at the BNC
Installation Category II
Derate at 20 dB/decade between 1.3 MHz and 13 MHz
Derate 10 dB/decade between 13 MHz and 130 MHz
Above 130 MHz, 5 V
Maximum peak input voltage at the BNC, ±106 V
50 5V
with peaks ±20 V (Duty Factor 6.25%)
Overvoltage trip is intended to protect against overloads that might damage
termination resistors. A sufficiently large impulse might cause damage
regardless of the overvoltage protection circuitry because of the finite time
required to detect and respond.
0.1 div with the input DC coupled, set to 50 termination, and input terminated with 50 BNC terminator
0.2 div at 1 mV/div with the input DC coupled, set to 5 0 termination, and input terminated with 50
BNC terminator
0.2 div with the input DC coupled, set to 1 M termination, and input terminated with 50 BNC terminator
Displayed vertically with 25 digitization levels (DL) per division, 10.24 divisions dynamic range.
"DL" is the abbreviation for "digitization level." A DL is the smallest voltage level change that can be
resolved by an 8-bit A-D Converter. This value is also known as the least significant bit (LSB).
1MΩ1 mV/div to 10 V/div in a 1-2-5 sequenceSensitivity range
50 Ω1 mV/div to 1 V/div in a 1-2-5 sequence
1 m V/div to 5 V/div< –50% to > +50% of selected setting
10 V/div< –50% to 0%
Allows continuous adjustment from 1 mV/div to 10 V/div
50 Ω
1 mV/div to 500 mV/div< –50% to > +50% of selected setting
1 V/div< –50% to 0%
Allows continuous adjustment from 1 mV/div to 1 V/div
1% of current setting
2MDO4000 Series Specifications and Performance Verification
Table 1: Analog signal acquisition system specifications (cont.)
DC gain accur
For 50 Ω,1MΩ, and 250 kΩ (250 kΩ checked indirectly):
±1.5%, derated at 0.100%/°C above 30 °C
±2.0%, derated at 0.100%/°C above 30 °C, 1 mV/Div s etting
±3.0% variable gain, derated at 0.100%/°C above 30 °C
Offset ranges,
Position range±5 divisions
Offset accuracy
Number of waveforms
for average acquisition
DC voltage
average acquisition
Volts/div setting
1 mV/div to 50 mV/div
50.5 mV/div to 99.5 m V/div
100 mV/div to 500 mV/div
505 mV/div to 995 mV/div
1 V/div to 5 V/div
5.05 V/div to 10 V/div
For 50 path, 1 V/div is the maximum vertical setting.
The input signal cannot exceed Max Input Voltage for the 50 input path. Refer to the Max Input Voltage
specification for more information.
±[0.005 × | offset – position | + DC Balance]
Both the position and the constant offset term must be converted to volts by multiplying by the appropriate
volts/div term.
Default of 16 waveforms
Measurement type
Average of 16 waveforms±[DC Gain Accuracy × | reading – (offset -
Delta Volts between any two averages of 16
waveforms acquired with the same oscilloscope
setup and ambient conditions
Offset, position, and the constant offset term must be converted to volts by multiplying by the appropriate
volts/div term.
The basic accuracy specification applies directly to any sample and to the following measurements: High,
Low, Max, Min, Mean, Cycle Mean, RMS, and Cycle RMS. The delta volt accuracy specification applies to
subtractive calculations involving two of these measurements.
The delta volts (difference voltage) accuracy specification applies directly to the following measurements:
Positive Overshoot, Negative Overshoot, Pk-Pk, and Amplitude.
Offset range
1M input50 input
±1 V±1 V
±0.5 V±0.5 V
±10 V±10 V
±5 V±5 V
±100 V±5 V
±50 VNot applicable
DC Accuracy (in Volts)
position) | + offset accuracy + 0.1 division ]
Refer to DC Gain Accuracy for temperature
derating information.
±[DC gain accuracy × | reading | + 0.05 div]
Refer to DC Gain Accuracy for temperature
derating information.
MDO4000 Series Specifications and Performance Ve rification3
Table 1: Analog signal acquisition system specifications (cont.)
DC voltage
Sample acquisition
mode, typical
Measurement type
Any sample
Delta volts between any two samples acquired
with the same oscilloscope setup and ambient
Offset, position, and the constant offset term must be converted to volts by multiplying by the appropriate
volts/div term.
DC Accuracy (in volts)
±[DC gain accuracy × | reading – (offset –
position) | + Offset Accuracy + 0.15 div + 0.6 mV]
Refer to DC Gain Accuracy for temperature
derating information.
