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Tektronix warrants that this product will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one (1)
year from the date of shipment. If any such product proves defective during this warranty period, Tektronix, at its
option, either will repair the defective product without charge for parts and labor, or will provide a replacement
in exchange for the defective product. Parts, modules and replacement pr oducts used by Tektronix for warranty
work may be n
the property of Tektronix.
ew or reconditioned to like new performance. All replaced parts, modules and products become
In order to o
the warranty period and make suitable arrangements for the performance of service. Customer shall be responsible
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This warranty shall not apply to any defect, failure or damage caused by improper use or improper or inadequate
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b) to repair damage resulting from improper use or connection to incompatible equipment; c) to repair any damage
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[W2 – 15AUG04]
btain service under this warranty, Customer must notify Tektronix of the defect before the expiration of
ing from attempts by personnel other than Tektronix representatives to install, repair or service the product;
Table of Contents
General Safety Summary ..........................................................................................v
Service Safety Summary.......... ................................ .................................. .............vii
4-9: Serial port connector J500 ........................................................................4-19
ivH600 & SA2600 Service Manual
General Safety Summary
General Safet
To Avoid Fire or Personal
Review the fo
this product or any products connected to it.
To avoid pot
Only qualified personnel should perform service procedures.
While using this product, you may need to access other parts of a larger system.
Read the safety sections of the other component manuals for warnings and
cautions r
Use proper power cord. Use only the power cord specified for this product and
certified for the country of use.
Observe all terminal ratings. To avoid fire or shock hazard, observe all ratings
and markings on the product. Consult the product manual for further ratings
information before making connections to the product.
The inputs are not rated for connection to mains or Category II, III, or IV circuits.
Power disconnect. The power cord disconnects the product from the power source.
Do not block the power cord; it must remain accessible to the user at all times.
llowing safety precautions to avoid injury and prevent damage to
ential hazards, use this product only as specified.
elated to operating the system.
Do not operate without covers. Do not operate this product with covers or panels
Do not operate with suspected failures. If you suspect that there is damage to this
product, have it inspected by qualified service personnel.
Avoid exposed circuitry. Do not touch exposed connections and components when
power is present.
Replace batteries properly. Replace batteries only with the specified type and
Recharge batteries properly. Recharge batteries for the recommended charge cycle
Use proper AC adapter. Use only the AC adapter specified for this product.
Do not operate in an explosive atmosphere.
H600 & SA2600 Service Manualv
General Safety Summary
Symbols and Terms on the
These terms may
WARNING. Warning statements identify conditions or practices that could result
in injury or loss of life.
CAUTION. Caution statements identify conditions or practices that could result in
damage to this product or other property.
These terms may appear on the product:
the marking.
read the marking.
The following symbol(s) may appear on the product:
appear in this manual:
dicates an injury hazard immediately accessible as you read
indicates an injury hazard not immediately a ccessible as you
N indicates a hazard to property including the product.
viH600 & SA2600 Service Manual
Service Safety Summary
Service Safet
y Summary
Only qualifieSafety Summary and the General Safety Summary before performing any service
Do Not Service Alone. Do not perform internal service or adjustments of this
product unless another person capable of rendering first aid and resuscitation is
Disconnect Power. To avoid electric shock, switch off the instrument power, then
disconnect the power cord from the mains power.
UseCareWhenServicingWithPowerOn. Dangerousvoltagesorcurrentsmay
exist in
disconnect test leads before removing protective panels, soldering, or replacing
To avoid electric shock, do not touch exposed connections.
d personnel should perform service procedures. Read this Service
this product. Disconnect power, remove battery (if applicable), and
H600 & SA2600 Service Manualvii
Service Safety Summary
viiiH600 & SA2600 Service Manual
Manual Content
Manual Conventions
This service
This manual contains information related to servicing the mainframe part of the
H600 RFHawk and SA2600 Spectrum Analyzer, and running a performance
verification on the whole instrument. The module part of the instrument has no
user-serviceable parts or adjustments. The entire instrument must be returned to
Tektronix if service is required.
