Tektronix 071-0855-05 User Manual

User Manual
OTS Optical Test System 10 Gb/s SONET/SDH test module
Copyright © Tektronix, Inc. 2002.
All rights reserved. Licensed software products are owned by Tektronix or its suppliers and are protected by United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions.
Tektronix products are covered by U.S. and foreign patents, issued and pending. Information in this publication supersedes that in all previously published material. Specifications and price change privileges reserved.
Tektronix, Inc. 14200 SW Karl Braun Drive Beaverton, OR 97077 USA
TEKTRONIX and TEK are registered trademarks of Tektronix, Inc.
Microsoft® Windows 2000®: Copyright © Microsoft Corporation 1985 - 1996
Tektronix warrants that this product will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of shipment. If any such product proves defective during this warranty period, Tektronix, at its option, either will repair the defective product without charge for parts and labor, or will provide a replacement in exchange for the defective product.
In order to obtain service under this warranty, Customer must notify Tektronix of the defect before the expiration of the warranty period and make suitable arrangements for the performance of service. Customer shall be responsible for packaging and shipping the defective product to the service center designated by Tektronix, with shipping charges prepaid. Tektronix shall pay for the return of the product to Customer if the shipment is to a location within the country in which Tektronix service center is located. Customer shall be responsible for paying all shipping charges, duties, taxes, and any other charges for products returned to any other locations.
This warranty shall not apply to any defect, failure or damage caused by improper use or improper or inadequate maintenance and care. Tektronix shall not be obligated to furnish service under warranty a) to repair damage resulting from attempts by personnel other than Tektronix representatives to install, repair or service the product; b) to repair damage resulting from improper user or connection to incompatible equipment; or c) to service a product that has been modified or integrated with other products when the effect of such modification or integration increases the time or difficulty of servicing the product.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
General Safety Summary ............................................................................................ v
Preface ....................................................................................................................... ix
Getting Started
Product Description ...................................................................................................1-1
OTS9100 Features and Capabilities ........................................................................1-2
Accessories ..............................................................................................................1-4
First Time Operation ..................................................................................................1-6
OTS9100 Installation ................................................................................................1-6
Removing OTS Cards ..............................................................................................1-7
Slot Positioning of OTS Cards..................................................................................1-8
Module Interconnection ..........................................................................................1-10
Power On and Software Initialization......................................................................1-11
Module Quick Check ..............................................................................................1-12
Emergency Startup Disk.........................................................................................1-14
Shutdown and Power Off........................................................................................1-14
Operating Basics
Front Panel Indicators and Connectors ...................................................................2-1
10 Gb/s Transceiver Optics ......................................................................................2-2
Receive Analysis ......................................................................................................2-5
Transmit Generation.................................................................................................2-7
Clock Trigger ............................................................................................................2-9
Software Interface Operating Basics ......................................................................2-11
User Interface .........................................................................................................2-11
Elements of the User Interface...............................................................................2-12
Navigation Window.................................................................................................2-23
Setup Property Menus .......................................................................................2-25
Transmitter - Signal ......................................................................................2-26
Transmitter - Transport Overhead ................................................................2-30
Transmitter - Path Overhead ........................................................................2-34
Transmitter - Error Insertion .........................................................................2-37
Transmitter - K1, K2 Decode ........................................................................2-40
Transmitter - IP Payload ...............................................................................2-43
Transmitter - IP Error Insertion .....................................................................2-44
Receiver - Signal ..........................................................................................2-47
Receiver - Trace Mismatch...........................................................................2-50
Receiver - IP Setup.......................................................................................2-54
Setup Summary ............................................................................................2-55
Signal Monitor Menus ........................................................................................2-56
Receiver - Transport Overhead ....................................................................2-56
Receiver - Path Overhead ............................................................................2-58
Receiver - K1, K2 Decode ............................................................................2-60
Receiver - Payload........................................................................................2-61
Test Control Menu .............................................................................................2-62
Test Control Summary..................................................................................2-64
OTS9100 User Manual i
Measurements Menu.........................................................................................2-65
Receiver - Real-Time....................................................................................2-65
Receiver - Cumulative ..................................................................................2-67
Receiver - History .........................................................................................2-69
Receiver – IP Measurements .......................................................................2-72
Transmitter - IP Measurements....................................................................2-73
Analysis Menu ...................................................................................................2-74
Analysis – SONET/T1M1..............................................................................2-74
Analysis – SDH/G.826 ..................................................................................2-76
APS Measurements Menu.................................................................................2-78
Remote Access Setups ..........................................................................................2-81
Select Server ..........................................................................................................2-82
View Options...........................................................................................................2-83
System View...........................................................................................................2-85
SCPI Output ...........................................................................................................2-86
Results Files ...........................................................................................................2-87
Results File Management ..................................................................................2-87
Results Viewer...................................................................................................2-89
OTS System Event Printer Application ...................................................................2-99
Commands Overview .................................................................................................3-1
IEEE 488.2 System Commands ...............................................................................3-1
Remote Control Setup and Format Commands .......................................................3-1
Remote Control Port Settings...................................................................................3-2
Remote Control Lockout...........................................................................................3-2
System Configuration Queries..................................................................................3-2
Save and Restore System Settings ..........................................................................3-3
System File Management.........................................................................................3-3
System Signal Standard (OTS9100 module) ...........................................................3-3
