Tektronix 7704 schematic

(NSN 6625-00-007-8487)
TM 11-6625-2922-14&P


Dangerous potentials exist at several points throughout this equipment. When the equipment is operated with the covers removed, DO NOT touch exposed connections or components. Some transistors have voltages present on their cases. Disconnect power before cleaning the equipment or replacing parts.
Copyright 1970 by Tektronix Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduced by permission of the copyright owner, TEKTRO NIX INC.
TM 11-6625-2922-14&P
No. 11-6625-2922-14&P WASHINGTON, DC, 8 September 1980
You can help improve this manual. If you find any mistakes or if you know of a way to improve the procedures, please let us know. Mail your letter, DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms), or DA Form 2028-2 located in back of this manual direct to: Commander, US Army Communications and Electronics Materiel Readiness Command, ATTN: DRSEL-ME-MQ, Fort Monmouth, NJ 07703.
In either case, a reply will be furnished direct to you.
(NSN 6625-00-007-8487)
Table of Contents
Paragraph Page
Scope .................................................................................................................... 0-1 0-1
Indexes of Publications.......................................................................................... 0-2 0-1
Maintenance Forms, Records, and Reports.......................................................... 0-3 0-1
Reporting Equipment Improvement Recommendations (EIR).............................. 0-4 0-1
Administrative Storage .......................................................................................... 0-5 0-1
Destruction of Army Electronics Materiel............................................................... 0-6 0-1
This manual is an authentication of the m anufacturer’s commercial literature which, through usage, has been found to cover the data required to operate and maintain this equipment. Since the manual was not prepar ed in accordance with military specifications, the format has not been structured to consider levels of maintenance.
Introduction 1-1 First-Time Operation Table 1-1 Electrical General 2-7
Vertical Deflection System 1-1 Setup Information 2-7 Triggering 1-2 Calibration Check 2-8 Horizontal Deflection System 1-2 Vertical and Horizontal Mode 2-8 Calibrator 1-2 Triggering 2-9 External Z-Axis Input 1-2 Control Illumination 2-10 Signal Outputs 1-3 Readout 2-10 Character Generator 1-4 Beam Finder 2-10 Power Supply 1-4 Z-Axis Input 2-10
Display 1-4 Test Set-Up Chart Table 1-2 Environmental Characteristics 1-4 General 2-10 Table 1-3 Physical Characteristics 1-5 General Operating Information Standard Accessories 1-5 Simplified Operating Instructions 2-10 Instrument Options Intensity Controls 2-16
General 1-5 Display Focus 2-16
Option 1 1-5 Trace Alignment Adjustment 2-17
Option 2 1-5 Graticule 2-17
Option 3 1-5 Light Filter 2-17 System Specifications Beam Finder 2-17
Control Illumination 2-17 Readout 2-18 Remote Readout 2-19
General 2-1 Vertical and Horizontal Mode Switch Preliminary Information Logic 2-19
Operating Voltage 2-1 Vertical Mode 2-20
Operating Temperature 2-2 Horizontal Mode 2-21
Rackmounting 2-2 Vertical Trace Separation 2-22 Display Definitions 2-2 Trigger Source 2-22 Plug-In Units X-Y Operation 2-22
General 2-3 Intensity Modulation 2-23
Plug-In Installation 2-3 Raster Display 2-24 Controls and Connectors Calibrator 2-24
General 2-3 Signal Outputs 2-24
Display Controls 2-5 Probe Power Connectors 2-25
Mode Selectors 2-5 Remote Connector 2-25
Output Connectors 2-6 Remote Single-Sweep Reset 2-25
Input Connectors 2-7 Applications 2-26
Introduction 3-1 Lubrication 4-3 Block Diagram Visual Inspection 4-3
General 3-1 Semiconductor Checks 4-3 Circuit Operation Recalibration 4-3
General 3-3 Troubleshooting Logic Fundamentals Introduction 4-3
General 3-3 Troubleshooting Aids 4-3
Symbols 3-3 Troubleshooting Equipment 4-4
Logic Polarity 3-3 Troubleshooting Techniques 4-7
Input/Output Tables 3-4 Special Troubleshooting Information 4-9
Non-Digital Devices 3-4 Corrective Maintenance Main Interface General 4-18
General 3-7 Obtaining Replacement Parts 4-18 Logic Circuit Soldering Techniques 4-18
General 3-7 Component Replacement 4-19
Horizontal Logic 3-7 Recalibration After Repair 4-25
Z-Axis Logic 3-13 Instrument Repackaging 4-25
Horizontal Binary 3-14
Vertical Binary 3-16
Plug-In Binary 3-18
1 Clock Generator 3-20 Introduction 5-1
Vertical Chopped Blanking 3-21 Test Equipment Required
Chop Counter 3-24 General 5-1
Vertical Mode Logic 3-26 Test Equipment 5-1 Trigger Selector 3-27 Accessories 5-2 Vertical Interface 3-30 Adjustment Tools 5-2 Vertical Amplifier 3-33 Short-Form Procedure and Index 5-3 Horizontal Interface 3-35 Performance Check/Calibration Procedure Horizontal Amplifier 3-36 General 5-5 Output Signals 3-38 Preliminary Procedure for Performance CRT Circuit 3-41 Check Only 5-6 Line to DC Converter/Regulator 3-45 Preliminary Procedure for Complete Low-Voltage Regulator 3-49 Calibration 5-6 Controls and Cabling 3-53 Preliminary Control Settings 5-6 Readout System Calibration Steps 5-7
Introduction to Readout System 3-54
Circuit Analysis of Readout System 3-60
SECTION 4 MAINTENANCE Introduction 6-1
Introduction 4-1 Instrument Dimensions 6-1 Cover Removal 4-1 Rack Dimensions 6-1 Power-Unit Removal 4-1 Slide-Out Tracks 6-1 Preventive Maintenance Mounting Procedure 6-1
General 4-1 Removing or Installing the Instrument 6-5
Cleaning 4-2 Slide-Out Track Lubrication 6-5
Abbreviations and Symbols Mechanical Parts List Information Parts Ordering Information Index of Mechanical Parts List and Index of Electrical Parts List Illustrations Electrical Parts List Mechanical Parts List
Part Number-National Stock Number
Cross Reference Index
ILLUSTRATIONS Abbreviations and symbols used in this manual are
based on or taken directly from IEEE Standard 260 Symbols and Reference Designators 8-1 "Standard Symbols for Units", MIL-STD-12B and Voltage and Waveform Test Conditions 8-2 other standards of the electronics industry. Diagrams Change Information, if any, is located at the rear of Circuit Board Illustrations this manual.
APPENDIX A. REFERENCES......................................................................................................................A-1
Section I. Introduction............................................................................................................................D-1
II. Maintenance Allocation Chart for Oscilloscope, Tektronix Model R7704 .............................D-3
III. Tool and Test Equipment Requirements for Oscilloscope, Tektronix Model R7704 ............D-4
IV. Remarks................................................................................................................................D-5


0-1. Scope
This manual contains instructions for the operation and organizational, direct support, and general support maintenance of Oscilloscope, Tektronix Model R7704. Throughout this manual, Oscilloscope, Tektronix Model R7704 is referred to as the R7704.
0-2. Indexes of Publications
c. Discrepancy in Shipment Report (DISREP) (SF
Fill out and forward Discrepancy in Shipment
Report (DISREP) (SF 361) as prescribed in AR 55­38/NAVSUPINST 4610.33B/AFR 75-18/MCO P4610.19C and DLAR 4500.15.
0-4. Reporting Equipment Improvement Recommendations (EIR)
a. DA Pam 310-4.
Pam 310-4 to determine whether there are new editions, changes, or additional publications pertaining to the equipment.
b. DA Pam 310-7.
determine whether there are modification work orders (MWO’s) pertaining to the equipment.
0-3. Maintenance Forms, Records, and Reports
a. Reports of Maintenance
Equipment. Department of the Army forms and procedures used for equipment maintenance will be those prescribed by TM 38-750, The Arm y Maintenance Management System.
