Tekin B1, B1-R Owner's Manual

NOTE: Before Radio Calibrating, ensure speed control is
hooke d up to the recei ver, a charge d battery i s properly co n­nected, and the transmitter is turned on. On your radio, set all trim adjustments to the middle, throttle/brake EPAs set to max and ensure that your throttle directio n is set to “normal” . Calibrat ion is real ly very si mple, you j ust press and hold the MODE butto n for 3 sec onds to e nter radio calibrate , let the speed co ntrol “find” yo ur neutral , then let i t “find” your ful l thrott le and full br ake. If yo u are unsure how to pe rform this procedure, follow the detailed steps outlined below.
Congratul ations on your purchase of the B1/B1-R, Tekin’s High Perf ormance Mini Brushed Motor Electronic Speed Con­trol. The QuickTune
feat ure allows t he user to quickly and
accurately adjust all critical operating parameters. Just connect the spee d control as described be low, perfor m a quick radio calibr ate, and you are ready to race!
Forward / Brake
Adjustable Drag Brake/Reverse Type
Voltage Cutoff for LiPo Cells
Push ( Anti-Drag Braking )
QuickTune Digital Setup
Temperature Monitor
The fo llowing stat ements nee d to be under stood befo re using the B1/B1-R:
1. Turn on the transmitter first to avoid uncontrollable noise to speed control.
2. Dis connect batt ery from s peed control when not in use .
3. Do no t hook-up the battery backw ards! No re verse volt­age prot ection.
4. Do no t operate s peed contro l in or around wat er.
5. Insul ate expose d wires wit h heat shr ink tubing to prevent short circuits.
6. The B1/B1R is intended f or Mini vehic les only.
IMPORT ANT: Use extreme care and observe proper safety
precaut ions when so ldering. Al ways wear e ye protect ion. Be sure t hat both wires are disconnec ted from the battery befo re soldering on the posts.
Never keep a hot soldering iron on the speed control solder posts fo r more than 3 seconds—the sol der post may beco me de-sol dered from the spee d control and beco me damaged.
HINT: It should only take a few seconds to solder the wire to
the post. If you do not complete the solder joint in approxi­mately 3 seconds, remove the iron, clean and tin the tip, then repeat the procedure below. Applying a small amo unt of sol der paste f lux can oft en help so lder flow on a st ubborn sur face.
1) Red Wire s are usual ly used to connect the speed co ntrol to the positive battery terminal and the positive motor terminal . Black wire is typic ally used for t he batter y negative t erminal , and blue is used for the negat ive motor connection. Inspect the sticker on the speed control or refer to the diagrams to determine which color wire to attach to each post.
2) Strip back the insulation of the wire by about 3/32” to 1/8” and “pr e-tin” t he wire by heat ing the end and a pply­ing sol der until it i s thoroughly c overed. You may s hake of any excess solder while it is still hot. Be very careful not to splash yourself with hot solder.
3) If there is no solder on the post, place the tip of the iron in the notc h on top of t he post and apply a small amount of solder to the post. When the solder has flowed, remove the sol dering iro n, wipe the t ip clean and apply a smal l amount o f fresh sol der to it.
4) Hold t he wire so the tinned e nd is in co ntact with the notch of the post . Now touch the iron ti p to the wir e and the post. Wait about 2 seconds for the solder to flow, and then remove the iron while still holding the wire. You may let go of the wire after a s econd or two when the solder sets.
Fo r B1 C onne ctio n Diag ram, Ref er to Fig ure 2 , For B1R Connection Diagram, Use Figure 3.
1) Placement : Choose a l ocation for the spee d control that is protect ed from de bris. HINT: To pre vent radio i nterfer­ence place the speed control as far away from the radio receiver as possible and keep the power wires as short as possibl e. If poss ible plan o n routing power and moto r wires away from the radio receiver and radio wires.
2) Mounti ng: For best results cle an the bot tom of the s peed control and chassis . Using the doubled-sided t ape, (incl uded) mount the speed contr ol to chassis .
3) Using a sm all piece of double-side d tape, mount the ON/ OFF switch in a convenient place.
4) Determ ine how you would pr efer to co nnect the motor and batte ry pack to the spee d control. U sing connec tor pairs i s prefer able for mos t applic ations as i t allows yo u to e asily switch bat tery pac ks and change motors. Whether using co nnectors or di rect sol dering, co nsider where yo ur batter y pack sits and how much wir e will be needed to attach to the speed control.
