Tektronix BPA105 User Manual

User Manual
BPA105 Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer
This document applies to firmware version 2.3 and above.
Check for regular BPA Series software updates at www.tektronix.com/bpa_software
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Tektronix warrants that the media on which this software product is furnished and the encoding of the programs on the media will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of three (3) months from the date of shipment. If a medium or encoding proves defe ctive during the warranty period, Tektronix will provide a replacement in exchange for the defective medium. Except as to the media on which this software product is furnished, this software product is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. Tektronix does not warrant that the functions contained in this software product will meet Customer’s requirements or that the operation of the programs will be uninterrupted or error-free.
In order to obtain service under this warranty, Customer must notify Tektronix of the defect before the expiration of the warranty period. If Tektronix is unable to provide a replacement that is free from defects in materials and workmanship within a reasonable time thereafter, Customer may terminate the license for this software product and return this software product and any associated materials for credit or refund.
Table of Contents
Operating Basics
General Safety Summary iii...................................
Preface v...................................................
Reference Documents v.............................................
Contacting Tektronix vi.............................................
Acquiring Piconet Packet Data 1--1..............................
Overview 1--1.......................................................
Collecting Data 1--2..................................................
Understanding the Data Acquisition Window 1--4..........................
Setting Up an Acquisition 1--9.........................................
Setting Up the Data Filter 1--14..........................................
Setting Up Triggers 1--14..............................................
Starting a Logging Session 1--24.........................................
Ending a Logging Session 1--24.........................................
Saving the Current Logging Session 1--24.................................
Using the HCI Terminal Application 1--24.................................
Analyzing Piconet Packet Data 1--27..............................
Opening a Data File 1--27..............................................
Understanding the Data Analysis Window 1--28............................
Glossary Index
Reference 2--1.................................................
Using Bookmarks 2--1................................................
Exporting Data 2--3..................................................
Generating Error Packet Data 2--3......................................
Enabling Decryption 2--9..............................................
Appendix A: Specifications A--1..................................
Appendix B: Accessories B--1...................................
Standard Accessories B--1.............................................
Appendix C: Sample Scripts C--1.................................
HCI Terminal Scripts C--1.............................................
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Table of Contents
List of Figures
Figure 1 --1: The Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer
data acquisition window 1--4.................................
Figure 1--2: Acquisition Set up dialog box 1--9......................
Figure 1--3: Select Master and Select Slave dialog boxes 1--11..........
Figure 1--4: Acquisition window Sync Bar 1--12.....................
Figure 1--5: Data Filter set up dialog box 1--14......................
Figure 1--6: Low Level Trigger Setup dialog box 1--16................
Figure 1--7: Customize Pattern dialog box 1--19.....................
Figure 1--8: High Level Trigger Setup dialog box 1--22...............
Figure 1--9: Pre-Post Trigger Buffer set up dialog box 1--23...........
Figure 1--10: The Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer data analysis window 1--28
Figure 1--11: List view context-sensitive menu 1--36..................
Figure 2 --1: Analysis window showing bookmarked packets 2--1......
Figure 2--2: Bookmarks dialog box 2--2...........................
Figure 2--3: Error Packet Generator dialog box 2--4.................
Figure 2--4: Error Name drop-down list box 2--5....................
Figure 2--5: Custom error dialog boxes 2--6........................
Figure 2--6: Available Patterns drop-down list box 2--6..............
Figure 2--7: Standard packet format 2--7..........................
Figure 2--8: Analyzer display of generated error 2--8................
Figure 2--9: Decryption dialog box 2--9............................
List of Tables
Table 1--1: Acquisition window menus and toolbar buttons 1--5......
Table 1--2: Analysis window menus and toolbar buttons 1--29.........
T able 1--3: Packet tabs 1--35.....................................
Table A--1: Air probe characteristics A--1.........................
T able A--2: Environmental characteristics A--1.....................
Table A--3: Certifications and compliances A--2....................
Table A--4: Physical characteristics A--3...........................
