Tektronix DSA8200 DATASHEET

Digital Serial Analyzer Sampling Oscilloscope
DSA8200 Data Sheet
Jitter, Noise, BER, and Serial Data Link Analysis
Measures and Separates Deterministic Data-dependent Jitter from Random Jitter
tical Noise, Separating Deterministic Data-dependent
er for Fixture De-embedding, Linear Filtering
at 50 GHz
party Software
Features & Benets
State-of-the-Art Sampling Oscilloscope for Communication Signal Analysis, TDR / TDT / Serial Data Network Analysis, Acquisition, and Measurements of Repetitive Ultrafast Signals
Acquisition of Spread Spectrum Clocking (SSC) Signals
Industr Increased Flexibility and Throughput Four Color-graded, Variable Persistence Waveform Databases Measurement System with Over 100 Automated Measurements Complete Suite of Communications Measurements includes Both Types of OMA, SSC Pro le, and Many Others
ted ITU/ANSI/IEEE Mask Testing
Automa Masks and Measurements for SONET/SDH, FC, Ethernet, and Other Standards Built-in Mask Updates can be Loa ded from Factory-supplied File Mask Margin Testing for Guard Banding Production Testing
Acquisition Modules
Fully Integrated Multirate Optical Modules Optical Modules up to 80 GHz 80C10B
ccuracy "ER Calibrated" Measurement Available in Some
High-a Modules Electrical Modules up to 70+ GHz Bandwidth and 5 ps Measured Rise Time (10-90%) Flexible Rate Clock Recovery Clock Recovery with SSC (Spread Spectrum Clocking) Support
Measures Ver Noise from Random Noise Highly Accurate BER and Eye Contour Estimation, Support for DDPWS FFE/DFE Equalization, Transmitter Equalization Channel Emulation for Channels with >30 dB of Loss Linear Filt
TDR (Time Domain Reectometry)
Up to 50 GHz TDR Ba ndwidth with 15 ps Reected Rise Time and 12 ps Incident Rise Time Lowest Noise for Accurate Repeatable TDR Measurement R esults – 600 μV Independent Sampler Deskew ensures Easy Fixture and Probe De-embedding Industry’s Only Mainframe to Accommodate up to Four True-differential TDR or Electrical Channel Pairs for Increased System Versatility
S-parameters Measurements
Up to 50 GHz Differential, Single Ended, Mixed Mode; Insertion, Return Loss, Frequency Domain Crosstalk PCI Express, Serial ATA, Inniband, Gigabit Ethernet Manufacturing, and Standard Compliance Testing for Gigabit Signal Path and Interconnects – Including Eye Mask Tests Intuitive, Easy, and Accurate for S erial Data, Gigabit Digital Design, and Signal Integrity Fast and Accurate Automated Multiport S-parameter Measurements with Command Line Interface
Industry’s Best Standard Time-base Jitter Perform ance, 800 fs
Industry-leading Time-base Jitter Performance, <200 fs with Phase Reference Mode
Fast Acquisition Rate and High Throu ghput
True-differential Remote Sampler enabling Placement Near DUT for Superior Signal Fidelity
FrameScan™ Acquisition Mode with Eye Diagram Averaging:
Isolate Data-dependent Faults Examine Low-power Signals
MS Windows XP Operating System
ced Connectivity to 3
Data Sheet
Design/Verication of Telecom and Datacom Components and Systems
Manufacturing/Testing for ITU/ANSI/IEEE/SON ET/SDH Compliance
High-performance True-differential TDR Measurements
Advanced Jitter, Noise, and BER Analysis
Impedance Characterization and Network A nalysis for Serial Data Applications including S -parameters
Channel and Eye Diagram Simulation and Measurement-based SPICE Modeling
*1Typical, with the Phase Reference module, some conditions apply. Without the module, the jitter is
<800 fs
Superior Performance with Extraordinary Versatility
For developing today’s high-speed serial devices, the DSA8200 D igital Serial Analyzer sampling oscilloscope is the most versatile tool for communication, computer and consumer electronics gigabit transmitter and signal path characterization, and compliance verication. With exceptional bandwidth, signal delity, and the most extensible modular architecture, the DSA8200 provides the highest performance TDR and inte rconnect analysis, most accurate ana lysis of signal impairments, and BER calculations for current and emerging serial data technology.