Receiver Commands (OTS9100 module) ................................................................3-3
Received Signal Measurement Commands (OTS9100 module) .............................3-4
Received Signal Analysis Commands (OTS9100 module) ......................................3-5
Receiver Test Control (OTS9100 module) ...............................................................3-5
Transmitter Commands (OTS9100 module) ............................................................3-5
Syntax ..........................................................................................................................3-6
IEEE 488.2 Common Commands ............................................................................3-6
SCPI Commands and Queries .................................................................................3-8
Parameter Types and Formats.................................................................................3-9
Optional and Alternative Parameters......................................................................3-10
Abbreviating Commands, Queries, and Parameters..............................................3-11
Controlling Responses to Queries..........................................................................3-11
Chaining Commands and Queries .........................................................................3-12
General Rules.........................................................................................................3-13
Slot Specifiers.........................................................................................................3-13
Command Description .............................................................................................3-14
*CLS .......................................................................................................................3-14
*ESE .......................................................................................................................3-14
*IDN ........................................................................................................................3-14
*LRN .......................................................................................................................3-14
*OPC ......................................................................................................................3-15
*RCL .......................................................................................................................3-15
*RST .......................................................................................................................3-15
*SAV .......................................................................................................................3-15
Table of Contents
ii OTS9100 User Manual
Table of Contents
:SENSe:ANALysis:G826A:RS ................................................................................3-19
:SENSe:ANALysis:GR253A:SECTion ....................................................................3-23
:SENSe:ANALysis:PATH:HPPLM ..........................................................................3-23
:SENSe:ANALysis:PATH:HPUNEQ .......................................................................3-24
:SENSe:ANALysis:PATH:LABEl:EXPEcted ...........................................................3-24
:SENSe:ANALysis:PATH:TRACe:EXPEcted .........................................................3-24
:SENSe:ANALysis:SECTion:TRACe ......................................................................3-26
:SENSe:DATA:CHANnel ........................................................................................3-28
:SENSe:DATA:IP:PAYLoad:PATTern ....................................................................3-28
:SENSe:DATA:IP:STReam:INDEX ........................................................................3-28
:SENSe:DATA:POH ...............................................................................................3-30
:SENSe:DATA:POS:SCRambling ..........................................................................3-30
:SENSe:DATA:SECTion:TRACe ............................................................................3-31
:SENSe:DATA:SPE:STUFfing ................................................................................3-32
:SENSe:DATA:STRUcture .....................................................................................3-32
:SENSe:MEASure:APSTime ..................................................................................3-33
:SENSe:MEASure:LINE:CUMUlative .....................................................................3-36
:SENSe:MEASure:LINE:WINDow ..........................................................................3-37
:SENSe:MEASure:PATH:WINDow ........................................................................3-38
:SENSe:MEASure:SECTion:CUMUlative ...............................................................3-39
:SENSe:MEASure:WINDow ...................................................................................3-40
:SENSe:OPTical:INPUt:OVERload ........................................................................3-40
:SENSe:OVERhead:MONItor:CHANnel .................................................................3-41
:SENSe:SIGNal:STANdard ....................................................................................3-41
:SENSe:STATus:LEDS ..........................................................................................3-42
:SENSe:TRIGger:MODE ........................................................................................3-45
:SOURce:CLOCk:SOURce ....................................................................................3-45
:SOURce:DATA:BACKground:STRUcture .............................................................3-45
:SOURce:DATA:HDLC:IFRame:GAP ....................................................................3-46
:SOURce:DATA:IP:HEADer ...................................................................................3-46
:SOURce:DATA:IP:STReam:INDEX ......................................................................3-49
:SOURce:DATA:IP:TRAFfic ...................................................................................3-49
:SOURce:DATA:POS:SCRambling ........................................................................3-49
:SOURce:DATA:PATH:OVERhead:PASSthru .......................................................3-50
:SOURce:DATA:PATH:TRACe ..............................................................................3-51
OTS9100 User Manual iii
:SOURce:DATA:PAYLoad:BACKground:PATTern ................................................3-52
:SOURce:DATA:PAYLoad:PATTern ......................................................................3-53
:SOURce:DATA:POH .............................................................................................3-54
:SOURce:DATA:RATE ...........................................................................................3-55
:SOURce:DATA:SECTion:TRACe .........................................................................3-55
:SOURce:DATA:SPE:BACKground:STUFfing .......................................................3-56
:SOURce:DATA:SPE:STUFfing .............................................................................3-57
:SOURce:DATA:STRUcture ...................................................................................3-57
:SOURce:DATA:TOH .............................................................................................3-57
:SOURce:INSErt:DEFEct .......................................................................................3-60
:SOURce:INSErt:IP:ANOMaly:MODE ....................................................................3-61
:SOURce:MEASure:HDLC .....................................................................................3-62
:SOURce:MEASure:IP:PACKets ............................................................................3-63
:SOURce:OUTPut:LASER:INFO ............................................................................3-64
:SOURce:OUTPut:LASER:INTERlock ...................................................................3-64
:SOURce:SIGNal:STANdard ..................................................................................3-64
:SYSTem:COMMunicate:NETWork .......................................................................3-66
:SYSTem:COMMunicate:PORT .............................................................................3-67
:SYSTem:COMMunicate:SERIal:COM1A ..............................................................3-68
:SYSTem:COMMunicate:SERIal:COM2A ..............................................................3-72
:SYSTem:CONFig:MODule ....................................................................................3-75
:SYSTem:CONFig:SLOTs ......................................................................................3-76
:SYSTem:ERRor ....................................................................................................3-77
:SYSTem:FILEs:MGMT:RESUlts ...........................................................................3-77
:SYSTem:FORMat:BLOCk .....................................................................................3-79
:SYSTem:HEADers ................................................................................................3-79
*TST .......................................................................................................................3-81
Table of Contents
Specifications ............................................................................................................A-1
Optical Cards .............................................................................................................B-1
Emergency Startup Disk ...........................................................................................C-1
List of Acronyms........................................................................................................D-1
Installing the Software ..............................................................................................E-1
Module Card Replacement ....................................................................................... F-1
Illustrations of cabled OTS9100 ...............................................................................G-1
iv OTS9100 User Manual