BPA105 Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer User Manual -- COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL
General Safety Summary
Review the following safety precautions to avoid injury and prevent damage to this product or any products connected to it. To avoid potential hazards, use this product only as specified.
Only qualified personnel should perform service procedures.
Personal Injury
Symbols and Terms
Observe All Terminal Ratings. Connect the ground lead of the probe to earth ground only.
Do Not Operate With Suspected Failures. If you suspect there is damage to this product, have it inspected by qualified service personnel.
Do Not Operate in Wet/Damp Conditions.
Do Not Operate in an Explosive Atmosphere.
Keep Product Surfaces Clean and Dry.
Terms in this Manual. These terms may appear in this manual:
WARNING. Warning statements identify conditions or practices that could result in injury or loss of life.
CAUTION. Caution statements identify conditions or practices that could result in damage to this product or other property.
Symbols on the Product. The following symbols may appear on the product:
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Refer to Manual
General Safety Summary
BPA105 Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer User Manual -- COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL
Reference Documents
This manual provides operating information for the Tektronix BPA105 Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer and is organized into the following sections:
H Operating Basics provides basic instructions for operating the Tektronix
Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer.
H Reference provides detailed information on acquiring and analyzing piconet
packet data.
H Appendix A: Specifications provides hardware specifications and regulatory
H Appendix B: Accessories lists the standard accessories.
H Appendix C: Sample Scripts provides sample HCI scripts.
H Glossary explains the terms used in this manual.
The following third-party reference documents provide additional information:
H HCI Terminal Guide (Digianswer #00-11-03) provides information about
using a HCI terminal as an interface with Bluetooth hardware.
H Bluetooth Revealed (Prentice Hall, Inc., ISBN 0-13-090294-2) provides
background on several areas including the basic technology, the Bluetooth specification with information about the protocol stack, Bluetooth profiles, and the future of the technology.
H Bluetooth: Connect without Cables (Prentice Hall, Inc.,
ISBN 0-13-089840-6) provides less background about the technology and more in-depth information about the protocol stack and other areas. This book provides many diagrams.
NOTE. Check for regular BPA Series software updates at www.tektronix.com/ bpa_software.
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Contacting Tektronix
Phone 1-800-833-9200*
Web site www.tektronix.com
Sales support 1-800-833-9200, select option 1*
Service support 1-800-833-9200, select option 2*
Technical support Email: techsupport@tektronix.com
* This phone number is toll free in North America. After office hours, please
leave a voice mail message.
Outside North America, contact a Tektronix sales office or distr ibutor; see the Tektronix web site for a list of offices.
Tektronix, Inc. Department or name (if known) 14200 SW Karl Braun Drive P.O. Box 500 Beaverton, OR 97077 USA
1-800-833-9200, select option 3*
6:00 a.m. -- 5:00 p.m. Pacific time
BPA105 Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer User Manual -- COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL
Operating Basics
Acquiring Piconet Packet Data
This section introduces you to the basic operation of the Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer. This section contains information on the following topics:
H Monitoring a piconet
H Piconet operating modes
H Understanding the data collection process
H Understanding the application window
H Using the menu and toolbars
H Setting up an acquisition
H Setting up the data filter
H Setting up triggers
H Starting and ending a logging session
H Saving a log session
H Using the HCI Terminal application
Using the Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer you can connect to and monitor the activity of a Bluetooth piconet and log data containing all of the baseband packets transmitted between the participating Bluetooth devices.
Following data collection, you can display the contents of the files you saved during acquisition and use the analysis features of the Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer to further interpret the data. Detailed information on data analysis is provided in the Analyzing Piconet Packet Data section, beginning on page 1--27.
Additionally, the Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer has features that allow you to generate baseband packets containing known errors for testing purposes. Information on error packet generation can be found on page 2--3.
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1- 1
Acquiring Piconet Packet Data
Operating Mode
You can operate the Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer in either Independent or Piconet mode.
