Tektronix AWG7122C, AWG7000C, AWG7082C DATASHEET

Arbitrary Waveform Generators
AWG7000 Series Data Sheet
Vertical Resolution up to 10 bit Available
Deep Memory
Intuitive U ser Interfa ce Shortens Test Time
Integrated PC supports Network Integration and provides a Built-in DVD, Removable
Playback of Oscilloscope and Real-time Spectrum Analyzer Captured Signals, including Enhancements such as Adding Predistortion Effects
Waveform Vectors Imported from Third-party Tools su ch as MathCAD, MATLAB, Excel, and Others
Generate Signals up to 1 GHz Modulation Bandwidths with 54 dBc SFDR
Enables the Creation of Long Complex Waveform Sequences
Hard Drive, LAN, eSATA, and USB Ports
Features & Benets
Wideband RF/MW Modulation Bandwidth
Generates Complex Wideband Signals across a Freq uency Range of up to 9.6 GHz Generates Modulation Bandwidths of up to 3.5 GHz (1 dB)
Waveform Sequencing and Subsequencing
Branche Enhance the Ability to Replicate Real-world Signal Behavior
c Jump Capability
Enables the Creation of Complex Waveforms that Respond to Changing External Environments
Wideband RF/MW for Communications and Defense Electronics
Wideband Direct RF/MW Output up to 9.6 GHz Carrier
High-speed Serial Communications
Up to 6 Gb/s Data Rate for Complex Serial Data Streams (4x Oversampling, Interleaved)
es any Prole Multilevel Signals to allow Timing (Jitter) Margin
Provid Testing without External Power Combiners
Mixed-signal Design and Test
2-channel Analog plus 4-channel Marker Outputs
High-speed, Low-jitter Data/Pulse and Clock Source
Real-world, Ideal, or Distorted Signals – Generates Any Combination of Signal Impairments S imultan eously
Data Sheet
Unparalleled Performance
The need for performance arbitrary waveform generation is broad and spans over a wide array of applications. The industry-leading AWG7000 Series arbitrary waveform genera benchmark in performance, sample rate, signal delity, and timing resolution. The ability to create, generate, or replicate either idea l, distorted, or “real-life” signals is essential in the design and testing process. The AWG7000 Series of AWGs, with up to 24 GS/s and 10-bit vertical resolution, delivers the industry's best signal stimu lus solution for ever-increasing measurement challenges. This al signals, including complete control over signal characteristics.
The capabilities of the AWG7000 Series are further enhanced by the addition of key features:
Equation Editor
The Equa tion Editor is an ASCII text editor that uses text strings to create waveforms by loading, editing, and compiling equa tion les. The editor provides control and exibility to create more complex waveforms using customer-dened parameters.
Waveform Sequencing and Subsequencing
Real-time sequencing creates in nite waveform loops, jumps, and conditional branches for longer pattern-length generation suitable for replicating real-world behavior of serial transmitters.
tors (AWG) represent a cutting edge
lows for easy generation of very complex
AWG radar pulses created with AWG7000 and RFXpress.
fast-changing signals that are increasingly seen in many RF applications such a s radar, RF co mms, OFDM, and UWB. When used in conjunction with RFXp ress the AWG7000 Series supports a wide range of modulation formats a AWG7000 Series instruments provide customers with ways to generate fully modulated baseband, intermediate frequency (IF) signals, or directly generated RF waveforms.
nd simplies th e task of creating complex RF waveforms. The
Dynamic Jump
The Dynamic Jump capability enables the creation of complex waveform s by enabling th e ability to dynamically jump to any predened index in a waveform sequence. Users can dene up to 256 distinct jump indexes that respond t o changing external environments.
Wideband RF Signal Generation
Creating RF signals is becoming more and more complex, making it more difcult for RF engineers to accurately create the signals required for conformance and margin testing. When combined with RFXpress, the AWG7000 Series can address these tough design challenges. RFXpress is a software package that digitally synthesizes modulated baseba nd, IF, and RF signals taking signal generation to new levels by fully exploiting the wideband signal generation capabilities of the AWG7000 Series arbitrary waveform generators (AWGs). Together the AWG7000 and RFXpress provide engineers with “bandwidth on demand”, which is the ability to generate wideband modulated signals up to 3.5 GHz (1 dB) anywhere within the 9.6 GHz frequency range.