General Safety Summary

Review the following safety precautions to avoid injury and prevent damage to this product or
any equipment connected to it.
To avoid potential hazards, use this product only as specified.
Only qualified personnel should perform service procedures.
While using this product, you may need to access other parts of the system. Read the General
Safety Summary in other system manuals for warnings and cautions related to operating the
How to Avoid Fire or Personal Injury
Use Proper Power Cord. To avoid fire hazard, use only the power cord specified for this
Use Proper Power Source. Do not operate this product from a power source that applies more
than the voltage specified.
Connect and Disconnect Properly. Do not connect or disconnect test leads while they are
connected to a voltage source.
Avoid Electric Overload. To avoid electric shock or fire hazard, do not apply a voltage to a
terminal that is outside the range specified for that terminal.
Ground the Product. This product is grounded through the grounding conductor of the power
cord. To avoid electric shock, the grounding conductor must be connected to earth ground.
Before making connections to the input or output terminals of the product, ensure that the
product is properly grounded.
Observe All Terminal Ratings. To avoid fire or shock hazard, observe all ratings and markings
on the product. Consult the product manual for further ratings information before making
connections to the product.
The common terminal is at ground potential. Do not connect the common terminal to elevated
Do not apply a potential to any terminal, including the common terminal, that exceeds the
maximum rating of that terminal.
Use Proper AC Adapter. Use only the AC adapter specified for this product.
Do Not Look into the End of a Fibreglass Cable.
or a single fibre which could be connected to a laser source. Laser radiation can damage your
eyes because it is invisible and your pupils do not contract instinctively as with normal bright
light. If you think your eyes have been exposed to laser radiation, you should have your eyes
checked immediately by an eye doctor. The optical output’s radiation power corresponds to the
laser class in accordance with IEC 825-1, 11.93.
Never look into the end of a fibreglass cable
Use Proper Fuse. To avoid fire hazard, use only the fuse type and rating specified for this
Avoid Exposed Circuitry. Do not touch exposed connections and components when power is
OTS9100 User Manual v
General Safety Summary
Do Not Operate With Suspected Failures. If you suspect there is damage to this product, have
it inspected by qualified service personnel.
Do not operate in Wet/Damp Conditions. To avoid electric shock, do not operate this product
in wet or damp conditions.
Do Not Operate in Explosive Atmosphere. To avoid injury or fire hazard, do not operate this
product in an explosive atmosphere.
Wear Eye Protection. To avoid eye injury, wear eye protections if there is a possibility of
exposure to high-intensity rays.
Keep Product Surfaces Clean and Dry.
Provide Proper Ventilation. Refer to the manual’s installation instructions for details on
installing the product so it has proper ventilation.
vi OTS9100 User Manual
Safety Terms and Symbols
Terms in this Manual
These terms may appear in this manual:
Icon Label Meaning
Terms on the Product
These terms may appear on the product:
DANGER indicates an injury hazard immediately accessible as you read the marking.
WARNING indicates an injury hazard not immediately accessible as you read the marking.
Safety Summary
Warning statements identify conditions or practices that could result in injury or loss of life.
Caution statements identify conditions or practices that could result in damage to this product or other property.
CAUTION indicates a hazard to property including the product.
Symbols on the Product
The following symbols may appear on the product:
Refer to Manual
Laser Radiation
Protective Ground
(Earth) Terminal
OTS9100 User Manual vii
General Safety Summary
viii OTS9100 User Manual