±[DC gain accuracy × | reading | + 0.15 div +
1.2 mV]
Refer to DC Gain Accuracy for temperature
derating information.
4MDO4000 Series Specifications and Performance Verification
Table 1: Analog signal acquisition system specifications (cont.)
Analog bandwidth
bandwidth, DC
Lower frequency limit,
AC coupled, typical
Upper frequency limit,
250 MHz bandwidth
limited, typical
MDO4104-6, MDO4104-3, MDO 4054-6, MDO4054-3, MDO4034-3: 20 MHz, 250 MHz, and Full
MDO4014-3: 20 MHz and Full
These limits are for ambient temperature of 30°C and the bandwidth selection set to FULL. Reduce the
upper bandwidth frequency by 1% for each °C above 30°C
Volts/Div setting
50 Ω
10X probes,
< 10 Hz when AC, 1 M coupled
The AC coupled lower frequency limits are reduced by a factor of 10 when 10X passive probes are used.
250 MHz, ±20%, all models except MDO4014-3
MDO4014-31 mV/div — 1 V/divDC to 100 MHz
MDO4014-31 mV/div — 10 V/divDC to 100 MHz
5 mV/div — 1 V/divDC to 1.00 GHz
2 mV/div — 4.98 mV/divDC to 350 MHz
1 mV/div — 1.99 mV/divDC to 175 MHz
5 mV/div — 1 V/divDC to 500 MHz
2 mV/div — 4.98 mV/divDC to 350 MHz
1 mV/div — 1.99 mV/divDC to 175 MHz
2 mV/div — 1 V/divDC to 350 MHzMDO4034-3
1 mV/div — 1.99 mV/divDC to 175 MHz
5 mV/div — 10 V/divDC to 500 MHz
2 mV/div — 4.98 mV/divDC to 350 MHz
1 mV/div — 1.99 mV/divDC to 175 MHz
5 mV/div — 10 V/divDC to 500 MHz
2 mV/div — 4.98 mV/divDC to 350 MHz
1 mV/div — 1.99 mV/divDC to 175 MHz
2 mV/div — 10 V/divDC to 350 MHzMDO4034-3
1 mV/div — 1.99 mV/divDC to 175 MHz
50 mV/div — 100 V/divDC to 1 GHz
20 mV/div — 49.8 mV/divDC to 350 MHz
10 mV/div — 19.9 mV/divDC to 175 MHz
50 mV/div — 100 V/divDC to 500 MHz
20 mV/div — 49.8 mV/divDC to 350 MHz
10 mV/div — 19.9 mV/divDC to 175 MHz
20 mV/div — 100 V/divDC to 350 MHzMDO4034-3
10 mV/div — 19.9 mV/divDC to 175 MHz
10 mV/div — 100 V/divDC to 100 MHz
MDO4000 Series Specifications and Performance Ve rification5
Table 1: Analog signal acquisition system specifications (cont.)
Upper frequency limit,
20 MHz bandwidth
limited, typical
Calculated rise time at
0.350/BW = t
Peak Detect or
Envelope mode pulse
response, typical
20 MHz, ±20%, all models
The formula is calculated by measuring -3 dB bandwidth of the oscilloscope. The formula accounts for the
rise time contribution of the oscilloscope independent of the rise time of the signal source.
ModelTPP1000 probe
ModelTPP0500 probe
Model (Sample Rate Maximum)
MDO4104-X (2 channels enabled)
MDO4104-X ( 3 channels enabled),
1 mV/div to
1.99 mV/div
4.99 mV/div
2 ns1 ns350 ps
2 ns1 ns700 ps
3.5 ns3.5 ns3.5 ns
TPP1000 probe
50 mV/div to 10 V/div
10 mV/div to
19.9 mV/div
TPP1000 probe
20 mV/div to
49.8 mV/div
2 ns1 ns350 ps
2 ns1 ns700 ps
3.5 ns3.5 ns3.5 ns
10 mV/div to
19.9 mV/div
TPP0500 probe
20 mV/div to
49.8 mV/div
TPP0500 probe
50 mV/div to 10 V/div
2 ns1 ns700 ps
2 ns1 ns700 ps
3.5 ns3.5 ns3.5 ns
Minimum pulse width
>800 ps
>1.6 ns
MDO4054-X, MDO4034-3, MDO4014-3
6MDO4000 Series Specifications and Performance Verification
Table 1: Analog signal acquisition system specifications (cont.)
