DOC--PEM--COMet6--US-- 02/08/00
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Teklynx International Co.
E 2000 Teklynx International Co,
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Table of Contents
About this Manual Page - 1....................................
Documents Supplied Page - 1..............................
Typographical Conventions Page - 1........................
Quick Guided Tour Page 2 - 3...................................
Introduction Page 2 - 3..........................................
Presentation of the Zoo Shipping Company Page 2 - 4............
Setting Up the Environment Page 2 - 5.......................
Data Acquisition Page 2 - 9...................................
Creating a New Protocol Page 2 - 11..............................
Selecting Settings for the Bar code Re ader Page 2 - 12.........
About this Manual
Complete documentation is available to help you get the most
from COMet.
By means of an example, the Quick Guided Tour aims to
familiarize you quickly with the software, giving you the basic
keys for getting started. This documentation has been designed
as a compliment to the online help.
Online Help is accessible from the application, and outlines all
application procedures.
This manual distinguishes betwee n different types of information
by using the following conventions:
S terms taken from the interface itself, such as commands,
appear in bold;
S keys appear in small caps, as in the following example:
”Press the
SHIFT key”;
S numbered lists mean there is a procedure to be carried out;
S when the conjunction ”or” appears next to a paragraph it
means the re is the choice of another procedure for carrying
out a given task ;
S When a menu command contains submenus, the menu name
followed by the command to select appears in bold. Thus,
”Choose File Open” means choose the File menu, then the
Open command.
Following this symbol you will find hints for optimizing certain
tasks, speeding up the execution of commands, etc.
Quick Guided Tour
The guided tour provides a quick introduction to get you off to a
good start with the basic functions of COMet.Bymeansofa
practical example, you will learn how to create a new hardware
environment and configure source devices using different
communication protocols.
This example features a weighing machine, a bar code reader
and keyboard data entry as means of gathering the information
needed to ship packages.
The information gathered is inserted in the label below :
kg 5.750
Figure 1 Presentation of the Example Label
Page 2 -- 4
Quick Start Guide
Presentation of the Zoo Shipping Company
The ZOO Shipping Company’s dispatch service has developed a
package shipping system using COMet. Each package must be
accompanied by a delivery slip.
Outgoing packages are routinely weighed and a light beam reads
the bar codes on each package. An operator responsible for
supervising the process enters the price per kilo.
Weighing the package makes it possible to calculate its shipping
price, and reading the bar code indicates its destination.
The information gathered is inserted into the shipping label (see
Page 2 - 3). This enables the company to keep a precise
reference number for each outgoing package.
Figure 2 Presentation of the Example Label
This is just an example, of course. In real life, the price of shipping a package, which depends on its destination, would be
calculated by a database, not an operator.