The DSA8200 provides unmatch ed measurement system delity with ultra-low jitter oor that ensures the most accurate acquisition of high-speed signals. You get advanced analysis benets from the 200 fs acquisition jitter with the Phase Reference module. And in another step forward for a sampling oscilloscope, with the help of the Phase R efe rence module the DSA8200 can acquire and measure SSC (Spread Spectrum Clocking) signals.
The multiprocessor architecture, with dedicated per-slot digital signal processors (DSPs), provides fast waveform acquisition rates, reducing the test times necessary for reliable characterization and compliance verication.
The DSA8200’s versatile modular architecture supports a large and growing family of plug-ins enabling you to congure your measurement syst a wide variety of electrical, optical, and accessory modules that best suit your application now an d in the future. With 6 module slots, the DSA8200 can simultaneously accommodate a Clock Recovery module, a pre cision Phase Reference modu le, and multiple acquisition modules, electrical or optical, so you can match system performance to your evolving needs.
Featuring industry-leading signal delity, the family of electrical modules includes bandwidth performance from 12 GHz to 70+ GHz. Two
ferential Time Domain Reecto meter (TDR) modules, with remote
em with
samplers, offer up to 50 GHz bandwidth and 15 ps reected rise time and 12 ps incident rise time. The family of low-noise variable-bandwidth electrical mod remote samplers, featuring 450 μV
ules provides the industry’s best noise perfo rmance with
noise at 60 GHz, and 300 μV
30 GHz.
DSA8200 optical modules provide complete optical test solutions with superior system delity from 125 Mb/s to 43 Gb/s and beyond. The modules cover a range of waveleng ths for both single- a nd multi-mode bres. Each module can be option ally congured with a number of selectable data rate lters, optical reference receivers (ORR), and/or a full bandwidth path. The 80C07B, 80C08
C, and 80C11 can be congured with a number o f available exible integrated clock recovery options. The 80C12 Multirate mod ule clock recovery support is achieved with an electrical output for use with the 80A05 or 80A07 Electrical Clock Recovery modules.
The DSA8200’s popular Fram eScan™ acquisition m ode can be used with patterns from DUTs, BERTs, and other sources, to isolate pattern-dependent e ffects in transmitters or show the bit sequence preceding a mask violation. FrameScan automatically sequences the time base so that e
ach bit of the data s tream is acquired in time order. When used in combination with mask-testing conditional acquisition features of the DSA8200, such as stop after mask hits, FrameScan can automatically identify at which bit a pattern-dependent failure occurred.
In addition, specialized modules supporting features such as single-ended and differential electrical clock recovery, electrostatic protection for the TDR, and connectivity to the popular TekConnect probing system brings you the performance of Tektronix state-of-the-art probes for high-impedance and
al probing. Low-impedance probes for 50 probing an d for TDR
differenti probing are also available.
Jitter, Noise, BER, and Serial Data Link Analysis
High-speed serial data link m easurements and analysis are supp orted with three software solution s: 80SJARB, 80SJNB Essentials,and80SJNB
80SJARB is a basic jitter measurement tool capable of measuring jitter on
any wavefo the amount of analysis possible so only the simplest decomposition can be used; repeatability is pattern de pendent.
80SJNB Essentials offers complete analysis of jitter, noise, and BER, with decomposition of components for clear understanding of a signal’s problems and margins. The acquisition methodology requires a repetitive pattern. Both accuracy and repeatability are improved relative to 80SJARB since the tool has access to the complete signal pattern.
80SJNB Advanced ad ds features to 80SJNB Essentials for Serial Data Link Analysis – de-embedding of xture, channel emulation, FFE/DFE equaliza
rm – random or repetitive. The simplicity of acquisition limits
tion, pre-emphasis/de-emphasis.
2 www.tektronix.com
TDR and electrical modules with fully integrated remote sampler.
Digital Serial Analyzer Sampling Oscilloscope — DSA8200
TDR (Time Domain Reectometry)
The DSA8200 is the industry’s highest performance fully integrated Time Domain Reecto metry (TDR) measurement system. Offering true-differential TDR measurements up to 50 GHz bandwidth with 15 ps reected rise time and 12 ps incident rise time, you are able to keep pace with today’s most demanding Serial Data Network Analysis (SDNA) requirements.