ModelBandwidth limit
Random Noise
Sample Acquisition
Delay between
channels, full
bandwidth, typical
Deskew range
Crosstalk (channel
isolation), typical
TekVPI InterfaceThe probe interface allows installing, powering, compensating, and controlling a wide range of probes
Total probe power
Probe power per
100 ps between any two analog or digital channels with input impedance set to 50 , DC coupling,
with equal volts/division setting or above 10 mV/div
All settings in the instrument can be manually time aligned using the Probe Deskew function from –125 ns
to +125 ns with a resolution of 20 ps
This specification does not pertain to the RF channel. For RF channel delay, see the RF Input Specifications.
–125 ns to +125 ns with a resolution of 20 ps
100:1 at 100 MHz and 30:1 at >100 MHz up to the rated bandwidth for any two channels having
equal Volts/Div settings
offering a variety of features.
The i nterface is available on all front panel inputs. (RF channel requires TPA-N-VPI adapter.)
2.5 S/s – 2.5 G S/s (3 – 4 analog channels enabled)
2.5 S/s – 2.5 GS/s
400 ps – 4
1 ns – 40 s1 ns – 400 s1 ns – 1,000 s
, for records having 1 minute duration
400 ps – 4
00 s
400 ps – 1
,000 s
8MDO4000 Series Specifications and Performance Verification
Table 2: Time base system specifications (cont.)
Delta-time m
The formula to calculate the delta-time measurement accuracy (DTA) for a given instrument
setting and input signal is given in the following table. (See Table 3.) The formula assumes
insignificant signal content above Nyquist and insignificant error due to aliasing. The
abbreviations used in the formula are as follows:
= slew rate around 1st point in measurement (1stedge)
= slew rate around 2nd point in measurement (2ndedge)
N =input-referred noise (V
TBA = time base accuracy (5 ppm) (Refer to Long-term Sample Rate and Delay Time Accuracy
= delta-time measurement duration (sec)
RD = (record length)/(sample rate)
= 1/(sample rate)
assume edge shape that results from Gaussian filter response
The term under the squareroot sign is the stability and is due to TIE (Time Interval Error). The
errors due to this term occur throughout a single-shot measurement. The second term is due
to both the absolute center-frequency accuracy and the center-frequency stability of the time
base and varies between multiple single-shot measurements over the observation interval (the
amount of time from the first single-shot measurement to the fi nal single-shot measurement).
)(RefertoRandom Noise and Sample Acquisition Mode
3: Delta-Time measurement accuracy formula
The terms used in these formulas are defined under Delta-time measurement accuracy, in the preceding table. (See Table 2.)
MDO4000 Series Specifications and Performance Ve rification9
Triggering Sy
stem Specifications
The following table shows the trigger specifications for a nalog and digital
channels on the MDO4000 Series oscilloscopes. These specifications do not
NOTE. For RF, please see the analog to RF trigger skew specification. (See
page 17, RF Input Specifications.)
Table 4: Trigger specifications
Trigger bandwidth, Edge, typical
Trigger bandwidth, Pulse and Logic,
Edge-type trigger sensitivity, DC
coupled, typical
Trigger jitter, typical
MDO4104-X1 GHz
MDO4104-X1 GHz
MDO4054-X, MDO4034-3,
All modelsA ny input
All modelsLineFixed
10 ps
100 ps
F input channel.
500 MHz
350 MHz
100 MHz
500 MHz
350 MHz
100 MHz
Any input
Any input
for edge-type trigger
for non edge-type trigger modes
50 path:
0.40 div from DC to 50 MHz, increasing to
1 div at oscilloscope bandwidth
50 path:
1 mV/div to 4.98 mV/div — 0.75 div from
DC to 50 MHz, increasing to 1.3 div at
oscilloscope bandwidth.
5 mV/div — 0.40 div from DC to
50 MHz, increasing to 1 div at oscilloscope
1M path:
1 mV/div to 4.98 mV/div – 0.75 div from
DC to 50 MHz, increasing to 1.3 div at
oscilloscope bandwidth.
5 mV/div – 0.40 div from DC to 50 MHz,
increasing to 1 div at oscilloscope
10MDO4000 Series Specifications and Performance Verification
Table 4: Trigger specifications (cont.)