Refer to the latest issue of DA
Refer to DA Pam 310-7 to
and Unsatisfactory
b. Report of Packaging and Handling Deficiencies
Fill out and forward DD Form 6 (Pac kaging Im pr ovem ent Report) as prescribed in AR 735-11/NAVINST
4440.127E/AFR 400-54/MCO 4430.3E and DSAR
If your R7704 needs improvement, let us know. Send us an EIR. You, the user, are the only one who can tell us what you don’t like about your equipment. Let us know why you don’t like the design. Tell us why a procedure is hard to perform. Put it on an SF 368 (Quality Deficiency Report). Mail it to Commander, US Army Communications and Electronics Materiel Readiness Command, ATT ’N: DRSEL-ME-MQ, Fort Monmouth, NJ
07703. We’ll send you a reply.
0-5. Administrative Storage
To prepare the R7704 for administrative storage, perform the procedures described in Section 4, Maintenance, and Section 5, Performance Check/Calibration. Upon removal from administrative storage, perform the pr ocedures described in Section 5,
Performance Check/Calibration, to determine that the equipment is fully operational.
0-6. Destruction of Army Electronics Materiel
Destruction of Army electronics materiel to prevent enemy use shall be in accordance with TM 750-244-2.
Fig. 1-1. The R7704 Oscilloscope.
Fig. 1-1. The R7704 Oscilloscope
R7704 (A)


Change information, if any, affecting this section will be found at the rear of the manual.
The Tektronix R7704 Oscilloscope is a solid­state, high performance instrument designed for mounting in a 19-inch rack (complete rackmounting information is given in Section 6). This instrument accepts Tektronix 7-series plug-in units to form a complete measurement system. The flexibility of this plug-in feature and the variety of plug-in units available allow the system to be used for many measurement applications.
The R7704 has four plug-in com partments . The left pair of plug-ins is c onnected to the vertical deflec tion system. The right pair is connected to the horizontal deflection system. Electronic switching between the plug-in units connected to each deflection system allows a dual-trace vertical display and/or a dual-sweep horizontal display. This instrument features regulated DC power supplies to assure that performance is not affected by variations in line voltage and frequency, or by changes in load due to the varying power requirements of the plug-in units. Maximum power consumption of this instrument is about 225 watts (60 hertz, 115-volt line).
The R7704 features a CRT with sm all spot size and high writing speed. Graticule area is 8 X 10 centimeters. In addition, the instrument contains a readout system to provide CRT display of alpha-numeric information from the plug-in units; data such as deflection factor, sweep rate, etc. can be encoded.
This instrument will meet the electrical characteristics listed in Table 1-1 following complete calibration as given in Section 5. The performance check procedure included in Section 5 provides a convenient method of check ing instrument performance without making internal checks or adjustments. The following electrical characteristics apply over a calibration interval of 1000 hours and an ambient temperature range
of 0°C to +50° C, except as otherwise indicated. Warmup time for given accuracy is 20 minutes.
NOTE Many of the measurement capabilities of this instrument are determined by the choice of plug-in units. The following characteristics apply to the R7704 Oscilloscope only. See the system specification later in this section for characteristics of the complete system.
TABLE 1-1.
Characteristic Performance
Deflection Factor Compatible with all 7-series plug-
in units.
Deflection Accuracy Less than 1% difference
between vertical compartments. Low-Frequency Linearity
Bandwidth Varies with vertical plug-in
(A) 1-1
0.1 division or less compression
or expansion of a center
-screen two- division
signal when positioned any-
where vertically within the
graticule area.
See System Specifications.
Characteristic Performance Requirement
Isolation Between At least 100:1 from DC to 150 Vertical Compart­ments Chopped Mode
Repetition rate Time segment 0.4 to 0.6 microsecond.
from each
compartment Delay Line Permits viewing of leading edge Difference in Delay 0.2 nanosecond or less.
Between Compart­ments
One megahertz ±20%.
of triggering signal
TABLE 1-1. (cont)
Characteristic Performance
Vertical Display LEFT: Left vertical unit only. Modes (selected by front-panel VERTICAL MODE ADD: Added algebraically. switch) CHOP: Dual-trace, chopped be-
Trace Separation Range for Dual-Sweep A trace. Modes
Trigger Source (selected by front­panel A TRIGGER SOURCE and B LEFT VERT: From left vertical unit only. TRIGGER SOURCE RIGHT VERT: From right vertical switches) unit only.
Deflection Factor Compatible with all 7-series plug-
Deflection Accuracy Less than 1% difference Fastest Calibrated Two nanoseconds/division.
Sweep Rate Bandwidth at 10% Down
Without phase DC to at least three megahertz correction (10-division reference).
With phase DC to at least three megahertz
correction (10-division reference). Phase Shift Between Vertical and Hori­zontal Deflection Systems
Without phase 2° or less from DC to at least 35
correction kilohertz.
With phase
ALT: Dual-trace, alternate
between vertical units.
tween vertical units. RIGHT: Right vertical unit only. B trace can be positioned +4 to +6 or -4 to -6 divisions from the
VERT MODE: Determined by
vertical mode.
in units.
between compartments.
DC to at least six megahertz (five-division reference).
Adjustable to less than 2° from DC to two megahertz.
TABLE 1-1. (cont)
Characteristic Performance Requirement
Chopped Mode
Repetition rate Time segment. 2.0 to 3.0 microseconds
from each com-
partment Horizontal Display A: A horizontal unit only. Modes (selected by front-panel HORI­ZONTAL MODE switch) CHOP: Dual-sweep, chopped
Wave Shape Square wave. Polarity Positive going with baseline at
Output Voltage
Open circuit 40 mV, 0.4 V, 4 V at front-panel
Into 50 ohms 20 mV, 0.2 V, 0.4 V at front-panel Output Current 40 milliamperes with current-loop
Repetition Rate One kilohertz. Accuracy +15 ° C to
Voltage and
Repetition rate Within 0.25%. Within 0.5%. Risetime and Fall­time
Duty Cycle 50% ± 0.1%.
High Sensitivity Input
Sensitivity Two volts peak to peak provides
200 kilohertz ±20%.
ALT: Dual-sweep, alternate be-
tween horizontal units.
ADD: Added alphabetically
between horizontal units
B: B horizontal unit only.
zero volts.
pin jacks. 4 mV and 40 V available at inter-
nal circuit board connections. pin jacks. accessory (012-0259-00)
connected between 4 V pin jack and ground.
0°C to +50°C
Within 1%. Within 2%.
0.25 microsecond or less.
trace modulation over full intensity range.
(A) 1-2
TABLE 1-1. (cont)
Characteristic Performance Requirement
Useful input volt- Two volts peak to peak, DC to two ages versus repetition frequency
Polarity of
megahertz; reducing to 0.4 volt peak to peak at 20 meqahertz. Positive-going signal decreases trace intensity; negative- going
signal increases trace intensity. Minimum pulse 30 nanoseconds at two volts. width that pro­vides intensity modulation Input resistance 500 ohms ± 10%.
at DC Maximum input 15 volts (DC + peak AC). voltage
High Speed Input
Sensitivity 60 volts peak to peak provides
trace modulation over full
intensity range. Useful input volt- 60 volts peak to peak, DC to 100 age versus repeti- megahertz. tion frequency Polarity of operation
Positive-going signal decreases
trace intensity; negative-going
signal increases trace intensity. Minimum pulse 3.5 nanoseconds at 60 volts. width that pro­vides intensity modulation Input resistance 18 kilohms ± 20%. at DC Maximum input 60 volts (DC + peak AC); 60 volts
voltage peak to peak AC.
Source (selected A HORIZ time-base unit or B by SWEEP HORIZ time-base unit. switch) Polarity Positive-going with baseline at
zero volts ± 1 volt (into one
TABLE 1-1. (cont)
Characteristic Performance Requirement
Output voltage Rate of rise
Into 50 ohms 50 millivolts/unit of time ± 15%. Into one One volt/unit of time ±10%.
Peak voltage
Into 50 ohms Greater than 500 millivolts. Into one Greater than 10 volts. megohm
Output resistance 950 ohms ± 2%.
