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This programmer manual provides you with the information required to u se GPIB
commands for remotely controlling y our instrument. This document supports the
following in
DSA/CSA/TDS8X00/B Series Programmer Manualiii
ivDSA/CSA/TDS8X00/B Series Programmer Manual
Getting Started
This programmer manual provides you with the information required to use
GPIB commands to remotely control your instrument. With this information,
you can write
front-panel controls, taking measurements, performing statistical calculations, and
exporting data for use in other programs, such as spreadsheets.
Besides the traditional GPIB electronic interface (referred to as the physical GPIB
interface), your instrument has aTe kVISA GPIB-compatible interface (referred
to as the virtual GPIB interface). This is a software Application Programming
Interface (API) which enables you to communicate with the instrument in a
variety of ways, including via the internet. With the following two exceptions,
these in
HEADER. Command headers enabled or disabled on one interface are
command descriptions for more detailed information.
computer programs that will perform functions such as setting the
terfaces are completely independent:
ondingly enabled or disabled on the other interface. Refer to the
enabled or disabled on the other interface. Refer to the command description
for more detailed information.
Most examples in this document assume that both
E. Verbosity enabled or disabled on one interface is correspondingly
DSA/CSA/TDS8X00/B Series Programmer Manual1-1
Getting Started
The programmer
Getting Started. This section introduces you to the programming information
and provides b
Syntax and C
syntax that you use to communicate with the instrument and other general
information about commands, such as how commands and queries are
constructed, how to enter commands, constructed mnemonics, and argument
Command Groups. This section contains all the commands listed by their
functional groups. Each group consists of an overview of the commands in
that group and a table that lists all the commands and queries for that group.
You c a n c
the command.
commands in alphabetical order and is where you can find the complete
description of each command.
Status and Events. This section discusses the status and event reporting
system for the GPIB interfaces. This syste m informs you of certain significant
events that occur within the instrument. Topics that are discussed include
registers, queues, event handling sequences, synchronization methods, and
messages that the instrument may return, including error messages.
manual is divided into the following major sections:
asic information about setting up your instrument for remote
ommands. This section provides an overview of the command
lick a command in the listing to display a detailed description of
ds Listed in Alphabetical Order. This section contains all the
Appendices. This section contains miscellaneous information, such as a
list of reserved words, a table of the factory initialization (default) settings,
d interface specifications that may be helpful when using commands to
remotely control the instrument.
1-2DSA/CSA/TDS8X00/B Series Programmer Manual
Getting Started
Connecting to the
ote Communications
Before setting up the instrument for remote communications using the electronic
(physical) GPIB interface, you should familiarize yourself with the following
GPIB require
A unique device address must be assigned to each device on the bus. No two
devices can
No more than 15 devices can be connected to any one line.
One device should be connected for every 6 feet (2 meters) of cable used.
No more than 65 feet (20 meters) of cable should be used to connect devices
to a bus.
At least two-thirds of the d evices on the network should be powered on while
using the network.
Connect the devices on the network in a star or linear configuration. Do not
use loop or parallel configurations.
Your instrument has a 24-pin GPIB connector on its rear (side) panel. This
connector has a D-type shell and conforms to IEEE Std 488.1–1987. Attach an
IEEE Std 488.1–1987 GPIB cable to this connector and to your controller as
shown in the following figure.
share the same device address.
If necessary, the GPIB connectors can be stacked as shown in the figure below.
DSA/CSA/TDS8X00/B Series Programmer Manual1-3
Getting Started
Setting the GPIB Address
To function correctly, your instrument must have a unique device address. The
default settings for the GPIB configuration are:
GPIB Address: 1
GPIB Mode: GPIB Talk/Listen
1-4DSA/CSA/TDS8X00/B Series Programmer Manual
Getting Started
To change eithe
1. Select User Preferences from the Utilities menu.
2. Select the GPIB Configuration Tab.
r of the GPIB settings, do the following:
3. Change the GPIB Address to a unique address.
4. Clic
The instrument is now set up for bidirectional communication with your controller.
ter/Slave Mode
DSA/CSA/TDS8X00/B Series Programmer Manual1-5
The DSA8200 is factory set to be a GPIB device (slave), allowing you to control
the instrument via the GPIB port. You can change the instrument to be a GPIB
controller (master), allowing you to control other devices via the GPIB port.