Edge-type trigger sensitivity, not DC
coupled, typical
Video-type trigger formats and field
Video-type trigger sensitivity, typical
Lowest frequency for successful
operation of "Set Level to 50%"
function, typical
Logic-type or logic qualified trigger
or events-delay sensitivities, DC
coupled, typical
Pulse-type runt trigger sensitivities,
Pulse-type trigger width and glitch
sensitivities, typical
Logic-type triggering, minimum logic
or rearm time, typical
Minimum clock pulse widths for
setup/hold time violation trigger,
Trigger CouplingTypical Sensitivity
AC Coupling1 div for frequencies above 45 Hz.
NOISE REJ2.5 times the DC-coupled limits
Triggers from negative sync composite video, field 1, or field 2 for interlaced systems, on any
field, specific line, or any line for interlaced or noninterlaced systems. Supported systems
include NTSC, PAL, and SECAM.
Delayed and main trigger
Any input channel
45 Hz
1.0 division from D C to maximum bandwidth
1.0 division from D C to maximum bandwidth
1.0 division
For all vertical settings, the minimums are:
Trigger typePulse widthRe-arm timeTime between channels
LogicNot applicable2 ns1 ns
Time Qualified Logic
For logic, the time between channels refers to the length of time a logic state derived from
more than one channel must exist to be recognized. For events, the time is the minimum time
between a main and delayed event that will be recognized if more than one channel is used.
For all vertical settings, the minimums are:
Clock activeClock inactive
User hold time + 2.5 ns2 ns
An active pulse width is the width of the clock pulse from its active edge (as defined in the
Clock Edge lower-bezel menu item) to its inactive edge. An inactive pulse width is the width
of the pulse from its inactive edge to its active edge.
The user hold time is the number selected by the user.
Attenuates signals below 45 Hz.
1.0 times the DC-coupled limits from DC to 50 kHz.
Attenuates signals above 50 kHz
1.5 times the DC-coupled limits for frequencies above
50 kHz. Attenuates signals below 50 kHz
0.6 to 2.5 divisions of video sync tip
MDO4000 Series Specifications and Performance Ve rification11
Table 4: Trigger specifications (cont.)
Setup/hold violation trigger, setup
and hold time ranges
Pulse type trigger, minimum pulse,
rearm time, transition time
Transition time trigger, delta time
Time range for glitch, pulse width,
timeout, time-qualified runt, or
time-qualified window triggering
Time Accuracy for Pulse, Glitch,
Timeout, or Width Triggering
B trigger after events, minimum
pulse width and maximum event
frequency, typical
B trigger, minimum time between
arm and trigger, typical
B trigger after time, time range
B trigger after events, event range
Setup time
Hold time1 ns1.0 ms
Setup + Hold time
Input coupling on clock and data channels must be the same.
For Setup time, positive numbers mean a data transition before the clock.
For Hold time, positive numbers mean a data transition after the clock edge.
Setup + Hold time is the algebraic sum of the Setup Time and Hold Time that you
Pulse classMinimum
Runt4 ns2 ns
Time-qualified runt
Width4 ns
Slew rate (transition time)
For the trigger class width and the trigger class runt, the pulse width refers to the width of the
pulse being measured. The rearm time refers to the time between pulses.
For the trigger class slew rate, the pulse width refers to the delta time being measured. The
rearm time refers to the time it takes the signal to cross the two trigger thresholds again.
Time RangeAccuracy
1 ns to 500 ns
520 ns to 1 s
4 ns, 500 MHz
For trigger after time, this is the time between the end of the time period and the B trigger
For trigger after events, this is the time between the last A trigger event and the first B trigger
1 to 4,000,000
–0.5 ns1.0 ms
0.5 ns2.0 ms
Minimum rearm time
pulse width
±(20% of setting + 0.5 ns)
±(0.01% of setting + 100 ns)
2 ns + 5% of glitch width setting
8.5 ns + 5% of width s etting
2 ns + 5% of width upper limit setting
8.5 ns + 5% of delta time setting
12MDO4000 Series Specifications and Performance Verification
Table 4: Trigger specifications (cont.)
Trigger level ranges
Trigger level accuracy, DC coupled,
Trigger holdoff range
Maximum serial trigger bits128 bits
Standard serial bus interface triggering
I2CAddress Triggering: 7 and 10 bit user specified addresses, as well as General Call, START
SPIData Trigger: 1 to 16 bytes of user-specified data
CANData Trigger: 1 to 8 bytes of user-specified data, including qualifiers of equal to (=), not equal
Any input channel
LineNot applicable
Line trigger level is fixed at about 50% of the line voltage.
This specification applies to logic and pulse thresholds.
For signals having rise and fall times 10 ns.