Source (selected A HORIZ time-base unit. by GATE B HORIZ time-base unit. switch)
Delaying time-base unit (in A HORIZ compartment).
Output voltage
Into 50 ohms 0.5 volt ± 10%. Into one 10 volts ± 10%.
megohm Risetime into 50 20 nanoseconds or less. ohms Output resistance 950 ohms ± 2%.
Vertical Signal Output
Bandwidth Varies with vertical plug-in selec-
ted. See System Specification. Risetime Source Determined by B TRIGGER'
SOURCE switch. Output voltage
Into 50 ohms 25 millivolts/division of vertical
deflection ± 25%.
Into one 0.5 volt/division of vertical deflec­megohm tion ± 25%.
Output resistance 950 ohms ± 2%.
Unit of time selected by time-base time/division switch.
(A) 1-3
TABLE 1-1. (cont)
Characteristic Performance Requirement
Word Location See Fig. 2-5
Line Voltage Range AC, RMS (Selected by Line Selector assembly on rear panel).
115-volts nominal 90 to 136 volts. 230-volts nominal 180 to 272 volts.
Line Frequency 48 to 66 hertz (48 to 66 and 360
to 440 hertz with special MOD
101K). Maximum Power Consumption 225 watts, 2.8 amperes at 60
hertz, 115-volt line.
Type Internal with variable edge
Area Eight divisions vertical by 10 divi-
sions horizontal. Each division
equals one centimeter.
Phosphor P31 standard. Others available
on special order. Resolution
Horizontal At least 12 lines/division. Vertical At least 12 lines/division.
Geometry 0.1 division or less total bowing
or tilt of a display horizontal or
vertical line. Beam Finder Limits display within graticule
area when actuated. Photographic Writing Speed (without film fogging techniques)
Tektronix C-51 At least 3300 centimeters/micro­Camera with f1.2 second with Polaroid2 Type 410 lens and 1:0.5 film (10,000 ASA) and P31 CRT object-to-image phosphor. ratio At least 7000 centimeters/micro-
second with Polaroid Type 410
film (10,000 ASA) and P11 CRT
phosphor. 2
Registered trademark of the Polaroid Corporation.
TABLE 1-1. (cont)
Tektronix C-27 At least 2200 centimeters/micro­Camera with f1.3 lens and 1:0.5 object-to-image phosphor. ratio At least 5500 centimeters/micro-
second with Polaroid Type 410 film(10,000 ASA) and P31 CRT
second with Polaroid Type 410 film (10,000 ASA) and P11 CRT phosphor.
TABLE 1-2.
Characteristic Performance
NOTE This instrument will meet the electrical characteristics given in Table 1-1 over the following environmental limits. Complete details on environmental test procedures, including failure criteria, etc., can be obtained from Tektronix, Inc. Contact your local Tektronix Field Office or representative
Temperature Range
Operating 0°C to +50°C.
Non-operating -55°C to +75°C.
Operating 15,000 feet.
Non-operating Test limit 50,000 feet. Electro-magnetic Interference (EMI) as tested in MIL-I­6181D (when equip­ped with Option 3 only)
Radiated inter- Interference radiated from the
ference instrument under test within the
given limits from 150 kilohertz to
1000 megahertz. Conducted Interference conducted out of the interference instrument under test through the
power cord within the given limits
from 150 kilohertz to 25 mega-
Transportation(pack aged instrument, without plug-ins) 1A, Category II.
Qualifies under National Safe
Transit Committee test procedure
1-4 (A)
TABLE 1-3.
Characteristic Performance
Ventilation Safe operating temperature is
maintained by forced-air cooling. Automatic resetting thermal cutout protects instrument from over-
heating. Warm-up Time 20 minutes for rated accuracy. Finish Anodized front panel and
cabinet. Overall Dimensions (measured at maxi­mum points)
Height 7.0 inches (17.7 centimeters). Width 19.0 inches (48.3 centimeters). Length 22.4 inches (56.9 centimeters)
behind front panel.
24.2 inches (61.7 centimeters)
over-all. Net Weight (instru- 44 pounds (19.7 kilograms). ment only)
Standard accessories supplied with the R7704 are given in the Mechanical Parts List illustrations. For optional accessories available for use with this instrument, see the Tektronix, Inc. catalog.
The following options are available for the R7704 and can be installed as part of the instrument when ordered, or they can be installed at a later time. Complete information on all options for this instr ument is given in this manual. For further information on instrument options, see your Tektronix , Inc. catalog, or contact your local Tektronix Field Office or representative.
Option 1
This option deletes the Readout System. Operation of the instrument is unchanged except that there is no alphanumeric display on the CRT and the READOUT control is non-functional. The Readout System can be added at any time by ordering the readout conversion kit.
Option 2
The X-Y Delay Compensation Network can be added to the instrument to equalize the signal delay between the vertical and horizontal deflection systems. When this network is installed and activated, the phase shift between the vertical and horizontal channels is adjustable to less than 20 from DC to two megahertz.
Option 3
With option 3 inst alled, the instrument will meet the EMI interference specifications given in Table 1-2.
(A) 1-5
Your Tektronix 7700-series oscilloscope system provides exceptional flexibility in operation with a wide choice of general and special purpose plug- in units . T he type number of a particular plug-in unit identifies its usage as follows: The first digit (7) denotes the oscilloscope system for which the plug-in unit is designed 17000-series).
The second letter describes the purpose of the
plug-in unit:
A - Amplifier unit.
L - Spectrum analyzer, double width. M - Miscellaneous. S - Sampling unit. T - Sampling time-base unit.
The third and fourth digits of the plug- in type number are sequence numbers and do not carry any special connotation.
B - "Real time" time-base unit.
An "N" suffix letter added to the normal four digit type number identifies a unit not equipped with the circuitry
D - Digital unit.
necessary to encode data for the 7000-series readout system.
J - Spectrum analyzer, single width. K - Spectrum analyzer, single width.
This table lists the vertical s pecif ications which are system dependent. For m ore com plete spec ific ations on plug-
in units for the 7000-Series Oscilloscope System, refer to the Tektronix Catalog.
Amplifier Vertical System Deflection Factor Accuracy* SIG OUT
Unit Probe BW Tr 0 to 50 ° C 15 to 35°C 0 to 50°C BW Tr
7A11 Integral 150 MHz 2.4 ns 2% 3% 4% 60 MHz 5.9 ns
None 105 MHz 3.4 ns 2% 3% 4% 55 MHz 6.4 ns
P6053 105 MHz 3.4 ns 3% 4% 5% 55 MHz 6.4 ns
None 100 MHz 3.5 ns 1.5% 2.5% 3.5% 55 MHz 6.4 ns
7A13 P6053 100 MHz 3.5 ns 1.5% 2.5% 3.5% 55 MHz 6.4 ns
P6055 65 MHz 5.4 ns 1.5% 2.5% 3.5% 45 MHz 7.8 ns
7A14 P6021 50 MHz 7.0 ns 2% 3% 4% 40 MHz 8.8 ns
P6022 105 MHz 3.4 ns 2% 3% 4% 50 MHz 7.0 ns
7A15 None 75 MHz 4.7 ns 2% 3% 4% 50 MHz 7.0 ns
P6053 75 MHz 4.7 ns 3% 4% 5% 50 MHz 7.0 ns
7A16 None 150 MHz 2.4 ns 2% 3% 4% 60 MHz 5.9 ns
P6053 150 MHz 2.4 ns 3% 4% 5% 60 MHz 5.9 ns
7A18 None 75 MHz 4.7 ns 2% 3% 4% 50 MHz 7.0 ns
P6053 75 MHz 4.7 ns 3% 4% 5% 50 MHz 7.0 ns
7A22 None or
1.0 MHz
± 10%
350 ns
± 9%
2% 3% 4% 1.0 MHz
± 10%
350 ns
*Deflection Factor accuracy is checked as follows: EXT CAL 0° C to 50°C-Plug-in gain set at a temperature within 10°C of operating temperature, using an external calibrator whose
accuracy is within 0.25%. INT CAL 15°C to 35°C-Plug-in gain set while operating within a temperature range of +15°C to +35°C, using the oscilloscope
calibrator. INT CAL 0°C to 50°C-Plug-in gain set using the oscilloscope calibrator (within 10°C of the operating temperature} in a temperature
range between 0°C and +50°C.