The latest digital RF technologies often exceed the capabilities of other
nstruments because of the need to generate the wide-bandwidth and
test i
Radar Signal C reation
Generating advanced radar signals often demands exceptional performance from an AWG in terms of sample rate, analog bandwidth, and memory. The Tektronix AWG7000 Series sets a new industry standard for advanced radar signal generation, by delivering wide mo dulation
bandwid AWG7000 Series can directly generate RF signals never before possible from an AWG. In instances where IQ generation is desired, the AWG7000 offers the ability to oversample the signal, thereby improving signal quality.
The AWG7000 and RFXpress are the perfect solution for creating complex radar signals. Customers are provided with the ultimate exibility in creating custom radar pulse suites. Modulation types such as LFM,Barker and Polyphase Codes, Step FM, and Nonlinear FM are easily created using the AWG, and requiring customer-dened modulation types. The AWG and RFXpress combo also has the ability to genera te pulse trains with staggered PRI to resolve range and doppler ambiguity, frequency hopping for Electronic Counter-Counter Measures (ECCM), and pulse-to-pulse amplitude variation to simulate Swerling target models including antenna scan patterns and multip
the exibility of RFXpress enables the creation of waveforms
ath effects.
2 www.tektronix.com/awg7000
Direct WiMedia signals are easily created with the AWG7000 and RFXpress.
Generic OFDM Creation
In to day's wireless world, OFDM is becoming the modulation method of choice for transmitting large amounts of digital data over short and medium distances. challenges for enginee rs who need to create OFDM signals to test their RF receivers. The AWG7000 Series, when coupled with RFXpress, allows users to congure every part of t he OFDM signal denition. Engineers can build signals symbol-by-symbol to create a complete OFDM frame or let the RFXpress software choose default values for some signal aspects. The AWG/RFX include Reed Solomon, Convolution, an d Scrambling. Users also have the
The need for wide bandwidths and multiple carriers create
press combo supports a variety of data coding formats that
Arbitrary Waveform Generators — AWG7000 Series
ability to dene each subcarrier in the symbol which can be congured independently for type, modulation, and base data. Th e RFXpress software gives visibili table that gives a summary of all the carriers in the selected symbol. OFDM packets/frames can be built by specifying the spacing between the symbols/frames and parts of the OFDM packets can be stressed by adding gated noise.
Ultra-Wideband (UWB) wireless is a growing technology that is designed for low-power, short-range wireless applications. UWB has emerged as the leading technology for applications like wireless Universal Serial Bus (USB). UWB radios, li and multiple carriers, but UWB designs also require short-duration pulses and transmit Power Spectral Densities (PSDs) near the thermal noise oor which can make creating UWB test signals very difcult. Fortunately, the AWG7000 Series and RFXpress offer a solid solution for the generation of UWB test signals.
The AWG7000 and RFXpress have the capability to digitally synthesize and generate signals in the UWB spectrum. For either custom UWB signal or one solution can recreate signals that are required to band hop in real time over a 1.6 GHz m odulation bandwidth. The RFXpress software gives users complete control over the characteristics of their UWB signals including the preamble synchronization sequences, cover sequences, and TFCs. For WiMedia applications all six band groups (BG1 to BG6) can be gene rated in either IQ creating/up-converting the signals when using an AWG7000 instrument.
ty into all aspects of the OFDM signal by providing a symbol
ke generic OFDM radios, require wide signal bandwidths
sdefined for the latest WiMedia specification, the AWG7000
, IF, or direct RF signals, giving users 3 different options for
www.tektronix.com/awg7000 3
Data Sheet
ate digital data impairments with the AWG7000 and SerialXpress.
Easily cre
ta with de-emphasis added using the AWG7000 and SerialXpress.
Digital da
High-speed Serial Sign al Generation
Serial signals are made up entirely of simple ones and zeros – binary data. Historically engineers have used data generators to create digital signals. As clock rates have increased these simple ones and zeros have begun to look more like analog waveforms because embedded in the digital data are analog events. The zero rise time and the perfectly at tops of textbook
signals no longer represent reality. Electronic environments have
digital noise, jitter, crosstalk, distributed reactances, power supply variations, and other shortcomings. Each takes its toll on the signal. A real-world digital “square wave” rarely resembles its theoretical counterpart. Since the AWG7000 Series is an analog waveform source it is the perfect single-box solution tha t is used to create digital data streams and mimic the analog
ctions that occur in real-world environments. The AWG7000 Series
imperfe uses direct synthesis techniques which allow eng ineers to create signals that embo dy the effects of propagation through a transmission line. Rise times, pulse shapes, delays, and aberrations can all be controlled with the AWG7000 Series instruments. When used in conjunction with the SerialXpress software package, engineers are provided control over every
aspect of their digital signals reaching speeds of up to 6 Gb/s. This is exactly what is needed for rigorous receiver testing requirements.
