Tektron TCG 01-G User Manual

Fifth Edition Copyright ©2016
TCG 01-G
1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
2. FRONT PANEL .................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
LCD Display ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Contrast Adjustment Mode ......................................................................................................................................................... 8
LED Indicators .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
3. BACK PANEL ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
P1: Power Input (2-pin Connector [5.08 mm]) ...................................................................................................................................... 10
Earth Stud (M4 Nut) ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
4. BACK PANEL INPUTS AND OUTPUTS .......................................................................................................................... 11
ANT: Antenna Connector (SMA Connector) ......................................................................................................................................... 11
Antenna Cable Considerations: ............................................................................................................................................... 11
P2, P3: Programmable Outputs (2-pin [3.81 mm] / BNC or ST Fiber) ...................................................................................... 11
Electrical and Physical Configuration .................................................................................................................................. 11
P2, P3 Programmable Output Options ............................................................................................................................... 12
P4: Serial Port and Programmable Output (DB9 Connector) ...................................................................................................... 13
P4 Serial Strings ............................................................................................................................................................................... 13
P4-pin 1 Programmable Output .............................................................................................................................................. 13
P5: AM IRIG-B Output (BNC Connector) ................................................................................................................................................. 14
P6: Event Recording / IRIG-B Sync Inputs (4-pin 3.81 mm Connector) ................................................................................. 14
P7: Sync Relay (4-pin 3.81 mm Connector) ............................................................................................................................................ 14
P8: ECP Ethernet Communication Port (RJ45 Connector) ...................................................................................................... 15
5. INSTALLATION ................................................................................................................................................................................ 16
Identification ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Mounting the TCG 01-G .................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Operation .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 16
Event Recording Function ............................................................................................................................................................................... 17
General Description & Specification .................................................................................................................................... 17
Tag Data................................................................................................................................................................................................ 17
Tag Storage ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 17
Tag Retrieval ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
TCG 01-G Command / Response Message structure ............................................................................................... 17
TCG 01-G Commands related to Event Time Tagging ............................................................................................. 18
Ps command: Get Status............................................................................................................................................................ 18
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Notes concerning the Ps command: .................................................................................................................................... 19
Pc command: Clear Time-Tag Buffer ................................................................................................................................. 19
Pt command: Get next Time-Tag ......................................................................................................................................... 19
Pr command: Repeat last Tag Sent ..................................................................................................................................... 20
P6 Input Function (IRIG-B / Event Recording) ................................................................................................................................... 20
6. FACTORY HARDWARE OPTIONS ........................................................................................................................................ 22
Power Supply Options ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
High Voltage (MOSFET) Output Option ................................................................................................................................................ 22
Lightning Protection Option ......................................................................................................................................................................... 23
General ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Installation ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Disclaimer ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 24
7. APPENDIX ............................................................................................................................................................................................25
TCG 01-G Specifications ................................................................................................................................................................................. 25
Physical Specifications ................................................................................................................................................................25
GNSS Receiver ..................................................................................................................................................................................25
Input and Output Specifications ............................................................................................................................................25
Environmental Specifications ................................................................................................................................................. 26
Electrical Specifications ............................................................................................................................................................. 26
ISOLATION & PROTECTION ........................................................................................................................................................................ 27
SERIAL OUTPUT STRINGS ........................................................................................................................................................................... 28
NGTS Time Code O/P on P4 ................................................................................................................................................... 28
IRIG J-17 Time Code O/P on P4 ............................................................................................................................................. 28
String-A Time Code O/P on P4 .............................................................................................................................................. 29
String-B Time Code O/P on P4 .............................................................................................................................................. 29
String-C Time Code O/P on P4 .............................................................................................................................................. 30
String-D Time Code O/P on P4 ............................................................................................................................................... 31
String-E Time Code O/P on P4 ............................................................................................................................................... 31
String-F Time Code O/P on P4 ............................................................................................................................................... 32
String-G Time Code O/P on P4 ............................................................................................................................................... 32
NMEA ZDA Time Code O/P on P4 ....................................................................................................................................... 34
NMEA RMC Time Code O/P on P4 .......................................................................................................................................35
8. WARRANTY ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 36
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The TCG 01-G Time Code Generator produces precision time code signals, serial strings and pulses for use in synchronizing industrial control and SCADA equipment. The clock is ideally suited to providing time synchronization simultaneously to many different devices, such as Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs), Protection Relays, Remote Telemetry Units (RTUs) and other Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs) used in electrical sub-stations and industrial control installations.