Change information, if any, affecting this section will be found at the rear of this manual.
To effectively use the R7704, the operation and capabilities of the instrument must be known. This section describes the operation of the front-, side-, and rear-panel controls and connectors and gives first time and general operating information.
Operating Voltage
WARNING This instrument is designed for operation from a power source with its neutral at or near earth (ground) potential with a separate safety-earth conductor. It is not intended for operation from two phases of a multi-phase system, or across the legs of a single-phase, three-wire system.
The R7704 can be operated from either a 115­volt or a 230-volt nominal line voltage source. T he Line Selector assembly on the rear panel converts this instrument from one operating voltage to the other. This assembly also includes fuses to provide protection for the line-input portion of this instrument. Use the following procedure to obtain correct instrument operation from the line voltage available.
Power Cord Conductor Identification
Conductor Color Alternate
Ungrounded (Line) Brown Black Grounded (Neutral) Blue White Grounding (Earthing) Green-Yellow Green-Yellow
4. Re-install the cover and tighten the captive
5. Before applying power to the instrument, check that the indicator tab on the switch bar is protruding through the correct hole for the desired nominal line voltage.
CAUTION This instrument may be damaged if operated with the Line Selector assembly set to incorrect positions for the line voltage applied.
1. Disconnect the instrument from the power
2. Loosen the two captive screws which hold the cover onto the selector assembly; then pull to remove the cover.
3. To convert from 115-volts to 230-volts nominal line voltage, or vice versa, pull out the Selector switch bar (see Fig. 2-1) and plug it back into the remaining holes. Change the line-cord power plug to match the power-source receptacle or use a 115 to 230-volt adapter.
REV. C, NOV. 1976 2-1
Fig. 2-1. Line Selector assembly on rear panel (shown with
Fig. 2-1. Line Selector assembly on rear panel (shown
cover removed).
with cover removed).
Operating Instructions-R7704
TABLE 2-1.
Regulating Ranges
Line Selector Regulating
Switch Position Range
115 V 90 to 136 volts 230 V 180 to 272 volts
The R7704 is designed to be used with a three­wire AC power system. If a three- to two-wire adapter is used to connect this instrum ent to a two-wire AC power system, be sure to connect the ground lead of the adapter to earth (ground). Failure to complete the ground system may allow the chassis of this instrum ent to be elevated above ground potential and pose a shock hazard.
Operating Temperature
The R7704 can be operated where the ambient
air temperature is between 0°C and +50° C. This instrument can be stored in ambient temperatures between -55°C and +75°C. After storage at temperatures beyond the operating limits, allow the chassis temperature to c ome within the operating limits before power is applied.
The R7704 is cooled by air drawn in through the air filter on the rear panel and blown out through the holes on the right side. Adequate clearance must be provided at these locations (see Dim ensional Drawing in Section 7). Allow at least one and one-half inches clearance behind the air filter and at least one inch on the right side.
A thermal cutout in this instrument provides thermal protection and disconnects the power to the instrument if the internal temperature exceeds a safe operating level. Power is automatically restored when the temperature returns to a safe level. O peration of this instrument for extended periods without the covers may cause it to overheat and the thermal cutout to open. Also, check the air filter occasionally; a dirty filter will prevent adequate air flow into the instrument.
which are defined in the instruction manuals for these special units. The following terminology will be used throughout this manual (see Simplified Operating Instructions in this section for set-up information to obtain each of these displays).
Single Trace
A display of a single plot produced by one
vertical signal and one sweep.
Dual Trace
A display of two plots produced by two vertical
signals and one sweep.
Dual Sweep
A display of two plots produced by one vertical signal and two sweeps. Both sweeps operate independently.
Dual Trace-Dual Sweep
A display of four plots produced by combining two vertical signals and two sweeps. Each vertical signal is displayed against each sweep. Both sweeps oper ate independently.
Independent Pairs
A display of two plots produced by two vertical signals, each displayed against its own sweep (LEFT versus B; RIGHT versus A). Both sweeps operate independently. This simulates a dual-beam display for most repetitive combinations.
Delayed Sweep-Single Trace
A display of a single plot produced by one vertical signal and a delayed sweep. Two sweeps are used to produce this display; the sweeps are operating with a delaying/delayed relationship where one sweep (identified as the delaying sweep) delays the start of the second sweep (identified as the delayed sweep). This display can be expanded to present two plots, produced by one vertical signal displayed against both the delaying and the delayed sweep.
Complete instructions for rackmounting the
R7704 are given in Section 6.
The following definitions describe the types of displays which can be obtained with an R7704 Oscilloscope system with real-t ime amplifiers, tim e-base units, or combinations of these. Use of special pur pose plug-in units may result in different types of displays,
Delayed Sweep-Dual Trace
A display of two plots produced by combining two vertical signals and a delayed sweep. Two sweeps are used to produce this display; the sweeps are operating with a delaying/delayed relationship. Each vertical signal is displayed against the delayed sweep. This display can be expanded to present four plots, produced by displaying
2-2 (A)1
Operating Instructions-R7704
both vertical signals against both the delaying and the delayed sweep.
A plot of two variables, neither of which
represents time.
The R7704 is designed to accept up to four Tektronix 7-series plug-in units. This plug-in feature allows a variety of display combinations and also allows selection of bandwidth, sensitivity, display mode, etc. to meet the measurement requirements. In addition, it allows the oscilloscope system to be expanded to meet future measurement requirements. The overall capabilities of the resultant system is in large part determined by the characteristics of the plug­in unit selected. A list of the curr ently available plug-in units for this instrument along with their major specifications, is given in Section 1. For mo re complete information, see the current Tektronix, Inc. catalog.
Plug-In Installation
To install a plug-in unit into one of the plug-in compartments, align the slots in the top and bottom of the plug-in with the associated guide rails in the plug-in compartment. Push the plug-in unit firmly into the plug-in compartm ent until it locks into place. T o remove a plug­in, pull the release latch on the plug-in unit to disengage it and pull the unit out of the plug-in compartment. Plug­in units can be removed or installed without turning off the instrument power.
The plug-in versatility of the R7704 allows a variety of display modes with many different plug-ins. Specific inform ation for obtaining these displays is given under Display Combinations later in this section. However, the following information is provided here to aid in plug-in installation.
To produce a single-trace display, install a single-channel vertical unit (or dual-channel unit set for single-channel operation) in either of the vertical compartments. For dual-trace displays, either install a dual-channel vertical unit in one of the vertical compartm ents or install a single channel vertical unit in each vertical compartment. A combination of a single­channel and dual-channel vertical unit allows a three­trace display; likewise, a combination of two dual­channel vertical units allows a four-trace display.
For single time-base displays, the tim e-base unit can be placed in either horizontal compartment. However, for dual time-base displays, other considerations must be taken into account. In the ALT position of the VERTICAL MODE switch and ALT or CHOP position of the HORIZONTAL MODE switch, the plug-ins in the LEFT VERT and B HORIZ com partments are displayed together and the RIGHT VERT and A HORIZ plug-ins are displayed together (independent pairs operation). Therefore, the vertical and horizontal units must be correctly mated if a special display is desired. If delayed sweep operation is desired, a delaying time-base unit must be installed in the A HO RIZ (DELAYING TIME BASE) compartm ent. Any compatible 7B-series unit can be used as a delayed timebase in the B HOR IZ compartment.
It is not necessary that all of the plug-in compartments be filled to operate the instrument; the only plug-ins needed are those required for the measurement to be made. However, at environmental extremes, exces s interference may be radiated into this instrument through the open plug-in compartments. Blank plug-in panels are available from Tektronix , Inc . to cover the unused compartments; order Tektronix Part No. 016-0155-00.