SerialXpress is an integrated SW tool that enables AWG7000 Series instruments to create a variety of digital data impairments such as jitter (Random
, Periodic, Sinusoidal), noise, pre/de-emphasis, duty cycle distortion, Inter-symbol Interference (ISI), Duty Cycle Distortion (DCD), and Spread Spectrum Clocking (SSC). Th e transmission environments of b oth board and ca bles can be emulated using touchstone les uploaded into SerialXpress. The AWG7000 and SerialXpress solution a lso provides base pattern waveforms for many of today's high-speed serial applications such as SATA,
Display Port, SAS, PCI-E, USB, and Fibre Channel.
For high-speed serial applications the AWG7000 Series offers the industry's
ution f or addressing challenging signal stimulus issues faced by
best sol digital designers who need to verify, characterize, and debug complex digital designs. The le-based architecture uses direct synthesis to create complex data streams and provides users with the simplicity, repeatability, and exibility required to solve the toughest signal generation challenges in high-spee d serial communication applications.
4 www.tektronix.com/awg7000
Arbitrary Waveform Generators — AWG7000 Series
Specications (not noted) – Product characteristics described in terms of specied performance with tolerance limits which are warranted/guaranteed to the customer. Specications are checked in the manufacturingprocessandinthePerformanceVerification section of the product manual with a direct measurement of the parameter.
Typ ical (noted) – Product characteristics described in terms of typical performance, but not guaranteed performance. The values given are never warranted, butmostunits will perform to the level indicated. Typical characteristics are not tested in the manufacturing process or the Performance Verication section of the product manual.
Nominal (noted) – Product characteristics described in terms of being guaranteed by design. Nominal characteristics are non-warranted, so they are not checkedinthe manufacturing process or the Performance Verication section of the product manual.
AWG7122C Series Specications
General Characteristics
Analog Converter
Digital to
Sample ra Resoluti
Sin (x)/x
Sin (x)/x Sin (x)/x
te (nominal)
on (nominal)
(–1 dB) (–3 dB)
w/ Amplier
w/o Amplier
10 MS/s to
10 bit (no
Option 02 2 Channel
12 GS/s
markers selected) or 8 bit (markers selected)
3.1 GHz 6.2 GHz
5.3 GHz 10.6 GHz
Option 06 2Channel
Option 06 1Channel
12 GS/s to
24 GS/s
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Data Sheet
Frequency Domain Characteristics
Output Frequency Characteristics
w/ Amplier
Effective Frequency Output Fmaximum (specied) is determined as "sample rate / oversampling rate" or "SR / 2.5"
Effective Frequency
Minimum frequency switching time from selected waveforms in sequence mode is determined as "1/Fmaximum"
Switching Time
Switching time (Ts)
Option 08 (fast frequency switching)
Switching time (Ts)
Modulation Bandwidth
Mod bandwidth (–1 dB)
Modulation bandwidth is determined as a combination of Sin (x)/x roll-off and rise-time bandwidth collectively corrected to <1 dB
Up to 420
(typical) Mod bandwidth (–3 dB)
Up to 740 MHz
w/o Amplier
Option 02 2 Channel
Option 06 2Channel
4.8 GHz 9.6 GHz
106 μs
208 ps 104 ps
by external measurement and calibration over the applicable frequency range
Up to 1.7 GHz Up to 2.5 GHz Up to 3.5 GHz (Zero On)
Up to 2.9 GHz Up to 4.3 GHz Up to 6.2 GHz (Zero On)
Option 06 1Channel
Up to 2.5 GHz (Zero Off)
Up to 4.3 GHz (Zero Off)
AWG7122C Frequency Response (typical).