GPIB/VISA Controller/Device (Master/Slave) Switch. The DSA8200 can be
configured as a GPIB Device (Slave) or Controller (Master). The factory setting
is configured to enable control of the instrument via the GPIB port, referred to
as the “Device Mode”.
Getting Started
You can change t
port by switching the instrument to be a GPIB Controller referred to as the
“Controller Mode”.
To switch the instrument between these two modes, use the GPIB
Device-Controller Utility found in the Windows Start menu under Programs
> Tektronix DSA8200 > GPIB Device-Controller Utility. Starting this utility
displays the TekGpibSwitcher screen which allows you to switch the instrument
between the two modes.
NOTE. Swit
he instrument to be used to control other devices via the GPIB
ching the mode causes the instrument to automatically re boot.
1-6DSA/CSA/TDS8X00/B Series Programmer Manual
Command Syntax
You can control the operations and functions of the instrument through the
GPIB interface using commands and queries. The related topics listed below
describe the
conventions that the instrument uses to process them. See the Command Groups
topic in the table of contents for a listing of the commands by command group, or
use the index to locate a specificcommand.
syntax of these commands and queries. The topics also describe the
Backus-Naur Form
This documentation describes the commands and queries using Backus-Naur
Form (BNF) notation. Refer to the following table for the symbols that are used.
Table 2-1: Symbols for Backus-Naur Form
|Exclusive OR
{ }Group; one element is required
.. .
( )Comment
Command and Query Structure
mmands consist of set commands and query commands (usually called
commands and queries). Commands modify instrument settings or tell the
instrument to perform a specific action. Queries cause the instrument to return
data and status information.
Defined element
Is defined as
Optional; can be omitted
Previous element(s) may be repeated
Most commands have both a set form and a query form. The query form of the
command differs from the set form by its question m ark on the end. For example,
the set command
commands have both a set and a query form. Some commands have set only and
some have query only.
DSA/CSA/TDS8X00/B Series Programmer Manual2-1
A command message is a command or query name followed by any information
the instrument needs to execute the command or query. Command messages may
contain five element types, defined in the following table.
ACQuire:MODe has a query form ACQuire:MODe?.Notall
Command Syntax
Table 2-2: Comm
<Comma>A single c
ds cause the instrument to perform a specific function or change one of
and Message Elements
This is the basic command name. If the header ends with a question
mark, the command is a query. The header may begin with a colon
(:) c haracte
the beginning colon is required. Never use the beginning colon with
command headers beginning with a star (*).
This is a header subfunction. Some command headers have only one
mnemonic. I
character always separates them from each other.
This is a qu
Some commands have no arguments while others have multiple
arguments. A <space> separates arguments from the header. A
<comma> se
commands. Optionally, there may be white space characters before
and after the comma.
A white space character is used between a command header and the
related argument. Optionally, a white space may consist of multiple
white sp
r. If the command is concatenated with other commands,
f a command header has multiple mnemonics, a colon (:)
antity, quality, restriction, or limit associated with the header.
parates arguments from each other.
omma is used between arguments of multiple-argument
ace characters.
the settings. Commands have the structure:
eader>[<Space><Argument>[<Comma> <Argument>]...]
A command header consists of one or more mnemonics arranged in a hierarchical
ee structure. The first mnemonic is the base or root of the tree and each
or tr
subsequent mnemonic is a level or branch off the previous one. Commands at a
higher level in the tree may affect those at a lower level. The leading colon (:)
always returns you to the base of the command tree.
2-2DSA/CSA/TDS8X00/B Series Programmer Manual
Command Syntax
Queries cause t
he instrument to return status or setting information. Queries
You can specify a query command at any level within the command tree unless
otherwise noted. These branch queries return information about all the mnemonics
below the sp
ecified branch or level. For example, HIStogram:STATistics:STDdev?
returns the standard deviation of the histogram, while HIStogram:STATistics?
returns all the histogram statistics, and HIStogram? returns all the histogram
You can control whether the instrument returns headers as part of the query
response. Use the HEADer command to control this feature. If header is on,
the query response returns command headers, then formats itself as a valid set
command. When header is off, the response includes only the values. This may
make it easier to parse and extract the information from the response. The table
shows the difference in responses.
Table 2-3: Comparison of Header Off and Header On Responses
QueryHeader OffHeader On
Clearing the Instrument
You can clear the Output Queue and reset the instrument to accept a new
command or query by using the selected Device Clear (DCL) GPIB function.
