Digianswer Bluetooth Protocol Analyser Installation & Operation Manual
AAbboouutt tthhiiss mmaannuuaal
This installation and operation manual provides you with the
information you need to make maximum use of Digianswer’s
Bluetooth™ Protocol Analyser. The manual is structured as
• The Introduction provides basic information on what the
Bluetooth Protocol Analyser is and how it works.
• The sections on Installation explain how to connect the
USB-based hardware unit, install drivers, and install the
software applications. Furthermore, this section contains
information on necessary deinstallation of certain
programs before the installation of the Bluetooth Protocol
Analyser can take place.
• The sections on Operation provide instructions in how to
use the Data Collector and the Bluetooth Packet Analyser
• Technical facts contains system requirements, upgrade
information, and hardware specifications.
• The Appendices provide a list of the changes
implemented since the previous version of the product.
Also, you will find information on the packet format of
the Bluetooth Protocol Analyser, allowing developers to
build alternatives to Digianswer's Bluetooth Packet
Analyser module. Finally, the manual contains various
regulatory statements, and information on how to get in
contact with Digianswer.
Note: This product has been designed for development
purposes and is not to be sold to or used by end users.
Legal disclaimer
Any responsibility or liability for loss or damage in connection
with the use of this product and the accompanying
documentation is disclaimed. The information in this document
is furnished for informational use only, is subject to change
without notice, may contain errors or inaccuracies, and
represents no commitment whatsoever. This agreement is
governed by the laws of Denmark.
Rev: 1.1 – 00-09-08
The Bluetooth Protocol Analyser package contains the
following items:
• Bluetooth USB Protocol Analyser
• Cable for Bluetooth USB Protocol Analyser
• Bluetooth Protocol Analyser CD-ROM
• Installation & operation manual