HISTORY INFORMATION••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
RECOMMENDED TEST EQUIPMENT•••••••••••••••••••••••••••
PERFORMANCE CHECK ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ; ••••••
PATTERN GENERATOR•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ix
PATTERN GENERATOR Controls and Connectors••••••••
Monitor with Video Decoder Module •••••••••••• 2-8
Field Rate Staircase Signal•·•••••••••••••••••••· 3-7
Test Equipment Setup for Performance Checks •••••• 4-4
Horizontal Active Time·(70 us) ••••••••••••••••••• 4-6
Horizontal Active Times (10 us) •••••••••••••••••• 4-6
Horizontal Blanking Time•••••••••••••••••••·••··• 4-7
Horizontal Sync Width•••••••••···••·••••••••••··· 4-7
TV to TTL Signal Level Adjustment•••••··•··•·•••• 4-8
The general safety information in this part of the summary is for
both operating and service personnel. Specific warnings and cautions
will be found throughout the manual where they apply, but may not
appear in this summary.
In This Manual
CAUTION statements identify conditions or practices that could result
in damage to the equipment or other property.
WARNING statements identify conditions or practices that could result
in personal injury or loss of life.
A1 Marked on lquipment
CAUTION indicates a personal injury hazard not immediately accessible
as one reads the marking, or a hazard to property including the
equipment itself.
DANGER indicates a personal injury hazard immediately accessible as
one reads the marking.
In This Manual
This symbol indicates where applicable
cautionary or other information is to
be found.
As Marked On Equipment
DANGER - High Voltage.
Protective ground (earth) terminal.
ATTENTION - Refer to manual.
Power Souroe
This product is intended to operate from a power source that will not
apply more than 250 volts rms between the supply conductors or between
either supply conductor and ground. A protective ground connection by
way of the grounding conductor in the power cord is essential for safe
Grounding the Produot
This product is grounded through the grounding conductor of the power
cord in the mainframe. To avoid electrical shock, plug the mainframe
power cord into a properly wired receptacle before connecting to the
mainframe input terminals. A protective ground connection
the grounding conductor in the mainframe power cord is essential for
safe operation.
by way
na111•r Al'iai111 rrom Losa ot Ground
Upon loss of the protective-ground connection,
conductive parts (including nobs and controls that may
insulating) can render an electric shock.
all accessible
appear to be
Uae the Proper Fuse
To avoid fire hazard, use only a fuse of the proper type, voltage
rating, and current rating as specified in the parts list for your
Do Not
To avoid explosion, do not operate this product in an atmosphere of
explosive gases unless it has been specifically certified for such
Do Hot Remove Covers or Panels
To avoid personal injury, do not remove the product covers or panels.
Do not operate the product without the covers and panels properly
In Explosive Atmospheres
Section1 - 067-1039-00
The 067-1039-00 PATTERN GENERATOR provides a series of video test
signals required to calibrate a multi-rate display monitor (such as
the 690SR Color Display Mainframe). The 690SR can be used with
computer display or television signal sources that use a wide variety
of scanning systems. The PATTERN GENERATOR emulates these scan
systems and provides a selection of test signals for calibrating the
display monitor.
The PATTERN GENERATOR has three front panel controls that allow it
to emulate the line and field rates of many scan systems, present or
future. The Horizontal Active Time adjustment varies the interval
between the horizontal blanking periods (blanking itself is nominally
6.75 us); the Lines per Two Fields is set to the number of scan lines
of the chosen standard (an odd number generates 2:1 interlace, an even
number is non-interlaced); and the Lines of Vertical Blanking is set
to the number of blanked lines in each field. The Frame Period is
(6.75 us+ Horizontal Active Time) times Lines per Two Fields.
There are
operation of the display monitor. These switches generate the
following patterns:
1. Flat Field (White). Tests purity and colorimetry.
2. Flat Field (Grey). Tests low light level calibration.
4. Vertical Bar. Tests the video amplifier for line time
distortion and integrity of step response.