When the R7704 is calibrated in accordance with the calibration procedure given in this ins tr uct ion manual, the vertical and horizontal gain are normalized. This allows calibrated plug-in units to be changed from one plug-in compartment to another without recalibration. However, the basic calibration of the individual plug-in units should be checked when they are installed in this system to verify their measurement accuracy. See the operating instructions section of the plug-in unit instruction manual for verification procedure.
(A) 2-3
X-Y displays can be obtained in two ways with the R7704 system. If a 7B-series time-base unit is available which has an amplifier f eature, the X s ignal c an either be routed through one of the vertic al units via the internal trigger pickoff circuitry to the horizontal system, or connected to the external horizontal input connector of the time-base unit. Then, the vertical signal (Y) is connected to the remaining vertical unit. Also, a 7A­series amplifier unit can be installed in one of the horizontal compartments for X-Y operation.
Special purpose plug-in units ma y have specific restrictions regarding the plug-in com partments in which they can be installed. This information will be given in the instruction manuals for these plug-in units.
The major controls and connectors for operation of the R7704 are located on the front panel of the instrument. Some aux iliary functions are pr ovided on the side, top, and rear panels. Fig. 2-2 shows the front and rear panels of
Operating Instructions-R7704
Fig. 2-2. External controls and connectors
Fig. 2-2. External controls and connectors.
R7704. To make full use of the capabilities of this instrument, the operator should be familiar with the function and use of each of these controls and connectors. A brief description of each control and connector is given here. More detailed operating information is given under General Operating Information.
Display Controls
A INTENSITY Controls brightness of the trace
produced by the plug-in unit in the A HORIZ (DELAYING TIME BASE) compartment. Light behind the ’A’ of A INTENSITY indicates when this control is operative. Control is inoperative (light off) when the A plug-in is not selected for display by the HORIZONTAL MODE switch or when the A HORIZ compartment is vacant.
BEAM FINDER Compresses display within (PULL LOCK) graticule area independent of
display position or applied signals. Momentary actuation provided when button is pressed; display remains compressed when knob is pulled outward to lock it in the "find" position.
TRACE ROTATION Screwdriver adjustment to align
trace with horizontal graticule lines.
B INTENSITY Controls brightness of the trace
produced by the plug-in unit in the B HORIZ compartment. Light behind the ’B’ of B INTENSITY indicates when this control is operative. Control is inoperative (light off) when the B plug-in is not selected for display by the HORIZONTAL MODE switch or when the B HORIZ compartment is vacant.
FOCUS Screwdriver adjustm ent to provide
optimum display definition.
READOUT Controls brightness of the readout
portion of the CRT. In the display fully counter-clockwise position, the Readout System is inoperative.
GRAT ILLUM Controls graticule illumination.
Operating Instructions-R7704
ASTIG (side panel) Screwdriver adjustment used in
conjunction with the FOCUS control to obtain a well-defined display. Does not require readjustment in normal use.
CONTROL ILLUM Controls illumination level of push­(side panel) button switches on the R7704 and
the associated plug-in units. OFF: All pushbutton lights off. A
and B INTENSITY lights remain at low intensity to provide a power-on indication.
LOW: All pushbuttons illuminated
at low intensity.
HIGH: Pushbuttons illuminated at
maximum intensity.
POWER Controls power to instrument.
Line Selector (rear Switching assembly to select the panel) nominal operating voltage (115 or 230 volts). The assembly also includes the input power fuses.
Mode Selectors
VERTICAL MODE Selects vertical mode of operation.
LEFT: Signal from plug-in unit in
LEFT VERT compartment is displayed.
CHOP: Signals from plug-in units in
both LEFT VERT and RIGHT VERT compartments are displayed. Display switched between vertical plug-ins at a one megahertz repetition rate.
ADD: Signals from plug-in units in
both LEFT VERT and RIGHT VERT compartments are algebraically added and the algebraic sum displayed on the CRT.
ALT: Signals from plug-in units in
both LEFT VERT and RIGHT VERT compartments are displayed. Display switched between vertical plug-ins after each sweep except for delayed sweep operation. Then, the display is switched between vertical
(A) 2-5
Operating Instructions-R7704
plug-ins after every second sweep. When the HORIZONTAL MODE switch is set to ALT or CHOP, independent-pairs operation is provided.
RIGHT: Signal from plug-in unit
in RIGHT VERT compart­ment is displayed.
A TRIGGER Selects source of internal trigger SOURCE signal for the time-base in
the A HORIZ compartment.
VERT MODE: Trigger signal
automatically follows the vertical display except in CHOP (vertical); then the trigger signal is the same as for ADD.
LEFT VERT: Trigger signal is
obtained from plug-in unit in LEFT VERT compartment.
RIGHT VERT: T rigger signal is
obtained from plug-in unit in RIGHT VERT compartment.
HORIZONTAL Selects horizontal mode of MODE operation.
A: Signal from plug-in unit in the
A HORIZ compartment is displayed.
ALT: Signals from plug-in units
in both A HORIZ and B HORIZ compartments are displayed. Display switched between horizontal plug-ins at end of each sweep.
CHOP: Signals from plug-in
units in both A HORIZ and B HORIZ compartments are displayed. Display switched between horizontal plug-ins at a 0.2-megahertz repetition rate.
B: Signal from plug-in unit in the
B HORIZ compartment is displayed.
B TRIGGER Selects source of internal trigger SOURCE signal for the time-base in
the B HORIZ compartment.
VERT MODE: Trigger signal
automatically follows the vertical display except in CHOP (vertical); then trigger signal is the same as for ADD.
LEFT VERT: Trigger signal is
obtained from plug-in unit in LEFT VERT compartment.
RIGHT VERT: Trigger signal is
obtained from plug-in unit in the RIGHT VERT compartment.
VERT TRACE Vertically positions the trace pro­SEPARATION (B) duced by the plug-in unit in the B
HORIZ compartment up to four divisions with respect to the trace produced by the plug-in unit in the A HORIZ compartment (dual­sweep modes only).
Output Connectors
CALIBRATOR (4 V, Calibrator output connectors.
0.4 V, 40 mV, GND) PROBE POWER Power source for active probe
systems. Two output connectors provided; one on front panel and one on rear
panel. + SAWTOOTH (rear Provides positive-going sample of panel) sawtooth signal. SAWTOOTH
switch allows selection of sawtooth from tim e-base unit in the A HORIZ compartment or the B HORIZ compartment.
+GATE (rear panel) Provides positive-going gate signal
coincident with the respective sweep. GATE switch allows selection of one of three gate signals; the A gate from time-base unit in A HORIZ compartment, the B gate from time-base unit in B HORIZ compartment, or the delayed gate from delaying time­base unit in the A HORIZ compartment.
SIG OUT (rear panel) Provides output signal from the
vertical plug-in units. Source of
the output signal at the SIG OUT
connector is selected by the B
TRIGGER SOURCE switch (see
description of sources
2-6 (A)
Input Connectors
Z-AXIS INPUTS Input connectors for intensity (rear panel) modulation of the CRT display.
HIGH SPEED: Input connector for
high-amplitude, high-frequency Z-axis signals; usable from DC to 100 megahertz.
connector for low-amplitude Z­axis signals; usable for signals with repetition rates between DC and 10 megahertz; input voltage derating necessary between 2 and 10 megahertz.
J1075 REMOTE Nine-pin connector which CONTROL (rear panel) provides remote single-sweep
reset and ready indication for the time-base units in the A HORIZ and B HORIZ compartments (with compatible timebase units only) and remote read-out mode and single-shot readout operation.
Operating Instructions-R7704
READOUT MODE Determines operating mode of the
Readout System. FREE RUN-REMOTE: Readout
System free runs to present
characters as encoded by plugin
units. Free-running condition
can be interrupted for remote
single-shot operation through
GATE TRIG’D: Readout System
is locked out so no characters
are displayed during the sweep
time. At the end of the sweep
gate selected by the GATE
switch, a single frame of all
applicable readout characters is
presented. Ground (not labeled) Binding post to establish common
ground between the R7704 and any associated equipment. One gr ound post provided on the front panel and one on the rear panel.
