MP3300/MP3400 User Guide

Overview ................................................................................................2
Getting Started........................................................................................2
Unpacking myPower ALL ....................................................................2
Getting to Know myPower ALL ..........................................................3
Charging myPower ALL ......................................................................3
Using myPower ALL ..............................................................................4
Select/Connect the Adapter Plug ........................................................4
Connect the Power Output Cord..........................................................5
Adjust the Voltage Level......................................................................5
Connect the Portable Device ..............................................................8
View myPower ALL Battery Capacity ..................................................8
Recording Device Information ............................................................9
Obtaining Adapters..............................................................................9
Troubleshooting ....................................................................................10
Limited Warranty ..................................................................................11
Customer Support ................................................................................12

You can use myPower™ ALL—the universal rechargeable battery—to power just about any portable
device. Simply connect myPower ALL to your portable DVD player, notebook computer, digital
camera, digital camcorder, portable CD player, PDA, mobile phone, or other portable device to
extend the battery life. As an added bonus, myPower ALL will charge the internal battery on some
devices, while also powering the device.
myPower ALL goes where you go! Slip the handy leather case onto your belt, or just toss myPower
ALL into your briefcase or backpack—it’s that lightweight.
Getting Started
Unpacking myPower ALL
Your myPower ALL package includes the following:
User guide (not shown)
myPower ALL lithium polymer
rechargeable battery
Leather travel case
with belt loop
Power adapter
Power output cord
Adapter plug kit with drawstring bag
(8 adapter tips)
Device At-A-Glance

Getting to Know myPower ALL
Voltage Indicators/
Capacity Indicators
Voltage Selector
Voltage Lock
For connection to device
For connection to power adapter
Charging Indicator
Charging myPower ALL
myPower ALL will charge in four hours when completely empty. The green CHARGE indicator will turn
on after the battery is 80% charged. Therefore, you should view the actual battery capacity before
disconnecting the power adapter to stop charging. (Before using myPower ALL for the first time, you
must charge the device for four hours.)
1. Plug the power adapter into the DC IN jack on the end of myPower ALL.
2. Remove the output cord from the DC OUT jack, if connected.
3. Plug the power adapter into a wall outlet.
battery is charging and is less than 80% charged.
4. When the green CHARGE indicator turns on, set the voltage lock to LOCK, and press the voltage
selector to view the battery capacity. If the capacity does not indicate FULL, continue to charge the
battery until the battery capacity indicates FULL.
5. When the battery capacity indicates FULL, unplug the power adapter.
NOTE: myPower ALL will automatically shut down the power input when fully charged, so you can
charge it overnight.
The red CHARGE indicator will turn on to indicate the