5. Horizontal Bar. Tests high voltage supply regulation.
8 pushbutton switches that provide patterns to test the
6. Window. Tests crt purity error due to shadow mask heating.
7. Staircase. Tests color balance, nonlinear
video amp limiting. With an external ohrominanoe
gain and differential phase.
distortion, and
signal, tests
General Information - 067-1039-00
8. Bounce. Tests video clamp response and feedback stability in
the beam feedback loop.
The Operators part of this manual is intended to help the user
obtain maximum performance from the PATTERN GENERATOR. This part
covers General Information, Specifications, and Operating
The Service Part of this manual covers the Theory of Operation,
the Performance Check and Adjustment section, the Maintenance section,
and. other service information, including the block and schematic
diagrams of the PATTERN GENERATOR.
The eight sections of the manual are:
Section 1 - General Information and Specifications; contains the
instrument description and a listing of the PATTERN GENERATOR
Characteristics and Performance Requirements.
Section 2 -Operating Instructions; introduces the user to the
PATTERN GENERATOR/Display Monitor system and demonstrates the
functions of the front panel controls.
Section 4 -Calibration, Part 1: Performance Check; this
subsection is used to verify all of the Performance Requirements in
the Specification, and to determine the need for recalibration
(adjustment) of the PATTERN GENERATOR.
Procedure; this subsection is used to return the PATTERN GENERATOR to
conformance with the Performance Requirements. The procedure is
arranged in functional blocks to facilitate referencing from the
Performance Check and the Maintenance Instructions.
3 -
Theory of Operation; describes all major circuits of
4 -
Performance Check and Adjustment, Part 2: Adjustment
General Information - 067-1039-00
Section 5 -Maintenance Instructions; describes routine and
corrective maintenance with detailed instructions for replacing
assemblies, subassemblies, and individual components.
Section 6 -Replaceable Electrical Parts; provides information
necessary to order replaceable parts and assemblies related to the
electrical functions of the instrument.
Section 7 -Diagrams; provides functional block diagram and
circuit schematics.
Section 8 - Replaceable Mechanical Parts; provides information
necessary to order mechanical parts that are being replaced. The list
is cross-referenced to replaceable electrical parts where appropriate.
The Exploded Diagram shows the assembly sequence and identifies the
assemblies. The Accessories page lists the standard and optional
accesories. (Not present in the interim manual.)
Changes and Corrections; provides updating information for the
manual in the form of inserts. These inserts are incorporated into
the manual text and diagrams when the manual is revised.
The abbreviations
diagrams are based on
Y32.14-1973 (American
Street, New York, N.
and graphic symbols
ANSI Y1.1-1972, ANSI
National Standards
Y. 10017)
used in the
Y32.2 1970,
Institute, 345
text and
and ANSI
East 47
Specification - 067-1039-00
The following specifications apply to the 067-1039-00 PATTERN
GENERATOR. Allow 30 minutes warmup. Items listed in the Performance
Requirements column are verifed by completing the Performance Check in
Section 4 of this manual. Items listed in the Supplemental
Information column may not be verified in this manual; they are either
exlanatory notes or performance characteristics for which no limits
are specified.
Table 1-1
I Performance Requirement I Supplemental Information
This section describes the functions of the PATTERN GENERATOR,
the installation procedure, the controls and connectors, and the
checkout procedure.
The 067-1039-00 PATTERN GENERATOR is a two-wide instrument that
plugs into a TM 500 mainframe. It provides a series of video test
signals required to test a multi-rate display monitor (such as the
690SR Color Display Mainframe). This monitor is suitable for computer
displays and broadcast television; with the aid of the PATTERN
GENERATOR, it can be calibrated to any scan rate within its operating
By setting Horizontal Active Time, Lines per Two Fields, and Lines
of Vert Blanking, the PATTERN GENERATOR can emulate the scan system
that will be used with display monitor. The monitor can then be
calibrated with the pushbutton-selected signals provided by the
The PATTERN GENERATOR was inspected both mechanically and
electrically before shipment. It should be free of mars or scratches
and electrically meet or exceed all specifications. Inspect the
instrument for physical damage incurred in transit and check the
electrical performance by following the Operators Checkout Procedure
in this section. If there is a problem, contact your local Tektronix
Field Office or representative.
