Changeover Unit
ECO422D SD/HD Data Sheet
Features & Benefits
Switches Analog Black and Serial Digital Video, Both Standard and
High-definition, and Digital Audio
Eleven User-configurable Signal Channels
Amplitude Detection on All Channels
Automatic o
Fault and Operating Mode Front-panel Indicators
Provides Complete Fault Tolerance when Used as a Switch Betwee n
Primary and Backup SPGs or TSGs
The ECO422D is a highly v ersatile sync changeover unit designed for
use in a serial SD/HD digital television environment. The ECO422D
will accom
AES/EBU digital audio, tri-level sync, and analog black-burst signals. This
flexibility makes the ECO 422D ideal for both the mixed-format and all-digital
television facility.
Fast Switch Fun ction for Input Channels 4 to 6, with Option
r Manual Operation
modate component or composite serial digital video signals,
The ECO422D provides eleven user-configured channels, each channel
consisting of primary and backup inputs, and an output.
Six channels can be set for high-definition serial digital video,
standard-definition serial digital video, AES/EBU digital audio, tri-level
sync, and PAL
Five channe
AES/EBU digital audio, tri-level sync, and PAL or NTSC analog black
Channel configuration is by internal DIP switch. Signal amplitude fault
detection level follows the setting of the channel configuration switches.
Detection on individual channels may be disabled, giving the option of
disabling changes to the backup unit on failure of signals not critical to the
facility operation.
When operated in the switch-on-fault mode, the ECO422D will automatically
select the backup sync source should any of the primary inputs fail.
However, i
will not alternate between the two sources. If necessary, this function may
be overridden with the manual sync source selection. Manual so urce
selection also facilitates periodic testing of the changeover function.
Switching is by mechanical relay with all channels switched simultaneously.
The Electrical Fast Switch function, available with Opt. ELSW, improves the
changeover switching speed between inputs, and replaces the mechanical
relay on channels 4-6. Using this type of switch minimizes disturbance
when swit
channels 4-6 can only accept a black-burst or tri-level sync signal.
nel controls are provided for source selection, operating mode,
resetting the fault indicators, and for disabling the front-panel controls. LED
indicators are also provided . Indication of fault and unit on line is also
available through the remote connector.
or NTSC analog black burst
ls may be set for standard-definition serial digital video,
n the unlikely event both sync sources are faulty, the ECO422D
ching between primary and backup inputs. With Opt. ELSW,

Data Sheet
Inputs and Outputs
Return Loss –
Channels 1-6:
30 dB, 0 to 10 MH
15 dB, 10 to 750 MHz.
10 dB, 750 MHz to 1.5 GHz.
Channels 7-1
30 dB, 0 to 10 MHz.
15 dB, 10 to 270 MHz.
12 dB at 360 MH
Channels 4-6 (with Opt. ELSW):
30 dB, 0 to 10 MHz.
Insertion Loss –
Channels 1-
Channels 7
Channels 4-6 (with Opt. ELSW):
Maximum Switched Voltage –
All chann
Channels 4-6 (Opt. ELSW):
Maximum S
Channels 1-6:
Channels 7-11:
Relay Switch Time – Time that it takes for the relays to switch and settle.
channel to switch and settle. Approximately 100 ns.
Amplitude Detection – The ECO422D will determine a fault condition exists when the
input signal is less than 2 dB from the nominal level. The following are the amplitude
NTSC: 180 to 225 mV.
PAL: 190 to 235 mV.
6: 0.2 dB, DC to 10 MHz.
In a frequency range of 10 MHz to 1.5 GHz, the instrument approximates less
than 20 meters of Belden 1694A cable.
0.2 dB, DC to 10 MHz.
0.5 dB, 10 to 200 MHz.
1.0 dB, 200
0.3 dB, DC to 10 MHz
±5 V
±1 V (only
witched Current –
lk (Unselected input to output or channel to channel) –
-30 dB to
-60 dB t
ls 4-6 (Opt. ELSW):
ximately 10 ms.
el Switch Time (Channels 4-6, Opt. ELSW only) –
es for the various types of input signals that will result in a fault condition.
level: 150to210mV.
al Digital Video –
EBU Digital Audio –
z (15 dB typical) when selected.
to 360 MHz.
for the tri-level sync and analog black-burst signals).
100 mA.
1.0 GHz.
Time that it takes for the
630 to 790 mV.
Power Source
Voltage: 100 to 240 VAC, ±10%.
Frequency: 48 to 62 Hz.
Power consumption: 25 W maximum.
Temperature –
Operating: 0 °C to +40 °C, IEC1010-1 compliance.
Nonoperating: -40 °C to +65 °C.
Altitude –
Operating: To 6562 feet (2000 meters), IEC1010-1 compliance.
EMC – Certified to the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC.
Safety –
Approved to: UL3111-1, CAN/CSA-C22.2 No.1010.1.
Complies with: EN61010-1, IEC1010-1.
Physical Characteristics
Height 44 1.734
Width 483 19.0
Depth 561 22.1
Weight kg lb.
Net 4.9 10.8
8.3 18.3
Ordering Information
Changeover Unit.
Service Options
Opt. G3 – Complete Care 3 Years (includes loaner, scheduled calibration and more)
Opt. G5 – Complete Care 5 Years (includes loaner, scheduled calibration and more)
Opt. R3 – Repair Service 3 Years.
Opt. R5 – Repair Service 5 Years.
Product Options
Opt. ELSW –
Provides Electrical Fast Switch Function for channels 4-6.
Opt. ELSW is installed at the factory, and cannot be added later.
Product(s) are manufactured in ISO registered facilities.
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