Tektronix 561b schematic

TM 9-6625-963-14-1
This copy is a reprint which includes current pages from Change 1.
This manual is an authentication of the manufacture’s commercial literature which, through usage, has been found to cover the data required to operate and maintain this equipment. Since the manual was not prepared in accordance in with military specifications, the format has not been structured to considered level of maintenance nor to include a formal section on depot overhaul standards.
This manual contains copyrighted information. Reproduced by permission of Tektronix, Incorporated. All rights reserved.
CHANGE TM 9-6625-963-14-1
Change 2
WASHINGTON, DC, 12 August 1986
TEKTRONIX TYPE 561 SERIES (NSN 4931-0(1-910-8164)
Current as of 16 April 1986
TM 9-6625-963-14-1, 11 October 1972, is changed as follows:
1. Remove old pages and insert new pages as indicated below. New or changed material is indicated by a vertical bar in the margin of the page.
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By Order of the Secretary of the Army:
General, United States Army
Chief of Staff
Brigadier General, United States Army
The Adjutant General
To be distributed in accordance with DA Form 12-34C, Block No. 319, requirements for calibration procedures publications.
TM 9-6625-963-14-1
TM 9-6625-963-14-1, 11 October 1972, is changed as follows:
1. The title is changed to read as shown above.
2. Remove old pages and insert new pages as indicated below. New or changed material is indicated by a vertical bar in the margin of the page.
TYPE 561 SERIES (NSN 4931-00-910-8164)
Current as of 11 September 1974
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i and ii i and ii
12-1 through 12-11
3. File this change sheet in front of the publication for reference purposes.
TM 9-6625-963-14-1
NO. 9-6625-963-14-1 Washington, D.C.
SECTION 0 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................................0-1
1A TYPE R561B SPECIFICATION......................................................................................................................1-1A
2A OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS R561B...........................................................................................................2-1A
3A CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION R561B....................................................................................................................3-1A
4A MAINTENANCE R561B..................................................................................................................................4-1A
5A PERFORMANCE CHECK VIRGULE MAINTENANCE CALIBRATION R561B...............................................5-1A
10 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS............................................................................................10-1
11 RACKMOUNTING............................................................................................................................................11-1
12 REPAIR PARTS LIST......................................................................................................................................12-1
Appendix A REFERENCES..................................................................................................................................................A-1
C MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART...........................................................................................................C-1
(NSN 4931-00-910-8164)
1 CHARACTERISTICS RM561A...........................................................................................................................1-1
2 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS RM561A............................................................................................................2-1
3 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION RM561A....................................................................................................................3-1
4 MAINTENANCE RM561A..................................................................................................................................4-1
5 PERFORMANCE CHECK RM561A...................................................................................................................5-1
6 MAINTENANCE CALIBRATION RM561A..........................................................................................................6-1
PARTS LIST ABBREVIATIONS......................................................................................................................7-0.1
7 ELECTRICAL, PARTS LIST...............................................................................................................................7-1
8 MECHANICAL, PARTS LIST.............................................................................................................................8-1
9 DIAGRAMS........................................................................................................................................................9-1
11 October 1972
Change 1 i
TM 9-6625-963-14-1
Figure 1-1A. Type RM561A Oscilloscope


TM 9-6625-963-14-1
The manual includes installation and operation instructions and covers organizational, direct support (DS), and general support (GS) maintenance. It describes Graphical Display System, Tektronix Type 561 Series. The basic issue items list appears in appendix B. Appendix ’B is current as of 1 September 1972.
Indexes of Publications
DA Pam 310-4.
to determine if there are any new editions, changes, or additional publications pertaining to the equipment.
DA Pam 310-7.
whether there are Modification Work Orders (MWO) pertaining to the equipment.
Forms and Records
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Refer to DA Pam 310-7 to determine
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Use equipment forms and records in accordance with instructions given in TM 38750.
Change 2 0-1
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(DD Form
ments. The
Fig. 1-1. Type R561B Oscilloscope.


General Information
The Tektronix Type RM561A Oscilloscope is essentially an indicator unit with provision for two plug-in units. The plug­in unit in the right-hand opening controls the horizontal (X-axis) deflection, and the plug-in unit in the left-hand opening controls the vertical (Y-axis) deflection. The plug-in units con be selected from any of the Tektronix ’2’ Series or ’3’ Series groups to provide the desired oscilloscope performance.
Cathode-Ray Tube
Type - T5032-31-1 (rectangular ceramic-envelope).
Unblanking - Deflection type, dc-coupled, with grid intensification.
Graticule - Variable edge lighted "no parallax" internal graticule. Marked in 8 vertical and 10 horizontal divisions with each major division divided into 5 minor divisions on centerlines.
Accelerating voltage - 3.5 kv.
Useable viewing area - 8 divisions vertical by 10 divisions horizontal.
Deflection meters - 18.5 to 20.5 volts per centimeter vertical, and 17.5 to 19.3 volts per centimeter horizontal.
Waveform - Square waves at line frequency.
Output voltage - 1 millivolt to 100 volts, peak-to-peak, in 6 steps. The 1 v position provides an output of 0.1 volt into 50 ohms.
Accuracy - Peak-to-peak amplitude within 3% of indicated voltage.
Rise-time - Typically 5 microseconds.
Power Supplies
Electronically regulated for stable operation with normal line voltage variations and widely varying loads. The low voltage supplies hold regulation within ± 1% of value.
Line voltage requirements - 105 to 125 volts, or 210 to 250 volts, rms, 50 to 60 cps, single-phase ac.
Fuse requirements - 3-amp slow-blowing type for 117 volts,
1.25-amp slow-blowing type for 234 volts.
Forced air cooled. Automatic-resetting thermal cutout interrupts instrument power if internal temperature exceeds about 123° F.
Aluminum-alloy chassis.
Photo-etched anodized front panel.
Weight - 30-1/2 pounds, indicator unit only.
Dimensions - see Dimension Drawing at rear of manual.


The Type R561B Oscilloscope is compatible with Tektronix 2-Series and 3-Series plug-in units (see following table and Section 2 for exceptions); thus, it con be used in a variety of applications including differential, multi-trace, wide­band, delayed sweep, sampling and spectrum analysis.
This instrument will perform to the specifications listed in this section in a laboratory environment with ambient
temperature range between 0°C and +50°C, except as indicated. Warm-up time for rated accuracy is 5 minutes (certain plug-ins may require additional warmup time). The Performance Check instructions outlined in Section 5 provide a convenient method of checking the performance of this instrument.
Characteristics Performance
Plug-in Compatibility 2- and 3-Series plug-ins, except the
3S6, 3T6, 385 (horizontal only) CRT Type Electrostatic deflection Graticule Area 8 x 10 cm Phosphor P31 Typical CRT Accelerating Voltage
CRT Cathode Input (AC Coupled)
Low - 3 dB Frequency 1.8 kHz or less Z Axis Modulation 10 V or less (P-P) gives useful
Maximum Input Voltage
Output Voltages Into High Impedance (1 MΩ or greater)
Into 50.0
Current Loop 10mA DC or 10mA (P-P) square
3.5 kV
intensity variation
150 V
+4 mV, +40 mV, +0.4 V, +40 V
(ground to peak) square wave and
40 VDC (within 1-1/2%, +20°C to
+30° ;2 %, 0°C to +50°C
+2mV, +20mV, +0.2V (ground to
panel) square wave (within 1-1/2%,
+20°C to +30° C; 2%, 0° C to
wave (within 1-1/2%, +20°C to
+30°C; 2%, 0°C to +50°C
Type R561B
Frequency 1 kHz within 1% Duty Factor 48% to 52% Rise-time and Fall-time
Line Voltage 115 VAC
Low 90 V to 110 V 180 V to 220 V Medium 104 V to 126 V 208 V to 252 V
High 112 V to 136 V 224 V to 272 V Line Frequency Range 48 Hz to 66 Hz Maximum Power Consumption at 115 VAC, 60 Hz
Characteristics Performance
Operating Altitude
Non-operating To 50,000 feet
Operating To 15,000 feet
Finish Lacquered aluminum panels. Dimensions
Standard accessories supplied with the Type R561B are listed on the last pullout page of the Mechanical Parts List illustrations. For optional accessories available for use with this instrument, see the current Tektronix, Inc. catalog.
1 µs or less at all voltages with load capacitance of 100pF or less, except 40 V, 2.5µs or less at 40 V with load capacitance at 100 pF or less
230 VAC
186 W, 2.02 A
-40°C to +65°C 0°C to +50°C
Anodized aluminum front panel
7 inches 19 inches 20-1/2 inches


Before operating the Type RM561A Oscilloscope, be sure that the instrument will cool properly, the proper line voltage is used and the crt deflection potentials are correct. Function of front-panel controls and operating considerations are given in this section.