For information related to installing and operating the instrument, or for a list of
instrument specifications, refer to the appropriate user document as described in
Be sure to read the introductions to all procedures. These introductions provide
This manual uses certain conventions that you should become familiar with
before attempting service.
manual is for servicing the H600 RFHawk and SA2600 Spectrum
User Documents below.
ant information needed to perform the service correctly, safely, and
Replaceable Parts
term module refers to a collection of items that are replaceable as a unit. A
module may contain electrical and mechanical asse mblies, circuit boards, and
interconnecting cables.
his manual refers to any field-replaceable assembly or mechanical part by its
name or generically as a replaceable part. In general, a replaceable part is any
circuit board or assembly that is listed in the Replaceable Parts section.
Symbols and terms related to safety appear in the General Safety Summary found
at the beginning of this manual. Be sure to read both the General Safety Summary
and Service Safety Summary before performing any service to this instrument.
H600 & SA2600 Service Manualix
Related User Documents
The following related English user documents are available if you need more
information about operating the instrument. The user manuals can be downloaded
from the Tektronix Web site (www.tektronix.com).
User manual. Tektronix part number 071-2464-xx (for the H600 RFHawk)
and Tektronix part number 071-2465-xx (for the SA2600 Spectrum Analyzer)
contain general information about how to put the instrument into service,
guides to u
Online Help. The H600 RFHawk and SA2600 Spectrum Analyzer
information appropriate for the active screen or the selected help button.
ser interface controls, and application examples.
ions contain online help that is context sensitive, displaying
xH600 & SA2600 Service Manual
Operating Information
The Specifications section contains information on instrument operation
environment requirements. (See Table 6-7 on page 6-9.)
H600 & SA2600 Service Manual1–1
Operating Information
Operating Inf
Refer to the i
nstrument user manual for operation instructions.
1–2H600 & SA2600 Service Manual
Performance Verification
Performance V
This section
warranted characteristics.
Before you perform the procedures in this manual, do the following steps:
Ensure tha
who have read the General Safety Summary at the front of this manual.
Ensure th
to the product user manual).
Obtain t
additional cables and adapters, depending on the actual test equipment you use.
DescriptionMinimum requirementsExamples
Signal generator
Frequency standard
Power meter with head0.009 to 6200 MHz, -52 dBm
10 dB fixed attenuator
50 ohm N-type RF cable0.009 to 6200 MHz
50 ohm BNC cables
N-type barrel
female-to-female adapter
enables you to verify that the instrument performs according to its
t the procedures are performed only by qualified service personnel
at the service personnel are familiar with system operation (refer
he equipme nt described in the following table. You may also need
0.009 to 6200 MHz,
phase noise better than
-110 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz offset
10 MHz (or any frequency in
in 1 MHz increments), ±0.05
to +3 dBm
300MHz band width
0.009 to 6200 MHz
NoneTektronix part number
0.009 MHz to 6200 MHz
Anritsu MG3692B with
option 22 (low frequency),
option 3 (low phase noise,
main band), and option 4
(low phase noise, low band)
Fluke 910/910R GPS
Controlled Frequency
Agilent E4418B
Agilent E9304A
Tektronix TDS3034B
RLC Electronics A-8-10-N
Florida RF Labs NMS 290 AN - 36.0 - NMS
SRI Connector Gage Co.
