Arbitrary Waveform Generator
The AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator
Delivers World-class Signal Fidelity at 4.2 GS/s
to Solve Ever-increasing Measurement Challenges
New two-box synchronous operation
function supports 2 ch 4.2 GS/s solution.
The AWG710B combines world-class signal
fidelity with ultra high-speed mixed signal
simulation, a powerful sequencing capability
and graphical user interface with flexible
waveform editor, to solve the toughest
measurement challenges in the disk drive,
communications and semiconductor
design/test industries.
The built-in signal applications enable you
to easily create standard waveforms for
disk drive read channels, communications
up to 4.2 Gb/s. Also included is AXW100
waveform creation and edit-
ing software. This software allows for easy
waveform import from oscilloscopes or
basic, advanced, and math waveform
creation and edit capabilities.
Disk drive read channel application.
AXW100 ArbExpress Software.
Features & Benefits
4.2 GS/s Sample Rate
Simulates Real-world Signals
Up To 2.1 GHz
Two Markers With 2.0 ps
(at 4.2 GS/s Typical) Jitter
Deliver Stable Timing to the
Device-under-Test (DUT)
32.4 M (32,400,000) or 64.8 M
(64,800,000) Point Record
Length Provide Longer Data
Analog Bandwidth to 2 GHz
(Option 02, Calculated Based
on Rise Time) Provides the
Highest Signal Fidelity of All
High-speed AWGs
Direct External Clock Input
Allows Jittered and Nonjittered Signals for High-speed
Data Stream Timing Margin
Test Up To 4.2 Gb/s
Synchronous Operation
Mode Supports Two
AWG710B Outputs (2: Analog,
4: Marker) Synchronization for
High Data Rate Wireless and
Data Communication Test
and Optical Write Channel
Strategy Signal Test
Waveform Quick Editor with
300 fs Edge Timing
Resolution Delivers Output
Edge Control with Near
Real-time Precision
Allows Two-signal Mix Function
Digitally to Support Disk Drive
Noise Performance Test and
Pre/De-emphasis Serial Data
Communication Test
Real-time Sequencing
Creates Infinite Waveform
Loops, Jumps, Patterns and
Conditional Branches
Disk Drive Read/Write
Design and Test
Communications Design
and Test
Arbitrary IF and IQ
Base-band Signals
Standard Waveforms for
Pulse Generation
High-speed, Low-jitter
Data and Clock Source
Mixed Signal Design and Test
Real-world Simulations
Corruption and Enhancement
of Ideal Waveforms
Timing and Amplitude Signal
Waveforms Imported from
MathCad, MATLAB, Excel
and Others
Signal Sources

Arbitrary Waveform Generator
Arbitrary Waveforms
Waveform Length – 960 to 32,400,000 points (or
64,800,000 points, option 01) in multiples of four.
Sequence Length – One to 8,000 steps.
Sequence Repeat Counter –
One to 65,536 or infinite.
Run Modes
Gated mode, Event Jump, and Software Jump are
disabled in the synchronous operation
Continuous – Waveform is iteratively output. If a
sequence is defined, the sequence order and repeat
functions are applied.
Triggered – Waveform is output only once when
an external, internal, GPIB, LAN, or manual trigger
is received.
Gated – Waveform begins output when gate is true
and resets to beginning when false.
Enhanced – Waveform is output as defined by the
Extended Operation
Function Generator
Waveform Shape –
Sine, Triangle, Square, Ramp, Pulse or DC.
Frequency – 1.000 Hz to 400.0 MHz.
Amplitude – Range: 0.020 V
Resolution: 1 mV.
Offset – Range: –0.500 V to +0.500 V into 50 Ω
Resolution: 1 mV.
DC Level – DC waveform only.
Range: –0.500 V to +0.500 V into 50 Ω
Resolution: 1 mV.
Polarity – Normal, Invert.
Duty Cycle – Range: 0.1% to 99.9%, Pulse
waveform only.
1.000 Hz to 4.000 MHz: 0.1% step.
4.001 MHz to 20.00 MHz: 0.5% step.
20.01 MHz to 40.00 MHz: 1% step.
40.01 MHz to 80.00 MHz: 2% step.
80.01 MHz to 100.0 MHz: 2.5% step.
100.1 MHz to 160.00 MHz: 4% step.
160.1 MHz to 200.0 MHz: 5% step.
200.1 MHz to 400.0 MHz: 10% step.
Marker Out –
Marker1 Pulse Width:
Hi Lo: 20%/80% of Period.
Marker2 Pulse Width:
Hi/Lo: 50%/50% of Period, except 100.1 MHz
to 160.0 MHz.
Hi/Lo: 52%/48% of Period, at 100.1 MHz
to 160.0 MHz.
Marker Level:
Hi Level: 1 V into 50 Ω.
Lo Level: 0 V into 50 Ω.
Waveform mixing operation –
Supports two-signals mixed output digitally.
Synchronous operation – Supports synchronization
of two AWGxxx boxes allowing two synchronized
signal outputs.
Note: This operation is executed by Sync master
and Sync slave operation combination.
to 2 V
into 50 Ω
Sync master operation –
Set one AWG710B as a master box.
Sync slave operation –
Set another AWG710B as a slave box.
Clock Generator
Sampling Frequency –
50.000000 kS/s to 4.2000000 GS/s.
Resolution – 8 digits.
Internal Clock – Accuracy: ±1 ppm.