Any input channel±0.20 div
LineNot applicable
20 ns minimum to 8 s maximum
byte, HS-mode, EEPROM, and CBUS
Data Trigger: 1 to 5 bytes of user specified data
Trigger On: Start, Repeated Start, Stop, Missing Ack, Address, Data, or Address and Data
Maximum Data R ate: 10 Mbps
Trigger On: SS Active, MOSI, MISO, or MOSI & MISO
Maximum Data R ate: 50 Mbps
to (<>), less than (<), greater than (>), less than or equal to (<=), greater than or equal to (>=)
Trigger On: Start of Frame, Type of Frame, Identifier, Data, Identifier and Data, End of
Frame, Missing Ack, or Bit Stuffing Errors
Frame Type: Data, Remote, Error, Overload
Identifier: Standard (11 bit) and Extended (29 bit) identifiers
Maximum Data R ate: 1 Mbps
Identifier Trigger: 6 bits of user-specified data, equal to (=)
Data Trigger: 1 to 8 bytes of user-specified data, including qualifiers of equal to (=), not
equal to (<>), less than (<), greater than (>), less than or equal to (<=), greater than or
equal to (>=), inside range, or outside range
Error: Sync, Identifier Parity, Checksum
Trigger On: Sync, Identifier, Data, Identifier & Data, Wakeup Frame, Sleep Frame, or Error
Maximum Data Rate: 100 kbps
±8 divisions from center of screen
±8 divisions from 0 V when vertical LF reject
trigger coupling is selected
MDO4000 Series Specifications and Performance Ve rification13
Table 4: Trigger specifications (cont.)
I2SData Trigger: 32 bits of user-specified data in a left word, right word, or either, including
Left JustifiedData Trigger: 32 bits of user-specified data in a left word, right word, or either, including
Right JustifiedData Trigger: 32 bits of user-specified data in a left word, right word, or either, including
Identifier Trigger: 11 bits of user-specified data, equal to (=), not equal to (<>), less than (<),
greater than (>), less than or equal to (<=), greater than or equal to (>=), Inside Range, or
Outside Range
Cycle Count Trigger: 6 bits of user-specified data, equal to (=)
Header Fields Trigger: 4 0 bits of user-specified data comprising Indicator Bits, Identifier,
Payload Length, Header CRC, Cycle Count, or equal to (=)
Data Trigger: 1 to 16 Bytes of user-specified data, with 0 to 253, or "don't care" bytes of data
offset, including qualifiers of equal to (=), not equal to <>, less than (<), greater than (>), less
than or equal to (<=), greater than or equal to (>=), Inside Range, Outside Range
End Of Frame: User-chosen types Static, Dynamic (DTS), and All
Trigger On: Start of Frame, Indicator Bits, Identifier, Cycle Count, Header Fields, Data,
Identifier & Data, End of Frame, or Error
Maximum Data Rate: 100 Mbps
qualifiers of equal to (=), not equal to <>, less than (<), greater than (>), less than or equal to
(<=), greater than or equal to (>=), inside range, outside range
Trigger on: Word Select, Data
Maximum Data Rate: 12.5 Mbps
qualifiers of equal to (=), not equal to <>, less than (<), greater than (>), less than or equal to
(<=), greater than or equal to (>=), inside range, outside range
Trigger on: Word Select, Data
Maximum Data Rate: 12.5 Mbps
qualifiers of equal to (=), not equal to <>, less than (<), greater than (>), less than or equal to
(<=), greater than or equal to (>=), inside range, outside range
Trigger on: Word Select, Data
Maximum Data Rate: 12.5 Mbps
Data Trigger: 32 bits of user-specifi ed data in a channel 0-7, including qualifiers of equal to
(=), not equal to <>, less than (<), greater than (>), less than or equal to (<=), greater than or
equal to (>=), inside range, outside range
Trigger on: Frame Sync, Data
Maximum Data Rate: 25 Mbps
Bit Rate: 50 bps to 10 Mbps
Data Bits: 7, 8, or 9
Parity: None, Odd, or Even
Trigger on: Tx Start bit, Rx Start bit, Tx End of Packet, Rx End of Packet, Tx Data, Rx
Data, Tx Parity Error, Rx Parity Error
End of Packet: 00(NUL),OA(LF),OD(CR),20(SP),FF
14MDO4000 Series Specifications and Performance Verification
Table 4: Trigger specifications (cont.)