SAWTOOTH (top Selects source of signal for + panel) SAW-TOOTH connector.
A: Sawtooth output signal
derived from time-base unit in A HORIZ compartment.
B: Sawtooth output signal
derived from time-base unit in B HORIZ compartment.
GATE (top panel) Selects source of signal for +
GATE connector.
A: Gate output signal derived
from time-base unit in A HORIZ compartment.
B: Gate output signal derived
from time-base unit in B HORIZ compartment.
DLY’D: Gate output signal
derived from delaying time­base unit in A HORIZ compartment.
The following steps demonstrate the use of the controls and connectors of the R7704. It is recomm ended that this procedure be followed com pletely for fam iliarization with this instrument.
Set-up Information
1. Set the controls as follows:
Front panel
Side panel
(A) 2-7
Operating Instructions-R7704
2. Connect the R7704 to a power source that meets the voltage and frequency requirements of this instrument. If the available line voltage is outside the limits of the Line Selector switch (on rear panel), see Operating Voltage in this section.
3. Insert Tektronix 7A-series amplifier units into both the LEFT VERT and RIGHT VERT compartments. Insert Tektronix 7B-s er ies time-base units into both the A HORIZ and B HORIZ compartments.
4. Set the POWER switch to ON. Allow several minutes warmup so the instrument reaches a normal operating temperature before proceeding.
5. Set both vertical units for a vertical deflection factor of two volts/division and center the ver tic al pos ition controls.
6. Set both time-base units for a sweep rate of 0.5 milliseconds/division in the auto, internal trigger mode.
7. Advance the A INTENSITY control until the trace is at the desired viewing level (near midrange).
8. Connect the 4 V calibrator pin-jack to the input of the left vertical unit with a BNC to pin-jack cable (supplied accessory).
9. Check for a sharp, well-defined display over the entire trace length (if focused display cannot be obtained, see Display Focus in this section).
10. Disconnect the input signal and position the trace with the left vertical unit position control so it coincides with the center horizontal line of the graticule.
11. If the trace is not parallel with the center horizontal line, see Trace Alignment Adjustment in this section.
12. Rotate the GRAT ILLUM control throughout its range and notice that the graticule lines are illuminated as the control is turned clockwise (most obvious with tinted filter installed). Set control so graticule lines are illuminated as desired.
Calibration Check
13. Connect the 4 V calibrator pin-jack to the input connector of either vertical unit with the BNC to pin-jac k 2-8 cable (supplied accessory) and a BNC T connector. Connect the output of the BNC T connector to the input
of the other vertical unit with the 42-inch BNC cable (supplied accessory).
14. The display should be two divisions in amplitude with five complete cycles shown horizontally. An incorrect display indicates that the plug-ins need to be recalibrated. See the instruction manual of the applicable plug-in unit for complete information.
Vertical and Horizontal Mode
15. Notice that the position controls of only the left vertical unit and the A time-base unit have any effec t on the displayed trace. Position the start of the trace to the left line of the graticule with the A tim e-base unit position control and move the trace to the upper half of the graticule with the left vertical unit position control.
16. Press the RIGHT button of the VERTICAL MODE switch. Also press the B button of the HORIZONTAL MODE switch. Advance the B INTENSITY control until the trace is at the desired viewing level (about midrange).
17. Notice that the position controls of only the right vertical unit and the B time-base unit have any effec t on the displayed trace. Position the start of the trace to the left graticule line with the B time-base position control and move the display to the bottom half of the graticule with the right vertical unit position control.
18. Press the ALT button of the VERTICAL MODE switch. Notice that two traces are displayed on the CRT. The top trace is produced by the left ver tical unit and the bottom trace is produced by the right vertical unit; the sweep for both traces is produced by the B time-base unit. Reduce the sweep rate of the B time-base unit to 50 milliseconds/division. Notice that the display alternates between the left and right vertical plug-ins after each sweep. Turn the B time-base sweep rate switch throughout its range. Notice that the display alternates between vertical units at all sweep rates.
19. Press the CHOP button of the VERTICAL MODE switch. Turn the B time-base unit sweep rate switch throughout its range. Notice that a dual-tr ace display is presented at all sweep rates, but unlike ALT, both vertical units are displayed on each sweep on a time­sharing basis. Return the B time-base unit sweep rate switch to 0.5 millisecond/division.
20. Press the ADD button of the VERTICAL MODE switch. The display should be four divisions in amplitude.
2-8 (A)
Operating Instructions-R7704
Notice that the position control of either vertical unit moves the display. Return the VERTICAL MODE s witch to the LEFT position.
21. Press the ALT button of the HORIZONTAL MODE switch. Two traces should be presented on the CRT. If the display overlaps, adjust the VERT TRACE SEPARATION (B) control to position one trace to the bottom of the graticule area. Turn the sweep rate switches of both timebase units throughout their range. Notice that each timebase unit controls one of the trac es independent of the other time-base unit. Also notice that when one of the time-base units is set to a slow sweep rate (below about 50 milliseconds/division) sweep alternation is evident. Only one of the traces is presented on the CRT at a time. Return the s weep r ates of both time-base units to 0.5 millisecond/ division. Adjust the A INTENSITY control. Notic e that it changes the intensity of the trace produced by the A Timebase unit only. Likewise, the B INTENSITY control changes the intensity of the trace produced by the B timebase unit only. Return both intensity controls to the desired level.
22. Press the CHOP button of the HORIZONTAL MODE switch. Notice that two traces are s hown on the CRT in a manner similar to the ALT display. Turn the sweep rate switches of both time-bas e units throughout their range. Notice that two traces are displayed on the CRT at all sweep rates. Also notice that even when both time-base units are set to a slow sweep rate (50 milliseconds/division or slower), both traces are visible on the CRT at the same time. Return the sweep rate switches of both time-base units to 0.5 millisecond/division.
23. Connect the BNC to pin-jack cable to the 0.4 V calibrator output. Press the CHOP button of the VERTICAL MODE switch. Four traces should be displayed on the CRT. If not, adjust the position controls of the vertical units and the VERT TRACE SEPARATION (B) control to position the four traces onto the viewing area. Adjust the position controls of the plug-in units to identify which traces are produced from each of the plug­in units (if vertical units have the identif y feature, it can be used to identify the traces). Also, set one of the tim e­base units to a sweep rate of one millisecond/division. Notice that the vertical deflection produced by the LEFT VERT unit is displayed at the sweep rate of both the A HORIZ and B HORIZ time-base units and that the vertical deflection produced by the RIGHT VERT plug-in unit is also displayed at the sweep rate of both the A HORIZ and B HORIZ time-base units.
24. Press the ALT button of the HORIZONTAL MODE switch. Notice that the display is very similar to the display obtained in the previous step. The main difference in this display is that the sweeps are pr oduced alternately by the time-base units (noticeable only at slow sweep rates).
25. Press the ALT button of the VERTICAL MODE switch. Notice that only two traces are displayed on the CRT. Also notice that one of the traces is produced by the left vertical unit at the sweep rate of the B time-bas e unit and the other trace is produced by the right vertical unit at the sweep rate of the A time-base unit. This feature is called independent-pairs operation, and is obtained only when the VERTICAL MODE switch is in the ALT position and the HORIZONTAL MODE switch is in either the ALT or the CHOP position.
26. Press the LEFT button of the VERTICAL MODE switch and the A button of the HORIZONTAL MODE switch. Center the display on the CRT with the left vertical unit position control. Disconnect the input signal from the right vertical unit input connector . Sequentially press all of the VERTICAL MODE switch buttons. Notice that a stable display is obtained in all positions of the VERTICAL MODE switch (straight line in RIGHT position).
27. Press the LEFT VERT button of the A T RIG G ER SOURCE switch. Again, sequentially press all of the VERTICAL MODE switch buttons. Notice that the display is again stable in all positions, as in the previous step.
28. Press the RIGHT VERT button of the A TRIGGER SOURCE switch. Sequentially press all the VERTICAL MODE switch buttons and notice that a stable display cannot be obtained in any position. The reason for this is that there is no input signal connected to the right vertical unit. Return the A TRIGGER SOURCE switch to VERT MODE.