This manual describes how to use the Tektronix OTS9100 module. This manual is your primary
source of information about how the OTS9100 module functions.
The user interface also provides Windows Help files for further information on specific topics.
How This Manual is Organized
This manual is divided into four sections: Getting Started, Operating Basics, Reference, and
Getting Started provides an overview of the OTS9100 module and describes first-time operation.
Operating Basics explains the basic principles of operating the OTS9100. The Operating Basics section also includes sample applications.
Reference provides a brief overview of the syntax and format used for remote commands and provides explanations and listings of all the remote commands that may be used with the OTS9100 system.
The Appendices provide a listing of specifications, default factory settings, an incoming inspection test, list of acronyms, and other useful information.
OTS9100 User Manual ix
This manual uses the following conventions:
The names of front-panel connectors and LEDs appear in the manual in the same format as
found on the front panel label, for example, OPTICAL IN and Rx DATA OUT.
When the user interface is discussed, all menus, names tags, and button appear in the manual
in the same format as found in the user interface, for example, Enable COM2 and Output Pulse Trigger.
In reference to terminology, the user interface may be set to either SDH or SONET
references. The user manual provides SDH terminology with SONET terminology in parenthesis immediately following the SDH version. If no second terminology is present, the terminology is the same for both SDH and SONET.
In reference to the instrument, the following conventions apply:
When referring to the four card 10Gb/s system (Optics, Transmit, Receive, and Clock), the name OTS9100 is used.
When referring to each individual card, the card name is used, for example, Optics and Transmit.
NOTE: Some of the content found in this manual does not pertain to some instruments. Depending on the software revision and the options installed, some of the features described in these pages may not be available.
x OTS9100 User Manual

Getting Started

This chapter describes the preparation and initial setup of the OTS9100 module. Also provided is a list of standard and optional accessories for each of the individual cards.

Product Description

The Optical Test System OTS9100 Module set consists of a 10 Gb/s SONET/SDH transmitter and receiver. The transmitter consists of a high-speed OC-192c/STM-64c SONET/SDH digital signal generator feeding a 10 Gb/s fiber-coupled laser and modulator. It is capable of generating fixed and pseudo-random test patterns mapped into a set of sub-rate payloads or one full payload rate. The transmitter may also retransmit received 10 Gb/s signals with or without alarm and error insertion via intrusive through mode capabilities. Both transmitter and receiver support Unframed Mode. The transmitter supports flexible generation of alarms and errors at SONET and SDH levels (SONET Section, Line and Path; SDH Regenerator Section, Multiplex Section and Path).
The receiver consists of a high-speed 10 Gb/s (9.9532 Gb/s) optical receiver feeding an OC­192c/STM-64c digital signal analyzer. The receiver supports both SONET and SDH (SONET Section, Line and Path; SDH Regenerator Section, Multiplex Section and Path) alarm and error detection and accumulation for subsequent software analysis with the ability to print out reports.
The standard OTS9100 module consists of one each of an OTS91L4, OTS91R2, OTS91T3 and OTS91C3 card. A mixed suite of optical cards provides the OTS9100 module with flexibility to test for different optical requirements.
The OTS91L4 Transceiver card is the standard optical card for this module. The OTS9100 module will accept any of the OTS optical cards as a replacement for the OTS91L4, expanding the range of the system to support different types of test analysis. The only requirement is that the optics card be placed in the first slot position within the OTS9100 module.
Optical card offerings consist of the following:
OTS91L4 Transceiver with 1550 nm or 1310 nm laser option
OTS91L5 Transmitter with 1550 nm or 1310 nm laser option
OTS91L6 Receiver Only
OTS91L7 Transceiver with External Laser Interface (does not include an internal laser)
OTS91L8 Transmit Only with External Laser Interface (does not include an internal laser)
OTS9100 User Manual 1-1
Getting Started

