The servicing instructions are for use by qualified
personnel only. To avoid personal injury, do not
perform any servicing unless you are qualified to
do so. Refer to all safety summaries prior to
performing service.
Tektronix products are covered by U.S. and foreign patents, issued and pending. Information in this publication
supercedes that in all previously published material. Specifications and price change privileges reserved.
TEKTRONIX and TEK are registered trademarks of T ektronix, Inc.
Contacting Tektronix
Tektronix, Inc.
14200 SW Karl Braun Drive or P.O. Box 500
Beaverton, OR 97077
For product information, sales, service, and technical support:
In North America, call 1-800-833-9200.
Worldwide, visit to find contacts in your area.
Warranty 2
Tektronix warrants that this product will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one (1)
year from the date of shipment. If any such product proves defective during this warranty period, Tektronix, at its
option, either will repair the defective product without charge for parts and labor, or will provide a replacement in
exchange for the defective product. Parts, modules and replacement products used by Tektronix for warranty work may
be new or reconditioned to like new performance. All replaced parts, modules and products become the property of
In order to obtain service under this warranty, Customer must notify Tektronix of the defect before the expiration of
the warranty period and make suitable arrangements for the performance of service. Customer shall be responsible for
packaging and shipping the defective product to the service center designated by Tektronix, with shipping charges
prepaid. Tektronix shall pay for the return of the product to Customer if the shipment is to a location within the country
in which the Tektronix service center is located. Customer shall be responsible for paying all shipping charges, duties,
taxes, and any other charges for products returned to any other locations.
This warranty shall not apply to any defect, failure or damage caused by improper use or improper or inadequate
maintenance and care. Tektronix shall not be obligated to furnish service under this warranty a) to repair damage
resulting from attempts by personnel other than Tektronix representatives to install, repair or service the product; b) to
repair damage resulting from improper use or connection to incompatible equipment; c) to repair any damage or
malfunction caused by the use of non-Tektronix supplies; or d) to service a product that has been modified or integrated
with other products when the effect of such modification or integration increases the time or difficulty of servicing the
Review the following safety precautions to avoid injury and prevent damage to this
product or any products connected to it.
To avoid potential hazards, use this product only as specified.
Only qualified personnel should perform service procedures.
To Avoid Fire or Personal
Use Proper Power Cord. Use only the power cord specified for this product and
certified for the country of use.
Connect and Disconnect Properly. Do not connect or disconnect probes or test
leads while they are connected to a voltage source.
Ground the Product. This product is grounded through the grounding conductor of
the power cord. To avoid electric shock, the grounding conductor must be
connected to earth ground. Before making connections to the input or output
terminals of the product, ensure that the product is properly grounded.
Observe All Terminal Ratings. To avoid fire or shock hazard, observe all ratings and
markings on the product. Consult the product manual for further ratings
information before making connections to the product.
The inputs are not rated for connection to mains or Category II, III, or IV circuits.
Do not apply a potential to any terminal, including the common terminal, that
exceeds the maximum rating of that terminal.
Power Disconnect. The power cord disconnects the product from the power source.
Do not block the power cord; it must remain accessible to the user at all times.
Do Not Operate Without Covers. Do not operate this product with covers or panels
Do Not Operate With Suspected Failures. If you suspect there is damage to this
product, have it inspected by qualified service personnel.
Avoid Exposed Circuitry. Do not touch exposed connections and components when
power is present.
Do Not Operate in Wet/Damp Conditions.
Do Not Operate in an Explosive Atmosphere.
AWG5000 Series Service Manualvii
General Safety Summary
Keep Product Surfaces Clean and Dry.
Provide Proper Ventilation. Refer to the manual’s installation instructions for
details on installing the product so it has proper ventilation.
Symbols and Terms
Terms in this Manual. These terms may appear in this manual:
WAR N I NG. Warning statements identify conditions or practices that could result
in injury or loss of life.
CAUTION. Cautions statements identify conditions or practices that could result in
damage to this or other property.
Terms on the Product. These terms may appear on the product:
DANGER indicates an injury hazard immediately accessible as you read the
WARNING indicates an injury hazard not immediately accessible as you read the
CAUTION indicates a hazard to property including the product.