A fan at the rear of the Type RM561A provides cooling. The entire fan assembly is in a snap-in mounting that can be mounted to exhaust air at the rear of the instrument or draw air in at the rear and blow it throughout the instrument. Direction of air flow con be changed to meet the operating conditions.
The Type RM561A can operate in ambient temperatures up to 50°C. If the instrument overheats, the thermal cutout turns off the power. When the internal temperature drops to a safe operating level, power is automatically restored. If wired for 117-volt operation, the fan will continue to operate when the thermal cutout opens. On 234-volt operation, power for the fan is turned off when the thermal cutout opens.
Line Voltage
The Type RM561A can be wired for either 117-volt or 234-volt operation. It will operate properly between 105 and 125 volts when wired for 117-volt operation and between 210 and 250 volts when wired for 234-volt operation. Converting from one operating voltage to the other requires a change in the power transformer primary connections, fan connections, fuse and line cord plug. Figs. 2-1 and 2-2 indicate the transformer primary and fan connections for
117-volt and 234-volt operation. A 3-amp slow-blow type fuse is required for 117-volt operation and a 1.25-amp slow-blow type fuse is required for 234-volt operation.
Front Panel Controls
The POWER ON switch and SCALE ILLUM. control permit turning the instrument power on or off and provide adjustment of the brightness of the graticule markings.
The FOCUS control adjusts the trace or spot focus.
The ASTIG. control is used in conjunction with the FOCUS control, to assure proper focus over the entire crt display.
The INTENSITY control adjusts the crt display brightness.
The ALIGNMENT control permits electronic alignment of the crt trace to match the horizontal graticule markings.
The 7-position CALIBRATOR switch determines the peak-to­peak amplitude of the signal at the CAL. OUT connector. It also turns the Calibrator on or off.
Rear Panel Controls
The CRT CATHODE SELECTOR switch permits the operator to select either (1) internal DUAL-TRACE CHOPPED BLANKING to remove dual-trace chopped mode switching transients from the crt display, or (2) Z-axis intensity modulation by external signals.
Operation of the Type RM561A Oscilloscope with two plug-in units in place is much the same as that of a Tektronix oscilloscope with corresponding vertical and horizontal deflection systems built into the main frame. The plug-in
Fig. 2-1. Power transformer primary connections for operation at (a) 117 volts or (b) 234 volts.
Fig. 2-2. Fan terminal strip located near thermal cutout. (a) 117 volts, (b) 234 volts
Operating Instructions--Type RM561A
units are the vertical and horizontal deflection systems; their outputs connect directly to the deflection plates of the cathode­ray tube. The plug-in units can be selected to give the Type RM561A Oscilloscope the degree and type of performance required for a particular application.
The controls and switches on the Type RM561A affect the display; however, the plug-in units determine the major characteristics of the system.
Calibrator Output
The Calibrator output signal of the Type RM561A provides a convenient signal source for setting the gain of an amplifier plug-in unit or the basic timing of a time-base plug-in unit. The 1 V position also provides a 0.1 volt amplitude signal when connected to a 50-ohm system. This is very useful for calibrating sampling plug-in units. See the plug-in unit Instruction Manual for complete adjustment procedure.
In addition to these applications, the Calibrator output signal can be used as a convenient square-wave signal source for other applications.
NOTE When using the Calibrator output signal as a signal source for a system sharing a common ground with the Type RM561A (including plug-ins used in the instrument) be sure that the outer conductor of the CAL. OUT connector is connected to the chassis (or ground). Otherwise, the current through the Calibrator ground resistor, R899, may cause an incorrect Calibrator output signal.
The CRT CATHODE SELECTOR switch provides two modes of operation; CHOPPED BLANKING for dual-trace amplifier plug-ins and EXT CRT CATHODE for intensity modulation of the display.
The CRT CATHODE SELECTOR switch should be left in the CHOPPED BLANKING position except when external intensity modulation is used. For normal operation the shorting plug should connect the EXT CRT CATHODE jack to ground. Remove the plug for Z-axis modulation:
Display Combinations
The plug-in unit in the right opening of the Type RM561A controls the horizontal (X-axis) deflection of the crt beam. The unit in the left opening controls the vertical (Y-axis) deflection. Conventional Display. To obtain the conventional display of a horizontal sweep with vertical deflection by the input signal, insert a time-base plug-in unit in the right-hand opening and
an amplifier unit in the left. If a vertical sweep is desired with the input signal displayed horizontally, reverse the plug-ins. However, in this manner, the sweep retrace will not be blanked. Retrace blanking is provided only when a time-base unit is inserted in the right side of the Type RM561A.
X-Y Display. To obtain an X-Y display, insert amplifier plug-in units in both plug-in openings. Plug-in units with equal characteristics should be used.
Intensity Modulated Display. The crt beam can be intensity modulated, (Z-axis modulated) by applying a signal to the EXT CRT CATHODE jack on the rear panel. Depending on the setting of the INTENSITY control, the crt beam can be turned on with a negative pulse, or off with a positive pulse.
To intensity modulate the display remove the shorting strap from between the EXT CRT CATHODE and GND jacks. Set the CRT CATHODE SELECTOR switch to the EXT CRT CATHODE position and apply the modulating signal to the EXT CRT CATHODE jack.
Changing Plug-in Units
Before inserting a plug-in unit into the Type RM561A Oscilloscope, make sure the latching bar (bottom front) is not pointing down., Then, push the plug-in unit all the way into the opening. Turn the aluminum knob at the bottom center of the unit clockwise until it is tight. To remove the unit, turn the knob counterclockwise several turns and pull the unit out of the plug-in compartment.
CAUTION Although most plug-in units can be inserted or removed without damage when the power is on, best protection is provided for all units by turning the power off before changing units.
Different plug-in units apply slightly different dc voltages to the crt deflection plates. The Type RM561A crt has higher horizontal deflection sensitivity than vertical deflection sensitivity. Also, changing one plug-in unit con affect the accuracy of the other unit installed. Therefore, if one or both of the units are replaced, check the gain of both units. If a plug-in needs adjustment, follow the directions in the applicable Instruction Manual to adjust gain or sweep timing.
When the plug-in units are changed, the FOCUS and ASTIG, controls on the Type RM561A may need readjustment.
The Type RM561A can be operated with only one plug-in unit if desired. For example, moving film recording may be used in place of a sweep plug-in unit. To operate with only one plug-in unit, it will be necessary to elevate the unconnected crt deflection plates to about +170 to +210 volts dc vertical or +150 to +180 volts dc horizontal. This will provide proper action of the FOCUS and ASTIG. controls.


Type R561B
To effectively use the Type R561B, the operation and capabilities of the instrument must be understood. This section of the manual describes the operation of the front­and rear-panel controls and connectors, and gives first time and general operating information.
Complete information for rack-mounting installation of the Type R561B is given on the Rack-mounting fold-out pages at the back of this manual.
Line Voltage
The Type R561B can be operated from either a 1 5-volt or a 230-volt nominal line-voltage source. The Line Voltage Selector assembly on the rear panel converts the instrument from one operating range to the other. In addition, this assembly changes the primary connections of the power transformer to allow selection of one of three regulating ranges. The assembly also includes two fuses to provide the correct protection for the instrument; both fuses are connected for 230-volt nominal operation, and only one fuse is connected for 115-volt nominal operation. Use the following procedure to obtain the proper line voltage and regulating range settings of the Line Voltage Selector.
1. Disconnect the instrument from the power source.
2. Loosen the two captive screws which hold the cover onto the voltage selector assembly; then pull to remove the cover.
3. To convert from 115 volts nominal to 230 volts nominal line voltage, pull out the Voltage Selector switch bar (see Fig. 2-1); turn it around 180- and plug it back into the remaining holes. Change the line-cord power plug to match the power-source receptacle or use a 115- to 230-volt adapter.
4. To change regulating ranges, pull out the Range Selector switch bar (see Fig. 2-1); slide it to the desired position and plug it back in. Select a range which is centered about the average line voltage to which the instrument is to be connected (see Table 2-1).
5. Re-install the cover and tighten the two captive screws.
6. Before applying power to the instrument, check that the indicating tabs on the switch bars are protruding through the correct holes for the desired nominal line voltage and regulating range.


Regulating Ranges
Regulating Range, Range Selector 115-Volts 230-Volt Switch Position Nominal Nominal
LO (switch bar in 90 to 110 volts 180 to 220 volts
left holes)
M (switch bar in 104 to 126 volts 208 to 252 volts
middle holes)
HI (switch bar in 12 to 13 volts 224 to 272 volts
right holes)
Operating Temperature
The Type R561B can be operated where there ambient air
temperature is between 0°C and +50°C. The instrument can be
stored in ambient temperatures between -40°C and +65°C. After storage at a temperature beyond the operating limits, allow the chassis temperature to come within the operating limits before power is applied.