P/N 53-953-0003-00
H600 & SA2600 Service Manual1–3
Performance Verification
Test Record
Serial numberProcedure performed by
Self Test
Performance checks
Carrier Frequency
and Timebase Error
External Lock Time
Tested at 6 GHz
10 MHz (typical) Reference
Low limitTest resultHigh limit
-3010 Hz
-9010 Hz
-15010 Hz
RF Channel Power
50 MHz, -5 dBm Input- 0.75 dB+0.75 dB
3200 MHz, -5 dBm Input- 0 .75 dB+0.75 dB
5000 MHz, -5 dBm Input- 0 .75 dB+0.75 dB
6199 MHz, -5 dBm Input- 0 .75 dB+0.75 dB
50 MHz, -20 dBm Input-1.25 dB+1.25 dB
3200 MHz, -20 dBm Input-1.25 dB+1.25 dB
5000 MHz, -20 dBm Input-1.25 dB+1.25 dB
6199 MHz, -20 dBm Input-1.25 dB+1.25 dB
50 MHz, -35 dBm Input-1.25 dB+1.25 dB
3200 MHz, -35 dBm Input-0.75 dB+0.75 dB
5000 MHz, -35 dBm Input-0.75 dB+0.75 dB
6199 MHz, -35 dBm Input-1.5 dB+1.5 dB
Phase N oise
100 MHz Input,
10 kHz, offset
3000 MHz Input, 10 kHz offset
5000 MHz Input,
10 kHz offset
6000 MHz Input,
10 kHz offset
Displayed Average
Noise Level
4 GHz to 5 GHz
Residual Spurs-60 dBm ref level
Use this limit if testing shortly after instrument calibration.
Use this limit if testing one year after instrument calibration.
Use this limit if testing two years after instrument calibration.
3010 Hz
9010 Hz
15010 Hz
15 s
-95 dBc/Hz
-95 dBc/Hz
-95 dBc/Hz
-95 dBc/Hz
-153 dBm
-153 dBm
-151 dBm
-145 dBm
-105 dBm
1–4H600 & SA2600 Service Manual
Performance Verification
Instrument Warmup
Equipment Setup
Before perform
operating continuously for at least twenty (20) minutes in an environment that
meets the operating range specifications for temperature and humidity:
The H600 or SA2600 under test
All test equ
Setup the test equipment as follows:
1. Reset all the test instruments to their factory default settings before starting a
2. Connect the RF cable to the output of the Signal Generator; all test instructions
make this assumption.
3. Connect the AC adapter to the H600 or SA2600 instrument. Do not attempt to
do the procedure steps while the instrument is powered from the batteries.
ing these procedures, the following equipment must have been
H600 & SA2600 Service Manual1–5
Performance Verification
A test record table is provided. (See page 1-4, Test Record.) You can photocopy
the page and record your test results in the table.
Diagnostic Tests
This section contains procedures to verify that the instrument platform is
functioning properly.
3. To view the test selections, tap the + symbol in front of All Modules, All
4. Select the test(s) to run. The default selection runs all tests. However,
some diagnostic tests require special equipment or custom fixtures (such as
aDBPS/2-compatible keyboard, Microphone, USB Flash Memory Device, and a
network interface connected to a DHCP-enabled network server). Clear the
box next to any test that requires equipment or custom fixtures that you do not
have available for the tests, otherwise these tests will indicate that they fail.
gnostics tab.
en tap the + symbol in front of Platform.
9F serial loopback connector, PCMCIA ATA flash memory cards,
5. Select one of the test run options:
Loop. Use the up/down arrows to set how many times to repeat the test(s).
Until Fail. Run the selected test(s) until a failure occurs or the user selects
Continuous. Run the selected test(s) until the user selects Stop.
6. Tap Run to begin the tests.
1–6H600 & SA2600 Service Manual
Performance Verification
Test Descr
Test Results Re
report the results of each test.
The Last Resul
The Fail Count column lists the number of times a test failed.
The Loop Count field reports the number of times the test ran.
To see details on failed tests, select the Failure Log tab and read the Message
Some diagnostic tests require special equipment or custom fixtures. These
requirements are noted under each description.
Observe a full screen of moving vertical lines.