Operating Instructions - 067-1039-00
If the PATTERN GENERATOR is used with a NTSC display
monitor, the Horizontal Blanking Time should be changed
from 6.75 .usec. to 11.1 ..usec. This is an internal
adjustment and should be performed by a qualified
technician. Refer to Section 4 for the °Calibrate
Internal Horizontal Timing
Save and re-use the PATTERN GENERATOR shipping container. If the
original container is not available or is damaged, repackage the
1. Attach a tag to the PATTERN GENERATOR that shows: name and
address of the firm, name of the person responsible for the PATTERN
GENERATOR, serial number, and a description of the service required.
2. Obtain a shipping container made of heavy corrugated cardboard
or wood. To allow for cushioning, make sure that the inside
dimensions are no less than 12 by 12 by 18 inches (300 by 300 by 450
mm). This container should have a carton test strength of no less
than 275 pounds (605 kg).
3. To protect the finish of the PATTERN GENERATOR, wrap it in
heavy· paper or polyethylene. Protect the front panel with urethane
foam or strips of cardboard.
4. Cushion the PATTERN GENERATOR by tightly packing urethane foam
or dunnage between the PATTERN GENERATOR and the shipping container.
Allow at least
5. Seal the container with shipping tape or an industrial
If there are any questions, contact the nearest Tektronix Field
Office or representative.
The front panel controls and connectors are shown in Fig. 2-1 and
LINES PER TWO FIELDS -- A four-decade switch that
number of video lines in two fields. Its range is
1999 lines. Odd values provide a 2:1 interlace and
provide a non-interlaced display.
LINES OF VERT BLANKING --A two-decade switch that selects the
number of video lines of blanking in each field. Its range is 3
through 99 lines. Values less than 3 still provide 3 lines of
blanking due to the length of vertical sync (3 lines).
HORIZONTAL ACTIVE TIME A potentiometer that sets the
horizontal active time of each video line. Since the blanking
interval is set by an internal adjustment, the total horizontal
period is the sum of this active time and the preset blanking
time of 6.75 usec. (The blanking time should be reset to 11.1
usec. for NTSC display monitors.)
CONVERGENCE --A pushbutton switch that selects a convergence
pattern (either DOT or LINE pattern depending on the DOT/LINE
switch position). This switch cancels either the FLAT FIELD or
STAIRCASE/EXT switch when pushed in.
DOT/LINE --A self-cancelling pushbutton switch that selects
either a dot or line convergence pattern when the CONVERGENCE
switch is pushed in. Pushbutton switch "in" position is a dot
convergence pattern and switch "out" position is a line
FLAT FIELD --A pushbutton switch that selects a flat field
signal (either white or grey depending on the GREY/WHITE switch
position). It cancels either STAIRCASE/EXT or CONVERGENCE
switch when pushed in.
GREY/WHITE --A self-cancelling pushbutton switch that selects
either full amplitude (WHITE) or reduced amplitude (GREY) of the
convergence or flat field signals. This switch has no effect
when the STAIRCASE/EXT switch is pushed in.