A fan at the rear of the Type R561B provides forced air cooling of the instrument. For proper circulation of air the instrument should normally be operated with the top and bottom covers in place. Do not block or restrict the air flow through the instrument.
A thermal cutout provides thermal protection and disconnects the power to the instrument if the internal temperature exceeds a safe operating level. This device will automatically reapply power when the temperature returns to a safe level.
Fig. 2-1. Line Voltage Selector assembly on the rear panel
(shown with cover removed).
CAUTION Damage to the instrument may result from incorrect Line Voltage Selector settings.
Operating Instructions--Type R561B
General Information
The Type R561B is designed to use Tektronix 2-series
and 3 series amplifier and time-base plug-in ’units for amplifying the vertical input signal and producing the time­base sweep. The use of plug-in permits the selection of display modes, bandwidth, sensitivity and number of inputs so that the oscilloscope performance can be changed to meet changing measurement needs.
NOTE Programmable plug-in Types 3S6 and 3T6 are not compatible with the Type R561B. However, the capability of these plug-ins is available (without programmability) with Types 3S5 and 3T5. Use the Type 3B5 in the right-hand (horizontal) compartment only. Refer to the instruction manual of the plug-in unit for specific information.
To install a plug-in unit in the Type R561B, push it all the way in to the plug-in compartment, then turn the locking knob ,at the bottom of the front panel) clockwise until it is tight. To remove the unit, turn the knob counterclockwise until the latch releases, then pull the unit out.
The accuracy of measurements made with the Type R561B depends on the calibration of the plug-in units used. Since the plug-in units drive the deflection plates directly, each unit must be adjusted to match the deflection sensitivity of the particular CRT that it drives. Therefore, the gain or sweep timing adjustment must be checked each time a plug-in unit, is changed. On most units, gain or timing calibration is made with a front-panel screwdriver adjustment. (Sampling units require special adjustment procedures.) Refer to the plug-in unit instruction manual for the required procedure. Since the various plug-in units present different output voltage levels to the deflection plates, the FOCUS and ASTIGMATISM controls will also require re-adjustment.
Plug-in units can be changed without turning off the instrument power, but it is recommended that the power be turned off while the change is made.
Either or both of the plug-in units can be operated on special extension cables for troubleshooting. For normal operation, power, the units must be installed in the oscilloscope. If the instrument is operated with the plug-in units on extension cables, the high-frequency response and fast sweep rates will be affected.
Display Combinations
The plug-in unit in the left plug-in compartment controls the vertical (Y-axis) deflection of the CRT beam, and the unit in the right plug-in compartment controls the horizontal (X-axis) deflection. The following paragraphs discuss some of the display combinations that con be obtained.
Time-Base Displays. To produce a conventional time­base, or Y-T display, an amplifier plug-in unit is used in the vertical (left) plug-in compartment and a time-base plug-in unit is used in the horizontal (right) plug-in compartment.
If a vertical sweep is desired with the input signal displayed horizontally, the time-base unit is inserted in the left compartment
and the amplifier unit in the right compartment. However, if a vertical sweep is used, there is no retrace blanking, no chopped blanking multi-trace displays and the delaying-sweep intensification does not operate because these circuits are associated with the horizontal (right) plug-in compartment.
X-Y Displays. Two amplifier units may be used to produce either a single or a multiple X-Y display (for example, for phase comparison measurement). Plug-in units with equal phase shift will produce an accurate X-Y display; however, for high-frequency X-Y operation, use of two units of the some type is recommended. Careful factory adjustment of deflection-circuit capacitance to a standard value in the Type R561B minimizes the high-frequency phase-shift between two plug-in units of the same type. For multiple X-Y displays, both synchronization and automatic pairings are provided for some amplifier units. Refer to the instruction manual of the plug-in unit to be used.
Multi-Trace Displays. The use of a dual-trace or multi­trace amplifier unit permits almost simultaneous viewing of two or more signals. For a multi-trace amplifier unit with single channel trigger capability ("Channel 1 Trigger"), the trigger signal is applied through the Type R531B to the trigger circuit in the time-base unit. This permits triggering from a single input signal and the CRT display shows the time relationship between the various signals. When using a plug-in without single-channel triggering, an external trigger is recommended to establish time relationship in multi-trace displays. In chopped mode, the multi-trace blanking pulses from the amplifier unit are applied internally through the Type R561 B to the CRT cathode to blank the CRT beam while it is switched from one channel to another (with the amplifier unit in the left compartment and the time-base unit in the right compartment, and with the rear panel CRT CATHODE SELECTOR switch in the CHOPPED BLANKING position).
Delayed Sweep. A delayed-sweep time-base unit is convenient for detailed viewing of pulse-train segments that occur a relatively long time after the maximum-amplitude (triggering) portion of the signal. The portion of the pulse train to be displayed by the delayed sweep may be intensified on the delaying-sweep display. A delayed-sweep unit that has a calibrated time delay can also be used for making very accurate (within 1%) time measurements
Raster Generation. A roster display can be presented by using two time-base units, one in each compartment. Intensity modulation can be achieved through the Z-axis of the CRT by applying the signal to the EXT INPUT connector on the rear panel and setting the CRT CATHODE SELECTOR to the EXT INPUT position.
Sampling. The apparent bandwidth of the oscilloscope can be increased to as much as one Gigahertz through the use of sampling plug-in units. A sampling time-base unit must be used with a sampling amplifier unit in the Type R561 B in order to produce the sampling display (even for X-Y operation). Generally, sampling and conventional plug-in units cannot be used together in the oscilloscope. However, Type 3S1 and 3S2 sampling amplifiers do have limited compatibility with conventional time-base units and the Type 3T5 sampling time-base unit con generate a real-time staircase sweep usable with conventional amplifiers.
Spectrum Analysis. Spectrum analyzer plug-in units can be used in conjunction with conventional time-base units
2-2A (A)
Operating Instruction--Type R561 B
to produce a spectral display ( a graph of the relative amplitude distribution as a function of frequency).
A brief description of the function or operation of the front­and rear-panel controls and connectors follows. See Fig. 2-2 for locations.
Front Panel
ASTIGMATISM Used in conjunction with FOCUS
(Screwdriver control to obtain a well-defined display.
adjustment) FOCUS Control Used to optimize focus. INTENSITY Control Controls display brightness. TRACE ALIGNMENT Permits alignment of the trace with
(Screwdriver respect to the horizontal graticule lines.
adjustment) SCALE ILLUM Varies illumination of the graticule grid
Control lines. POWER Switch Used to apply or remove instrument
input power.
POWER Indicator Lamp bulb which indicates that AC
power is applied to the instrument.
CALIBRATOR Switch Provides selection of one of several
values of square wave voltage or a calibrated DC voltage. A calibrated DC or square wave current can also be selected.
CAL OUT Connector BNC connector at which calibrator
output voltage is available.
10 mA Current Loop Convenient means for calibrating
current probes.
Rear Panel
CRT CATHODE Permits .election of normal CRT SELECTOR operation, chopped blanking (blanking
Switch of the between-channel switching
transients when using multi-channel plug-in units in the chopped mode) and external CRT cathode input (permitting intensity modulation of the CRT by an external signal).
EXT INPUT BNC connector by which an external signal
Connector can be applied to the CRT cathode.
Line Voltage Provides quick method of changing
Selector transformer taps to allow instrument to
operate over a wide range of line voltages.
Horizontal and Permit installation of auxiliary inputs
Vertical and outputs through rear panel. Connector Holes
The following procedure, using normal single-channel time­base mode, will demonstrate the basic operation of this instrument and its plug-in units.
1. Install a 2-Series or 3-Series amplifier plug-in unit in the vertical (left) plug-in compartment and a 2-Series or 3-Series time­base plug-in unit in the horizontal (right) plug-in compartment. Lock the plug-in units in place with their locking screws.
2. Set the POWER switch to the off position (pushed in).
3. Connect the power cord from the Type R561B to the proper line voltage.
NOTE The LINE VOLTAGE SELECTOR assembly on the rear panel should be checked to be sure the Voltage Selector and Range Selector switch bars are in the proper positions for the line voltage applied.
4. Set the instrument controls as follows:
Type R561B
INTENSITY Counterclockwise FOCUS Centered SCALE ILLUM Counter-clockwise ASTIGMATISM Centered (Screwdriver adjustment) CALIBRATOR 4 V CRT CATHODE SELECTOR NORM
(rear panel)
Amplifier Unit
(For example: Type 3A6)
Position Centered Mode Normal (Channel 1) Volts/Div 2 Variable (Volts/Div) Calibrated Input Coupling DC
Time-Base Unit
(For example: Type 3B3)
Position Centered Time/Div .5 ms Variable (Time/Div) Calibrated Magnifier Off Sweep Mode Normal
Operating Instructions--Type R561 B
Fig. 2-2. Front-and rear-panel controls and connectors.