NOTE: Make sure all wires are secure and a safe distance
from all moving parts—use the zip-ties in the accessory pack.
QuickTune MODES
1-11 1 (OFF)
1-11 5
1-11 11 (OFF)
1-11 1 (OFF)
1-4 1 (NONE)
1) CONNECT SPEED CONTROL TO RECEIVER Plug the speed control into the throttle channel of the receiver.
Channel 1: Servo
Channel 2: Speed Co ntrol
“REMEMBER: 1 to Turn, 2 to Burn”
3) CONNECT SPEED CONTROL TO MOTOR Visually verify that the connector on the motor and the speed control match the chart below, then connect.
Startup Se quence
When the po wer switc h is turned ON t he speed contr ol begins looking f or the neut ral signal. If a neutral si gnal is found t he Arming Seque nce (fl ashes LEDs /chime) will occur fol lowed by LED3 on s teady
. NOTE: If Arming Sequence does not occ ur
see Troubl e Shooti ng section of this manual be fore pr oceeding.
One Touch Radi o Calibratio n
1) Turn on transmitter.
2) Turn on speed control.
3) Press and ho ld the M ODE button o n the spee d control for 3 seconds. All LEDs will blink red 3 times with 3 chimes. The spee d control will make a pulsi ng chime as i t looks for a neut ral signal— you do not need to do anything ye t.
4) When NEUTR AL positio n is found and r ecor ded, LED3 will fl ash and a confi rmation chi me will so und .
5) The puls ing chime wil l begin agai n and LED6 will flas h; pull tr ansmitter t rigger to the full t hrottle posi tion and hold unti l the confi rmation chi me sounds.
6) The puls ing chime wil l begin agai n and LED1 will flas h; push trans mitter tr igger to the f ull brake pos ition and hold until t he confirmat ion chime sounds .
7) Release trigger to return to neutral position. LEDs will flash and t he arming se quence chi me will sound.
8) LED3 is now on steady. C alibrati on is co mplete and you are ready t o drive!
NOTE: If any pro blems occu r, repeat r adio calibrat ion. HINT: Once calibrated, the LEDs on the speed control will
advance as the t hrottle or brake is appl ied. Hairpin Trigger Response: If you wish to have a very sho rt trigger range, the n only sque eze the thro ttle/br ake trigger partial ly during the radio calibr ation proce dure. Throttl e/Brake response will not be quite as smooth, but yo u can pull full throttle very quickly.
1) Press the MODE button to access the desired setup mode. The LED starts blinking to indicate that mode selection is under way. Each time t he MODE butto n is pressed and released, the LED advances. For example, to get to the Voltage Cutoff adjus tment, si mply press and releas e the MODE button 6 times. NOTE: Do not wait longer than 5 seconds to adjust the selected MODE or the speed con­trol wil l return to normal ope ration.
2) Press and release the INCR button to adjust the value. The first time INCR button is pressed, the LED(s) will display the existing setting. Each time the INCR button is pressed the value will advance, then after maximum, start over again at the low end of the scale. If two LEDs are on at once, it indicates a value mid-way between the LEDs.
QuickTune Exam ple: Let ’s say you want t o use a 2 cell LiPo battery. To change the Voltage Cutoff from the default setting (1 = None) to setting 2 (2 = 6.0 Volt Cutoff), first follow step 1 above by pr essing and r eleasi ng the MODE but ton 6 tim es. Now press and release the INC button, the LED should show the curr ent setti ng of 1. Press and release the INC button agai n and the LED will move to position 2, indicating that Voltage Cutoff is now set to 6.0 Volts. Wait 5 seconds and the ESC returns to normal operation. HINT: If you wis h to set a nother Pro gram Feat ure, press the MODE butto n again. After 5 seco nds pause, the values yo u selected will be saved in memory and the speed control will resume normal oper ation.
PIT TU NING : If you are in the pit area and cannot use your transmi tter you may us e pit t uning mode t o adjust set tings by following t his proce dure: Unplug t he steeri ng servo from the receiver to avoid servo damage. Hold down either MODE or INCR button while turning the power switch on. An LED se­quence will occur indicating yo u are in pi t tune mode . The user set tings will be active, but the moto r will no t run and the speed control will not respond to receiver signals. Turn the speed control powe r off and bac k on to r esume normal opera­tion.