MIL-STD-1553Bit Rate: 1Mb/s
Trigger on: Sync, Word Type (Command, Status, Data), Command Word (set RT Address
(=, ,<,>,, , inside range, outside range), T/R, Sub-address/Mode, Data Word
Count/Mode Code, and Parity individually), Status Word (set RT Address ((=, ,<,>,,, inside range, outside range), M essage Error, Instrumentation, Service Request Bit,
Broadcast Command Received, Busy, Subsystem Flag, Dynamic Bus Control Acceptance
(DBCA), Terminal Flag, and Parity individually) Data Word (user-specified 16-bit data value)
Error (Sync, Parity, Manchester, Non-contiguous data) Idle Time (minimum time selectable
from 4 s to 100 s; maximum time selectable from 12 s to 100 s; trigger on < minimum,
> maximum, inside range, outside range)
Trigger On: Sync, R eset, Suspend, Resume, End of Packet, Token (Address) Packet, Data
Packet, Handshake Packet, Special Packet, Error
NOTE. HIGH SPEED support available only on MDO4104-3 and MDO4104-6 models.
Bit Rate: 10BASE-T, 10 Mbps; 100BASE-TX, 100 Mbps
Trigger On: Start Frame Delimiter (SFD), MAC Address, MAC Length/Type, IP Header, TCP
Header, TCP/IPv4/MAC Client Data, End of Packet, Idle, FCS (CRC) Error, MAC Q-Tag
control Information.
Digital Acquisition System Specifications
The following table shows the digital acquisition specifications for the MDO4000
Series oscilloscopes.
Table 5: Digital acquisition specifications
Threshold voltage range–40 V to +40 V
Digital channel timing resolution
Logic threshold accuracy
Minimum detectable pulse width,
2 ns main memory, 60.6 ps for MagniVu memory
±(100 mV + 3% of threshold setting after calibration)
Requires v alid SPC, as described in step 2 of the Self Test. (See page 62, Self Test.)
Using M agniVu memory. Requires the use of 342-1140-00 ground clip on each channel.
MDO4000 Series Specifications and Performance Ve rification15
P6616 Digital
Probe Input Specifications
The following table shows the P6616 Digital Probe specifications.
Table 6: P6616 digital probe input specifications
Number of channels
Input resistance, typical
Input capacitance, typical3.0 pF
Minimum input signal swing, typical400 mV
Maximum input signal swing, typical
Maximum Input Toggle Rate, typical500 MHz
Absolute maximum input voltage, typical
Channel-to-channel skew, typical
16 digital inputs
100 k to ground
Measured at the podlet input. Requires the use of 342-1140-00 ground clip on each
Requires the use of 342-1140-00 ground clip on each channel
30 V
for fin 200 MHz (centered around the DC threshold voltage) at the P6616
probe tip.
10 V
for fin>200 MHz (centered around the DC threshold voltage) at the P6616
probe tip.
Failure to meet this input signal requirement will compromise the AC performance of the
digital channel. It might also damage the input circuitry. See the Absolute maximum
input voltage specification.
Maximum frequency sine wave input (at the minimum signal swing amplitude) that can
accurately be reproduced as a logic square wave.
Requires the use of a 342-1140-00 ground clip on each channel.
Higher toggle rates can be achieved with higher amplitudes.
±42 V peak at the P6616 input (not at the instrument input)
Probe input voltages beyond this limit could permanently damage the instrument and
the P6616 probe.
200 ps
Digital channel to digital channel only.
This is the propagation path skew and ignores skew contributions due to threshold
inaccuracies (see Threshold accuracy) and sample binning (see Digital channel timing
resolution). Factory calibration/deskew is required to achieve this number.
16MDO4000 Series Specifications and Performance Verification
RF Input Speci
The following table shows the RF input specifications for the MDO4000 Series
Table 7: RF i
Frequency measurement resolution1 Hz
SpanSpan adjustable in 1-2-5 sequence
Resolution bandwidth (RBW)Adjustable in 1-2-3-5 sequence. Maximum of 10 MHz RBW
Input vertical rangeVertical measurement range +30 dBm to DANL.