Refer to your GPIB library documentation for further d etails about the selected
Device Clear operation.
DSA/CSA/TDS8X00/B Series Programmer Manual2-3
Command Syntax
Command Entry
The following rules apply when entering commands:
You can enter commands in upper or lower case.
You can precede any command with white space characters. White space
characters include any combination of the ASCII control characters 00 through
09 and 0B through 20 hexadecimal (0 through 9 and 11 through 32 decimal).
The instrument ignores commands consisting of any combination of white
space characters and line feeds.
You can abbreviate many instrument commands. Each command in this
documentation shows the abbreviations in capitals. For example, you can enter
the command ACQuire:NUMAvg simply as ACQ:NUMA or acq:numa.
Abbreviation rules may change over time as new instrument models are
introduced. Thus, for the most robust code, use the full spelling.
If you use the HEADer command to have command headers included as part
of query responses, you can further control whether the returned headers are
abbreviated or are full-length with the VERBose command.
You can concatenate any combination of set commands and queries using a
semicolon (;). The instrument executes concatenated commands in the order
2-4DSA/CSA/TDS8X00/B Series Programmer Manual
Command Syntax
When concatena
ting commands and queries, you must follow these rules:
1. Separate completely different headers by a semicolon and by the beginning
colon on all commands except the first one. For example, the commands
TRIGger:MODe NORMal and ACQ uire:NUMAVg 10, can be concatenated
into the following single command:
TRIGger:MODe NORMal;:ACQuire:NUMAVg 10
2. If concatenated commands have headers that differ by only the last mnemonic,
you can abbreviate the second command and eliminate the beginning colon.
For example, you can concatenate the commands
ACQuire:MODe ENVelope
and ACQuire:NUMAVg 10 into a single command:
ACQuire:MODe ENVelope; NUMAVg 10
The longer version works equally well:
ACQuire:MODe ENVelope;:ACQuire:NUMAVg 10
3. Never precede a star (*) command with a colon:
ACQuire:MODe ENVelope;*OPC
Any commands that follow will be processed as if the star command was not
there so the commands,
ACQuire:MODe ENVelope;*OPC;NUMAVg 10 will
set the acquisition mode to envelope and set the number of acquisitions for
averaging to 10.
4. When you concatenate queries, the responses to all the queries are
concatenated into a single response message. For example, if the display
imageview color is temperature and the display recordview color is spectral,
the concatenated query
5. Set commands and queries may be concatenated in the same message. For
is a valid message that sets the acquisition mode to sample. The message then
queries the number of acquisitions for averaging and the acquisition state.
Concatenated commands and queries are executed in the order received.
Here are some invalid concatenations:
DISplay:STYle:NORMal;ACQuire:NUMAVg 10 (no colon before ACQuire)
DISplay:COLor:CURSor1 1;COLor:CURSor2 5 (levels o f the mnemonics
are differe
front of
nt; either remove the second use of
COLor:CURSor2 5)
:CURSor1 1;:CURSor2 5
(colon before a star (*) command)
(extra colon before CURSor2; use
COLor or place :DISplay: in
This documentation uses <EOM> (End of message) to represent a message
Table 2-4: End of Message Terminator
Message terminator
The end-of-message terminator must be the END message (EOI asserted
concurrently with the last data byte). The last data byte may be an ASCII linefeed
(LF) ch
This instrument does not support ASCII LF only message termination. The
ument always terminates outgoing messages with LF and EOI.
Constructed Mnemonics
a channel mnemonic can be CH1, CH2, CH3, ... through CH8. You use these
mnemonics in the command just as you do any other mnemonic. For example,
there is a CH1:POSition command, and there is also a CH2:POSition command.
In the command descriptions, this list of choices is abbreviated a s CH<x>.
Cursor Position
When cursors are displayed, commands may specify which cursor of the pair to
Table 2-5: Cursor Mnemonics
header mnemonics specify one of a range of mnemonics. For example,
A cursor selector; <x> is either 1 or 2.
A cursor selector; <x> is either 1 or 2.
A cursor selector; <x> is either 1 or 2.