Independent Mode. Configured as an independent unit, the B luetooth Protocol Analyzer does not interact directly in the piconet. Instead, after synchronizing to the net, it passively monitors and logs all baseband packets transmitted between the master and the slaves comprising the piconet. By using the advanced triggering and filter features, you can identify the data you want to log and then analyze it following the session.
Piconet Mode. Configured as a participant in the piconet, the Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer uses a full-protocol stack and participates as the master or a slave in the piconet.
As a master, the Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer logs all baseband packets between itself and the piconet slave device(s). When set up as a slave, it logs all packets between itself and the piconet master as well as between the master and all other slave devices.
For information on how to configure the analyzer for independent or piconet mode operation, see Logging Mode on page 1--9.
Collecting Data
With the Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer you can connect to and create a log containing all the baseband packets transmitted between Bluetooth devices in a piconet. Using the analyzer features you can do the following:
H Operate as a member of a piconet, as a stand-alone (independent) unit, or
independent with data decryption.
H Select the master or slave to which the Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer is
H Set the duration over which the Protocol Analyzer tries to synchronize to a
piconet master.
H Capture all baseband packets transmitted within a Bluetooth piconet,
including packets that are normally not visible to the host such as retrans­mitted packets. View the status of each packet and estimated the clock and hop frequency.
H Select specified hopping patterns: Europe/USA, Japan, France, or Spain.
H Transmit and receive on a single user-defined frequency .
H Set a correlation value.
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Acquiring Piconet Packet Data
H Turn data whitening on and off.
H Output data to a log file or view as a real-time display.
H Start or stop a logging session manually.
H Enable data decryption in Independent mode.
H Display the paging sequence in Independent mode.
H Filter packets during data acquisition (prior to logging), such as ID, NULL,
POLL, and Access Error packets.
H Generate known errors for testing and debugging.
NOTE. When you use the Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer with Bluetooth Neighbor­hood, you must use the Piconet mode (working as a participant in a piconet). When you use the Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer in the Independent mode (working as a passive listener), you cannot use it with Bluetooth Neighborhood.
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1- 3
Acquiring Piconet Packet Data
Understanding the Data Acquisition Window
Figure 1--1 shows the data acquisition window of the Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer. and identifies each of the functional areas. This is the window that is displayed during data acquisition. Note that when the data acquisition window is the active window, many of the toolbar buttons are disabled.
Menu bar Toolbar
Status bar Data window
Figure 1- 1: The Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer data acquisition window
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Acquiring Piconet Packet Data
Menu Bar
The Menu Bar hosts the data acquisition and analysis functional menus. The menus and menu selections vary depending on the current analyzer function. Table 1--1 lists the menus that are available during data acquisition.
The toolbar contains shortcut buttons for the major analyzer functions. Most toolbar buttons have corresponding menu selections in the Menu Bar. The number and function of the available buttons varies, depending on the type of window you have open. Table 1--1 identifies the acquisition toolbar buttons and their functions.
Status Bar
The Status Bar provides useful information on the status of the Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer. View this area for information on the current log session.
Table 1- 1: Acquisition window menus and toolbar buttons
Menu Selection Function
File > Open Use Windows Explorer to
browse and open a previously saved log session.
Close Closeafile.
Save Saveafile.
Save As Open the Save As dialog box to
Search Files Search for a file.
Export Export data to a comma sepa-
rated file (.csv)
Properties Display properties of the active
data file.
Acquisition Summary Display acquisition details of the
active data file.
Send To Send the active file as email to
the mail profile you specify.
Print Print entire or partial contents of
Toolbar button
Additional information
See page 1--27.
See page 1--24.
Print Preview Display a sample view of the the
Print Setup Define the margins and other
Print Window Print the active window using
BPA105 Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer User Manual -- COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL 1/2001
data file selected for printing.
printer properties for printing data files.
the Page Setup dialog box.
1- 5
Acquiring Piconet Packet Data
Table 1- 1: Acquisition window menus and toolbar buttons (Cont.)
Menu Additional information
1, 2, 3... Reopen a recently opened file.