Symbols on the Product. The following symbols may appear on the product:
High Voltage
Protective Ground
(Earth) Terminal
Refer to Manual
viiiAWG5000 Series Service Manual
Service Safety Summary
Only qualified personnel should perform service procedures. Read this Service
Safety Summary and the General Safety Summary before performing any service
Do Not Service Alone. Do not perform internal service or adjustments of this
product unless another person capable of rendering first aid and resuscitation is
Disconnect Power. To avoid electric shock, switch off the instrument power, then
disconnect the power cord from the mains power.
Use Care When Servicing With Power On. Dangerous voltages or currents may exist
in this product. Disconnect power, remove battery (if applicable), and disconnect
test leads before removing protective panels, soldering, or replacing components.
To avoid electric shock, do not touch exposed connections.
AWG5000 Series Service Manualix
Service Safety Summary
xAWG5000 Series Service Manual
Environmental Considerations
This section provides information about the environmental impact of the product.
Product End-of-Life
Observe the following guidelines when recycling an instrument or component:
Equipment Recycling. Production of this equipment required the extraction and use
of natural resources. The equipment may contain substances that could be harmful
to the environment or human health if improperly handled at the product's end of
life. In order to avoid release of such substances into the environment and to reduce
the use of natural resources, we encourage you to recycle this product in an
appropriate system that will ensure that most of the materials are reused or recycled
The symbol shown to the left indicates that this product
complies with the European Union's requirements according to
Directive 2002/96/EC on waste electrical and electronic
equipment (WEEE). For information about recycling options,
check the Support/Service section of the Tektronix Web site
Mercury Notification. This product uses an LCD backlight lamp that contains
mercury. Disposal may be regulated due to environmental considerations. Please
contact your local authorities or, within the United States, the Electronics
Industries Alliance ( for disposal or recycling information.
Restriction of Hazardous
AWG5000 Series Service Manualxi
This product has been classified as Monitoring and Control equipment, and is
outside the scope of the 2002/95/EC RoHS Directive. This product is known to
contain lead, cadmium, mercury, and hexavalent ch romium.
Environmental Considerations
xiiAWG5000 Series Service Manual
Manual Structure
Manual Conventions
This manual contains service information for your instrument. Read this preface to
learn how this manual is structured, the conventions it uses, and where to find
additional supplemental information related to servicing this product.
You should also read the General and Service safety summaries before servicing
the product.
This manual is divided into chapters, which are made up of related subordinate
topics. These topics can be cross referenced as sections.
Be sure to read the introductions to all procedures. These introductions provide
important information needed to do the service correctly, safely, and efficiently.
This manual uses certain conventions that you should become familiar with before
attempting service.
Replaceable Parts
Throughout this manual, any replaceable component, assembly, or part is referred
to by the term module. A module is composed of electrical and mechanical
assemblies, circuit boards, interconnecting cables, and user-accessible controls.
This manual refers to any field-replaceable assembly or mechanical part
specifically by its name or generically as a replaceable part. In general, a
replaceable part is any circuit board or assembly, such as the hard disk drive, or a
mechanical part, such as the I/O port connectors, that is listed in the replaceable
parts list of this manual.
Symbols and terms related to safety appear in the Service Safety Summary found at
the beginning of this manual.
AWG5000 Series Service Manualxiii
xivAWG5000 Series Service Manual
Operating Information
Operating Information
For information on installing, operating, and networking the instrument, refer to
the AWG5000 Series Arbitrary Waveform Generators Quick Start User Manual.
This manual is available on the Document CD that came with your instrument, and
on the Tektronix Web site (
General Features
The following table and bulleted list describe the general features of the AWG5000
Series Arbitrary Waveform Generators.
Table 1-1: General features
Maximum sample rate1.2 GS/s600 MS/s
D/A resolution14 bits
Memory length16,200,000 or 32,400,000 (Option 01)
Analog bandwidth250 MHz (2 V
Analog output2424
Maximum amplitude4.5 V
Marker output4848
Digital data output28 bits (Option 03)
) or 370 MHz (0.6 V
, direct)
Windows XP Professional operating system
Up to 32,400,000 memory length (Option 01)
28 bits digital data outputs (Option 03)
A large 10.4 inch (264.2 mm) high resolution XGA color display
An intuitive, graphical user interface (UI), with built-in online help
80 GB removable hard disk drive
CD-RW/DVD drive
Supports USB 2.0 interface
LAN (1000/100/10 Base-T)
Touch screen user interface
AWG5000 Series Service Manual1-1
Operating Information
The following options are available for the instrument:
Option 01: Memory expansion to 32 MB
Option 03: 28 bits digital data outputs
Table 1-2 indicates the available combinations of instrument options.