2-6DSA/CSA/TDS8X00/B Series Programmer Manual
Command Syntax
Histogram Statistics
Specifier Mnemonics
Magnified Timebase
Specifier Mnemonics
Mask Specifier Mnemonics
Commands can sp
ecify which Sigma value to return for histogram statistics as a
mnemonic in the header. A Sigma is specified in this way:
SIGMA<x>A histogram statistics specifier; <x> is either 1, 2, or 3.
Commands can specify which of two magnified timebases to set or query as a
mnemonic in the header. The magnified timebases are specified in this way:
Table 2-7: Magnified Timebase Specifier Mnemonics
MAG<x>A magnified specifier; <x> is 1or 2.
Commands can specify w hich mask to set or query as a mnemonic in the header.
The masks are specified in this way:
Table2-8: MaskSpecifier Mnemonics
Measurement Specifier
Channel Mnemonics
MASK<x>A mask specifier; <x> is 1 through 8.
Commands can specify which measurement to set or query as a mnemonic in
the header. Up to eight automated measurements may be displayed with each
displayed waveform. The displayed measurements are specified in this way:
Table 2-9: Measurement Specifier Mnemonics
MEAS<x>A measurement specifier; <x> is 1 through 8.
SOURCE<x>A waveform specifier; <x> is either 1 (Source 1 waveform) or 2 (Source
2 waveform).
A waveform specifier for reference level measurements; <x> is either 1
(Source 1 waveform) or 2 (Source 2 waveform).
Commands specify the channel to use as a mnemonic in the header.
Table 2-10: Channel Mnemonics
CH<x>A channel specifier; <x> is 1 through 8.
DSA/CSA/TDS8X00/B Series Programmer Manual2-7
Command Syntax
Math Waveform
Reference Waveform
Waveform Database
Commands can sp
ecify the mathematical waveform to use as a mnemonic in
the header.
Table 2-11: Math Waveform Mnemonics
ands can specify the reference waveform to use as a mnemonic in the
A math waveform specifier; <x> is 1 through 8.
Table 2-12: Reference Waveform Mnemonics
A reference waveform specifier; <x> is 1 through 8.
Commands can specify the reference waveform to use as a mnemonic in the
Table 2-13: Waveform Database Mnemonics
A waveform database specifier; <x> is either 1 or2.
The following rules apply when entering commands:
You can enter commands in upper or lower case.
You can precede any command with white space characters. White space
characters inc
lude any combination of the ASCII control characters 00 through
09 and 0B through 20 hexadecimal (0 through 9 and 11 through 32 decimal).
The instrument ignores commands consisting of any combination of white
space characters and line feeds.
You can abbreviate many instrument commands. Each command in this
documentation shows the abbreviations in capitals. For example, you can ent
the command ACQuire:NUMAvg simply as ACQ:NUMA or acq:numa.
Abbreviation rules may change over time as new instrument models are
introduced. Thus, for the most robust code, use the full spelling.
If you use the HEADer command to have command headers included as part
of query responses, you can further control whether the returned headers are
abbreviated or are full-length with the VERBose command.
2-8DSA/CSA/TDS8X00/B Series Programmer Manual
Argument Types
Command Syntax
Quoted String
Many instrument commands require numeric arguments. The syntax shows the
format that the instrument returns in response to a query. This is also the preferred
format when sending the command to the instrument though any of the formats
will be accepted. This documentation represents these arguments as follows:
Table 2-14: Numeric Arguments
<NR2>Floating point value without an exponent
<NR3>Floating point value with an exponent
Signed integer value
Most numeric arguments will be automatically forced to a valid setting, either by
rounding or truncating, when an invalid number is input unless otherwise noted
in the command description.
Some commands accept or return data in the form of a quoted string, which is
simply a group of ASCII characters enclosed by a single quote (') or double quote
("). The following i
. This documentation represents these arguments as follows:
s an example of a quoted string:
"This is a quoted
Table 2-15: Quoted String Argument
<QString>Quoted string of ASCII text
A quoted string can include any character defined in the 7-bit ASCII character
set. Follow these rules when you use quoted strings:
1. Use the same type of quote character to open and close the string. For
"this is a valid string".
2. You can mix quotation marks within a string as long as you follow the
previous rule. For example,
"this is an 'acceptable' string".
3. You can include a quote character within a string by repeating the quote. For
"here is a "" mark".
4. Strings can have upper or lower case characters.
5. If you use a GPIB network, you cannot terminate a quoted string with the
END message before the closing delimiter.