Exit Quit the Bluetooth Protocol
System > Start Session Begin an acquisition session
Stop Session End the current acquisition
Pause Click to suspend the current
System Properties Display BPA105 version and
Tools > Access executable files set up
Options Define packet type display
Default Return the factory default set-
Acquisition > Setup Define parameters for the next
Analyzer application
using the criteria defined in the Acquisition Setup dialog box.
acquisition session. Click again to resume the session.
copyright information.
with the Tools tab of the System Options dialog box.
colors; define disk location for storing acquisition log files; identify executable files to be run from the System > Tools menu.
tings for the following: acquisi­tion setup, data files, pre- post-­trigger, error packet generation.
acquisition session.
See page 1--9.
Data Filter Specify the packets you do not
Enable Data Filter Activate/deactivate the Data
Pre-Post Trigger Buffer Set the number of packets
1- 6
BPA105 Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer User Manual -- COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL
want to acquire during the next acquisition session in the Data Filter dialog box. These settings become the default settings.
Filter dialog box settings.
collected before and after a trigger event in the Pre-Post Trigger Buffer dialog box.
See page 1--14.
Unless enabled, the post-trigger buffer size is limited only by the disk space available on your PC. See page 1--23 for additional information.
Acquiring Piconet Packet Data
Table 1- 1: Acquisition window menus and toolbar buttons (Cont.)
Menu Additional information
Low Level Trigger Define trigger events for the
next acquisition based on low­level trigger characteristics, such as FLOW, ARQN, hop frequen­cy, payload headers, etc.
Enable Low Level Trigger Enable/disable settings defined
in the Low Level Trigger Setup dialog box.
High Level Trigger Define the trigger events for the
next acquisition base on high­level trigger characteristics, such as RFCOMM and SDP proto­cols.
Enable High Level Trigger Enable/disable settings defined
in the High Level Trigger Setup dialog box.
Error Packet Generation Set error packet generation
sequences for testing and debugging, such as FLOW, ARQN, hopping frequency, payload headers, etc.
Enable Error Packet Generation Enable/disable settings defined
in the Error Packet Generator dialog box.
View > Toolbar Enable/disable the toolbar. See Figure 1--1 on page 1--4.
Status bar Enable/disable the status bar.
Sync Bar Enable/disable the synchroniza-
tion information bar.
Session Info Bar Enable/disable the session
information bar.
Show/Hide Packets Define which packets you want
to display in the List views.
See page 1--15.
See page 1--22.
See page 2--3.
Contains status LEDs.
Displays time stamps.
Show/Hide Columns Define which columns you want
Format Columns Define the data format of the
Help > Topics Display online help contents
Help on window Display the help topic for the
BPA105 Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer User Manual -- COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL 1/2001
to display in the List views.
displayed columns: decimal, hex, binary, ASCII.
main menu.
active window.
1- 7
Acquiring Piconet Packet Data
Table 1- 1: Acquisition window menus and toolbar buttons (Cont.)
Menu Additional information
What’s This? Point to an element in the
Technical Support Access the Tektronix Bluetooth
Customer Feedback Obtain a request for feedback,
About Tektronix Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer
display window and obtain a help topic.
Protocol Analyzer technical support Web site.
thank you, and the product support Web site.
Display Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer software version and copyright.
Download drivers and software updates. Obtain product-related technical information.
Data Window
The data window displays information on the traffic you are currently logging (acquiring). Data windows are either acquisition windows (during data collec­tion) or analysis windows (when you are displaying the contents of a saved acquisition file). See Analyzing Piconet Packet Data beginning on page 1 --27 for more information on analysis windows.
At the bottom of the data windows the Session Info toolbar displays the following information:
H Start and end times of the last acquisition session
H Number of baseband packets logged
H Log size
H Date
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BPA105 Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer User Manual -- COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL
Setting Up an Acquisition
Select Acquisition > Setup or click the shortcut button to display the Acquisition Setup dialog box. (See Figure 1--2.) Use this dialog box to configure the settings for a new logging session.