Phase Noise – (VCO out)
At 4.2GS/s, 10 kHz offset: –65 dBc/Hz.
At 4.2GS/s, 100 kHz offset: –96 dBc/Hz.
Internal Trigger Generator
Internal Trigger Rate – Range: 1.0 µs to 10.0 s.
Resolution: 3 digits, 0.1 µs minimum.
Accuracy: ±0.1%.
Main Output
Output Signal –
Complementary; CH1 and channel inverse.
Digital to Analog Converter – Resolution: 8-bits.
Differential Non-linearity: ±1/2-LSB.
Integral Non-linearity: ±1-LSB.
Output Connector – Front Panel SMA.
Normal Out
Amplitude – Into 50 Ω.
Amplitude Range: 20 mV to 2.0 V peak-to-peak.
Resolution: 1 mV.
DC Accuracy: ±(2.0% of Amplitude + 2 mV) at
offset = 0 V.
Offset – Into 50 Ω.
Range of Signal Center: ±0.500V
(Rails of –1.5V, +1.5V).
Resolution: 1 mV.
Accuracy: ±1.5% of offset ±10 mV at
20 mV amplitude.
Pulse response – (–1 and 1 waveform data, 0 V
offset, through filter at 1 V
, clock 1 GS/s) using
20 GHz BW oscilloscope.
Rise time: (10 to 90%): ≤480 ps.
Fall time: (10 to 90%): ≤480 ps.
Aberrations: ±10% (at 1.0 V
Flatness: ±5% (after 20 ns from rise/fall edge).
Sine Wave Characteristics – (4.2 GS/s clock, 32
waveform points, 131.25 MHz signal frequency,
1.0 V amplitude, 0 V offset, through filter).
Harmonics: ≤–40 dBc, DC to 1000 MHz.
Noise: ≤–50 dBc, DC to 1000 MHz.
Phase noise: ≤–85 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz offset.
Type – 20, 50, 100, 200 MHz Bessel low-pass.
Rise Time (10% to 90%) – 20 MHz, 17 ns;
50 MHz, 7.0 ns; 100 MHz, 3.7 ns; 200 MHz, 2.0 ns.
Group Delay – 20 MHz, 18 ns; 50 MHz, 8 ns;
100 MHz, 4.7 ns; 200 MHz, 3 ns.
Direct D/A Out
Amplitude – 20 mV
to 1.0 V
into 50 Ω.
Resolution – 1mV.
DC Accuracy – ±(2% of Amplitude + 2 mV).
Offset – No function.
DC Offset Accuracy – 0 V ±10 mV at 20 mV
amplitude (waveform data = 0).
Pulse Response (–1 and 1 waveform data, at
)– Rise Time (10% to 90%): ≤280 ps.
0.5 V
Fall Time (10% to 90%): ≤280 ps.
Output Impedance – 50 Ω.
Extended Bandwidth Output
(Option 02)
Amplitude – 500 mV
to 1.0 V
into 50 Ω.
Resolution – 1mV.
DC Accuracy – ±(2.0% of amplitude + 2 mV).
Offset – No function.
DC Offset Accuracy – 0 V ±10 mV at 500 mV
Amplitude (waveform data = 0).
Pulse Response – (–1 and 1 waveform data,
at 1.0 V
Rise Time – (10% to 90%): ≤175 ps.
Fall Time – (10% to 90%): ≤175 ps.
Output Impedance – 50 Ω.
Auxiliary Outputs
Number – 2 (complementary).
Level –
High level: –1.00 V to 2.45 V into 50 Ω to GND.
Low level: –2.00 V to 2.40 V into 50 Ω to GND.
Amplitude: 0.05 V
to 1.25 V
max. into
50 Ω to GND.
Resolution – 0.05 V.
DC Accuracy –
Within ±0.1 V ±5% of setting into 50 Ω.
Maximum Output Current: ±80 mA.
Rise/Fall Time (20% to 80%) – <130 ps into
50 Ω to GND (1.0 V
, Hi +1.0 V, Lo 0 V).
Period Jitter (Typical) – by1010 clock pattern
At 4.2 GS/s 2.0 ps
At 2.1 GS/s 2.0 ps
At 1.05 GS/s 2.0 ps
, 15 ps peak to peak.
, 15 ps peak to peak.
, 15 ps peak to peak.
Cycle-to-cycle Jitter (Typical) –
by1010 clock pattern.
At 4.2 GS/s 3.4 ps
At 2.1 GS/s 3.4 ps
At 1.05 GS/s 3.7 ps
, 25 ps peak to peak.
, 25 ps peak to peak.
, 26 ps peak to peak.
Marker Skew – < 20 ps (typical).
Delay (between analog output and marker
output) – (Marker Level: 1 V
Analog Output: At 1 V
(Hi + 1V/Lo 0V),
Normal Output: 2.4 ns (Offset 0 V, Filter = “Through”).
Direct Output: –1 ns.
Connector – Front-panel SMA.
Amplitude – CML, AC coupling, 0.4 V
into 50 Ω
to GND.
Impedance: 50 Ω, AC coupling.
Connector – Rear-panel SMA.
10 MHz Reference Clock Out
Amplitude – 1.2 V
into 50 Ω. Max 2.5 V
Impedance – 50 Ω, AC coupling.
Connector – Rear-panel BNC.
*1Option 02 eliminates the ability to switch between normal
and direct D/A out, as well as filter and offset control.
Signal Sources