Normal-Single Sweep Normal Level Free run (clockwise) Triggering Source Internal Slope + Coupling Auto
5. Connect a patch cord from the CAL OUT connector to
the Channel 1 input connector of the amplifier plug-in unit.
6. Set the POWER switch to ON (pulled out) and allow a
few minutes for warm up.
7. Adjust the INTENSITY control to obtain a display of moderate brightness. The amplifier unit Position control may have to be adjusted to position the free running trace on the CRT screen. Do not turn the intensity higher than is necessary for adequate observation of the display.
8. Trigger the display by adjusting the time-base Level control.
9. Set the SCALE ILLUM control so the graticule illumination is approximately equal to the intensity of the display.
10. Adjust the time-base Position control to position the start of the trace at the left edge of the graticule.
11. Adjust the FOCUS and ASTIGMATISM controls for a sharp well-defined display over the entire trace length. (If a focused display cannot be obtained, see Astigmatism Adjustment later in this section under General Operating Information.)
12. Adjust the TRACE ALIGNMENT screwdriver adjustment to align the display with the graticule lines.
13. Check the gain and DC balance of the amplifier unit and the timing adjustment (Sweep Cal) of the time-base unit as given in the instruction manuals for those units before making any voltage or time measurements. (In this demonstration, the calibrator waveform should be displayed as two divisions per cycle and two divisions in amplitude.)
Refer to the amplifier unit manual for the following: Compensation of probes, selection and use of input cables, coupling and attenuation, and measurement of input signal voltage and phase (X-Y). Refer to the time-are unit manual for selection of triggering sources and coupling, and for measurements of time intervals, frequency and phase (linear measurement).
Scale Illumination
The CRT graticule is edge-lighted by three small lamps at the bottom. The lighting can be adjusted to suit the ambient light conditions by means of the SCALE ILLUM control. Rotating the control clockwise increases the brightness of the graticule scale markings.
Intensity Control
The setting of the INTENSITY control may affect the correct focus of the display. Slight adjustment of the FOCUS control may be necessary when the intensity level is changed.
Operating Instruction--Type R561B
Do not leave a bright, sharply focused spot on the CRT screen for a prolonged period. An excessively bright stationary spot may damage the CRT phosphor.
Astigmatism Adjustments
For most displays, the trace can be adequately focused using only the front-panel FOCUS control. However, whenever a large change is made in the beam intensity (to offset large changes in sweep rates or triggering repetition rates), or when plug-in units are changed, adjustment of the ASTIGMATISM control may also be required for a sharp display.
To check for proper setting of the ASTIGMATISM adjustment, slowly turn the FOCUS control through the optimum setting with a signal displayed on the CRT screen. If the ASTIGMATISM adjustment is correctly set, the vertical and horizontal portions of the trace will come into sharpest focus at the same position of the FOCUS control.
To set the ASTIGMATISM adjustment, use the following procedure:
1. Connect a 4 V Calibrator signal to the vertical input and set the corresponding Volts/Div switch to present 2.5 divisions of vertical deflection.
2. Set the Time/Div switch .2 ms.
3. Adjust the INTENSITY control so that the rising portion of the display can be seen.
4. Alternately adjust the FOCUS and ASTIGMATISM controls so that the horizontal and vertical portions of the display are equally focused.
The graticule of the Type R561B is marked with eight vertical and 10 horizontal divisions. Each division is one centimeter square. In addition, each major division is divided into five minor divisions on the center vertical and horizontal lines. With the vertical gain and horizontal timing calibrated to the graticule, accurate measurements can be made from the CRT. The illumination of the graticule lines can be varied with the SCALE ILLUM control.
Trace Alignment Adjustment
If a free-running trace is not parallel to the horizontal graticule lines, set the TRACE ALIGNMENT adjustment as follows: position the trace to the center horizontal line, and adjust the TRACE ALIGNMENT adjustment so the trace is parallel with the horizontal graticule lines.
1 kHz Calibrator
The 1 kHz Calibrator provides a convenient source of square waves of known amplitude at an accurate frequency of one kilohertz. The output square-wave voltages available at the CAL OUT connector are 4 mV, 40 mV 0.4 V, 4 V and 40V. The loading of a terminated 50 system at the CAL OUT connector will provide output square-wave voltages of 2 mV, 20 mV and 0.2 V. A constant 40-volt DC level is also provided.
Operating Instructions--Type R561 B
The current link provides 10 milliamperes, available as either DC or a square-wave current signal, which can be used to check and calibrate current probe systems. This current signal is obtained by clipping the probe around current loop. The arrow indicates conventional current (i.e., positive to negative).
Intensity (Z-Axis) Modulation
Intensity modulation can be used to relate other voltage information to the display signal without changing the shape of the waveform. The modulating signal is AC-coupled to the CRT cathode through the rear-panel EXT INPUT connector and the CRT CATHODE SELECTOR switch. With the INTENSITY
control set correctly, a positive excursion will dim or blank the CRT beam, and a negative excursion will brighten the beam (see Section 1 for amplitudes).
Time markers may be applied for direct time reference of the display or for establishing the sweep rate when uncalibrated deflection is used. Fast-rise pulses of short duration provide best resolution with respect to time. If the markers are not time-related to the displayed wave-form, a single sweep display is required. If sine waves are used for Z-axis modulation, the minimum usable frequency is about 250 hertz, due to AC coupling at the input. Be sure the CRT CATHODE SELECTOR is in the NORMAL position when the EXT INPUT connector is not in use, to avoid random intensity modulation from stray signals.


The Tektronix Type RM561A Oscilloscope has a low­voltage power supply circuit, a cathode-ray tube circuit, and a calibrator.
The low-voltage power supply circuit provides the regulated and unregulated power used by the instrument and the plug-in units.
The crt circuit has the necessary controls and input facilities needed to give a sharp trace of useable intensity.
Two negative high-voltage power supply outputs are used for the cathode, focus element, and control grid of the crt.
The calibrator produces amplitude-calibrated square waves.
The low-voltage power supply circuits have regulated outputs of -100, -12.2, +125, and -300 volts, and unregulated output of +420 volts. These circuits use silicon diode rectifiers and series-regulators. Each regulator circuit has a vacuum tube (or transistor, in the case of the -12.2-volt supply) in series with the load. This tube’s series plate resistance (and current) is controlled to maintain a constant voltage drop across the load. For example, if the load increases the series tube plate resistance decreases to pass more current to the load. If the load decreases it passes less current. In both cases, the voltage across the load remains the same.
The -100-, +125-, and +300-volt regulated supplies require shunt resistors when supplying more current than can be handled by the series tube. A shunt allows some of the load current to bypass the supply-series-regulator tube. The size of the shunt is very important. If the shunt resistance is too high, the series tube can overheat; if the resistance is too low, the supply can fail to regulate. If a plug-in draws an amount of current that calls for a supply shunt, the correct shunt resistance is located in that plug-in unit. When the unit is plugged into the Type RM561A, the shunt is connected around the series regulator tube. The plug-in portion of the shunt is always in series with a resistor located in each power supply circuit.
Power for the Type RM561A Oscilloscope and its plug-in units is supplied through the power transformer T601. The two primary windings of T601 are connected in parallel for 117-volt operation, or in series for 234-volt operation, as shown on the schematic diagram.
The series tube plate resistance changes to hold the load voltage constant. R616, -100 VOLTS adjustment, determines the percentage of the total divider voltage applied to the grid of V634A and thus controls the output voltage. When this control is properly adjusted, the output is exactly -100 volts.
Should the output voltage tend to change because of a change in input voltage or a change in load current, the potential at the grid of V634A will change a proportional amount. Any change at the grid of V634A is amplified by V634A and Q624 and applied to the grid of V627. The resulting grid change at V627 will cause its plate resistance to change in the direction needed to bring the output back to --100 volts. C616 improves the response of the regulator to sudden changes in output voltage R628 is part of the series tube shunt. connected by some plug-in units.
+ 125-Volt Supply
The -100-volt supply serves as a reference for the +125 volt supply. With the R651 end of the divider R650-R651 fixed at -100 volts, any change in the +125-volt output produces a proportional change at the grid of V654. This change is amplified and supplied to the grid of the series regulator tube, V667A. The change at the grid of V667A changes its plate resistance to bring the output voltage back to 4-125 volts. R656, the +125 VOLTS control, determines the percentage of total divider voltage applied to the grid of V654 and permits adjustment of the output voltage. W hen this control is properly adjusted, the output is exactly +125 volts. C650 improves the response of the regulator to sudden changes in output voltage. .R666 is port of the series tube shunt.