Table 1-2: Combination of instrument options
Option 01Option 03Option 01, 03
Option C3: Calibration service 3 years
Option C5: Calibration service 5 years
Option D1: Calibration data report
Option D3, with Option C3: Calibration data report 3 years
Option D5, with Option C5: Calibration data report 5 years
Option R3: Repair service 3 years (including warranty)
Option R5: Repair service 5 years (including warranty)
AWG50UP Option M02: AWG5002 Field upgrade for waveform length
expansion from 16 M to 32 M points
AWG50UP Option M04: AWG5004 Field upgrade for waveform length
expansion from 16 M to 32 M points
AWG50UP Option M12: AWG5012 Field upgrade for waveform length
expansion from 16 M to 32 M points
AWG50UP Option M14: AWG5014 Field upgrade for waveform length
expansion from 16 M to 32 M points
AWG50UP Option D03: AWG5002 Field upgrade for digital data outputs
AWG50UP Option D13: AWG5012 Field upgrade for digital data outputs
1-2AWG5000 Series Service Manual
Theory of Operation
Theory of Operation
This section describes the electrical operation of the AWG5000 Series Arbitrary
Waveform Generators.
The AWG5000 Series Arbitrary Waveform Generators provide four models with
different frequency and numbers of channels. Each model consists of two major
sections: the platform section and generator section. The platform section is
common to each model.
Block Diagram of the
The AWG5000 Series Arbitrary Waveform Generators are based on the Tektronix
DPO7000 series platform which consists of the μATX CPU board and modern
components for a PC. The instrument operates with the microsoft Window XP
operating system. Figure 2-1 on page 2-2 shows the system level block diagram of
the AWG5000 Series.
AWG5000 Series Service Manual2-1
Theory of Operation
Figure 2-1: AWG5000 Series block diagram
2-2AWG5000 Series Service Manual
Module Overviews
Theory of Operation
A Microsoft Windows processor system is the primary controller of the instrument.
The instrument features an XGA resolution flat-panel display, a transparent touch
screen, and a front panel with direct access to commonly used instrument
functions. You can also make complete use of the instrument with a mouse and a
Front Panel (FP) Board
LCD Adapter (LCDA) Board
Push-button switches on the Front Panel (FP) board are read by an embedded micro
controller, which sends the button and knob change information to the μATX bo ar d
via a USB path. The FP board consists of the following blocks:
USB controller (Cypress EZ-USB FX1)
FPGA (Altera Cyclone)
Key switch matrix
LED indicators (Tri-Color and Mono-Color)
The LCDA board supports interconnection between the μATX board and FP
board. Two internal USB ports come from the μATX board. One USB connects to
a touch panel controller. The other connect to a micro controller on the FP board.
Connectors related to the LCD are also included. The LCDA board consists of the
following blocks:
Touch-panel controller
Rotary encoder (signal goes to the FP board)
LCD back light controller
Connector to LCD
Multi-Input/Output (MIO)
The MIO board coordinates the flow of data through the Windows PCI port from
various devices that communicate with the μATX system. The devices include the
display system, GPIB, TekLink, and data flow (PCIF) path to the waveform
generator system. An EEROM on this board is used to store the instrument setting
and calibration data. The MIO board consists of the following blocks:
PCI controller
GPIB controller
LCD display controller (ATI Mobility-MI)
PCI target adapter
PLD140 (Xilinx FPGA)
EEPROM for calibration data storage
TekLink interface
AWG5000 Series Service Manual2-3
Theory of Operation
Front Switch (FSW) Board
Front Connector (FCON)
Display Panel
Touch Panel
Processor (μATX ) B o ard
The FSW board provides interconnection between the Standby switch and μAT X
board. It includes an LED driver.