l display range
ference level
rtical position
aximum operating input level
nput specifications
MDO4104-6, MDO4054-650 kHz to 6 GHzCenter frequency range
MDO4104-3, MDO4054-3,
MDO4034-3, MDO4014-3
Variable resolution = 1% of the next span setting
The MDO4
The MDO4XX4-3 Span is adjustable from 1 kHz to 3 GHz
Minimum RBW for Windowing functions as follows:
60 dB/
Attenuator settings from 0 to 45 dB, in 5 dB steps
Log s
Measurement points: 1000
Marker level readout resolution: Log scale: 0.1 dB
Trace functions: maximum hold, average, minimum hold, normal, spectrogram slice
(uses normal trace)
tting range: –140 dB m to +30 dBm, in steps of 5 dBm
Default setting: 0 dBm
–10 divisions to +10 divisions (displayed in dB)
Average continuous p ower: +30 dBm (1W)
DC maximum before damage: ±40 Vdc
Maximum “no damage” 33 dBm (2W) CW
Peak pulse power: +45 dBm (32W)
Peak Pulse Power is defined as: <10 us pulse width, <1% duty cycle, and a reference
level of +10 dBm.
XX4-6 Span is adjustable from 1 kHz to 6 GHz
30 Hz Ka
20 Hz Rectangular, Hamming, Hanning
50 Hz Flat-Top
ical setting of 1 dB/div to 20 dB/div in a 1-2-5 sequence
imum number of RF traces: 4
ection methods: Positive-Peak, negative-peak, sample, average
iser, Blackman-Harris
3 dB shape factor (Kaiser, Blackman-Harris) 4:1 ratio
cale and units: dBm, dBmV, dBµV, dBµW, dBmA, dBµA
MDO4000 Series Specifications and Performance Ve rification17
Table 7: RF input specifications (cont.)
Frequency measurement accuracyMarker Frequency
All models: ±(Reference Frequency Error * MarkerFrequency + .001 * span + 2) Hz.
Marker Frequency with Span/RBW 1000:1
Reference frequency error = ±5 ppm
Phase noise
Residual FM, typical100 Hz peak-to-peak in 100 ms
Max RBW % Error = (0.5/(25 x WF)) * 100Resolution bandwidth (RBW) accuracy
WF =
Rectangular: 0.89
Hamming: 1.30
Hanning: 1.44
Blackman-Harris: 1.90
Kaiser: 2.23
Flat-Top: 3.77
MDO4104-3, MDO4054-3,
MDO4034-3, MDO4014-3
>5 dBm1 dB gain compression
With reference level set to –10 dBm
< ± 1 dB (<±0.5 dB typical) 20 °C to 3 0 °C temperature range, reference level 10 dBm to
–25 dBm. Input level ranging from reference level to 30 dB below reference level.
< ± 1.5 dB , Ta > 30 °C and Ta < 20 °C temperature range, reference level 10 dBm to –25
dBm. Input level ranging from reference level to 30 dB below reference level.
< –130 dBm/Hz ( < –134 dBm/Hz, typical)
< –148 dBm/Hz (< –152 dBm/Hz, typical)
< –140 dBm/Hz (< –143 dBm/Hz, typical)
< –130 dBm/Hz (< –134 dBm/Hz, typical)
< –148 dBm/Hz (< –152 dBm/Hz, typical)
18MDO4000 Series Specifications and Performance Verification
Table 7: RF input specifications (cont.)
Spurious response
Third order intermodulation
Image and IF rejection
dual spurious response
Power level trigger frequency and
amplitude range
RF to analog channel skew, typicalMaximum time between analog channels triggered and RF channel:
Power level trigger limits
Crosstalk to RF channel from
analog channels
Channel power accuracy, Typical< ±1 dB (<±0.5 dB Typical) 20-30 °C temperature range
With auto settings on, signals –5 dB below reference level
2nd and 3rd harmonic distortion: >50 kHz: < –55 dBc (< –60 dBc Typical)
With auto settings on, signals –5 dB below reference level, and reference level -15 dBm
With auto settings on and signals –5 dB below reference level
2nd order intermodulation distortion: >50 kHz: < –55 dBc (< –60 dBc Typical)
With auto settings on, signals –5 dB below reference level, and reference level –15 dBm
With auto settings on, signals –5 dB below reference level
3rd o rder intermodulation distortion >50 kHz: < –60 dBc (< –63 dBc Typical)
With auto settings on, signals –5 dB below reference level, and reference level –15 dBm
< –50 dBc (< –55 dBc typical)
With –10 dBm reference level
< –78 dBm
With –25 dBm reference level and RF input terminated with 50 .
Frequency range:
1 MHz to 6 GHz (MDO4XX4-6 models)
1 MHz to 3 GHz (MDO4XX4-3 models)
Amplitude range: 30 dBm to -40 dBm
Center frequency 1 MHz to 3.25 GHz: –35 dB from reference level
Center frequency >3.25 GHz: –13 dB from reference level
Minimum pulse duration: 10 s ON time with a minimum settling OFF time of 10 s.