OTS9100 Features and Capabilities:

OC-192 SONET Section, Line, and Path Testing B1, B2, B3, REI-L, REI-P and random bit Error Generation B1, B2, B3, REI-L, REI-P Error Measurement Section, Line, and Path Alarm Generation J0, J1 byte and sequence Capture; J0, J1 Edit Section, Line, and Path Alarm Detection Section, Line, and Path Alarm and Error Generation STS1, STS3c, STS12c, STS48c, STS192c structured payloads filled with user-selected test pattern
STM-64 SDH Regenerator Section and Multiplex Section Testing B1, B2, B3, MS-REI, HP-REI, and random bit Error Generation B1, B2, B3, MS-REI, HP-REI Error Measurement RS, MS, and Path Alarm Generation J0, J1 byte and sequence Capture; J0, J1 Edit RS, MS, and Path Alarm Detection RS, MS, and Path Layer Alarm Error Generation VC-3, VC-4-4c, VC-4-16c, VC-4-64c structured payloads filled with user-selected test pattern
Multi-channel capability in a single mainframe
Available in Transceiver, Receive Only, and Transmit Only configurations
Electrical Offset of Receiver Decision Threshold
Windows 2000 compatible user interface
Easily switched between SONET and SDH modes
Through Mode with Overhead Editing, Error, and Alarm Injection
Direct user download of software updates
GR-253-CORE and CCITT/ITU G.708, G.709 framing
Complete Remote Control via RS-232, GPIB, and Ethernet LAN (10BaseT) ports and scripting
available with the implementation of the OTS Toolkit
Interface to STE, LTE and other test equipment
High Output Power 1310 nm or 1550 nm Laser Allows Support for Multiple Receivers via an
Optical Splitter
G.828/G.829 B1, B2 and B3 Error Analysis
SONET (OC-192c) and SDH (STM-64c) Format Signals Supported in a Single Module
Interchangeable Between the Rackmount, Benchtop and Portable Chassis
Report Printout Capabilities
1-2 OTS9100 User Manual
Getting Started
The OTS9100 meets the needs of development, manufacturing, and service engineers by providing the capabilities for:
System interrogation and conformance testing
System Qualification
Manufacturing Production Testing
Manufacturing Test of SONET/SDH and DWDM Network equipment
Network Integrity testing
Network Performance monitoring
Network Troubleshooting
Design Verification
DWDM Parallel Channel System Test
Module Test
Equipment Performance Monitoring
In-service Monitoring
OTS9100 User Manual 1-3
Getting Started


Accessories included with the OTS9100 module are provided in the following list. If you wish to purchase optional accessories contact your local Tektronix Representative.

Standard with each shipment

Certificate of Traceable Calibration
119-6364-11 OTS9000 Software CD
063-3560-03 OTS9100 User Manual CD
071-1060-03 OTS9100 Installation Guide
NOTE: DC Blocks are provided for use in two instances only. The first being, one DC Block must always be connected to the OTS91R2 Receive Card at the Rx interface port in all OTS9100 modules (see Figure 1-3 for cabling illustration).
The second is in regard to use with the Transmit interconnection when using earlier versions of the optics cards; the OTS91L1, OTS91L2 and the OTS91L3, the earlier optics cards will require that a DC Block be connected to the Tx DATA OUT interface port.
Each of the optical cards requires a specific set of accessories. Additional items are listed by each card type below.

OTS91L4 Standard

174-4702-00 6” coax cable (one included with shipment)
174-4277-01 8” coax cable (one included with shipment)

OTS91L5 Standard

174-4702-00 6” coax cable (one included with shipment)

OTS91L6 Standard

174-4702-00 6” coax cable (one included with shipment)
174-4277-01 8” coax cable (one included with shipment)
1-4 OTS9100 User Manual

OTS91L7 Standard

174-4702-00 6” coax cable (two included with shipment)
174-4277-01 8” coax cable (one included with shipment)

OTS91L8 Standard

174-4702-00 6” coax cable (one included with shipment)
Note: Optical connectors require customer supplied cabling.