Acquiring Piconet Packet Data
Logging Mode
Figure 1- 2: Acquisition Set up dialog box
Before you can start a new logging session, decide whether you will operate the Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer as an active member of a piconet (either as a master or as a slave) or as a stand-alone unit that nonintrusively monitors data flowing across the piconet.
Piconet Mode. Use this mode with the Bluetooth Neighborhood or HCI Terminal to set up the Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer as an active participant in the piconet. When you start a logging session, the analyzer logs all baseband packets sent from and received by your computer, whether the Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer is acting as a slave or a master.
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1- 9
Acquiring Piconet Packet Data
Independent Mode. Use this mode to set up the Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer as a stand-alone unit. When you select this mode, the analyzer displays the Sync bar shown in Figure 1--4 near the bottom of the acquisition window.
Select a synchronization mode:
H Sync to piconet using master inquiry. In this mode, synchronization is
obtained by performing an inquiry and using the clock information returned by the master to set the clock of the Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer. You must identify a master in the Select Master dialog box. See Select Master or Slave on page 1--11.
In some Bluetooth devices, the clock drifts away when the device is not in connect mode; this synchronization mode can be troublesome if you want to monitor negotiations during the connect phase. The problem occurs because there are often several seconds of delay from the time when the protocol analyzer obtains the master clock information until the master actually connects to the slave. Likewise, if the inquiry scan mode on the Bluetooth device is not implemented or disabled during the connection, this mode cannot be used for synchronization. See Resync on page 1--13.
H Sync to piconet using a fake connection response. This mode can only be
used during the connect phase, when the piconet master connects to a new slave. The protocol analyzer operates as if it were the slave unit selected in the Select Slave dialog box (see Figure 1--3 on page 1--11) and obtains the master clock information by initiating a new connection as if it were that slave. Immediately after the clock information is retrieved, the protocol analyzer stops transmitting, and the piconet master continues the connection attempt with the true slave. You must identify a slave in the Select Slaver dialog box. See Select Master or Slave on page 1--11.
NOTE. The HCI Terminal application provides user control of the Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer in piconet member mode. See the HCI Terminal topic on page 1--24.
H Sync to piconet using slave inquiry. This mode can only be used during the
connect phase and is based on the same principle as the method mentioned above in Sync to piconet using fake connection response. Instead of pretending to be the slave unit chosen in the Select Slave dialog box (see Figure 1--3), the protocol analyzer listens for the clock information sent in the connect phase to the new piconet slave, and does not interfere with the piconet in any way. To catch the clock information on the right frequency, it is necessary to obtain the slave clock. This is done by performing an inquiry to the slave. You must identify a slave in the Select Slave dialog box. See Select Master or Slave on page 1--11.
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Acquiring Piconet Packet Data
Select Master or Slave. Click the shortcut button in the Acquisition dialog box (see Figure 1--2 on page 1--9) to open a Master or Slave dialog box and set up the options to discover and connect to a Bluetooth device within range. See Figure 1--3.
H Inquiry Timeout. Select how long the Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer performs
the inquiry process. The default time is 12 seconds. However, you can set the time from 2 seconds to 60 seconds.
H Inquiry Access Code: Enter an inquiry access code (IAC); there are 64 IACs.
The default is the General IAC (GIAC), which is 0x9E8B33. The remaining 63 access codes are Dedicated IACs (DIACs). You can set any of the 64 IACs. Although the GIAC is normally used, you can use a DIAC in certain instances.
For example, a group of users might agree to set their devices to a specific DIAC to make their devices easier to discover in an environment with many Bluetooth devices.
H Discover: Click this button to carry out device discovery and display a list of
all active Bluetooth devices within range.
H Select: Click on the device name you want to synchronize too; then click
Select and close the Select Master or Select Slave dialog box.
Figure 1- 3: Select Master and Select Slave dialog boxes
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1- 11
Acquiring Piconet Packet Data
Acquisition Timeout. In the Acquisition Setup dialog box (see Figure 1--2 on page 1--2), use the Timeout (sec) field to set the number of seconds following synchronization before the Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer loses synchronization if there is no activity on the piconet. In such an event, the Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer will display the message Out of sync with piconet!.
