Jitter and Eye-diagram Analysis Tools
DPOJET Data Sheet
DPOJET Essentials or Advanced
Period, Frequency, and Time Interval Error Analysis
Timing Parametrics such as Rise/Fall Times, Pulse Width, and Duty Cycle
Many Graphical Tools such as Histogram s, Time Trends, and Spectrums
Programmable Software Clock Recovery including Software PLL*
User-selectable Golden PLL Support for Popular Sta ndards
Selectable H igh- and Low-limit Measurement Bounds Test
Comprehensive Statistics Logging, Reporting, and Remote Automation
Capture and Save Worst-case Signals for Detailed Analysis
TekWizard™ Interface for One-button and Guided Jitter Summaries
Features & Benets
DPOJET Advanced
nd Timing Analysis for Clocks and Data Signals
Jitter a
Real-time Eye-diagram (RT-Eye™) Analysis*
able High- and Low-pass Measurement Filters
Nine Plot Types to View and Analyze Jitter: Eye Diagram, CDF Bathtub, Spectrum, Histogram, Trend, Data, Phase Noise, and Transfer Function
Accurate Jitter Decomposition and TJ(BER) Estimation*2with Selectable Jitter Models Support P opular Standards; Fibre Channel or PCI Express Delta-Delta (Dual Dirac) and Convolved Results
ss/Fail Limits and Mask Testing with Comprehensive Standards
Full Pa Support Library; plus U ser Limit and Mask Files allows Support of Custom Test Congurations and New or Deve loping Standards
Characterize Performance of High-spee d Serial and Parallel Bus Designs
Characterize Clock and Data Jitter and Signal Integrity
Characterize PLL Dynamic Performance
Characterize Modulat ion of Spread Spectrum Clock Circuits
Characterize Jitter Generation, Transfer, and Tolerance
Perform PHY Testing of PCI Express, Serial ATA, SAS, Fibre Channel, MIPI, DisplayPort, DDR, DDR2, DDR3, LPDDR, LPDDR2, USB 3.0, and other Electrical and Optical Systems
*1Patented USPTO #6,836,738
Patented USPTO #6,832,172, #6,853,933, #7,254,168
Patented USPTO #6,812,688
Data Sheet
Real-time Jitter and Eye-diagram Analysis
DPOJET is the premiere eye-diagram, jitter, and timing analysis package available for real-time oscilloscopes. Operating in the Tektronix DPO/DSA70000B, MSO70000, and DP O7000 Series oscilloscopes, DPOJET provides engineers the highest sensitivity and accuracy available in real-time instruments. With comprehensive jitter and eye-diagram analysis and decomposition algorithms DPOJET simplies discovering signal integrity concerns and jitter and their related sources in today’s high-speed serial, digital, and communication system designs.
Analog and digital designers in the computer, semiconductor, and communications industries are facing new challenges as processor clock speeds race beyond 3 GHz and back-plane bus and serial link data ra tes exceed 8 GT/s. These increasing speeds mean reduced circuit tolerance, or margin, for jitter and related signal integrity problems. By using tools that help you rapidly characterize and discover sources of jitter and signal integrity concerns, you can bring new designs to market faster, with more condence that they operate reliably in today’s ultra high-speed environment.
Partial List of Measurements
Measurement Description
Period/Frequency Measurements
Time Measurements
Amplitude Measurements
Eye-diagram Measurements Eye Height, Eye Width, Width at BER, Mask Hits Jitter Measurements
Clock Recovery Methods Constant Clock Mean, Constant Clock Median, PLL,
Limit and Mask Testing
Measurement Source CH1 - CH4, MATH1 - MATH4, REF1 - REF4 Data Logging
Report Generation Export HTML Formatted Reports with Summary,
DPOJET Jitter and Eye-diagram Analysis Tools extend the capability o f
nix real-time oscilloscopes, performing complex measurements and
Tekt r o analysis of clock, serial, and parallel data signals captured in Single-shot Acquisition mode or in Continuous-run Acquisition mode. Providing jitter and timing measurements with pass/fail parameter testing, and eye
Frequency, P eriod, N-Period, Cycle-Cycle Period, Positive Width, Negative Width, Positive Duty Cycle, Negative Duty Cycle, Positive Cycle-Cycle Duty, Negative Cycle-Cycle Duty
Rise Time, Fall Time, High Time, Low Time, Setup, Hold, Skew
High, Low, High-Low, Common Mode, T/nT Ratio, Differential Crossover
TIE,RJ,DJ,TJ(BER),PJ,DCD,DDJ,RJ(δ-δ), DJ(δ-δ), Phase Noise
External, PLL External Histogram, Time Trend, Data Trend, Spectrum,
Phase Noise, Transfer Curve, E ye Diagram with Waveform Database, Eye-diagram Statistics (CDF Bathtub)
Pass/Fail Measurement Test Limits, Load and Test to Standard Masks
Measurements, Statistics, Worst-case Waveform, and Snapshots
Statistics, Plots, and Pass/Fail
pectrum, Eye Diagram, and BER curve of SATA-2 3.0 Gb/s MFTP.
diagrams with mask testing fo r today’s most common industry standards, DPOJET is specically designed to meet the advanced measurement needs of today’s high-speed digital designers in the computer and communications industries.
DPOJET provides the ability to make measurements of single-ended and differential signals, measurements between two separate inputs, and measurem
ents o n multiple input s simultaneously; with each input and each
measurement independently congurable for maximum exibility.
pports displaying measurement results and plots on the internal display, on an external monitor, or both locations, thus making full use of the oscilloscope dual display ports.
DPOJET analysis plots, like Spectrum and Trend, go beyond simple measurements and results display. Trend analysis quickly shows engineers how timing parameters change over time, like frequency drift, PLL startup transients, or a circuit’s response to power supply changes. Spectrum analysis quickly shows the precise frequency and amplitude of jitter and
ion sources for easy, rapid identication. Finding sources like
modulat adjacent oscillators and clocks, power supply noise, or signal crosstalk is no longer a tedious chore. Unique in the industry, DPOJET also provides Phase Noise plots to sho w jitter in root/Hertz and Transfer Function plots that allow direct comparison of jitter spectrums between two signals of differing frequencies, providing the perfect tool for determining jitter in PLL
s like clock multipliers.
DPOJET provides complete jitter and eye-diagram analysis tools. With
e m easurement exibility, oscilloscope model support, limit testing,
premier results logging and reporting, and integrated remote progra mmability, DPOJET fully supports applications from device and system deb ug and characterization to short-run functional test and p roduction.
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