The new 80E10 and 80E08 TDR modules feature a fully integrated independent dual-channel 2-meter remote sampler system to minimize xturing and assure optimal system delity. Independent sampler deskew ensures fast and easy xture and probe de-embedding. The user can
erize differential crosstalk by using TDR steps from a differential
charact module to drive one line pair while monitoring a second line pair with a second differential module.
Small form factor remote sampler enables placement near DUT assuring optimal signal delity.
The DSA8200 is the industry’s most versatile TDR measurement system, accommodating up to 4 dual-channel true-differential TDR modules for fast accurate
The P80318 True-differential TDR probe and P8018 Single-ended Passive Handheld board impedance and electrical signal characterization. The P80318, an 18 GHz 100 input impedance differential TDR hand probe , enables high-delity impedance measurements of d ifferential transmission lines. The adjustable probe pitch enables a wide variety of differential line spacing and impedances. The P8018 is a 20 GHz Single-ended Passive Handheld TDR prob probes but are especially designed to work with the 80A02 for the control of EOS/ESD protection.
multilane impedance characterization.
TDR probe provide high-perform ance probing solutions for circuit
e. Both the P80318 and P8018 can be used as stand-alone
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Data Sheet
Gigabit Signal Path Characterization and Analysis – Serial Data Network Analysis (SDNA)
As clock speeds and rise times of digital circuits increase, interconnect signal integrity dramatically affects digital system performance. Accurate and efcient Serial Da ta Network Analysis (SDNA) of the signal path and interconnects in time and frequency domains is critical to predict signal losses, jitter, crosstalk, terminations and ringing, digital bit errors, and eye diagram degradation, ensuring reliable system operation.
Tektronix offers several true-differential TDR modules, which in co mbination with IConnect –70 dB of dynamic range. This performance assures accurate repeatable measurement in serial data analysis, digital design, signal integrity, and electrical compliance testing applications.
The table below summarizes th e S-parameter measurement bandwidth performance when IConnect and the true-differential TDR modules are used in combination.
software, allow S-parameters measurements with up to
entify the exact location of faults with the 80E10’s sub-millimeter resolution and
Quickly id IConnect T
rue Impedance Prole.
TDR Module
80E10 80E08 80E04
S-parameter Measurement Bandwidth Performance
50 GHz 30 GHz 20 GHz
With the long record length acquisitions, IConnect®provides great exibility for obtaining the desired freq uency range and frequency st ep when performing S-parameter measurements. Up to 1,000,000 points can be acquired*
When you employ IConnect
Signal Integrity TDR and S-parameter software with the DSA8200 you have an efcient, easy-to-use, and cost-effective solution for measurement-based performance evaluation of multi-gigabit interconnect links and devices, including signal integrity analysis, impedance, S-parameter, and eye-diagram tests, and fault isolation. IConnect can help you complete interconnect analysis tasks in minutes instead of days, resulting in faster system design time and lower design costs. IConnect also enables impedance, S-parameters, and eye-diagram compliance testing as required by many serial data standards, as well as full channel analysis, Touchstone (SnP) le output, and SPICE modeling for gigab it interconnects.
*2Long record lengths are supported only on DSA8200, CSA8200, TDS8200, CSA8000, and TDS8000
Failure Analysis – Quickly Identify Fault Location
The 80E10 provides superior resolution enabling the fastest and most efcient fault isolation in package, circuit board, and on-chip failure analysis applications.
Advanced Communication Signal Analysis
ally designed for ultra high-performance optical and electrical serial
Specific data applications, the DSA8200 is the ideal tool for design characterization and validation, as well as manufacturing test of datacom and telecom components, transceiver suba sse m blies, and transmission systems. The DSA8200 generates measurement results, not just raw data, with time and amplitude histograms, mask testing, and statistical measurements. It
s a communications-tailored measurement set that includes jitter,
provide noise, duty cycle, overshoot, undershoot, OMA, extinction ratio, Q-factor, mean optical power, and amplitude. In add ition, you can do mask testing of SONET/SDH, 100 Gigabit (4× 25), 10 Gigabit, Gigabit Ethernet, and other electrical and optical standards compliance verication. Color grading and grayscale grading of waveform data adds a third dimension, sample density,
signal acquisitions and analysis to provide visual insight. In addition,
to your the variable persistence database feature enables exact data aging to all of the functions, and facilitates eye measurements on DUTs under adjustment.