The TCG 01-G features one amplitude modulated (AM) IRIG-B output and three user-programmable outputs, including a serial port. The serial port is user-configurable to output serial strings and report event data for units fitted with event recording capability. Factory options include a choice of physical connectors: BNC, 2-pin plug and socket, or ST Fiber. Non-fiber outputs can be ordered as TTL, RS422/485, or high voltage switching.
All TCG 01-G units feature a front panel display (Figure 1) giving visual feedback about the time data being generated on the outputs. .
Figure 1 TCG 01-G chassis and front panel
The optimized receiver/antenna system used by TCG 01-G obtains time with near-atomic clock precision from the available Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). The result is output timing accuracy similar to that normally seen only in laboratory instruments.
However, unlike laboratory instruments, TCG 01-G is suited for hostile electromagnetic environments such as sub-stations and electrical switchyards. Each output of the TCG 01-G is isolated from every other output, so that attached wiring can feed out to operating areas in different earth potential zones without compromising the overall site earthing security. In addition, isolation protects the internal electronics from longitudinal transient voltages and transient suppression devices protect from transverse transient voltages.
The TCG 01-G features a 10/100Mb Ethernet port through which the unit can be configured. Firmware license options include a stratum 1 NTP server and IEEE 1588 V2 functionality. When the IEEE 1588 (PTP V2) option is enabled, the unit can operate as a PTP Grand Master, an ordinary PTP clock, or a Slave-Only Clock.
The TCG 01-G has automatic IRIG-B slave functionality which allows the TCG 01-G to accept two DCLS IRIG-B signals for synchronizing purposes. This function provides automatic selection of the synchronization source.
It comes complete with Ethernet cables to allow for customization and easy setup from the
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accessories include antenna, low loss antenna cable, antenna pipe mounting components and lightning protection kit.
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3a Start Up (Clock ID)
3b Waiting for Satellites
3c Operating Default
3d Local Time
3e UTC Time
3f Alarm
TCG01G Ver F01.XX (C) 2014 Sn18748
UTC+1200 17MAR10 076 11:16:53 87A
LST: TUE 17 MAR10 076 11:16:53 87A
UTC: MON 16 MAR10 075 23:16:53 87A
*** ANT *** 075 23:16:53 87A
Figure 2 TCG 01-G front panel
TCG 01-G features two LED indicators on the front panel (Figure 2), together with a 2-line by 16­character backlit LCD display.
SYN LED: This LED shows the status of the current sync source. ALM LED: This LED shows the alarm status of the TCG 01-G.
LCD Display
On initial power-up, the LCD display shows a copyright message, along with the serial number and revision level of the unit (Figure 3a). Approximately 10 seconds after power-up, the display changes automatically to indicate that it is waiting for satellites (Figure 3b). Once one or more satellites have been discovered, it transitions to the operating default display (Figure 3c). After which, the user can access alternative time displays by pushing the button on the front panel between the LED indicators, as shown in Figure 3d and Figure 3e. Successive button-pushes can be used to cycle through all the display screens in turn. The screen display examples below all show the same instant in time.
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Figure 3 LCD display screens
. The top line of
Satellites in the sky
- - 9
- -14
This character represents the total number of satellites currently present in the sky according to the GNSS position means that TCG 01-G has lost its knowledge of the GNSS been in storage for an extended period, or if the GNSS receiver has been reset. It will typically take 20 minutes (worst case two hours) for the unit to gain sufficient GNSS synchronization for the TCG 01-G to recommence normal operation (Position hold).
Satellites tracked
- - 9
- -14
This digit represents the number of satellites currently being
hat no
Receiver status
TCG 01-G in Acquisition mode - attempting to get satellite fixes.
straight line so best accuracy cannot be obtained, but the unit will still sync to UTC.
A 2D position is in use (no height). This may occur before Position Hold mode has been reached if only 3 satellites are tracked. Synchronization is not compromised.
Satellites in sky
Satellites tracked
Receiver status
LST: TUE 17 MAR10 076 11:16:53 87A
screen in Figure 3c with local date. The local time day-of-year and time-of-day are on the bottom line.
Figure 3c shows that the clock is operating with a local time offset of 12 hours ahead of UTC. The local date is 17th March 2010, and the local time is 11:16:53 in the morning.
Figure 3d shows the same time and date, but also indicates that the time displayed is Local Standard Time, and that the day is Tuesday. . If daylight savings time is
3d . Figure 3e shows the UTC time and date which is 11:16:53 on the evening of Monday, 17th March 2010. The display screens in Figure 3b, 3c, 3d and 3e each show a three-character status field at the
bottom right-hand side of the display. This three-character field provides feedback on the parameters that affect the operation of the GNSS receiver and are explained in Figure 4.
