Tektronix 1235 User Manual

Service Quick Reference Guide
Warning The following servicing instructions are for use by qualified service personnel only. To avoid personal injury, do not perform any servicing other than that contained in operating instructions unless you are qualified to do so.
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Users safety summary
Terms in manual:
Power source:
between the supply conductors or between either supply conductor and ground. Use only the specified power cord and connector. For 220 VAC printers, do not apply more than 260 volts RMS between the supply conductors or between either supply conductor and ground. Use only the specified power cord and connector. Refer to a qualified service technician for changes to the cord or connector.
Operation of product:
technician to replace fuses inside the product. Do not operate without the covers and panels properly installed. Do not operate in an atmosphere of explosive gases.
Safety instructions:
product into a power source.
Terms on product:
Care of product:
Disconnect the power plug if the power cord or plug is frayed or otherwise damaged, if you spill anything into the case, if product is exposed to any excess moisture, if product is dropped or damaged, if you suspect that the pr oduct needs servicing or repair, and whenever you clean the product.
CAUTION Conditions that can result in damage to the product. WARNING Conditions that can result in personal injury
or loss of life.
For 110 VAC printers, Do not apply more than 140 volts RMS
Avoid electric shock by contacting a qualified service
Read all installation instructions carefully before you plug the
CAUTION A personal injury hazard exists that may not be
apparent. For example, a panel may cover the hazardous area. Also applies to a hazard to property including the product itself.
DANGER A personal injury hazard exists in the area where
you see the sign.
Disconnect the power plug by pulling the plug, not the cord.
Ground the product:
grounded AC outlets only. If necessary, contact a licensed electrician to install a properly grounded outlet.
Plug the three-wire power cord (with grounding prong) into
Symbols as marked on product:
DANGER high voltage:
Protective ground (earth) terminal:
Use caution. Refer to the manual(s) for information:
controls (and other conductive parts) can cause an electrical shock. Electrical product may be hazardous if misused.
If the product loses the ground connection, usage of knobs and
Service safety summary
For qualified service personnel only:
Do not service alone:
product unless another person capable of rendering first aid or resuscitation is present.
Use care when servicing with power on:
points in this product. To avoid personal injury, do not touch exposed connections and components while power is on.
Disconnect power before removing the power supply shield, soldering, or replacing components.
Do not wear jewelry:
other metallic objects could come into contact with dangerous voltages and currents.
Power source:
not apply more than 120 or 250 volts rms (depending on printer model) between the supply conductors or between either supply conductor and ground. A protective ground connection by way of the grounding conductor in the power cord is essential for safe operation.
Do not perform internal service or adjustment of this
Remove jewelry prior to servicing. Rings, necklaces, and
This product is intended to operate from a power source that will
Refer also to the preceding Users Safety
Dangerous voltages may exist at several
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