OTS91R2 Standard

174-4275-01 4” coax cable (one included with shipment)
Getting Started
119-6156-00 DC Block

OTS91T3 Standard

174-4275-01 4” coax cable (one included with shipment)
174-4275-01 6” coax cable (one included with shipment)
119-6156-00 DC Block

OTS91C3 Standard

174-4275-01 4” coax cable (one included with shipment)


Interface Cables, RS-232-C, GPIB:
012-1379-00 9-pin female to 9-pin male
012-1298-00 9-pin female to 25-pin male
012-0991-00 2m, double-shielded
012-0991-01 1m, double-shielded
NOTE: The GPIB cable is standard equipment with an OTS9010 mainframe.
OTS9100 User Manual 1-5
Getting Started
Adapters, SMA:
015-0572-00 SMA male to BNC male
015-0554-00 SMA male to BNC female
015-0549-00 Male to female connector (Used permanently
installed to prolong life of instrument connector)
020-1693-00 SMA Kit
119-5610-00 Fixed 15 dB optical attenuator; FC/PC connector
119-5970-00 Fixed 15dB optical attenuator, SC/PC connector
119-5972-00 Fixed 15dB optical attenuator, ST/PC connector

International Power Plug Options (Chassis Only)

Option # Description
A1 220V, Euro Plug
A2 240V, UK Plug
A3 240V, Aust Plug
A4 240V, North American Plug
A5 220V, Swiss Plug
A99 No power cord
1-6 OTS9100 User Manual

First Operation

OTS9100 Installation

Before using the system, verify that it is properly set up and powered on, as follows:
1. Remove the unit from its shipping carton and place it on an anti-static surface.
2. Verify that the operating environment is within the limits detailed under the Environmental
Requirement section in this manual.
3. Allow approximately 2 inches (5 cm) clearance for cooling at the front and rear of the unit.
The fans draw air into the system from the front and exhaust the air through the rear of the OTS9000 chassis system or through the sides of the OTS9010 and OTS9040 chassis systems.
4. If the module cards are not already installed, perform the following steps:
CAUTION! When installing and removing cards from the chassis, power must not be present. Ensure that all power switches are in the OFF position and power cords are not installed before removing or installing cards. The chassis does NOT support hot-swap installations.
Getting Started
A. Remove the cards from the packaging, if necessary.
CAUTION! All OTS cards are static sensitive. When handling cards, ensure that personnel are properly grounded and OTS cards are always placed on anti-static surfaces. If proper precautions are not taken, damage will occur.
B. For those locations in which cards are being installed, remove the blanking panels and air
C. Verify the required configuration of cards before proceeding. Carefully install each card
into a slot in the chassis. Make sure that the card is lined up and fits cleanly with the connectors into the backplane of the chassis.
CAUTION! Beware of bending the pins of the connectors when installing and removing cards from the chassis. Backplane connectors with bent pins will cause damage to both the card and the chassis.
To install the card, slowly slide the card into the desired slot. Make sure the card is lined up with the connectors and push down on the top release and up on the bottom release until the card snaps into place.
OTS9100 User Manual 1-7
Getting Started
When the card is in place, tighten the two screws to secure it.
CAUTION! Do not torque the screws with more than 2 in-lbs of force or damage will occur.
5. Verify that the power switch of the OTS chassis is in the OFF position.
6. Plug the unit into the appropriate AC Power source as follows:
Table 1-4: Power Requirements
AC Voltage Voltage Range Frequency Range
110 VAC 90 VAC - 132 VAC 48 - 62 Hz 220 VAC 180 VAC - 250 VAC 48 - 62 Hz

Removing Cards

To remove the OTS cards, perform the following steps:
1. Turn off the power.
2. Fully loosen the two screws found on the top and bottom of the card.
3. Push up on the top release and down on the bottom release until the card is released from the
4. Carefully slide the card out of the slot.
NOTE: If a card is removed, a blanking panel and air diverter must be installed to ensure proper airflow through the system. Failure to replace the air diverter and blanking panel could cause the system to overheat.
1-8 OTS9100 User Manual