1. Look for inconsistent line widths and lengths.
2. Report a Pass or Fail when prompted.
A Test
response when prompted.
failed is recorded in the Failure Log if the user does not enter a pass/fail
porting. The Diagnostics window contains columns and fields to
t column lists the Pass or Fail status of each test.
Horizontal Line Test
Color Range Test
Observe a full screen of moving horizontal lines.
1. Look for inconsistent line widths and lengths.
2. Report a Pass or Fail.
A Test faile d is recorded in the Failure Log if the user does not enter a pass/fail
response when prompted.
Observe two different color test patterns.
attern 1, look for color fading and inconsistencies while observing red,
green, and blue color bands on a white background.
2. Pattern 2, look for color inconsistencies (failed pixels) while observing three
different full color screens (red, green, blue).
3. Report a Pass or Fail when prompted.
A Test faile d is recorded in the Failure Log if the user does not enter a pass/fail
response when prompted.
H600 & SA2600 Service Manual1–7
Performance Verification
Brightness Test
LED Test
Touch S
creen Test
Observe a full s
1. Look for adequate brightness at each level.
2. Report a Pass or Fail when prompted.
A Test faile d is recorded in the Failure Log if the user does not enter a pass/fail
response when prompted.
The display returns to its original brightness at test completion.
Observe a series of front-panel LED color cycles.
1. Look for t
2. Report a Pass or Fail when prompted.
A Test faile d is recorded in the Failure Log if the user does not enter a pass/fail
response when prompted.
Observe a c rosshair cursor that moves from screen center to top-left, top-right,
bottom-right, and bottom-left.
1. At each position, press on the center of the crosshair icon until it moves.
Use the stylus or your finger.
creen checker-board pattern that changes brightness.
he color and position indicated: left-right, green, red, and amber.
Keyboard Test
Pass is reported if the sequence is completed within the a llotted time.
Test failed is recorded in the Failure Log if no user interaction is detected or the
user presses outside of the crosshair area.
Check the keyboard cable connection to the instrument; check the function of
each key.
NOTE. This test requires an external PS/2 keyboard.
1. Connect a PS/2-compatible keyboard to the keyboard port. Refer to the user
manual for port location.
2. Select Keyboard Test; then select Run.
3. Enter the requested text on the keyboard when prompted; then select OK.
The text must be duplicated exactly or the test will fail.
This test reports a Fail if a keyboard is not connected or the user misspells the
1–8H600 & SA2600 Service Manual
Performance Verification
Audio Test
PCMCIA Slot 1 Test
Check the exter
1. Plug a microphone into the external microphone jack.
2. Select Audio Test; then select Run.
3. When prompted, speak into the microphone for approximately 5 seconds.
The device will then automatically play back your message.
4. Listen to the playback and verify its accuracy. The test fails if there is no
output or if the audio is significantly distorted.
5. Report a Pass or Fail when prompted.
A Test fai
response when prompted.
CheckthePCMCIAcontrollerconnectiontoanATAflash card in Slot 1. The test
uses sta
read the file back, and validate the data.
NOTE. This test requires two PCMCIA ATA flash memory cards. Both cards must
be installed for the test to run successfully.
ndard API functions to create a file on the device, write data to the file,
nal microphone and speaker operation.
led is recorded in the Failure Log if the user does not enter a pass/fail
PCMCIA Slot 2 Test
1. Install two PCMCIA ATA flash memory cards, one in each of the PCMCIA
card slots.
2. Select PCMCIA Slot 1 Test,thentapRun.
A Test failed is recorded in the Failure Log if a memory card is not installed
when prompted.
eck the PCMCIA controller connection to an ATA flash card in Slot 2. Uses
standard API functions to create a file on the device, write data to the file, read the
file back, and validate the data.
NOTE. NOTE. This test requires two PCMCIA ATA flash memory cards. Both
cards m ust be installed for the test to run successfully.