6. A carriage return or line feed embedded in a quoted string does not terminate
the string, but is treated as just another character in the string.
7. The maximum length of a quoted string returned from a query is 1000
DSA/CSA/TDS8X00/B Series Programmer Manual2-9
Command Syntax
Here are some in
"Invalid string argument' (quotes are not of the same type)
"test<EOI>" (termination character is embedded in the string)
valid strings:
Several instrument commands use a block argument form (see the following table).
Table 2-16: Block Argument
<DChar>A character with the hexadecimal equivalent of 00 through FF (0
> specifies the number of <Dig> elements that follow. Taken together,
A nonzero digit character in the range of 1–9
A digit character, in the range of 0–9
through 255 decimal)
A block of data bytes defined as: <Block> ::=
the <NZDig> and <Dig> elements form a decimal integer that specifies how
many <DChar> elements follow.
Command Entry
2-10DSA/CSA/TDS8X00/B Series Programmer Manual
You can concatenate any combination of set commands and queries using a
emicolon (;). The instrument executes concatenated commands in the order
Command Syntax
When concatena
ting commands and queries, you must follow these rules:
Separate completely different headers by a semicolon and by the beginning
colon on all commands except the first one. For example, the commands,
TRIGger:MODe NORMal and ACQ uire:NUMAVg 10, can be concatenated
into the following single command:
TRIGger:MODe NORMal;:ACQuire:NUMAVg 10
If concatenated commands have headers that differ by only the last mnemonic,
you can abbreviate the second command and eliminate the beginning colon.
For example, you can concatenate the commands ACQuire:MODe ENVelope
and ACQuire:NUMAVg 10 into a single command:
ACQuire:MODe ENVElope; NUMAVg 10
The longer version works equally well:
ACQuire:MODe ENVElope;:ACQuire:NUMAVg 10
Never precede a star (*) command with a colon:
ACQuire:MODe ENVElope;*OPC
Any commands that follow will be processed as if the star command was
not there. For example, the ACQuire:MODe ENVElope;*OPC;NUMAVg
10 commands will set the acquisition mode to envelope and set the number
of acquisitions for averaging t
o 10.
When you concatenate queries, the responses to all the queries are
concatenated into a single response message. For example, if the display
background color is white and the display foreground color is black, the
concatenated query DISplay:COLor:BACKGround?;FOREGround? will
return the following:
If the header is off:
Set commands and queries may be concatenated in the same message. For
is a valid message that sets the acquisition mode to sample. The message
then queries the number of acquisitions for averaging and the acquisition
state. Concatenated commands and queries are executed in the order
Here are some invalid concatenations:
DSA/CSA/TDS8X00/B Series Programmer Manual2 -11
Command Syntax
:NORMal;ACQuire:NUMAVg 10 (no colon before ACQuire)
DISplay:COLor:CURSor1 1;:CURSor2 5 (extra colon before CURSor2; use
DISplay:STYle:NORMal;:*OPC (colon before a star (*) command)
ISPlay:COLor:CURSor1 1;COLor:CURSor2 5 (levels of the mnemonics
are different; either remove the second use of COLor or place :DISplay: in
front of COL
or:CURSor2 5)
This documentation uses <EOM> (End of message) to represent a message
Table 2-
17: End of Message Terminator
The end-of-message terminator must be the END message (EOI asserted
concurrently with the last data byte). The last data byte may be an ASCII linefeed
(LF) character. This instrument doe s not support ASCII LF only message
nation. The instrument always terminates outgoing messages with LF and
EOI. It allows white space before the terminator. For example, it allows CR LF.
2-12DSA/CSA/TDS8X00/B Series Programmer Manual
Command Groups
The DSA8200 programmable interface conforms to Tektronix standard codes
and formats except where noted. The GPIB interface also conforms to IEEE
Std 488.2-19
Acquisition Command Group
Use the commands in the Acquisition Command Group to set up the modes and
functions that control how the instrument acquires the signals you input to the
channels and processes them into waveforms.
Using these commands for acquiring waveforms, you can do the following:
Start and stop acquisitions.
Control whether each waveform is simply acquired, averaged, or enveloped
over successive acquisitions of that waveform.
Set the controls or conditions that start and stop acquisitions.
Determine the action the system takes upon completing an acquisition, such
as saving all waveforms and taking a me
87 except where noted.
asurement when the acquisition is
Get data on acquired waveforms, histograms, and masks.