NOTE. When you operate the Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer and Bluetooth Neighborhood together to participant in a piconet, you must use Piconet mode.
When you operate the Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer in Independent Mode working as a passive listener, you cannot use Bluetooth Neighborhood.
Sync Indication Bar. When you select Independent mode as the logging mode, the acquisition window displays a Sync Bar. See Figure 2--4.
The Sync Bar contains the following indicators:
H Inquiry. This indicator is green when the Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer starts
the inquiry procedure during master inquiry or slave inquiry. The indicator changes to red if the target device does not answer within a 60-second timeout.
H PageScan. This indicator is green when the Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer
enters the Page scan portion of the synchronization procedure. It is present only if the slave inquiry or fake connection is selected. A timeout is not included as part of this synchronization procedure, consequently, the user can only stop the synchronization by clicking the toolbar Stop button.
H Connect. This indicator is green when the Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer
enters the channel hopping sequence (the analyzer searches for first traffic on the piconet). If no traffic is recorded, the indicator changes to red, indicating that synchronization has failed.
H In sync. This indicator turns green when the first packet of the channel
hopping sequence is received. If synchronization to the piconet is lost (41-second timeout) the indicator changes to red, indicating that synchro­nization to the piconet is lost.
Figure 1- 4: Acquisition window Sync Bar
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Acquiring Piconet Packet Data
Hopping Mode
Advanced Settings
Specify the piconet search criteria:
H Normal Hopping. Specify the hopping pattern for the geographical area you
want (Europe/USA, France, Spain or Japan).
H Rx/Tx on single-frequency. Specify the desired frequency (from 2402 MHz
to 2480 MHz). This mode is useful for testing and debugging.
NOTE. To meet FCC regulations, the transmit power is reduced from 20 dBm to 0 dBm when operating in the single-frequency mode.
Specify the piconet synchronization parameters:
H Correlation. This value sets the number of bits in the synchronization word
of each received packet that must be matched for the packet to be valid. Normally, the radio uses 54 to 64 bits correlation. The default value is 54. The value can range from 40 to 64.
H Resync. This value sets the drift in parts per million. If synchronization is
lost during connection, for example when the link enters Park, Sniff or Hold mode, you can enter the drift in PPM. Instead of the normal limit of 250 PPM that a device may drift in Park, Sniff or Hold mode, the user can force the Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer not to use “window search” by setting the resync drift to 40 PPM (default). This is useful if you know that the device has negligible drift and helps ensure that no packets are lost because of the window search.
Data Whitening
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You can turn data whitening on or off. By default, this function is on, which is normal operation for Bluetooth devices. Data whitening encrypts all data packets that are sent between Bluetooth devices on a piconet to remove DC bias in the transmitted data. However, for test purposes, you can turn off data whitening. In this test situation all devices must have whitening turned off, or you will get scrambled data.
Specify where to send the data output from your logging session:
H Log file. Send the output to a log file on the PC hard disk. You can open the
H Free run display. Send the data directly to the List view field in the
In both cases, stop the acquisition and save the data to a file for later analysis.
file and analyze the data later. See Understanding the Data Analysis Window on page 1--28 for additional information.
Acquisition Window to continuously monitor the latest session transactions with real-time screen updates.
1- 13
Acquiring Piconet Packet Data
Setting Up the Data Filter
Select Acquisition > Data Filter or click the shortcut button to display the Data Filter set up dialog box. See Figure 1--5.
The data filter allows you to reduce the amount of data captured during a logging session. This function can greatly reduce the size of the log file, making it easier to work with the data.
You can set up the filter to ignore the following baseband packets: ID, NULL, POLL, and Access Error packets.
Setting Up Triggers
Figure 1- 5: Data Filter set up dialog box
Use the following information to learn more about triggers:
H CIDs (Channel Identifiers) are logical endpoints used in the L2CAP layer to
connect with other devices and are vendor-specific. From 0x0040--0xffff, a vendor can implement as needed.