+ 300-Volt Supply
The + 300-volt supply works the some as the + 125-volt supply. To supply the voltage for the + 300-volt regulator, rectified voltage from the transformer pins 21 and 22 is added to the voltage supplying the + 125-volt regulator. R676, the -+ 300 VOLTS control, adjusts the output voltage. The + 300-volt supply has an unregulated output of + 420-volts for the crt circuit.
- 12.2-Volt Supply
Operation of the --12.2-volt regulating circuit is essentially the same as that of the other regulating circuits, except that transistors are used instead of vacuum tubes. The base of Q734 is fixed near ---12 volts by the voltage divider R731-R732 between ---100 volts and ground. Any variation of the --12 2-volt output at the emitter of Q734 is amplified by 0734 and 0744 to change the collector resistance of 0757 which is in series with the lead R730, the -12.2 VOLTS control, allows adjustment of the voltage applied to the base, of Q734 and thus the output voltage.
- 100 Volt Supply
Reference voltage for the -100-volt supply is established by the gas diode, V609. The constant voltage drop across V609 establishes a fixed potential of about --85 volts at the grid of V634B. Voltage at the grid of V634A is established by the divider R616, R617, and R618. The difference in voltage between the two grids of V634 determines the plate current cf V634A. Plate current of V634A determines the base voltage of transistor Q624 which in turn determines the grid voltage of the series tube, V627.
Circuit Description--Type RM561A
When this control is properly adjusted, the output is exactly -
12.2 volts. F720 protects Q757 in case of an overload on the -
-12.2-volt supply.
The crt circuit contains the cathode-ray tube and two high­voltage supplies (one for the crt and focus element, the other for the control grid). The circuit also contains the necessary controls and signal input facilities.
Cathode-Ray Tube
A Tektronix T5032-31-1 ceramic-envelope cathode-ray tube is used in the Type RM561A. The accelerating voltage is approximately 3500 volts, developed by about -3300 volts at the cathode and an average deflection plate voltage of about +200 volts. With this accelerating voltage, the nominal vertical and horizontal deflection factors are 19.5 and 18.4 volts per centimeter respectively.
Deflection blanking of the crt beam is used in the Type RM561A. The crt contains a special set of deflection plates, pins 6 and 7, for this purpose. Both plates are connected to +125 volts; however pin 6 is also driven by the horizontal plug­in unit.
During sweep time, or if no plug-in unit is installed, both plates rest at +125 volts and permit the electron beam to pass on to the crt phosphor. During sweep retrace, however, pin 6 is driven considerably away from +125 volts by the right-hand plug-in unit. This scatters the beam and prevents it from being displayed.
High-Voltage Supplies
Energy for both high-voltage supplies is furnished by T801. V800, the primary of T801, and the stray circuit capacitance form a Hartley oscillator which operates at about 45 kc.
The output of one secondary winding of T801, rectified by V822, provides voltage for the crt cathode and focus element. This voltage is about -3300 volts at the crt cathode, and between about -2200 and -3000 volts at the focusing element, depending on the setting of the FOCUS control. The 6.3-volt crt heater is elevated to the cathode potential by R851.
The output of the other secondary winding of T801 is rectified by V832 for the control grid. The grid voltage ranges from -3200 to -3450 volts, depending on the setting of the INTENSITY control. The reference to ground for this supply is determined by the voltage at the junction of diodes D838 and D839. The voltage at this junction, plus the setting of the INTENSITY control, determines the crt bias and therefore the intensity of the display.
Two neon bulbs, B856 and B857, keep the voltage between the grid and cathode of the crt within safe limits. If the voltage exceeds about 140 volts, the neons fire and the voltage reduces to about 120 volts.
Regulation of the -3300-volt supply is accomplished through feedback from the arm of R841. The -3450-volt supply is regulated indirectly by mutual coupling in T801. If, because of loading or a change in input voltage, the output of the -3300-volt supply changes, a proportionate change occurs at the arm of R841. This change is amplified by V814 and is coupled to the screen of V800. The resulting change in screen voltage of V800 will increase or decrease the amplitude of oscillations in V800, changing the output voltage of T801 in the direction needed to return the high voltage to the correct level. The HIGH VOLTAGE control, R841, permits adjustment of the output voltage by setting the bias on V814B.
Deflection Signals
Push-pull signals for the deflection plates appear at pins 17 and 21 of the plug-in connector. The effective deflection circuit capacitance these signals see at the connector affects the band­pass and phase shift of each plug-in unit. C760 and C761 (Interconnecting Socket diagram) are set at the factory.
Intensifying Signals
Two signals may be used to modulate the intensity of the crt display. First, intensifying signals from a two-sweep (delaying­sweep) time-base plug-in unit are applied to the grid supply through pin 14 of the right-hand Interconnecting Socket. W hen the overall display intensity is reduced with the INTENSITY control, positive intensifying pulses from a two-sweep time-base plug-in unit will brighten any desired portion of the display.
The ground return for the crt grid supply can be either through D838 in the case where the plug-in unit does not supply intensifying signals or through D839 to a negative voltage in the intensifying circuit of the plug-in unit. In the second case D838 is back-biased and the junction of D838 and D839 is at a low negative voltage. With the same setting of the INTENSITY control, the first case will provide a brighter display. The second case provides a slightly dimmer display due to the plug-in unit negative voltage. Intensification results when the plug-in unit positive pulse turns D839 off and the crt grid supply return again becomes D838. R837 and C837 then couple the leading edge of the intensifying pulse directly to the crt grid.
Other external intensifying signals can be fed to the crt cathode through the EXT CRT CATHODE jack. Depending on the setting of the INTENSITY control, a negative pulse of 5 volts or more will turn the crt beam on.
Crt Controls
The INTENSITY control, R833, has a range of about 250 volts to control the crt bias and permit changing the intensity of the display.
The FOCUS control, R844, adjusts the focus of the crt by varying the voltage at the focusing anode through a range from about -2200 to -3000 volts.
The ASTIG. control, R864, has a 300-volt adjustment range.
3-2 (A)(A)
Circuit Description--Type RM561A
The GEOMETRY control, R865, adjusts the geometry by varying the voltage of the crt isolation shield through a range from +180 to +246 volts.
The TRACE ALIGNMENT control, R860, rotates the display so it can be aligned with the graticule.
The calibrator for the Type RM561A Oscilloscope produces line-frequency amplitude-calibrated square waves. The 6.3-volt (approximately 18 volts peak-to-peak) ac heater voltage for V884 is supplied through C876 to the cathode of V884A. The signal at the plate of V884A is coupled to the grid of V884B to turn that tube on and off.
Regenerative feedback from the plate of V884B to the grid of V884A speeds up the switching action, and drives V884A into and out of cutoff.
The voltage present at the cathode of V884B during the time that V884B is conducting is adjusted to exactly 100 volts with the CAL. AMPL. adjustment, R871.
The voltage divider in the cathode circuit of V884B contains precision resistors to provide an output accuracy of 3% or better at the various settings of the CALIBRATOR control.
When the CALIBRATOR control is set to the IV position, there will be a 0.1-volt output when the CAL. OUT connector is terminated in 50 ohms.


Type R561B
This section of the manual contains a description of the circuitry used in the Type R561B Oscilloscope. Each circuit is described in detail using a detailed block diagram to show the interconnections between the stages in each major circuit and the relationship of the front-panel controls to the individual stages. Complete schematic diagrams are located at the rear of this manual.
The Low-Voltage Power Supply circuit provides the operating power for this instrument from four regulated supplies. Electronic regulation is used -to provide stable, low­ripple output voltages. Each regulated supply contains a short protection circuit to prevent instrument damage if a supply is inadvertently shorted to ground or to another supply. The voltage input stage includes the Voltage Selector Assembly which allows selection of the nominal operating voltage and regulating range for the instrument. Fig. 3-1 shows a detailed block diagram of the Low-Voltage Power Supply.
Power Input
Power is applied to the primary of transformer T1 through fuse F1, POWER switch SW1, thermal cutout TK1, Voltage Selector switch SW2 and Range Selector switch SW3. SW2 connects the split primaries of T1 in parallel for 115-volt nominal operation, or in series for 230-volt nominal operation. SW3 allows three ranges of regulation by changing the taps on the primary windings to fit different line requirements. A second fuse, F2, is connected into the circuit when SW2 is set to the 230V position to provide the correct protection for 230­volt operation.
Thermal cutout TK1 provides thermal protection by interrupting the power if the instrument overheats. When the temperature returns to a safe level, TK1 automatically closes to re-apply the power.