ACQuire:NUMAVgSets or returns number of acquisitions for an
ACQuire:SAVEFile:SAVEScreenSets or returns the file to save screen to on
Returns acquisition parameters
Returns histogram hits count
Returns mask hits count
Returns mask samples count
Returns total mask hits count
averaged waveform
acquisition stopped
DSA/CSA/TDS8X00/B Series Programmer Manual2-13
Command Groups
Table 2-18: Acquisition Commands (cont.)
ACQuire:SAVEFile:SAVEWfmSets or returns the file to save waveform
data to on acquisition stopped
ACQuire:STATEStarts, stops, or returns acquisition state
ACQuire:STOPAfter?Returns all stopafter parameters
ACQuire:STOPAfter:ACTionSets or returns the stopafter action
ACQuire:STOPAfter:BELLSets or returns whether to sound bell on
acquisition stopped
ACQuire:STOPAfter:CONDitionSets or r eturns the acquisition stopafter
ACQuire:STOPAfter:COUNtSets or returns the stopafter count value
The stopafter count value is
dependent on the condition set by the
ACQuire:STOPAfter:CONDiton command
ACQuire:STOPAfter:MODeSets or returns the stopafter mode
Calibration Command Group
The calibration commands provide information about the current state of the
calibration for the mainframe and all resident sampling-module channels.
Additional commands allow you to update portions of the “electronic calibration
sticker” information, to check the protection status of the calibration information,
and to set or query the front-panel DC calibration output.
CALibrate:DATE:CH<x>?Returns date and time of the last sampling
CALibrate:DATE:MAInframe?Returns the date and time of the last
CALibrate:DCCALibratorSets or returns the value of the DC Calibrator
CALibrate:HOSTinfo:CH<x>?Returns the mainframe model number, serial
CALibrate:LOCK:STATus?Returns the status of the calibration
CALibrate:STATus:CH<x>?Returns calibration status for specified
CALibrate:STATus:MAInframe?Returns calibration status for mainframe
module channel<x> calibration
mainframe calibration
number, and mainframe channel<x> in which
the sampling module channel was located
during the last calibration information update.
protection mode.
sampling module channel<x>
2-14DSA/CSA/TDS8X00/B Series Programmer Manual
Command Groups
CALibrate:TEMPerature:CH<x>?Returns the difference in ºC between
CALibrate:TEMPerature:MAInframe?Returns the difference in ºC between the
CALibrate:UPDATEinfo:ALLUpdates date, time, temp and (for sampling
CALibrate:UPDATEinfo:CH<x>Updates the calibration information in the
CALibrate:UPDATEinfo:MAInframeUpdates the calibration information in the
Compensation Command Group
The compensation commands provide information about the current state of
the compensation for the mainframe and all resident module channels, means
to invoke compensation functions, and management of compensation storage
memory locations.
the current sampling module c hannel<x>
temperature a
at the last calibration information update
current mainframe temperature and the
information update
modules) host mainframe information
nonvolatile memory of the mainframe
nd the temperature recorded
e recorded at the last calibration
ile memory of the sampling module
There are two nonvolatile compensation storage memory blocks in the mainframe
and each sampling module channel: Factory and User. In addition, there
is a volatile run-time, in-use version of all compensation data, which is the
compensation data actually used during the operation of the instrument.
COMPensate:ALLCompensates the mainframe and all resident
COMPensate:CH<x>Compensates the module channel<x> for
COMPensate:DARKLev:CH<x>Compensates the specified optical
COMPensate:DATE:CH<x>?Returns date and time of the current
COMPensate:DATE:MAInframe?Returns date and time of the current in-use
COMPensate:MAInframeCompensates the mainframe for DC
COMPensate:OPTGAIN:CH<x>Compensates optical user wavelength gain
DC variances
channel<x> by removing residual DC offsets
in the entire vertical path
in-use compensation data for the module
compensation data for the mainframe
(wavelengths and input power)
DSA/CSA/TDS8X00/B Series Programmer Manual2-15
Command Groups
COMPensate:RECAll:FACTory:ALLRecalls compensation data for the mainframe
COMPensate:RECAll:FACTory:CH<x>Recalls compensation data from the
COMPensate:RECAll:FACTory:MAInframeRecalls compensation data from the
COMPensate:RESults?Returns brief explanation of the results of the