4 www.tektronix.com
Digital Serial Analyzer Sampling Oscilloscope — DSA8200
OpenChoice Software Enables Familiar Tools to Extend Your Measurement System
The DSA8200 provides an open Windows environment offering ne w levels of data analysis on the instrument using your favorite commercially available third-party software packages. Additionally, TekVISA™, a standard software accessory, al applications (such as LabVIEW, LabWindows, Visual Basic, Microsoft Excel, C, etc.) running on the instrument or on an external PC workstation’s network connected to the instrument without the need of a GPIB hardware interface. Plug-and-play drivers for LabVIEW and other programs are also supplied.
The DSA8200 combines the familiarity of Microso ft’s Windows XP operating system with world-class waveform acquisition technology. This platform provides a wi interfaces, including: GPIB, parallel printer port, RS-232-C, USB serial ports, and an Ethernet LAN connection. In addition, the platform includes a DVD-CD/RW combo drive and removable hard drive for storage of waveforms, setups, and analysis results.
lows the instrument to be placed under the control of software
de array of standard instrumentation and communications
155 Mb/s to 12+ Gb/s Optical Test
Tektronix optical modules for DSA8200 offer highest level of integration in the industry, with corresponding higher repeatability and transferability of the result. A particularly method-sensitive measurement, Extinction Ratio (ER) is now also available as ER Calibrated, with an additional layer of improvement to the portability of the result (80C08C and 80C11 modules only).
Fibre Channel applications at 8.5 Gb/s, 10.51, and 11.3 Gb/s. The 80C12 also provides telecom rate te sting at 9.95, 10.66, and 10.70 Gb/s. With its amplied O/ performance and high optical sensitivity, allowing users to examine low power level optical signals. Clock recovery for the 80C12 is provided through the 80A05 or 80A07 Clock Recovery modules (sold separately).
E design, this module provides excellent signal-to-noise
80C11 30 GHz Long Wavelength Multirate 10 Gb/s Optical Module
The 80C11 is optimized for testing of long wavelength signals (1100 to 1650 nm) at a number of rates around 10 Gb/s with a highly exible multirate lter. Additionally the high optical bandwidth of 30 GHz (typical) and the excellent frequency response of its full bandwidth path is well suited for general purpose high-performance optical component testing. The 80C11 can be congured with clock recovery options that supports any standard or user-dened rate from 9.8 to 12.6 Gb/s.
80C07B 2.5 GHz Broad Wavelength Multirate 155 Mb/s to 2.5 Gb/s Optical Module
The 80C07B is a broad-wavelength (7 00 to 1650 nm) multirate optical sampling module optimized for testing datacom /telecom signals from 155 to 2500 Mb/s. With its amplied O/E design, this module provides excellent signal-to-noise performance, allowing users to examine low-power optical signals. The 80C07B can be optionally congured with multirate clock recovery that operates from 155 to 2.7 M b/s.
40 Gb/s and 100 Gb/s Optical Test
80C08C 10 GH
z Broad Wavelength Multirate 10 G b/ s
Optical Module
The 80C08C is a broad-wavelength (700 to 1650 nm) mu ltirate optical sampling module providing datacom rate testing for 10GbE applications at
9.95, 10.31, 11.09 Gb/s and 10G Fibre C hanne l applications at 10.51 Gb/s. The 80C08C also provides telecom rate testing with several lters between
9.95 and 11.3 Gb/s. With its amplied O/E design, this module provides excellent users to examine low power level optical signals. The 80C08C can be optionally congured with clock recovery option s that can support any standard or user-dened rate in a continuous range from 9.8 to 12.6 Gb/s.