- 100 Volt Supply
The -100-Volt Supply provides the reference voltage for the remaining supplies. The output from the secondary of T1 is rectified by bridge rectifier D8A-D. This voltage is filtered by C9, then applied to the -100-Volt Series Regulator stage to provide a stable output voltage. The Series Regulator can be compared to a variable resistance which is changed to stabilize the output voltage. The conductance
of the Series Regulator stage is controlled by the Error Amplifier to provide the correct regulated output voltage.
The Error Amplifier consists of Q12 and Q14, which are connected as a comparator. The output at the collector of Q14 indicates any voltage variations which occur at the base of Q14 relative to the fixed voltage at the base of Q12. Zener diode D10 maintains a fixed 9-volt drop, setting the base of Q12 at about -9 volts. The base level of Q14 is determined by the voltage divider network R18-R19-R20-R21-R23. R23, the -100 Volts adjustment, allows the operating point of the Error Amplifier to be adjusted to set the output voltage of the supply at -100 volts. R13 is the emitter resistor for both comparator transistors and the current through it divides between Q12 and Q14. The output current of the Error Amplifier stage controls the conduction of the Series Regulator stage. This is accomplished as follows: Assume that the output voltage increases (becomes more negative) because of a change in load or an increase in line voltage. This negative­going voltage change at the output is applied to the base of Q14, reducing the conduction of Q14. As current through Q14 is reduced, Q24 base current increases. This results in increased Q24 collector current, increasing the voltage drop across R25 and R26 and pulling the base of Q28 negative. The emitter of Q28 follows the base; hence, the base of Q32 is also pulled negative. Reduced current through Series Regulator Q32 decreases current through the load, causing the output voltage to decrease (become less negative) to its correct level. These changes occur rapidly, and the effect is to maintain unchanged output voltage. In a similar manner, the Series Regulator and Error Amplifier stages compensate for output changes due to ripple. As will be seen in subsequent paragraphs, R33 determines the limit current for the Series Regulator stage, and thus for the load. Transients beyond the frequency range of the regulator are filtered by C31 to prevent their appearance on the output voltage.
When the power switch is activated, diode D25 provides a base current path for Q28, allowing the -100-Volt Supply to turn on first, since all the other supplies are dependent upon its output. As the -100-Volt Supply output builds up to its correct level, D25 is reverse biased and remains off during normal operation of the instrument.
The Short-Protection Amplifier stage, Q30, protects the -100­Volt Supply if the output is shorted, and also serves to limit the current demanded from the Series Regulator under excessive load. During normal operation, divider R30-R31 sets the base of Q30 to a point below the turn-on level of the transistor. When excess current is demanded from Series Regulator Q32 due to an overload or short circuit, the additional current through R33 raises the emitter of Q32 more positive. This produces a corresponding change at the base of Q32, which is connected through R30
Circuit Description--Type R561B
Fig. 3-1. Power Supply detailed block diagram.
Circuit Description--Type R561B
to the base of Q30. This positive-going change biases Q30 into conduction. As a result, less current is available to Q28, to Q32 and to the load, thus causing the supply to lose regulation. R31 senses the decrease in load voltage and adds to increasing base current of Q30. As the collector of Q30 goes negative, conduction of Q28 and Q32 is further decreased. Thus the output current is decreased and remains low until the excessive load is removed. D19, together with divider R18-R19-R20, provides protection to the --12.2-Volt supply in the event the -100-Volt Supply is shorted to the -
12.2-Volt Supply by causing the -100-Volt Supply to lose regulation, and therefore lose reference voltage for the -12.2­Volt Supply. D31 protects the -100-Volt Supply from damaging polarity reversal if it is shorted to either the +125­Volt Supply or the +300-Volt Supply.
- 12.2-Volt Supply
Rectified voltage for operation of the -12.2-Volt Supply is provided by D35A-B, filtered by C36 and applied to the -12.2­Volt Supply Series Regulator stage. Reference voltage for this supply is provided by voltage divider R42-R43 between the regulated -100-Volt Supply and ground. If the -12.2-volt output changes, a sample of the change appears at the base of Q46 as an error signal. Regulation of the output voltage is controlled by Error Amplifier Q44-Q46-Q49 and Series Regulator Q51 in a manner similar to that described for the ­100-Volt Supply. Transients beyond the frequency range of the regulator are filtered by C47.
Short protection is provided by Q38 and R38. For normal operation, the emitter-base voltage of Q38 is not enough to bias it into conduction. However, when the output is shorted, the high current demanded from the -12.2-Volt Supply is drown through R38, producing a voltage drop sufficient to forward bias Q38. Q38 collector current then produces an increased voltage drop across R40, reducing the conduction of both Q49 and Q51 to limit the output current. R39 protects Q38 from sudden current surges by limiting the base current. D47 protects the -12.2-Volt Supply from damage if it is shorted to either the +;125-Volt Supply or the +300-Volt Supply.
+ 125-Volt Supply
Rectified voltage for operation of the +125-Volt Supply is provided by D53A-D, filtered by C54 and applied to the +125­Volt Supply Series Regulator stage. The +125-volt output is summed with the -100-volt reference through divider R62-R63, and the summation is applied through R61 to the base of Q60 and compared to the grounded base of Q58. If the +125-volt output changes, a sample of the change appears at the base of Q60 as an error signal. Regulation of the output voltage is controlled by Error Amplifier Q58-Q60-Q66-Q68 and Series Regulator Q74 in a manner similar to that described for the ­100-Volt Supply. Transients beyond the frequency range of the regulator are filtered by C97B-C to prevent their appearance on the output voltage.
Short protection for this supply is provided by the Short­Protection amplifier stage, Q70, which functions in a manner similar to that described for Q30 in the --10Volt Supply. D62 protects the Error Amplifier from damage if the output of the +125-Volt Supply collapses or goes negative, causing C62 to
rapidly discharge and reverse bias 060. Diode D75 protects electrolytic capacitor C97B-C and the transistors in the circuit from damaging polarity reversals in the event the +300-volt output is shored to ground or to one of the negative supplies. D76 causes the +125-Volt Supply to go into current limiting when the +300-Volt Supply is shorted to ground or to one of the negative supplies.
+ 300-Volt Supply
Rectified voltage for operation of the +300-Volt Supply is provided by D77A-D, filtered by C78 and applied from the negative side of the rectifier to the +300-Volt Supply Series Regulator stage. The +300-volt output is summed with the -100­volt reference through divider R80-R81, and the summation is applied through R83 to base of Q84 and compared to the grounded base of Q86. If the +300-volt output changes, a sample of the change appears at the base of Q84 as an error signal. Regulation of the output voltage is controlled by Error Amplifier Q84-Q86-Q88-Q90 and Series Regulator Q96 in a manner similar to that described for the -100-Volt Supply. Transients beyond the frequency range of the regulator are filtered by C97A. The load current through Series Regulator Q96 also posses through the +125-Volt Supply Series Regulator, Q74. However, this does not affect the limit current of the +125-Volt Supply.
Shorting protection for this supply is provided by the Short­Protection Amplifier stage, Q91, which functions in a manner similar to that described for Q30 in the -100-Volt Supply. D80 protects the Error Amplifier from damage if the output of the +300­Volt Supply collapses or goes negative, and D95 protects the transistors in the circuit from damaging polarity reversals in the event the +125-Volt Supply is shorted to ground or to one of the negative supplies.
6.5-Volt RMS AC Source
The four 6.5-volt RMS secondary windings of T1 provide power for the CRT heater, the plug-in heaters via J11 and J21, the pilot light, B7, and the scale illumination lights, B4, B5, and B6. Current through the scale illumination lights is controlled by the SCALE ILLUM control, R4, to change the brightness of the graticule lines.
horizontal and vertical signals for deflecting the CRT beam are received through pins 17 and 21 of each plug-in unit and applied to the respective deflection plates of the CRT. The effective deflection circuit capacitance encountered by each of these signals at the plug-in connector affects the bandwidth and phase shift of the plug-in unit. Compensating capacitors C102 and C109 (shown on the Plug-In Connectors diagram) are factory-adjusted to set the effective capacitance at a standard value of 14.3 picofarads to ensure plug-in compatibility.
The 1 kHz Calibrator circuit produces a square-wave output with accurate amplitude and frequency. This output is available as a square-wave voltage at the CAL OUT connector or as a square-wave current through the 10 mA probe current
Circuit Description--Type R561B
Fig. 3-2. 1 kHz Calibrator detailed block diagram.
loop. An accurate +40 volts DC level is also available. The CALIBRATOR switch selects the attenuation of the output signal to provide square-wave voltage outputs between 40 volts and 4 millivolts (between 0.2 volts and 2 millivolts into 50 ohms) peak to peak. Fig. 3-2 shows a detailed block diagram of the 1 kHz Calibrator circuit.
