Tekkeon PowerRunner PR2100, PowerRunner PR2200, PowerRunner PR2300 User Manual

PowerRunner mobile power for portable devices is so versat ile, you can use it with any portable device. Simply connect PowerRunner to your digital camera, video camera, PDA, portable DVD pl ayer, CD player, cell phone, MP3 player, or handheld game to extend the battery life, or use PowerRunner to charg e the battery on the go.
PowerRunner goes where you go ! Clip the handy leather holder to your belt, or just toss PowerRunner in your briefcase or backpackit’s that lightweight.
Unpacking PowerRunner
Yo ur Po werRunner package inclu des the follo wing:
Pow erRu nner
lith ium-ion battery
(PR21 00/PR 2200 sho wn)
Leather carrying
case w / belt clip
Travel wall charger
Car charger (12VDC outlet)
Pow er outpu t cord
Adapter p lug k it (5 connectors)
User gu ide (not shown)
Charging PowerRunner
To charge P owerRunner to its ful l capacity, charge the battery as sh own here:
Cha rging Time
PR 2100
3 hours
PR 2200
4 hours
PR 2300
6 hours
1. Plug the trave l charger or car charger into the INPUT jack on the bottom of Po werRunner (Figure 1) and remove the output cord from the OUTPUT jack, if connected.
2. Plug the trave l charger into the wall o utle t, or the car charger into the 12VDC outlet.
3. After the minimum charging time (sho wn abo ve), unpl ug the charger.
NOTE: As PowerRunner is charging, the red and gre en lights on the top of the unit (Figure 2) will turn on in sequence from left to right. When PowerRunner is charged to 65% capacity, the third green light turns on. Continue to charge PowerRunner for an additional 2 hours.
Using PowerRunner
To use Po werRunn er to power and /or charge your portable device, you must:
A djust the vo ltage level to match that of your device Select an adapter pl ug to connect the output cord
Adjust the Voltage Level
1. L oca te the vol tag e specification
for your portable dev ice. This can be found on the dev ice charger label (Fig ure 3) or dev ice specification la bel (Figure 4), wh ich is ty pically found on the bottom of the unit.
(If available, use the voltage specification shown on the charger.)
2. Move the vo lt age selector
(Figure 5) to the vo ltage stop that is eq ual to or one stop larger than the v oltage specification identified in step 1. For example, if your dev ice requires 6V, move the slider to 6. If your device requ ires 3.3V, move the slider to
It is important to set the voltage selector NO MORE than one step higher than the voltage requirement for the portable device as an incorrect setting may prevent PowerRunn er from working with your device, or may harm your devic e in the rare instance that the device a cc epts the higher voltage. However, for all devices, adjusting the slider ONLY one step higher than required will not harm the device.
Select an Adapter Plug
3. Select and co nnect the appropriate adap ter plug in to the po wer jack on your p ortable device*. The plug sho uld fit securely.
4. Connect the selected adapter
pl ug into the open end of the po wer output cord exactly as shown in Figure 6, and connect the other end of the po wer ou tput cord into t he OUTPUT jack (Figure 7) on the end of Pow erRu nner.
If your portable device displays a low voltage/low capacity or double-bee p warning while PowerRunn er is connected, move the slider one voltage step higher.
Figure 1.
Inp ut
Figure 2.
Capacit y In dicator Light s
Figure 3.
Voltage Ind ication o n
Device Charger Label
Figure 4.
Device Specification Label
Figure 5.
PR2 10 0/PR220
0 V oltage
Figure 6.
Connecti ng the
Adapter Plug
Figure 7.
Outp ut Jack
    
Begin Using
5. Turn on the portable device and use it as y ou wo uld normally.
Leave the portable dev ice turned off and P owerRunner w ill charge the device battery.
6. When finished, unp lug the po wer output cord.
NOTE: As PowerRunner charges your d evic e battery, the capacity in PowerRunner will decrease and each light on PowerRunner will begin to turn off in sequence from right to left. When PowerRunner is completely out of battery, the red light will turn off. At this point, you must charge PowerRunner.