signal-to-noise performance and high optical sensitivity, allowing
80C12 Up to 10 GHz Broad Wavelength Multirate 1 Gb/s to 10 Gb/s Optical Module
The 80C012 is a broad-wavelength (700 to 1650 nm) multirate optical sampling module providing 1G, 2G, and 4G te lecom and datacom testing. This high rate applications (1 to 4 Gb/s) or a wide variety of 10 Gb/s applications. The low data rate applications include: 1, 2, 4, and 8 Fibre Channel and “by 4” wavelength d ivision multiplex standards such as 10GBASE-X4 and 4-Lane 10 Gb/s Fibre Cha nnel. The supported 10 Gb/s applications include both datacom and telecom. The supported 10 Gb/s datacom applications include 1
ly exible module can be congured to support either lower data
0GbE at 9.95, 10.31, 11.09 Gb/s, 8G Fibre Channel, and 10G
80C10B Multirate Datacom and Telecom 40 Gb/s and 100 Gb/s
The 80C10B module provides integrat ed and selectable reference receiver ltering, enabling compliance testing at either 1310 nm or 1550 nm for
39.813 Gb/s (OC-768/STM-256, VSR2000 G.693, 40G NRZ G.959.1),
41.25 Gb/s (40GBASE-FR), and 43.018 Gb/s [G.709 FEC, OTU3, (4x10G LAN PHY)] rates. In addition to the lter rates, the user may also choose selectable bandwidths of 30 GHz, 65 GHz, and 80 GHz for 80C10B for optimal noise vs. bandwidth performance for accura te signal characterization. The 80C10B is optionally available with Option F1 which extends lter selection s to include 27.739 Gb/s (100GBASE-LR4 + FEC and 100GBASE-ER4 + FEC), and 25.781 Gb/s (100GBASE-LR4 and 100GBASE-ER4). When equipped with Option CRTP, an electrical signal pickoff is provided for clock recovery using an external module (such as the Tektronix CR286A-HS). The 80C10B is also optionally available in a bundled ordering conguration which includes a 70+ GHz electrical sampling channel.
80C25GBE Multirate Datacom 100 Gb/s
80C25GBE module provides 65 GHz full bandwidth with integrated selectable reference receiver ltering, enabling compliance testing at either 1310 nm or 1550 nm for 27.739G (100GBASE-LR4 + FEC and 100GB
ASE-ER4 + FEC), and 25.781G (100GBASE-LR4 and
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Data Sheet
100GBASE-ER4). When equipped with Option CRTP, an electrical signal pickoff is provided for clock recovery using an external module (such as
the Tektronix CR286A-HS).
Optical Modules: 80C07B
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10
(GHz) Wavelength
700-1650 700-1650 700-1650 700-1650 700-1650 700-1650 700-1650 700-1650 700-1650 700-1650 700-1650
Range (nm) Fibre Input
(μm) Mask Test
–22 –22 –22 –22 –22 –22 –22 –22 –22 –22 –22 Sensitivity (dBm)
Number of
Channels Rates Supported: =Filter, =Optical Clock Recovery, =Electrical Clock Recovery
125 Mb/s* 155 Mb/s 622 Mb/s 1063 Mb/s 1250 Mb/s 2125 Mb/s 2488 Mb/s 2500 Mb/s
3.125 Gb/s
3.188 Gb/s
3.32 Gb/s
4.25 Gb/s
9.95 Gb/s
*3125 Mb/s is supported by selecting 155 Mb/s rate.
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6 www.tektronix.com
Optical Modules: 80C08C, 80C10B, 80C11, and 80C25GBE
10 10 10 10 80 65 30 30 30 30 30 65
80C08C 80C10B*
(GHz) Wavelength
700-1650 700-1650 700-1650 700-1650 1290-1330
(nm) Fibre
Input (μm) Mask Test
–16 –15 –15 –15
9 9999999
–7 Sensitivity (dBm)
11111 1111111 of Channels
Rates Supported: =Filter, =Optical Clock Recovery, =Electrical Clock Recovery
9.95 Gb/s
10.31 Gb/s
10.52 Gb/s
10.66 Gb/s
10.71 Gb/s
11.1 Gb/s
11.3 Gb/s
25.78 Gb/s ♦*
27.74 Gb/s ♦*
39.81 Gb/s
41.25 Gb/s
43.02 Gb/s
tact Tektronix for details.
Option CRTP reduces sensitivity by 0.6 dB (max) and increases noise by 15% (max).
Clock recovery with CR286A-HS (sold separately).