29. The B TRIGGER SOURCE switch operates in a similar manner to the A TRIGGER SOURCE switch when the B time-base unit is selected for display.
Control Illumination
30. Notice that only the light associated with the A INTENSITY control is illum inated. Sequentially press all the HORIZONTAL MODE switch buttons and notice the A or B INTENSITY lights; these lights indicate which intensity control is active. The lights also provide an indication that the POWER switch is on. Set the CONTROL ILLUM switch (on left s ide panel) to the LOW position. Notice that the selected pushbuttons of the R7704 and the plug-in units are illuminated.
31. Change the CONTROL ILLUM switch to the HIGH position. Notice that the selected pushbuttons of the R7704 and the plug-in units are illuminated at maximum
(A) 2-9
32. Note: This step applies only to instruments equipped with the Readout System. Turn the READOUT intensity control clockwise until an alpha-num eric display is visible within the top or bottom division of the CRT (reset the FOCUS adjustment if necessary for best definition of the readout). Change the deflection factor of the vertical unit that is selected for display. Notice that the readout portion of the display changes as the deflection factor is changed. Likewise, change the sweep rate of the time-base unit which is selected for display. Notice that the readout display for the time-bas e unit changes also as the sweep rate is changed.
33. Set the time-base unit for magnified operation. Notice that the readout display changes to indicate the correct magnified sweep rate. If a readout-coded 10X probe is available for use with the vertical unit, install it on the input connector of the vertical plug-in. Notice that the deflection factor indicated by the readout is increased by 10 times when the probe is added. Return the time­base unit to normal sweep operation and disconnect the probe.
34. Sequentially press all of the VERTICAL MODE switch buttons and the HORIZONTAL MODE switch buttons. Notice that the readout from a particular plug- in occupies a specific location on the display area. If either of the vertical plug-in units is a dual-tr ac e unit, notic e that the readout for channel 2 appears within the lower division of the CRT.
Beam Finder
35. Set the deflection factor of the vertical plug-in which is displayed to 0.1 volt/division. Notice that a square wave display is not visible since the deflection exceeds the scan area of the CRT.
Operating Instructions-R7704
and release. Notice that the display remains within the viewing area.
Z-Axis Input
38. If an external signal is available (five volts peak ­to peak minimum), the function of the Z-AXIS INPUTS can be demonstrated. Remove the BNC cap from the HIGH SENSITIVITY connector (on r ear panel). Connect the external signal to both the input connector of the displayed vertical unit and the HIGH SENSITIVITY connector. Set the sweep rate of the displayed time base to display about five cycles of the waveform. Adjust the amplitude of the signal generator until intensity modulation is visible on the display (change the ver tical deflection factor as neces sary to produce an on-scr een display). The positive peaks of the waveform should be blanked out and the negative peaks intens ified. Notice that the setting of the intensity controls determines the amount of intensity modulation that is visible.
39. Remove the BNC cap from the HIGH SPEED connector. Disconnect the external signal from the HIGH SENSITIVITY connector and reconnect it to the HIGH SPEED connector. Again increase the am plitude of the signal generator until trace modulation is appar ent on the displayed waveform. Notice that a higher amplitude signal is necessary to produce trace modulation. Again, the positive peaks of the waveform should be blanked out and the negative peaks intensified. Also, notice that the setting of the intensity controls affects the amount of trace modulation. The major difference between these two methods of obtaining trace modulation is that the HIGH SENSITIVITY input is more s ensitive, but that the HIGH SPEED input has a higher usable frequency range. Replace the BNC caps on both Z-AXIS INPUTS.
36. Press the BEAM FINDER switch. Notice that the display is returned to the viewing area in compressed form. Release the BEAM FINDER switch and notic e that the display again disappears from the viewing area. Pull the beam finder outward so it locks in the "find" position. Notice that the display is again returned to the viewing area in compressed form, but that in this position it remains on the viewing area as long as the BEAM FINDER switch is locked in the outward position.
37. With the BEAM FINDER switch locked in the outward position, increase the vertical and horizontal deflection factor until the display is reduced to about two divisions vertically and horizontally (when the time-base unit is in the time-base mode, change only the deflection factor of the vertical unit). Adjus t the position controls of the displayed vertical unit and the time-base unit to center 2-10 the compressed display about the center lines of the graticule. Press the BEAM FINDER switch in
(A) 2-10
40. This completes the basic operating procedure for the R7704. Instrument operations not explained here, or operations which need further explanation are discussed under General Operating Information.
Fig. 2-3 shows the front, side, top, and rear panels of the R7704. This chart may be reproduced and used as a test setup record for spec ial m easurem ents, applic ations or procedures, or it may be used as a training aid for familiarization with this instrument.
GENERAL OPERATING INFORMATION Simplified Operating Instructions
General. The following information is provided to aid
in quickly obtaining the correct setting for the R7704 controls
Operating Instructions-R7704
Fig. 2-3.
Fig. 2-3.
to present a display. The operator should be familiar with the complete function and operation of this instrument as described in this section before using this proc edure. For detailed operating information for the plug-in units, see the instruction manuals for the applicable units.
Single-Trace Display. The following procedur e will provide a display of a single-trace vertical unit against one time-base unit. For simplicity of explanation, the vertical unit is installed in the LEFT VERT compartment and the time-base unit is installed in the A HORIZ compartment. Other compartments can be used if the following procedure is changed accordingly.
1. Install 7A-series vertical units in both vertical plug-
in compartments.
2. Press the LEFT button of the VERTICAL MODE
3. Install a 7B-series time-bas e unit in the A HORIZ
4. Press the A button of the HORIZONTAL MODE
5. Press the VERT MODE button of the A TRIGGER
SOURCE switch.
6. Set the POWER switch to ON. Allow several
minutes warmup.
7. Connect the signals to the input connectors of the
vertical units.
8. Set the vertical units for AC input coupling and
calibrated deflection factors.
9. Set the time-base unit for peak-to-peak auto, internal triggering at a sweep rate of one millisecond/division.
10. Advance the A INTENSITY control until a display is visible (if display is not visible with A INTENSITY at about midrange, press BEAM FINDER switch and adjust the vertical deflection fac tor until the display is reduced in size vertically; then center compressed display with vertical and horizontal position controls; release BEAM FINDER).
Operating Instructions-R7704
11. Set the vertical deflection factor and vertical position control for a display which remains within the graticule area vertical.
12. If necessary, set the time-base triggering controls for a stable display
13. Adjust the time-base position control so the display begins at the left line of the graticule. Set the time­base sweep rate to display the desired number of cycles.
Dual-Trace Display. The following procedure will provide a display of two single-trace vertical units agains t one-time-base unit.
1. Install 7A-series vertical units in both vertical plug-
in compartments.
2. Press the LEFT button of the VERTICAL MODE
3. Install a 7B-series time-bas e unit in the A HORIZ
4. Press the A button of the HORIZONTAL MODE
5. Press the VERT MODE button of the A TRIGGER
SOURCE switch.
6. Set the POWER switch to ON. Allow several
minutes warmup.
7. Connect the signals to the input connectors of the
vertical units.
8. Set the vertical units for AC input coupling and
calibrated deflection factors.
9. Set the time-base unit for peak-to-peak auto, internal triggering at a sweep rate of one millisecond/division.
10. Advance the A INTENSITY control until a display is visible (if display is not visible with A INTENSITY at about midrange, press BEAM FINDER switch and adjust the vertical deflection fac tor until the display is reduced in size vertically;
2-12 (A)
Operating Instructions-R7704
then center compressed display with vertical and horizontal position controls; release BEAM FINDER).
11. Set the left vertical unit deflection factor for a display about four divisions in amplitude. Adjust the vertical position control to move this display to the top of the graticule area.
12. Press the RIGHT button of the VERTICAL MODE switch.
13. Set the right vertical unit deflection factor for a display which is about four divisions in amplitude (if display cannot be located, use BEAM FINDER switch). Position this display to the bottom of the graticule area with the RIGHT VERT position control.