For most portable devices, PowerRunner can be used to power the de vice even when the devic e battery is not installed.
*Obtaining Adapters
Five adapter plug s that fit a variety of por tab le devices are inclu ded with Pow erRu nner. The list of devices compatible w it h these p lu gs is inclu ded o n the back of the package. If your portab le device jack does no t accept an y of the plugs pro vided in the adapt er plug k it, you can ob tain an adapter by contacti ng Tekkeon at www.tekkeon.com/pradapters or by pho ne at 88 8-78 7-5 888 or 1­714-832-1266. If available thro ugh Tekkeo n, the adapter will be sen t to you for a nominal fee.
If PowerRunner does not power the portable dev ice or charge the dev ice battery, take these steps:
1. Verify that the current con sumption of the portab le device is not more than 2Amp. If the device con sumes more than the maximum pro vided b y PowerRun ner, the device w ill s hut down when turned on and canno t be po wered/charged by PowerRunner.
2. Insert t he o utput cord in to the P owerRun ner OUTPUT jack to determine the capacity a s shown here:
Capacity Indication
When LED is on
% Capacity Rem aining
Third Green LED
85 - 95
Second Green LE D
65 - 75
First Green L ED
30 - 40
Red L ED
1 – 5
If you do not have at lea st 65% capacity remaining (one red and
two green lights on), charge Pow erRu nner.
3. Check that the o utp ut cord is connected to both Po werRun ner and the portable dev ice, and t hat the adapter plug fits snugly in to th e po wer jack on your portable device. If not, try ano ther adapter.
4. Verify that the polarity of the portable dev ice ’s power jack matches the adapter pl ug. In most cases, the po larity is center po sitive (Fig ure 8). If the p olarity is center negative, disconnect the adap ter plug from the ou tp ut cord and reconnect the plug in the op posite directio n (Figure 9).
5. Check that the o utp ut voltage for you r portable dev ice matches or is just below th e outpu t
vo ltage set on Po werRunn er. If the outp ut vo ltage is not correct, ad ju st the vo ltage selector.
6. Verify that a battery is installed in th e portabl e dev ice as some devices w il l not functio n with out a battery installed.
Limited Warranty
The product enclosed her ein is warranted to be free o f operational defects for a pe riod of on e year from the date of purchas e. In the event of a defect in operation during the war ranty period Tekkeon, Inc. will replace the defe ctive product when the owner returns all product contents. The limited warranty will be considered void if the unit is tampered with, subject to misuse, negligence or accidental damage, has been improperly serviced, or if the secu rity seal is removed. This wa rranty is limited to replacement only and shall not cover any other damages. Any product returned to Tekk eon, Inc. with no fault found will be returned to the owner at the owner’s expense.
To obtain wa rr anty cover age, please complete and submit the enclosed PowerRunner registration card.
Disclaimer of Warranties
Any user of this product does so at the user’s own risk. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Tekk eon, Inc. and its suppliers provide the hardware a nd any support services related thereto “as is” and with all faults; and he reby disclaim all warranties and conditions, whether express, implied or statutory, including, but not limited to implied warranties of me rch antability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, lack of n egligence or correspondenc e to description, except for those war ranties specifically and expressly provided in the Limited Wa rr anty.
With respect to the use of this product, in no event shall the company be liable for any loss of pro fit or any other commercial damage, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential and other damages.
Custo m e r S ervice Informatio n
Customer service for Po werRunner is availab le at:
Tekkeon, Inc. c/o PowerRu nner 3002 Dow Avenue, #2 18 Tustin, CA 92780 888-787-5888 / 714-832-12 66 ww w.tekkeo n.com
Tekkeon, Inc. must i ssue a Return Merchandise Aut horization (RMA) number for all exchanges or refunds.
Figure 8.
Center P ositi ve
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