Calibrator Multivibrator
The Calibrator Multivibrator is comprised of Q151 and Q159, and is a free-running emitter-coupled multivibrator. The circuit operates in a symmetrical manner and the output is an accurate one-kilohertz square wave. Only an approximate 9­volt change is exhibited at the emitters of Q151 and Q159, so that an essentially constant current of about 0.8 mA is maintained through resistors R150 and R1 58.
Refer to the wave shapes shown in Fig. 3-3 for this discussion. With the CALIBRATOR switch, SW150, in all positions except 1 mA DC and OFF, the emitters of Q151 and Q159 are returned to the +125-volt supply through D151-R150 and D159-R158. Assume that the multivibrator has just switched states; Q151 is off and Q159 is on. This is To in Fig. 3-3. The base potential of Q159 is set to about -11.0 volts by voltage divider R153-R154-R156 to ensure that Q159 will not saturate. The voltage at the anode of D159 is about -9.8 volts because of the voltage drop across two forward biased junctions. Capacitor C157 had about a 2-volt charge as switching occurred; thus, the voltage at the anode of D151 is about -7.8 volts, cutting off Q151. C157 begins to charge toward the +125-volt supply via R150. Total current through Q159 is about 1.6 mA; 0.8 mA through R158 and 0.8 mA through C157 and R150.
After about 0.5 milliseconds (corresponding with T, in Fig. 3-3), C157 has charged to the turn-on level of Q151 and D151. At this point, the capacitor has a charge of about 11 volts and the potential at the anode of D151 is about +1.2 volts. The capacitor charging current through Q159 ceases as Q151 and D151 begin
to conduct. As the collector of Q151 (hence the base of Q159) rises, Q159 and D159 are switched off and C157 begins to discharge through R158. The C157-R158 current sums with R150 current through Q151, producing an approximate 9-volt positive­going step at the base of Q159.
C157 continues to discharge, and after 0.5 milliseconds (T, in Fig. 3-3), the voltage at the anode of D159 has risen to forward-bias Q159 and D159. As Q159 begins to conduct, the anode of D159 is clamped at about 0.8 volts and discharge action of C157 is halted. The current through Q151 decreases, causing its collector to introduce a negative-going step, which is connected through the Q159 base-emitter junction and D159 to C157. Because C157 cannot obtain an instantaneous charge, the anode of D151 is pulled negative to reverse bias D151 and Q151. Q151 turns off, and its collector falls rapidly to about -11.0 volts, resulting in an approximate 9-volt negative-going step applied through Q159 and D159 to C157. The anode of D151 is pulled down to about -7.8 volts, completing the cycle.
The Calibrator Multivibrator circuit has been designed to repeat the preceding sequence at an accurate one-kilohertz frequency. However, since a tolerance range of the passive components does exist, the frequency can be adjusted by varying slightly the amplitude across C157 during the charge-discharge cycle. This is accomplished by adjustment of R154, Frequency, which determines the potential on D159 anode at the instant the diode turns on. For example, with greater amplitude, longer charge and discharge times are required, thus lowering the frequency.
Output Stage
The output stage consists of the Current Switch, Q162, and the Divider Network. During the half cycle that Q159 is conducting, current is injected into the base of Q162. Q162 saturates and its collector drops to about -12 volts, reverse biasing D168. With D18 off, there is no current through R170 and R171, and the output level at the cathode of D168 drops to zero volts.
When Q159 turns off, Q162 turns off and D161 turns on to protect the Q162 base-emitter junction from reverse-bias breakdown. D164 and D168 turn on, and the output of the circuit (at D168 cathode) is dependent upon voltage divider R166-R167-R170-R171 between +125 volts and ground. This output level is set to exactly +40 volts by adjustment of R166, Amplitude. When this adjustment is made, the current through the divider is an accurate 10 mA, which is available at the current probe loop in the 10 mA positions of the CALIBRATOR switch.
The signal voltage available at the CAL OUT connector is determined by the divider network (made up of precision resistors) and the setting of the CALIBRATOR switch. In the 10 mA DC (40 VDC) position, the Calibrator Multivibrator is inoperative so that a +40-volt DC output level is produced. R173 is placed in series with the R166-R167-R170-R171 resistance to obtain an effective resistance of 450 ohms with 4 volts applied, as seen by the CAL OUT connector in the 4 V position of the switch. This effective resistance becomes port of the output voltage divider in the positions of 0.4 V and below (these positions have an accurate 50- ohm output resistance, which when terminated by 50 ohms can further divide the outputs by two, providing outputs of 0.2V, 20 mV and 2 mV). In the 10 mA position, the CAL OUT connector is grounded.
R183, which is about ten times the resistance of the braid of a 42-inch coaxial cable, cancels any ground loop current that may exist between the CAL OUT connector and some other instrument chassis.
The CRT Circuit provides the high voltage and control circuits necessary for operation of the cathode-ray tube (CRT). Fig. 3-4 shows a detailed block diagram of the CRT Circuit.
High Voltage Oscillator
Q219 and its associated circuitry comprise a class C oscillator to provide the drive for the high-voltage transformer, T220. When the instrument is turned on, conduction of Q214 provides a base current path for Q219. The collector current of Q219 increases and a voltage is developed across the collector winding of T220. This produces a corresponding voltage increase in the feedback winding of T220 which is connected to the base of Q219, causing it to conduct harder. While Q219 is conducting, C217 charges negatively to the peak to peak voltage of the feed-back winding. Eventually the rate of collector current increase in Q219 becomes less than that required to maintain the voltage across the collector winding and the voltage drops.This turns off Q219 by way of feedback voltage to the base. During the interval that Q219 is not conducting, the negative charge on C217 is partially removed through Q214. Q219 remains off until the feedback voltage on the base is near the peak positive value again. The cycle repeats at a frequency of 40 to 50 kilohertz. The amplitude of sustained oscillation depends upon the average current delivered to the base of Q219, and finally, the average Q219 collector current.
Circuit Description--Typo R561 B
Fig. 3-3. Calibrator Multivibrator waveforms.
High Voltage Regulator
Feedback from the secondary of T220 and +125 volts is summed through the voltage divider network consisting of R200, R201, R206, R208 and R233 through R238, and the difference is applied to the gate of Field-Effect Transistor Q211.. This sample of the output voltage is compared to the regulated --12.2-volt level at the source of Q211. It is then inverted and amplified by Q211 and applied to the base of Q214. Amplitude of the oscillations at the collector of Q219 is determined by the average collector current of Q214.
Regulation. is accomplished as follows: If the output voltage at the -330Q V test point starts to go positive (becomes less negative), a sample of this positive-going voltage is applied to the gate of Q211. Conduction of Q211 is increased, and as its drain goes negative because of the voltage dropped across R211, the base current of Q214 is increased. An increase in conduction of Q214 increases the average collector current, which is applied through the feedback winding of T220 to the base of Q219. Q219 conducts harder, increasing the collector current to produce a larger induced voltage in the secondary of T220. This increased voltage appears as more negative voltage at the -3300 V test point to correct the original positive-going change. By sampling the output from the cathode supply in this manner, the total output of the high-voltage supply is held constant.
Circuit Description--Type R561B
Fig. 3-4. CRT Circuit detailed block diagram.
Output voltage level of the high-voltage supply is controlled by the High Voltage adjustment, R206, in the gate circuit of Q211. This adjustment sets the effective divider ratio, which in turn determines the voltage necessary to satisfy the quiescent condition of Q214 and Q219 in the manner described for a change in output voltage. Neon bulb B209 and diode D212 protect the FET, Q211, from damage due to excessive voltage.
High Voltage Rectifiers and Output
The high-voltage transformer, T220, has two output windings. These windings provide the negative CRT cathode potential and the CRT control grid bias.
The accelerating potential for the CRT cathode is supplied by the half-wave rectifier D221 and held constant by the High­Voltage Regulator stage in the primary of T220. The output level is adjustable to about -3300 volts on the cathode by the High Voltage adjustment mentioned previously. (The 6.5-volt CRT cathode heater is also elevated to the cathode potential through R246.)
Half-wave rectifier D260 provides a negative voltage for the control grid. The voltage applied to-the-control-grid is determined by the setting of the INTENSITY control (to be
Circuit Description--Type R561B
discussed in the next paragraph), the CRT Grid Bias control (R269) and any intensification signals received from the time­base plug-in unit (delayed sweep and sampling units only). Reference to ground for this supply is set by the conduction of D272.
Beam current is controlled by R225, INTENSITY. As the control is rotated clockwise, the wiper arm moves toward -100 volts. This more negative DC reference voltage is applied to the secondary winding controlling the CRT cathode, reducing the voltage demanded of the winding to maintain -3300 volts at the -3300 V test point. This is accomplished by the regulator circuit. The voltage across the grid winding is also reduced, which results in a more positive voltage applied to the CRT control grid, thus increasing beam current. Beam current is reduced in a like manner by rotating R225 counterclockwise.