STAIRCASE/EXT --A pushbutton switch that selects either an
internal staircase signal or an external video signal, depending
on the position of an internal jumper. External video is
received via pin 24A on the TM 500 interface. The internal
staircase is a full-field, ten-step staircase. All other
pushbutton switches have no effect when this switch is pushed
Operating Instructions - 067-1039-00
Fig. 2-1 PATTERN GENERATOR Controls and Connectors
V BAR A self-cancelling pushbutton switch that inserts a
vertical bar into the convergence-pattern signal or adds a
vertical bar to
STAIRCASE/EXT switches in the "out" position). When both the
BAR and
resulting signal is a WINDOW signal.
horizontal bar in the same manner as the
video pattern to be periodically blanked to black with a 50
squarewave whose period (RATE) is adjustable from 0.2
Hz. This switch does not affect the video pattern when the
STAIRCASE/EXT switch is in the "in" position.
varies the bounce rate from 0.2
Operating Instructions - 067-1039-00
black pattern (CONVERGENCE, FLAT FIELD, and
BAR switches are depressed at the same time, the
self-cancelling pushbutton switch that inserts a
self-cancelling pushbutton switch that causes the
front-panel screwdriver adjustment that
2 Hz.
BAR switch.
whenever power is applied to the instrument.
TRIGGER OUT --A probe tip output connector that provides a TTL
signal that is synchronous with the bounce transition. This
signal is used to trigger a test oscilloscope so that the clamp
response and beam current feedback stability of the 690SR can be
easily measured.
VIDEO --Three bnc output connectors driven at TTL or composite
video levels depending on the position of an internal jumper.
Each connector is intended to drive a 75 ohm load, and all three
connectors are driven by a common driver to eliminate any timing
errors. Source-termination resistors provide proper reflection
termination when each connector is terminated in 75 ohms.
These connectors are provided to drive RGB monitors. Monitors
with only one input would use one of the output connectors with
the other two output connectors terminated in 75 ohms.
red light-emitting dioe (LED) that illuminates
The unit receives its power from any TM 500 mainframe.
Operating Instructions - 067-1039-00
TTL H SYNC --A bnc output connector that provides a horizontal
sync-timing signal with TTL levels (logic 1 during horizontal
sync sync time).
TTL V SYNC --A bnc output connector that provides a vertical
sync-timing signal with TTL levels (logic 1 during vertical sync
TV BLOCK SYNC --A bnc output connector that provides a timing
signal with both horizontal and vertical sync timing information
at standard video-sync drive levels (-4V p-p into 75 ohms). No
serration or equalizer pulses are provided.
Prepare the PATTERN GENERATOR/Display Monitor combination as
1. Check that the TM 500 mainframe is OFF. Insert the PATTERN
GENERATOR into a TM 500 mainframe. Turn the mainframe ON.
2. If the Display Monitor has a video decoder interface module
installed, connect two 75 ohm feedthroughs and one 75 ohm cable to
the front panel VIDEO outputs. Connect the cable to the Video In
of the monitor. Refer to Fig. 2-2. If necessary, use a 75 ohm
terminator at the Video In of the display monitor.
If the Display Monitor has a RGB interface module installed,
connect three 75 ohm cables between the front panel VIDEO outputs
and the three R, G, and B inputs of the display monitor.
Terminate these inputs with 75 ohm feedthroughs. Connect V, H, or
BLOCK Sync with 75 cable to the Sync input of the display monitor.
4. Set the PATTERN GENERATOR to the scan system used by the
Display Monitor. (Refer to the Display Monitor specifications for
this information.)
5. Turn on the Display Monitor.
Test the operation of the front panel controls. Make sure
that the DOT, GREY, V BAR, and H BAR WINDOW pushbuttons are
disengaged (in the OUT position).
crosshatch pattern on a black field. There should be 15 vertical
lines and 10 horizontal lines.
Press CONVERGENCE. The monitor should display a white
Operating Instructions - 067-1039-00
Press DOTS. The crosshatch should change into a pattern of
dots. Disengage DOTS.
crosshatch pattern.
10. Press
center of the crosshatch pattern. Disengage
horizontal bar should appear across the crosshatch pattern.
11. Press FLAT FIELD. The monitor should display a flat field at
white level (700 mV).