< -68 dB from reference level (1 GHz oscilloscope input frequencies)
< -48 dB from reference level (>1 GHz to 2 GHz oscilloscope input frequencies)
Full scale amplitude with 50 input and 100 mV/div vertical setting with direct input (no
< ±1.5 dB, Ta >30 °C and Ta <20 °C temperature range
MDO4000 Series Specifications and Performance Ve rification19
Display Syste
The following table shows the display specifications for the MDO4000 Series
Table 8: Dis
Display typ
Display resolution
Luminance, typical
Waveform display color scaleThe TFT display can support up to 262,144 colors. A subset of these colors is used for the
play system specifications
Display area: 210.4 mm (8.28 in) (H) x 157.8 mm (6.21 in) (V), 264 mm (10.4 in) diagonal,
6-bit RGB full color, XGA (1024 x 768) TFT liquid crystal display (LCD).
1024 X 768 XGA display resolution
400 cd/m
scope display. The colors that are used are fixed and not changeable by the user.
20MDO4000 Series Specifications and Performance Verification
Interfaces an
d Input/Output Port Specifications
The following table shows the interfaces and input/output port specifications
for the MDO4000 Series oscilloscopes.
Table 9: Int
Ethernet interfaceStandard on all models: 10/100/1000 Mbps
GPIB interfaceAvailable as an optional accessory (TEK-USB-488 GPIB to USB Adapter), which connects
Video signal output
USB inte
Probe compensator output voltage
and frequency, typical
Auxiliary output (AUX O UT)
Trigger O ut or
Reference Clock Out
External Reference nominal input
External Reference input frequency
ariation tolerance, typical
External Reference input sensitivity,
External Reference input maximum
input signal
External Reference input impedance,
erfaces and Input/Output port specifications
to the USB Device and USB Host port.
ol interface is incorporated into the instrument user interface.
-sub VGA connector.
t connectors (2.0 HS), two on the instrument front and two on the rear.
t: 0 – 2.5 V amplitude, ± 2% (Source Impedance of 1k)
± 25%
n s et the Auxiliary output to Trigger Out or Reference Clock Out.
ore than 0.2% (2000 ppm) different than the nominal reference frequency or reference
for input frequencies between 9.9 MHz and 10.1 MHz
The contr
A 15-pin D
1 USB device connector (2.0 HS), on the instrument rear panel.
All are standard on all models.
Output Voltage
TPPXX00 Cal Mode: 0 – 2.5 V amplitude, ± 5% (Source Impedance of 25)
You ca
Reference Clock Out: Outputs the 10 MHz oscilloscope reference clock.
Trigger Out: A H IGH to LOW transition i ndicates that the trigger occurred.
Trigger output logic levels
Vout (HI)
Vout (LO)0.7 V into a load of 4mA
10 MHz
You must select either the internal reference (default) or 10 MHz external.
9.9 MHz to 10.1 MHz
You must run SPC, described in step 2 of the Self Test, whenever the external reference is
at which SPC was last run. (See page 62, Self Test.) The time base changes in
correspondence to the fluctuations in the external reference.
1.5 V
Rin = 1.5 k ±20% in parallel with 15 pF ±5 pF at 10 MHz
5 V open circuit
1.0Vintoa50 load to ground
0.25 V into a 50 load to ground
MDO4000 Series Specifications and Performance Ve rification21
Data Handling
The following table shows the data handling specifications for the MDO4000
Series oscilloscopes.
Table 10: Da
Real-time clockA programmable clock providing time in years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds
ta handling specifications
e memory retention time,
No time limit for front-panel settings, saved waveforms, setups, or calibration constants.
10 M and 20 M records saved as Reference waveforms are not saved i n the nonvolatile
memory and
they will not be saved across a power cycle.
Power Supply System Specifications
The foll
MDO4000 Series oscilloscopes.
Table 11: Power supply system specifications
Operating line frequency and voltage
Maximum power consumption:225 W
Source voltage100 V to 240 V ±10%
Source frequency(85 to 264 V) 45 Hz to 66 Hz
Fuse rating
owing table shows the power supply system specifications for the
Volts: 100 – 240; Hz: 50 – 60
Volts: 115: Hz: 400
(100 V to 132 V) 360 Hz to 440 Hz
T6.3AH, 250 VAC
fuse cannot be replaced by the user.
22MDO4000 Series Specifications and Performance Verification
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