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Digital Serial Analyzer Sampling Oscilloscope — DSA8200
80C11 80C25GBE
1100-1650 1100-1650 1100-1650 1100-1650 1100-1650 1290-1330
–8 –9 –9 –9 –9 –9 –8
♦ ♦
♦ ♦
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Data Sheet
Optical Modules: 80C12
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6
4.25 9 9 4.25 9 9 9 10
(GHz) Wavelength
700-1650 700-1650 700-1650 700-1650 700-1650 700-1650 700-1650 700-1650
Range (nm) Fibre Input
9 or 50 or 62.5 9 or 50 or 62.5 9 or 50 or 62.5 9 or 50 or 62.5 9 or 50 or 62.5 9 or 50 or 62.5 9 or 50 or 62.5 9 or 50 or 62.5 (μm)
Mask Test
–19 –19 –19 –19 –19 –19 –19 –14 Sensitivity (dBm)
Number of
Channels Rates Supported: =Filter, =Optical Clock Recovery, =Electrical Clock Recovery
155 Mb/s 622 Mb/s 1063 Mb/s
1250 Mb/s 2125 Mb/s
2488 Mb/s 2500 Mb/s
3.125 Gb/s
3.188 Gb/s
3.32 Gb/s
4.25 Gb/s
8.5 Gb/s*
■■ ■■
■■ ■■■■
9.95 Gb/s
10.31 Gb/s*
10.52 Gb/s
10.66 Gb/s
10.71 Gb/s
11. 1 Gb/s
11. 3 Gb/s
*7With 80A05 or 80A07.
With 80A05 Option 10G or 80A07.
Draft version of the 8.5GFC lter. T11 committee redened this lter at the April 2008 meeting. New 8.5GFC lter, as denedbyT11committeeinApri 80C12 Option 10G modules only; and is identied as 10BASE-R.
FC 10G CR*
♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦
♦♦ ♦♦
l 2009, is identical to the 10BASE-R 10.313G lter and is available for
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
8 www.tektronix.com
Digital Serial Analyzer Sampling Oscilloscope — DSA8200
DSA8200 Electrical Modules
TDR Modules: 80E10, 80E08, and 80E04
The 80E10, 80E08, and 80E04 are dual-channel Time Domain Reectometry (TDR) sampling modules, providing up to 12 ps incident and 15 ps reected rise time. Each channel of these m odules is capable of generating a fast impulse for use in TDR mode and the acquisition portion of the sampling module monitors the incident step and any reected energy. The polarity of each channel’s step can be selected independently. This allows for true-differential or common-mode TDR or S-parameters testing of two coupled lines, in addition to the independent testing of isolated lines. The independent step generation for each channel allows true-differential measurements, which ensures measurement accuracy of nonlinear differential devices.
80E10 and 80E08 fe ature a small form factor, fully integrated independent 2-meter remote sampler syst em, enabling the location of the sampler near the DUT for th
TDR Module Summary
80E10 12 ps 15 ps
80E08 18 ps 20 ps
80E04 23 ps 28 ps
es shown are warranted unless printed in an italic typeface which represents a typical value.
Calculated from .35 bandwidth rise time product.
e best system delity. The modules characterize crosstalk by
Typical TDR Rise Time at Full BandwidthModule
using TDR steps to drive one line (or line pair for differential crosstalk) while monitoring a second line (or line pair) with the other channel (or another module for diff
erential crosstalk). The "rise time lter" function on the DSA8200 mainframe can be used with TDR or crosstalk measurements to characterize expected system performance with slower edge speeds. An optional 2-meter extender cable for the 80E04 is available, which enables placement of the module near the DUT for the be st system delity.
All modules have independent incident step and receiver deskew to remove the effect of xtures and probes, enabling faster and easier deskew. The 80E10 Sampling module provides an acquisition rise time of 7 ps, with up
to 50 GHz user-selectable equivalent bandwidth (with 50 GHz, 40 GHz, and 30 GHz settings). 80E08 sampling bandwidth is 30 GHz (user-selectable with 30 GHz and 20 GHz settings) and 80E04 sampling bandwidth is 20 GHz. The 20 GHz P8018 single-ended and the 18 GHz P80318 differential variable pitch TDR handheld probes provide excellent performance, ensuring e asy and accurate backplane and package meas
50 GHz, 40 GHz,
and 30 GHz
(user selectable)
30 GHz, 20 GHz (user
20 GHz
RMS N oise at
50 GHz: 600 μV 40 GHz: 370 μV 30 GHz: 300 μV
30 GHz: 300 μV 20 GHz: 280 μV
600 μV No, optional 80N01
Remote Sampler
Yes, fully integrated
Yes, fully integrated
– 2-meter extender
2-meter cable
2-meter cable
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+ 19 hidden pages