Slot Positioning of OTS Cards

The slot in which each card is installed is very important to the proper operation of the instrument. Because of the user interface configurations, certain cards must be in specific slot positions in order to take advantage of features to operate correctly.
The OTS9100 module consists of a grouping of four cards. For every OTS9100 module group, the Optics card must be in the leftmost card or slot 1 (Does not apply to a multi-channel system). The Optics card must be followed by the Receive card in the second position, the Transmit card must be in the third position and the Clock Trigger card must always be in the right-most position or fourth position within the four card module grouping.
Multiple Modules
A module group may span the CPU in a multi-module system if necessary. The sequence of cards should continue from one side of the CPU slot(s) onto the other side. The CPU card(s) may interrupt the sequence physically but does not end the module group. Slot positioning with the CPU interrupting a sequence of cards will not affect the functionality of the OTS cards on either side of the CPU slot position(s). Empty slots, or slots containing non-Tektronix cards; effectively ‘end’ the module group.
Getting Started
When an OTS9100 10 Gb/s module and an OTS9200 Jitter module are loaded within the same chassis the slot positioning must start with the OTS9100 optical card positioned in the first position with the rest of the OTS9100 module loading sequentially as described above, the OTS9200 module must be adjacent to the OTS9100.
Through Mode operation is only supported when the module has been loaded into slots 1-4 of the chassis and only when the modules are installed in the following order:
Optics card is in slot 1
Receive card is in slot 2
Transmit card is in slot 3
Clock Trigger card is in slot 4
If cards are not installed in this order, “through mode” is not allowed as a Tx Signal Source.
NOTE: If the slot positioning rules are not followed, the module functions will be invalid. The transmitter and receiver functionality depends upon the absolute slot position and relative order of the cards.
OTS9100 User Manual 1-9
Getting Started
Figure 1-1: OTS9000 with card slot assignment
The slot assignments shown in Figure 1-1 show an OTS9100 module loaded into an OTS9000 chassis to support through mode.
Figure 1-2: OTS9040 with OTS9100 installation
The slot assignments shown in Figure 1-2 show an OTS9100 module loaded into an OTS9040 chassis.
1-10 OTS9100 User Manual

Module Card Interconnection

Before powering on the system, install the cables and DC blocks provided for signal interconnection of the module cards. Use Figure 1-3 as a reference guide. (See Appendix G for cabling an OTS9100 module with a tunable laser).
NOTE: Depending upon the configuration of the OTS cards within the OTS-9000, some of these connections may not need to be made. If multiple cards are present within the system, the 8” cables provided may be required in place of the 4” cables.
1. Attach a 4 or 6” coax cable from the Rx DATA OUT port of the Optical card. Connect the
other end of the cable to the Rx DATA IN port DC block located on the Receive card. The Optical card is now connected to the Receive card.
2. Attach a 4 or 6” coax cable to the Tx DATA IN port of the Optics card. Connect the other
end of the 4 or 6” coax cable from the Tx DATA IN port to the Tx DATA OUT (Tx) port of the Transmit card. The Optical card is now connected to the Transmit card.
3. For through mode only: Attach a 4 or 6” coax cable to the Rx CLOCK OUT port of the
Receive card. Connect the other end of the cable to the Rx CLOCK IN port of the Clock Trigger card. The Receive card is now connected to the Clock Trigger card.
Getting Started
4. Attach a 4” coax cable to the 10GHz Clock In port of the Transmit card to the 10GHz Clock
Out port of the Clock Trig card. The Transmit card is now connected to the Clock Trig card.
NOTE: To install peripherals (mouse, monitor, keyboard), refer to the chassis manual.
CAUTION! Before moving previously installed cables, loosen the connections on both ends of
the cable. If one end of a cable is moved and the other end is not loosened, damage to the cable will occur.
OTS9100 User Manual 1-11
Getting Started
Figure 1-3: Proper location Interconnection cables

Power On and Software Initialization

1. Set the Power Switch, on the back of the chassis, to the ON position. Turn on the display
monitor. Wait for Windows to boot and present the login prompt.
2. The first time the system is turned on, a Microsoft Licensing Wizard will run, follow the
prompts and enter the Windows 2000 License Key number, operator name, password and network identifier. The License Key number is located on a label affixed to the OTS chassis. This utility will run only for this initial one time system launch.
3. To logon, press CNTL-ALT+DEL.
4. The logon information dialog box is now displayed. Verify that the user name is
‘Administrator’ and there is no password then click OK.
5. To launch the system application, click the OTS9000 icon on the desktop.
NOTE: The OTS9000 application may also be reached through the START menu. Click START, select Tektronix, then select OTS9000.
1-12 OTS9100 User Manual