The FCON board provides front-panel connections of the USB ports and the DC
output. It includes common mode filters that suppress EMI radiation on the USB
The active-matrix LCD display is fully controlled by Windows drivers. It is
controlled by the ATI Mobility-M1 micro circuit on the MIO board. The display
has a 1024 x 768 resolution. Brightness is controlled by the intensity of the
The touch information from the touch screen is processed by Windows drivers,
actively placing the pointer at the touched location. Actions from the mouse and
the touch panel are interchangeable, and treated alike by the user interface
software. The AccuTouch five-wire resistive touch screen uses a glass panel with
a uniform resistive coating. A thick polyester coversheet is tightly suspended over
the top of a glass substrate, separated by small, transparent insulating dots. The
coversheet has a hard, durable coating on the outer side and a conductive coating
on the inner side. The controller is located on the LCDA board.
The μATX board provides standard Windows functionality and I/O port interfaces
on the rear panel. This includes RS-232, Parallel, and Ethernet ports, as well as four
USB ports, including two USB2.0 ports located in the lower right front corner of
the instrument. The μATX board receives input from the front panel and touch
panel, and implements the appropriate changes. Video display data is transferred
to the MIO board through the PCI bus interface. The hard drive is connected to the
μATX board through the SATA interface, and the CD/DVD is connected to the
Windows system through the IDE parallel interface.
Power Supply
Secondary Power Supply
2-4AWG5000 Series Service Manual
The power supply CVR460 is a switching AC to DC converter. It automatically
detects the line voltage over the range of 90 to 264 VAC. It supplies power to all
the circuitry in the instrument. No switch completely disconnects the line power
from the instrument. The ON/STBY switch controls the power to the instrument
through the μATX board circuitry. When in the “power off” condition, there is still
a low power standby current to allow the system to monitor the ON/STBY switch.
The secondary power supply ZWQ130 is a switching AC to DC converter. It
automatically detects the line voltage over the range of 85 VAC to 265 VAC.
Three fans on the side of the instrument provide forced air cooling. The fans are
controlled by the fan speed control circuit on the PWR board and are regulated by
monitoring the temperature at the circuitry.
Theory of Operation
Power (PWR2) Board
CLK1G Board
AWG1 G B o a rd
The PWR2 board provides DC power to the fans, HDD, CD Drive, μATX b o a rd ,
MIO board, OUT1G board, and AWG1G board. All the power comes from the
CVR460 module and the ZWQ130 module. The fan control circuit has a thermal
sensor on this board. DC voltage to the fans is controlled relative to the sensed
temperature. DC-DC converters are included for generating different DC voltages.
The CLK1G board provides a 600 MHz to 1200 MHz clock to the AWG1G board.
The clock input accepts 600 MHz to 1200 MHz clock signals from an external
signal source. The reference clock input accepts 5 MHz to 800 MHz reference
clock signals from an external signal source. The 10 MHz reference output can be
used for synchronizing frequency between two or more instruments. The CLK10G
board consists of the following blocks:
VCO (600 MHz to 1200 MHz)
Fractional-N PLL
10.0 MHz TCXO (reference oscillator)
External reference input
The AWG1G board generates arbitrary waveforms based on the waveform
memory and the sequence memory. There are two types of PLDs (Xilinx FPGA)
on the board. One is an AWG controller called PLD121 which interfaces to/from
the MIO board. The other is a memory controller called PLD120 which generates
waveform patterns. Waveform data is stored in ZBT type SRAMs. The sequence
memory is included in the memory controller PLD. The AWG1G board consists of
the following blocks:
1.2 GS/s DAC (AD9736)
8 channels 8:1 MUX (TEK0015 ASIC)
PLD120 (Xilinx Virtex-4 FPGA) as a memory controller
PLD121 (Xilinx Virtex-4 FPGA) as an AWG controller
ZBT type SRAM for the waveform memory
28 bits digital output driver
Marker output driver
Trigger and event inputs
DC output
DC-DC converter
AWG5000 Series Service Manual2-5
Theory of Operation
OUT1G Board
The OUT1G board provides analog outputs to the front-panel connector.
Amplitude, filter, offset, add input, and On/Off controls are added to the analog
outputs. The OUT1G board consists of the following blocks:
Analog differential output amplifier
Selectable low-pass filter
Selectable attenuator
Add input from external
Control D/A for offset setting
Level monitor A/D
Relay driver
Controller PLD
2-6AWG5000 Series Service Manual
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