14. Press the ALT or CHOP button of the VERTICAL MODE switch. A dual-trace display of the signal from the LEFT VERT and RIGHT VERT plug-ins should be presented on the CRT (for more inform ation on c hoice of dual-trace mode, see Dual-Trace Displays in this section).
15. If necessary, adjust the time-base triggering controls for a stable display.
7. Connect the signal to the input connector of the
vertical unit.
8. Set the vertical unit for AC input coupling and
calibrated deflection factors.
9. Set both time-base units for peak-to-peak auto, internal triggering at a sweep rate of one millisecond/ division.
10. Advance the A INTENSITY control until a display is visible (if display is not visible with A INTENSITY at midrange, press BEAM FINDER switch and adjust vertical deflection factor until display is reduced in size vertically; then center compressed display with vertical position control; release BEAM FINDER).
11. Set the vertical unit for a display about four divisions in amplitude and move the display to the top of the graticule area with the vertical position controls.
12. If necessary, set the A time-base unit for s table triggering.
13. Set the A time-base sweep rate for the desired display.
16. Adjust the time-base position control so the display begins at the left graticule line. Set the time-base sweep rate for the desired horizontal display.
Dual-Sweep Display. The following procedure will provide a dual-sweep display of a single-trace vertical unit against two time-base units.
1. Install a 7A-series vertical unit in the LEFT VERT
2. Press the LEFT button of the VERTICAL MODE
3. Install 7B-series time-base units in both the A
and B HORIZ compartments.
4. Press the A button of the HORIZONTAL MODE
5. Press the VERT MODE buttons of the A and B
6. Set the POWER switch to ON. Allow several
minutes warmup.
14. Press the B button of the HORIZONTAL MODE
15. Advance the B INTENSITY control until a display is visible (if display is not visible with B INTENSITY at midrange, press BEAM FINDER switch and adjust the vertical deflection factor until display is reduced in size vertically; then center compressed display with vertical position control; release BEAM FINDER).
16. If necessary, set the B time-base unit for s table triggering.
17. Set the B time-base unit sweep rate for the desired display.
18. Press the ALT or CHOP button of the HORIZONTAL MODE switch (see Dual-Sweep Displays in this section for further information on selecting sweep mode).
(A) 2-13
Operating Instructions-R7704
19. Adjust the VERT TRACE SEPARATION (B) control to position the trace produced by the B time-base unit with respect to the trace produced by the A time­base unit.
Dual Trace-Dual Sweep Displays. The following procedure will provide a dual-trace, dual-sweep display of two single-trace vertical units against two time-base units (four traces displayed on CRT).
1. Install 7A-series vertical units in both vertical
2. Press the LEFT button of the VERTICAL MODE
3. Install 7B-series time-base units in both
horizontal compartments.
4. Press the B button of the HORIZONTAL
DISPLAY switch.
5. Press the VERT MODE buttons of the A and B
6. Set the POWER switch to ON. Allow several
minutes warmup.
7. Connect the signals to the input connectors of
the vertical units.
8. Set the vertical units for AC input coupling and
calibrated deflection factors.
9. Set both time-base units for peak-to-peak auto, internal triggering at a sweep rate of one millisecond/ division.
10. Advance the B INTENSITY control until a display is visible (if display is not visible with B INTENSITY at midrange, press BEAM FINDER switch and adjust the LEFT VERT deflection factor until display is reduced in size vertically; then center compressed display with LEFT VERT position controls; release BEAM FINDER).
11. Set the LEFT VERT deflection factor for a display which is about two divisions in amplitude and position the display to the top of the graticule area.
12. If necessary, adjust the B time-base unit
triggering controls for a stable display.
13. Position the start of the trace to the left gratic ule line with the B time-base unit position control. Set the B time-base unit sweep rate for the desired display.
14. Press the RIGHT button of the VERTICAL MODE switch and the A button of the HORIZONTAL MODE switch.
15. Advance the A INTENSITY control until a display is visible (if display is not visible with A INTENSITY at midrange, press BEAM FINDER switch and adjust the RIGHT VERT deflec tion factor until display is reduced in size vertically; then center compressed display with RIGHT VERT position control; release BEAM FINDER).
16. Set the RIGHT VERT deflection factor for a display about two divisions in amplitude and position the display just below the center horizontal line of the graticule.
17. If necessary, adjust the A time-base unit triggering controls for a stable display.
18. Position the start of the trace to the left gratic ule line with the A time-base unit position control. Set the A time-base sweep rate for the desired display.
19. Press the ALT or CHOP button of the HORIZONTAL MODE switch.
20. If necessary, adjust the VERT TRACE SEPARATION (B) control to separate the two traces.
21. Press the CHOP button of the VERTICAL MODE switch.
22. Adjust the vertical position controls and the VERT TRACE SEPARATION (B) c ontrol as nec es s ary to obtain the desired display.
Independent Pairs Display. The following procedure will provide a dual-trace, dual-sweep display where the LEFT VERT unit is displayed only at the sweep rate of the B time-base unit and the RIGH T VERT unit is displayed only at the sweep rate of the A time­base unit.
(A) 2-14
Operating Instructions-R7704
1. Follow steps 1 through 19 of the previous
procedure for Dual Trace-Dual Sweep Displays.
2. Press the ALT button of the VERTICAL MODE
3. If necessary, adjust the VERT TRACE SEPARATION (B) control to separate the two traces. The vertical deflection produced by the unit in the LEFT VERT compartm ent is displayed at the sweep rate of the time-base in the B HORIZ compar tment, and the vertical deflection produced by the unit in the RIGHT VERT compartment is displayed at the sweep rate of the tim e­base in the A HORIZ compartment.
Delayed Sweep-Single Trace. The following procedure will provide a delayed-sweep display of a single-trace vertical unit.
1. Follow the complete procedure given under
Single-Trace Displays.
2. Be sure the time-base unit installed in the A HORIZ (DELAYING TIME BASE) compartment is a delaying time-base unit.
1. Follow the complete procedure given under
Dual-Trace Displays.
2. Be sure the time-base unit installed in the A HORIZ (DELAYING TIME BASE) compartment is a delaying time-base unit.
3. Install a 7B-series time-base unit in the B HORIZ compartment.
4. Follow the procedure given in the instruction manual for the delaying sweep time-base unit to obtain a delayed sweep display.
5. Press the B button of the HORIZONTAL MODE switch and advance the B INTENSITY control until a display is visible. Only the delayed sweep display of both vertical traces is shown on this display.
6. Press the ALT or CHOP button of the HORIZONTAL MODE switch.
7. Adjust the vertical position controls and the VERT TRACE SEPARATION (B) c ontrol as nec es s ary to obtain the desired display.
3. Install a 7B-series time-base unit in the B HORIZ
4. Follow the procedure given in the instruction manual for the delaying sweep time-base unit to obtain a delayed sweep display.
5. Press the B button of the HORIZONTAL MODE switch and advance the B INTENSITY control until a display is visible. Only the delayed sweep is shown on this display.
6. Press the ALT or CHOP button of the HORIZONTAL MODE switch.
7. If necessary, adjust the VERT TRACE SEPARATION (B) control to separate the two traces. This display provides a simultaneous presentation of the delaying (A HORIZ) time-base unit and the delayed (B HORIZ) time base unit.
Delayed Sweep-Dual Trace. The following procedure will provide a delayed-sweep display of two single-trace vertical units (four traces displayed on screen).
NOTE When operated in the delayed-sweep mode, there is no special display relationship between the vertical and horizontal plug-in as for independent pairs operation regardless of the vertical mode selected.
X-Y Display. The following procedure will provide an
X-Y display (one signal versus another rather than against time).
NOTE Some 7B-series time-base units have provisions for amplifier operation in the X-Y mode; see X-Y Operation in this section for details of operation in this manner.
1. Install 7A-series amplifier units in both the LEFT
VERT and the A HORIZ compartments.
2. Press the LEFT button of the VERTICAL MODE switch and the A button of the HORIZONTAL MODE switch.
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