12. Press GREY. The monitor should display a grey field (10% or
70 mV). Disengage GREY.
13. Press BOUNCE. The monitor should display an alternating
black and white field at a rate controlled by the RATE adjustment.
The adjustment covers a range of 0.2 Hz to 2 Hz. Disengage
14. Press STAIRCASE/EXT. A full-field monochrome staircase
should appear on the monitor.
This completes the Operators Checkout Procedure. For further
information on calibrating the Display Monitor with these test
signals, consult the manual of the Display Monitor.
The 067-1039-00 PATTERN GENERATOR, when plugged into a TEKTRONIX
TM 500 mainframe, provides the necessary video signals to test the
Color Monitor. The crosshatch pattern from the generator is
used with the Tektronix Linearity Graticule 067-1034-00 to check the
sizep centering, and linearity of the mm1itor's raster. Therefore,
to set the PATTERN GENERATORWs controls to operate at the
desired horizontal and vertical scan rates and to obtain a crosshatch
pattern that fills the raster properly.
Operating Instructions - 067-1039-00
Simply setting the PATTERN GENERATOR controls to provide
signals that are equivalent to the user's system may not
permit checking the 690SR mainframe performance
The PATTERN GENERATOR front-panel control settings given in the
equipment setup illustrations are set to generate a 31.5 kHz scan rate
and a 60.6 Hz field rate. The Horizontal Active Time control is set
to 25 .,us since 25 JJ.S active time plus 6. 75 .J.IS horizontal blanking time
horizontal period to generate a 31.5 kHz scan
is equal to 31.75
rate. (The PATTERN GENERATOR blanking time is factory set at 6.75 .).ls
to match the 690SR raster blanking time.) The Lines of Vertical
Blanking switch is set to obtain approximately 600 J.lS vertical
blanking time. (The 18 lines chosen times 31.75.J.ls is equal to 572
ps.) The Lines Per Two Fields switch is set to obtain an approximate
60 Hz field rate and at the same time produce full top and bottom
crosshatch lines that coincide with the top and bottom edges,
respectively, of the raster.
If the Lines Per Two Fields switch is set to an odd
number; for example, 1039, the display may appear to
flicker because the display is interlaced. To obtain a
non-interlaced display, set the switch to an even
number. When preparing this manual, the Lines Per Two
Fields switch was set to 1040.
If the 690SR mainframe is being operated at a horizontal and/or
vertical scan rate other than 31.5 kHz and approximately 60 Hz
respectively, or if the horizontal blanking time is not 6.75.JJ.s, then
use the following procedure as an aid for setting the PATTERN
GENERATOR controls to properly check the 690SR mainframe.
Measure the vertical scan period, the horizontal scan period,
and horizontal blanking time of the monitor's intended signal
source or obtain their specification.
Compute the horizontal active time
blanking time from the H scan period.
by subtracting
For example:
the H
31.75JlS -6.75JlS: 25.)J.S.
Operating Instructions - 067-1039-00
a. Set the Horizontal Active Time control on the PATTERN
GENERATOR to the computed horizontal active time value.
b. If the H blanking time is other than 6.75,J.ls and precise
linearity adjustment is required, recalibrate the PATTERN
GENERATOR's horizontal blanking time. (Refer to step 11
in the Adjustment Procedure of this 690SR manual.) (For
quick monitor setups when the linearity requirement is
less critical, the horizontal blanking time need not be
recalibrated. Instead, use 6.75Jls during the Performance
Check Procedure. Then, readjust the 690SR H Size control,
R925, on A8A1 after completing the Performance Check
Procedure so the displayed picture from the monitor's
intended signal source will be the proper width.)
3. Calculate the number of Lines of Vertical Blanking that the
PATTERN GENERATOR should be set to
after the decimal point in the number calculated from the
following formula.
ignoring the fraction
For example:
Lines of Vertical
Horizontal Scan Period
31. 75 ..us
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