6 www.tektronix.com/awg7000
Arbitrary Waveform Generators — AWG7000 Series
Output Amplitude Characteristics
w/ Amplier
w/o Amplier
Option 02 2 Channel
Option 06 2Channel
Option 06 1Channel
Amplitude Amplitude levels are measured as single-ended outputs
Amplitude level will be 3 dBm higher when using differential (both) outputs
Range (typical)
–22 dBm to 10 dBm –22 dBm to 4 dBm –2 dBm to 4 dBm
Zero On: –8 dBm to
–2 dBm
Zero Off: –2 dBm to 4 dBm
Resolution (typical)
0.01 dB
Accuracy (typical) At –2 dBm level, with no offset, ±0.3 dB
Output Flatness Mathematically corrected for characteristic Sin (x)/x roll-off, uncorrected by external calibration methods
Flatness (typical) ±1.0 dB, from 50 MHz to 4.8 GHz ±2.5 dB, from 50 MHz
to 9.6 GHz
Output Match
SWR (typical) DC to 1.5 GHz, 1.2:1
1.5 to 4.8 GHz, 1.7:1
DC to 1.5 GHz, 1.2:1
AWG7122C Standard/Wideband Flatness (typical). AWG7122C Interleave Flatness (typical).
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Data Sheet
Time Domain Characteristics
Data Rate Characteristics
Data Rate
w/ Amplier
Bit rate determined as "sample rate / 4 points per cycle", allowing full impairment generation
Bit rate (nominal) 3 Gb/s 6 Gb/s
Rise/Fall Time Characteristics
Rise/Fall Time Rise/Fall time measured at 20% to 80% levels, related by a factor of 0.75 to the industry standard of 10% to 90% levels
Tr/Tf (typical)
Rise Time Bandwidth
Tr bandwidth (–1 dB)
350 ps
Rise-time bandwidth converted from rise-time (0.26/Tr, assumed Gaussian transition) characteristics through analog output circuitry and cabling
430 MHz
(typical) Tr bandwidth (–3 dB)
750 MHz
(typical) Low-pass lter
Output Amplitude Characteristics
Bessel Type: 50 and 200 MHz
Range (typical)
100 mV
to 4.0 V
Resolution (typical) Accuracy (typical) At 0.5 V, with no offset, ±(3% of amplitude ±2 mV) Zero On: ±(8% of level
Range (typical) Resolution (typical) Accuracy (typical)
±0.5 V
1.0 mV
At minimum amplitude,
±(2.0% of offset ±10 mV)
w/o Amplier
75 ps
Option 02 2 Channel
Option 06 2Channel
35 ps 42 ps
2.0 GHz 4.3 GHz 3.6 GHz
3.5 GHz 7.5 GHz 6.2 GHz
Amplitude levels are measured between differential outputs (+) to (–)
For single-ended output the amplitude level will be one-half the voltage levels below
100 mV
to 2.0 V
1.0 V
to 2.0 V
1.0 mV
— — —
Option 06 1Channel
Zero On: 500 mV
1.0 V
Zero Off: 1.0 V
±2 mV)
Zero Off: ±(4% of level
±2 mV)
to 2.0 V
8 www.tektronix.com/awg7000
Common Characteristics
w/ Amplier
Output Distortion Characteristics
Spurious Free Dynamic
SFDR is determined as a function of the directly generated carrier frequency. Harmonics not included
w/o Amplier
Range (SFDR)
SFDR (typical) Clock: 12 GS/s, 10-bit operation
Frequency: 50 MHz to 4.8 GHz
Level: 4 dBm (1 V
Offset: None
DC to 1.0 GHz carrier
Spurious Free Dynamic Range (SFDR)
When viewed as a modulation bandwidth and used with external frequency up-conversion, the specications will hold and be
independent of carrier frequency with proper conversion circuitry design. Harmonics not included
SFDR (typical) Clock: 12 GS/s, 10-bit operation
Modulation Bandwidth: Up to 2.5 GHz
Level: 4 dBm (1 V
Offset: None
DC to 1.0 GHz bandwidth (–1 dB)
DC to 2.4 GHz bandwidth (–1 dB)
DC to 3.5 GHz bandwidth (–1 dB)
Arbitrary Waveform Generators — AWG7000 Series
Option 02 2 Channel
–54 dBc –46 dBc –38 dBc –30 dBc
–54 dBc
–46 dBc
–38 dBc
Option 06 2Channel
Option 06 1Channel
Clock: 24 GS/s, 10-bit
Frequency: 50 MHz to
9.6 GHz
Level: –2 dBm (0.5 V
–26 dBc
Clock: 24 GS/s, 10-bit
Modulation Bandwidth:
Up to 3.5 GHz
Level: –2 dBm (0.5 V
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