Module Quick Check

NOTE: Before installing the optical cables, clean the optical fiber connectors on both the cable ends and the front panel connectors.
1. With proper in-line 15dB attenuator, connect a single mode optical cable between the Optical
OUT and Optical IN connectors on the Optics card.
CAUTION! Signal levels greater than 0 dBm may damage the Optical Input devices. Always pad the input level to less than 0 dBm.
Always use 15dBm of attenuation when connecting the OTS9100 module transmit output to its receive input. Failure to do so will damage the optical detector.
2. If the instrument is not already powered on, start the system as described in the Power On
and Software Initialization procedure of the previous section.
3. From the Menu Bar, click the System button; this opens a drop down menu. In the drop down
menu select Signal Standard then select Set to SONET.
4. Transmitter Setup
From the Menu Bar, click on View and select System View. The System View should display an image with each card in position. Check this view to ensure that all the cards loaded are visible. Blue lines spanning across the cards represent the correct cabling for the configuration of cards loaded in the system. The System View window is meant to be used as a reference for verifying cards and cabling a system. It does not provide a means to determine live or dead cards.
Getting Started
5. Click the Setup Category bar in the Navigation window and select the OTS91T3 10Gb/s Tx+
#1 icon. The Setup Property Page associated with the selected icon should display.
6. In the Property Page window, select the Signal tab and make the following selections from
the pull-down menus:
Signal Source: Internal
Timing Source: Internal
Trigger Output: Anomaly
Active Channel, Signal Structure: STS-1
Active Channel, Test Pattern: PRBS 2^23-1 (ITU)
Active Channel, 1
7. Select the Error Insertion tab and make the following selections:
Anomaly Insertion Setup Type: None
Defect Insertion Setup Type: None
8. Receiver Setup
In the Navigation window, keeping the Setup Category as the active category (always check the Title Bar of the Setup Menu to ensure that it is associated with the correct device), select the OTS91R2 10Gb/s Rx+ #1 icon and set the Receiver Threshold Offset level to 0 mV.
9. In the Navigation window, click on the Test Control Category bar and select the OTS91R2
10Gb/s Rx+ #1 icon.
10. Click the Edit Test Control Settings.
OTS9100 User Manual 1-13
Getting Started
11. Click the radio button for Continuous test mode and then click OK to close the dialog box.
12. Use the key provided to disable the laser lockout at the front of the Optical card.
13. On the Laser Control bar, select the OTS91T3 10Gb/s Tx+ #1 laser and click On. On the
Optics module card front panel, verify the following:
14. On the Test Control bar, click the start button to begin a test.
15. On the front panel of the Receive module card, verify that the LOS, DEFECT, and
ANOMALY LEDs are all off.
16. Verify that the Status window has no lit error indicators except the green Signal Present
17. In the Navigation window, click the Setup bar and select the OTS91T3 10Gb/s Tx+ #1 icon.
18. Select the Error Insertion tab.
19. Under Anomaly Insertion Setup, click the pull-down menu for Type and select B1 BIP.
20. Click Apply Anomaly Setup Changes.
the Optical Out LED lights green
the Sig Pres LED under Optical IN lights green
21. Click Insert Single three times to insert three single errors. Verify that the Anomaly LED on
the Receive front panel flashes for each B1 injected. In the Status window, the red B1 indicator should flash for each B1 injected and the yellow B1 indicator should remain lit.
22. In the Navigation window, click Measurements and select the OTS91T3 10Gb/s Rx+ #1
23. Click on the Cumulative tab.
24. Verify that the B1 line has data entered.
25. On the Test Control bar, click the Stop Test button.
26. On the Laser Control bar, select the OTS91T3 10Gb/s Tx+ #1 laser and click Off.
27. Use the key provided to enable the laser lockout.
1-14 OTS9100 User Manual

Emergency Startup Disk

Instructions for creating an emergency startup disk can be found in Appendix D. It is recommended that you take the time to do this simple procedure every time you change your system configuration.

Shutdown and Power Off

If necessary, it is considered safe to shut off power without prior shutdown steps. However, it is strongly suggested that a more orderly shutdown be followed. To perform an orderly shutdown, use the following steps:
1. Close the OTS9000 application by selecting Exit under the System menu.
2. From the Start button on the Windows 2000 Taskbar, choose Shut Down.
3. On the Shutdown dialog box, choose Shut down the computer and click Yes.
4. When the Windows 2000 message ‘It is now safe to turn off your computer’ appears, turn off
Getting Started
OTS9100 User Manual 1-15

Module Operating Basics

This section describes the OTS9100 module front panel indicators and connectors.

Front Panel Indicators and Connectors

Figure 2-1 shows a complete view of the front panel.
WARNING: Always avoid exposure to the laser beam. Before power is applied to the OTS9100 module be sure that all laser outputs are either covered with the screw cap provided or connected to the appropriate circuit.
The front panel is made up of four different cards:
Clock Trigger
The following sections describe each of these cards in more detail.
NOTE: There are several versions of the optical card available. Each OTS91Lx series card has been designed with targeted analysis capabilities directed at specific analysis needs. For additional information on each OTS91Lx series card see Appendix A.
Figure 2-1: OTS9100 Front Panel
OTS9100 User Manual 2-1
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