1. Install two PCMCIA ATA flash memory cards in the PCMCIA card slots.
2. Select PCMCIA Slot 2 Test; then select Run.
A Test failed is recorded in the Failure Log if a memory card is not installed
when prompted.
H600 & SA2600 Service Manual1–9
Performance Verification
Network Port Test
Serial Port Test
Checks the Ethe
rnet network port. Requires a network connection with a DHCP
1. Connect the Ne
tTek Analyzer Platform RJ45 Ethernet port to a DHCP-enabled
network server.
2. Select Netw
ork Port Test; then select Run.
A Test failed is recorded in the Failure Log if the NetTek Analyzer cannot obtain
an I.P. addr
ess from the DHCP-enabled network server.
Check the serial port signal lines by setting the output control lines and reading
the corresponding status lines. Writes, reads, and validates a data pattern at
varying b
aud rat es.
NOTE. This test requires a custom DB-9F serial loop-back connector.
Table 1-1: DB- 9F serial loop-back connector pin-out
Connect pin
1 (DCD)4 (DTR)
6 (DSR)4 (DTR)
To p in
1. Install the custom DB-9 loop-back connector on the RS-232 serial port. Refer
to the user manual for port location.
2. Select Serial Port Test; then select Run.
A Test failed is recorded in the Failure Log if the loop-back connector is not
installed when prompted.
1–10H600 & SA2600 Service Manual
Performance Verification
USB Flash Memory Device
SPI Test
Tests the USB po
NOTE. This test requires a USB Flash Memory Device inserted into the USB slot.
If a Flash Memory Device is not installed when the test is initiated, the user is
prompted to insert a Flash Memory Drive or fail the test. The test consists of
the following:
Creating a data file
Writing a fixed size pattern to the file
Closing the file
If an error occurs during any portion of the test, the test terminates and reports a
Test failed in the Failure Log. A Test failedisalsorecordedifaFlashMemory
Drive is not install
Check the external connectivity and function by setting the instrument module
interface port to loop back mode and sending, receiving, and validating device
selects and frequency changes.
No user interaction required. Select Run.
ed when prompted.
SMBus Te
Flash File System Test
Power Test
Verify communications between the host and power management processor.
No user interaction required. Select Run.
Check the read/write function and data integrity of the internal flash file system.
The test uses standard API functions to create a file, write a data pattern to the
file, read the file, and validate the data.
Verify the instrument platform processor board and application module voltages
are within their nominal range. See Table 3-2 for voltage limits.
NOTE. The Power Test does not chec k battery voltages.
This test uses internal voltage sensing. No user interaction required. Select Run.
Table 1-2: Test voltages and limits
SourceVoltage (VDC)Limits (VDC)
Processor board+1.5
Processor board+3.3
H600 & SA2600 Service Manual1–11
Performance Verification
Table 1-2: Test voltages and limits (cont.)
Verify Performance
Processor board
Application module+3.4
Application module+13
Application module-13
This test
reports a fail if the detected voltages exceed ±10% of their nominal
Before continuing these procedures, warm up the instrument and all other test
equipment for at least twenty (20) minutes in an environment that meets the
operating range specifications for temperature and humidity.
To warm up the instrument:
1. Connect the AC adapter to the H600 or SA2600 instrument. Do not attempt to
do the procedure steps while powered from the batteries.
2. Power on the instrument. Wait until it completes the power-on sequence.
3. Dou
ble-tap the H600 or SA2600 application icon on the screen to open and
run the instrument application. Leave the application running.
Check Carrier Frequency
d Time-base
This test checks the accuracy of the carrier frequency measurement and the
ccuracy of its internal time-base.
1. Remove any cable attached to instruments Freq Ref BNC.
2. Reset the instrument application:
a. Select Tools > Factory Reset.
b. Tap Reset All.
3. Connect the Signal Generator output to the H600 under test RF INPUT
connector through the RF cable.
1–12H600 & SA2600 Service Manual
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