Figure 4 Satellite tracking status
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A 3D position is in use, which includes height. A site survey begins next, so this mode is rarely seen.
Site Survey in progress. TCG 01-G is calculating an accurate position; once complete the mode will change to Position hold.
GNSS is providing its most accurate time, typically better than 40 ns to UTC.
Display Status Table 1a GNSS Status
Sync Source
Clock is synchronized to an IRIG-B source on P6A input Slave: Copper
Clock is synchronized to an IRIG-
Clock is synchronized to an IRIG-B source on the Fiber input
Slave: Fiber
Clock is operating with manually set time. Please refer to
The TCG 01-G has no power
The TCG 01-G is synchronized to the source indicated by the LCD display
Display Status Table 1b Alternative Sync Source
If the clock is configured to synchronize to IRIG-B only (ignore GNSS be displayed in the status field if there is no IRIG-B signal input.
Contrast Adjustment Mode
The LCD contrast can be adjusted by entering the Contrast Adjustment Mode. This mode is entered by double pressing the button on the front panel.
Once in Contrast Adjustment Mode, pressing the button will lighten the contrast and decrease the contrast by one level. There are five different contrast levels and the LCD will cycle from the lightest to darkest if the button is pressed when on the lightest setting.
To exit the Contrast Adjustment Mode, simply double-press the button on the front panel again. The button will return to normal operations after this.
LED Indicators
The SYN LED shows the status of the sync source. The various states are shown as follows:-
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Slow Flash (1 per second)
The TCG 01-G ­running)
Fast Flash (5 per second)
The TCG 01-G
LED Indicators Table 2 SYN LED
The TCG 01-G is operating normally. i.e., there are no alarms
Fast Flash (5 per second)
Alarms are active. In this case, the actual alarm state is shown on the top line of the LCD display, replacing the normal date information (see example in Figure 3f above).
The ALM LED indicates the internal alarm status of the TCG01-G. It has only two operating states:-
LED Indicators Table 3 ALM LED
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An example TCG 01-G back panel is shown in Figure 5 below. Its appearance may vary, as different connector types can be fitted at the factory to suit your requirements.
Figure 5 Rear panel of TCG 01-G, configured with 2-pin connectors (P2 and P3)
P1: Power Input (2-pin Connector [5.08 mm])
Power is applied to the unit via this plug. Maximum steady state power consumption is 6 W, and surge protection is provided. A mating connector is supplied that is suitable for wiring up to 1.5 mm2.
Note that the DC input is protected against incorrect power supply polarity. The power supply inputs are isolated from earth so that any earthing system is
acceptable (PEN, positive earth, negative earth or non-earthed low voltage supply).
Check the label on the unit base for power supply voltage rating!
Earth Stud (M4 Nut)
Located under the serial port, to the left of the P4 designator is a M4 bolt provided for earthing. An external ground connection must be connected to ensure appropriate grounding for the unit.
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32.8 dB/100 m (10dB/100ft). Plus 1 dB/connector Approx. Optimum Length Range: 18 to 42 meters Approx. Maximum Length Range: 12 to 70 meters
16.73 dB/100 m. Plus 1 dB/connector Approx. Optimum Length Range: 34 to 79 meters Approx. Maximum Length Range: 23 to 129 meters
Electrical Specification
ANT: Antenna Connector (SMA Connector)
ANT is the GNSS antenna input port. The antenna port provides an interface for an external active antenna via low-loss coaxial cable: 50 Ω impedance. 5 V DC @ 50 mA max is supplied to power an active antenna. The total combined gain of the antenna system (antenna plus cable and connectors) should fall in the range of 10 to 35 dB, the optimum being 22 dB.
If the Fiber-Slave option is ordered, the antenna is replaced by a fiber input port.
Care should be taken to ensure that the connector is not cross-threaded when attaching the antenna lead-in cable. The connector should be tightened firmly by hand only. Do NOT over-tighten!
Antenna Cable Considerations:
Note: The following figures are based on an average GNSS signal strength of -130dBm at sea level.
A lightning protection device should be inserted into the antenna lead. A suitable device complete with additional cable connectors, a connector crimping tool and mounting hardware is available as an option (FACTORY HARDWARE OPTIONS). Introduction of the lightning protector does not degrade the performance of the antenna system.
P2, P3: Programmable Outputs (2-pin [3.81 mm] / BNC or ST Fiber)
Electrical and Physical Configuration
Each output port may be fitted at the factory according to the following:
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information in this document is provided for informational use only and is subject to change. For further information or support, go to www.tekron.com.
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