Neon bulbs B277, B278 and B279 provide protection to the CRT if the voltage difference between the control grid and the cathode exceeds about 135 volts.
CRT Control Circuits
In addition to the INTENSITY control discussed previously, the FOCUS and ASTIGMATISM controls have been incorporated for arriving at the optimum CRT display. FOCUS control R237 provides the correct voltage for the second anode in the CRT. Proper voltage for the third anode is obtained by adjusting ASTIGMATISM control R257. In order to obtain optimum spot size and shape, both the FOCUS and ASTIGMATISM controls are adjusted to provide the proper electrostatic lens configuration in the CRT. The TRACE ALIGNMENT control, R259, permits adjustment of the DC current through beam-rotation coil L259 to align the display with the horizontal graticule lines. The Geometry adjustment, R256, controls the overall geometry of the display.
The CRT beam is blanked by a special set of deflection plates in the CRT. One of the plates (pin 7) is connected directly to the +-125-volt supply. The second plate (pin 6) is connected through plug-in connector J21 to the horizontal plug-in unit. When there is no sweep, a quiescent voltage is
applied from the horizontal unit to create a difference of potential between the two plates. This voltage can either be positive or negative with respect to the +125 volts on the other plate. The potential difference created is sufficient to deflect the CRT beam so that it is absorbed in the deflection structure and does not reach the screen.
The CRT beam is unblanked whenever the two deflection plate voltages become equal. For example, if a sweep occurs or if the horizontal plug-in unit is removed, the voltages are made equal and the beam is allowed to pass through to the CRT screen. Sweep unblanking is produced by either a positive or negative gate pulse (depending on the quiescent level) applied to pin 6, equaling the +125 volts normally present at pin 7. In a like manner, when the horizontal plug-in unit is removed, the two deflection plates are equalized through R244 at +125 volts.
Intensity Modulation
The intensity of the CRT display may be modulated by applying signals to either the grid or the cathode of the CRT.
Intensifying signals from a delayed sweep time-base plug-in unit are applied to the grid supply via pin 14 of the horizontal plug­in interconnecting socket, J21. These signals brighten the delayed-sweep portion of the delaying-sweep display. When the time-base unit is set to Intensified, the control grid supply is referred to a negative voltage in the intensifying circuit through D275, reducing the overall display intensity. At this time, D272 is reverse biased by the negative voltage at the juncture of the two diodes. Intensification results when the positive-going pulse from the time-base unit reverse biases D275 and the grid supply is referred to ground through D272 (as for normal operation). The positive-going pulse is then coupled through R275 and C275 to the CRT control grid. Thus the brightened portion of the display is the same intensity as a normal display and the background trace is dimmed.
External modulating signals may also be applied to the CRT by way of the cathode, through the rear-panel EXT INPUT connector, J255, and the CRT CATHODE SELECTOR, SW255. With the INTENSITY control adjusted properly, a positive or negative pulse between 3 and 50 volts in amplitude will produce dimming or intensification of the CRT beam.
When a multi-channel vertical plug-in amplifier that provides dual-trace chopped blanking pulses is used, the blanking pulses are applied via the interconnecting socket J11 and the CRT CATHODE SELECTOR to the CRT cathode circuit. These pulses are about 5 volts in amplitude, and at normal intensity levels are sufficient to cut off the CRT beam during the time the amplifier channels in the vertical plug-in unit are being switched.


Occasionally blow the dust out of the instrument with a low-velocity dry air stream. Remove persistent dirt with a small paint brush or damp cloth. The screen on the fan con be snapped out and should be cleaned as needed. Check it frequently.
Fan Oiling
The fan should be oiled with a few drops of oil about every six months. An industrial hypodermic syringe and needle is used to insert oil through a protective rubber cap located under the fan label. The oil recommended is Anderol L826 from the Lehigh Company or Rotron distributors, but if not available, a good light machine oil may be used. If a syringe and needle cannot be obtained locally, you can order them through the NICP by specifying Hypodermic Syringe, Tektronix Part No. 003-282 and Hypodermic Needle, Tektronix Part No. 003-285.
Fig. 4-1 shows how to oil the fan. Place the needle at the point on the label shown in Fig. 4-1. With the needle at about 45’, pierce the label and rubber cap (located under the label); insert the needle about 1/4" and depress the syringe-plunger to inject a few drops of oil.
Replacing Parts
Most parts in the Type RM561A Oscilloscope can be replaced without detailed instructions. Some parts, however, should be replaced by using definite procedures. These procedures are described in the following paragraphs.
A replaced part may affect instrument calibration. Check and adjust where needed.
Soldering Precautions and Procedure
In Tektronix instruments, parts are connected to ceramic terminal strip notches with solder containing about 3% silver. The bond between the notch and ceramic strip may be broken by repeated use of ordinary 60 40 tin-lead solder or by excessive heat. Therefore, when resoldering parts to a ceramic strip use solder containing 3% silver and do not overheat the work. Occasional use of ordinary solder, however, will not break the bond. Usually 3% silver solder is available locally; or one-pound rolls may be ordered from the NICP.
The following soldering procedure may be used to remove and replace parts on a ceramic terminal strip.
1. Use 50-to-70-watt soldering iron with a wedge shaped tip. (With this type tip you can heat the solder slot without overheating the strip.)
2. Tin the soldering iron tip with silver-bearing solder.
3. Heat the parts soldered to the ceramic strip only enough to make the solder flow freely. Do this by touching one corner of the soldering iron tip to the notch. (Be careful: excessive pressure will break the ceramic strip.)
4. When you remove a part, pull its lead out of the notch while the solder is hot.
5. When you replace a part use only enough solder to cover the wires and form a small fillet in the notch.
6. Clip excess leads of parts replaced and be sure to remove all clippings from the instrument.
Fig. 4-1. Fan motor oiling with hypodermic
Replacing Ceramic Terminal Strips
Damaged ceramic terminal strips can be replaced by the following procedure. Fig. 4-2 shows how ceramic strip parts are assembled.
1. Unsolder all connections to damaged ceramic strip.
2. Cut off one side of each plastic yoke holding the old
ceramic strip.
3. Remove old ceramic strip.
4. Remove remainder of old yokes from spacers.
Maintenance--Type RM561A
Fig. 4-2. Ceramic terminal strip assembly.
5. Replace old spacers with new ones. (If not damaged,
spacers can be reused.)
6. Set new ceramic strip yoke pins into spacers.
7. Drive new yoke pins completely into spacers by pressing or lightly tapping the ceramic strip directly above the yokes. Be careful, don’t break strips.
8. Cut off portion of new yoke pins protruding through spacers on side of chassis opposite the ceramic strip.
9. Resolder connections to new ceramic strip using the information headed Soldering Precautions and Procedure.
Replacing Calibrator Switch
The entire switch should be replaced and can be ordered
either wired or unwired.
falls directly under the grounding strip. Tighten the base clamp screw.
After the crt is replaced, it may be necessary to adjust the TRACE ALIGNMENT and HIGH VOLTAGE controls and the deflection-circuit capacitance (C760 and C761) according to the calibration procedure. Also check the calibration of time-base and amplifier plug-in units.
Cathode-Ray Tube
WARNING When replacing crt, wear a plastic face mask and protective gloves for protection in case tube implodes.
To remove the cathode-ray tube, disconnect the four leads connected to the neck of the tube, the tube socket, and loosen the tube clump on tube base. Remove the crt bezel, light reflector and light shield. Pull the crt straight out through the front panel, being careful not to bend or break the crt neck pins. The rubber gasket and implosion shield can be removed from the crt face after it is out of the instrument.
Install the new crt by the reverse of the preceding procedure. When replacing the implosion shield be sure that the notched side is down. Follow the color-code information on the tube shield when the crt neck pin leads are replaced. When the crt is properly installed, the back of its faceplate is flush with the instrument front panel.
Correct position of the shield extension, grounding strip and Mylar sleeve is important when re-installing the crt. Replace these components on the positions shown in Fig. 4-
3. Note that the gap between the ends of the shield extension
Fig. 4-3. Correct position of shield extension and Mylar sleeve.
If trouble occurs in the Type RM561A Oscilloscope, a five­step procedure may be used for repair. First, confirm the trouble. Next, isolate trouble to a plug-in unit or to the Type RM561A. Localize a trouble in the Type RM561A to the Power Supply, Crt Circuit, or Calibrator. Troubleshoot the correct circuit to find the defective parts. Replace defective parts.
Confirmation of Trouble
Improper control settings may at times give indications of trouble. Therefore, you should be sure that the apparent trouble is not caused by improper front panel control settings. For example, an improper setting of the SOURCE or COUPLING switch on a time-base unit can cause apparent trigging troubles: an improper setting of the VARIABLE
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