H If you use a Bluetooth device other than Digianswer, the vendor might have
used a different CID in the L2CAP layer.
H For Digianswer devices, the SDP layer uses 0x0040 and the RFCOMM layer
uses 0x0041. This information is available in the Comments portion of the Customize pattern dialog in LLT. You can also recover this information when performing service discovery for SDP and business card exchange for RFCOMM.
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Acquiring Piconet Packet Data
H If a Bluetooth device has a different CID for SDP and RFCOMM, you need
to find the CID values and change them in the Customize Pattern dialog box in order to trigger on that pattern. For example, if the Ericssont SDP CID is 0x0FFF then you have to change the value in Customize Pattern Data field. You do not need to change the mask value.
H For Digianswer devices:
DATA:000041000173 MASK:0000FFFF01FF
H For other vendors if CID is 0x0FFF
DATA:0000FF0F0173 MASK:0000FFFF01FF
H For HLT, the application can find the CID value of the other device. This
occurs when both devices exchange the CID value before establishing a L2CAP connection between the two devices. It is important for the HLT to have a high pretrigger buffer value set so that the triggers are marked when the log file is loaded. This is the reason HLT sometimes fails to indicate or mark, although it actually triggers at the specified pattern.
Low Level Trigger
Select Acquisition > Low Level Trigger or click the
shortcut button to open the Low Level Trigger Setup dialog box. See Figure 1--6 on page 1--16. Use this dialog box to set up low level triggers.
NOTE. Due to hardware limitations, you are allowed only 10 hardware patterns (slots 0 through 9) for low level triggers. See Hardware Slot Info on page 1--21.
Sequences. This field displays the sequences you have created. Y ou can create a maximum of four sequences, each containing a maximum of four patterns. The default sequence is named Trigger. As you create additional sequences, they will automatically be named Trigger1, Trigger2, and Trigger3.
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Acquiring Piconet Packet Data
Figure 1- 6: Low Level Trigger Setup dialog box
Each sequence is a potential trigger and the sequence that is detected first causes the Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer to begin logging. Occurrences of the remaining sequences are indicated in color and function as markers in the analyzer display.
The color codes are as follows:
H Yellow indicates a pattern in an active sequence.
H Green indicates the final pattern (low and high-level trigger packets).
H Red indicates a time-out.
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BPA105 Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer User Manual -- COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL
Acquiring Piconet Packet Data
For example, the following two sequences are set up:
Sequence1 (Status set to Single) LMP_detach NULL
Sequence2 (Status set to Single) LMP_host_connection_request LMP_accepted
If you monitor a connection establishment followed by a connection detachment, Sequence2 will be found first and will be the trigger. Sequence1 will function as amarker.
The following list describes the elements in the Sequence group at the top of the dialog box:
H Name: This field displays the name of the sequence. Use this field to change
the default name of a sequence that you have created.
H Timeout: Use this field to control how long the application looks for the next
pattern in a sequence. Enter the value as the number of Bluetooth time units. A Bluetooth time unit is 625 s. The range for this field is 0 to 65535 time units. If you enter 0, you disable the time-out. If a time-out precludes a sequence from completing, a red marker is indicated in the Bluetooth Packet Analyzer List view and the sequence is reset.
H Status: Use this field to control the status of each of the sequences that you
have created and how packets are marked in List views. The following four status selections are available:
H Off. When selected, the highlighted sequence is disabled and will not be
recognized by the Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer.
H Single. When single is selected, only the first occurring sequence whose
patterns occur in their listed order will be marked in the Bluetooth Packet Analyzer display.
H Repeat. When you select repeat as the status, each time the patterns in
the sequence occur in order, they will be marked in the Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer display.
H Number. When you select number as the status, an additional field called
Count is displayed. The value in this field determines the number of times the sequence is marked. You can enter a value from 2 through 200. In all cases, the first sequence to be completed triggers the Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer, and the following sequences are marked in the display.
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