2465B, 2455B,
and 2445B
TheTEKTRONIX 2465B, 2455B, and 2445B portable oscilloscopes have four vertical
channels with DC to 400 MHz, 250 MHz, and 150 MHz bandwidths. Deflection factors
run from 2 mV to 5 V per division, in a 1-2-5 sequence, with either 1 MH or 50 Cl input
resistance, in channels 1 and 2. Either AC or DC input coupling is available at 1 MfL
Channels 3 and 4 give 0.1 V or 0.5 V per division, with 1 MH input resistance, and DC
With the standard 10X probes, channels 1 and 2 display 20 mV to 50
V/division and channels 3 and 4 display 1 V or 5 V/division.
The trigger system works automatically for most signals. They operate in various
modes, from any channel, with optimum couplings for a wide range of signals. The
2445B triggers from DC to 250 MHz. The 2455B and 2465B trigger from DC to
500 MHz.
Sweep speeds range from 1.5 s to 1 ns per division on the 2445B and 2455B and to
500 ps per division on the 2465B, including the effects of the X10 magnifier and the
calibrated variable between 1-2-5 steps. Horizontal displays include A-Sweep,
B-Sweep (delayed), A alternated with B, and CH 1 (for X/Y displays).
The SETUP features. AUTO, SAVE, and RECALL, save time and prevent errors.
whether you are a novice operator or a master. AUTO Setup works with almost any
For repeating measurements, the Save and Recall functions record and restore
as many as 30 instrument setups, including the extended-function options. Setups can
be recalled either immediately or sequentially.
Digital readouts of time, voltage, scale factors, trigger levels, and auxiliary information
also save time and reduce errors.
With Parametric Measurements, common measurements such as frequency, period,
amplitude, pulse width, duty factor, rise time, fall time, and propagation delay can be
made automatically. Each measurement activation displays the results in the CRT
readout. Measurement results remain on-screen until any other button is pressed.
For instruments with serial numbers B049999 and below with firmware Version
11 and above or for instruments serial numbers B050000 and above with firmware
Version 2 and above the following function is available. The RECALL button resets
the instrument into the mode of operation it was in prior to performing the parametric
measurement or AUTO Setup.
With the available Counter/Timer/Trigger (CTT), Option 06 or Option 09,
measurements require even less effort and give better accuracy. The CTT increases
trigger selectivity, especially in digital systems. Option 09 includes the CTTand a 17-bit
Word Recognizer
The available TelevisionA/ideo (TV) enhancement, Option 05, can
trigger at any desired point in a frame and it can reduce the effects of ac coupling and
hum in a video signal. The available Digital Multimeter (DMM) measures dc voltage, dc
current, ac rms current, resistance, and temperature with floating inputs.
2465B/2455B/2445B Operators