LED1: DRAG BRAKE contro l provides i mmediate br aking action i n the neut ral zone. This gently slows the c ar down when you l et off t he trigger . Drag Brake can provide a better cornering approach . Higher values increase the degree of drag braking.
Tekin’s Quic kTune electronic setup feature allows users to change every critical operating parameter in a quick, easy, and accur ate fashion. The basic oper ation is des cribed as :
Use MOD E button to sc roll to a P rogram Feat ure.
Use INCR ( increment ) button to view/adjust the Feature .
The B1 series has a built-in se lf-test mode that chec ks all major systems on the spee d control. Bef ore using the self-test mo de, be sure the rear whee ls are free to spin (off the ground) . To activate the self-test, turn the speed control on, then press and hold bot h MODE and INCR but tons simul taneously fo r 5 seconds . After 5 seconds, t he LEDs will ramp up in se ts of two. Circuits inside the speed control are tested to see if any proble ms have occ urred. If t he unit pass es self- test, the n LED3 wil l st ay on s tea dy. If probl ems occur turn the po wer off to the unit and verify all other co nnections are clean/ tight/cor rect (moto r, receiver, bat­tery, plugs, etc) . After veri fication, po wer the unit back on.
NOTE: Activating the self-test mode also resets all the user­program mable setti ngs and paramet ers to their defaul t values. The use r’s radio cal ibration set tings are also reset to de faults.
Forward / Brake /
(M -) Blue Wire (-) Negative (M +) Red Wire (+) Positive
Visually verify that the connector on the battery pack and the speed control match the chart below., then connect.
DANGER: If the batter y wires to uch during the plug inst alla-
tion. It will cause an electrical short circuit resulting in damage to the pack and poss ibly a fire hazar d. Tekin re commends t he use of hi gh quality bat tery c onnectors, such as De an’s Plugs , to impro ve power tr ansfer and minim ize the risk of shor t-circuit s.
(B-) Black Wire (-) Negative (B +) Red Wire (+) Positive
Pit Tune Mode
Controls , B1 Fwd/Brk
Input Power (Cells)
4-8 NiCd/NiMh
2-3S LiPo
Motor Limit Size 370 Si ze or smaller
Motor Limit Turns None
ON Resistance
0.0013 Ohms
0.0052 Ohms
Max Current
60 Amps 30 Amps
BEC 5 Volts, 1.5 Amps
Power Wires 16 GA Silicone
Dimensions 1.0 x 0.9 x 0.25 In.
(25.4 x 23 x 6.3 m m)
Weight (with wires) 0.28 Oz ( 8g)
Controls , B1-R Fwd/ Brk/Rev
The fo llowing ite ms are need ed to conne ct your s peed control:
Soldering Iron
60/40 Electric Grade Solder (or silver solder)
4 pieces 16 Ga. Wire ( Included)
Motor/B attery conne ctors (2 pair)
ATTACHING WIRES TO THE BATTERY: The same techniques describe d in the prece ding sectio n may be used to solder the wires to the battery connectors.
Take pr ecautio ns if removing f actor y battery connec tors. Conne cting the bat tery backwar ds will c ause dam­age, and will void warranty. When s older ing connect ors to a battery pack, cut only one wire of the battery pack at a time to ensure that the expos ed wires canno t short to gether.
HINT: If you are using Dean’s connecto rs for both t he battery and the mo tor, make sure that you have a mal e and a fe male attache d to the spee d control wi res. That way, yo u cannot ac ci­dentall y connect the batter y to the mot or wires or vice ver sa.
1) If using a c onnector between batte ry and spee d control
make sure that the ends will be mat ed together correctly, male t o female, and t hat the wir e colors match—red t o red and blac k to black.
2) Solder the wires from the speed control to each of the
connectors, then solder wires from the battery to each connector’s mate.
ATTACHING WIRES TO THE MOTOR: The same t echniques described i n section 5 may be used to solder the wires to the motor.
1) If using a c onnecto r between mo tor and spe ed control make sure that the ends will be mate d together correctly, male to female, and that the wire colors match—red to red and blue to blue.
2) Solder the wires from the speed control to each of the connectors, then solder wires from the motor to each connector’s mate.
1) Have a ho t iro n and the spe ed contro l secured. Cl ean the tip of the iron and ap ply a small amount o f solde r. While the tip is still smoking from the flux in the solder, touch the tip of the iron to the top of the post.
2) As the so lder on the po st melts, pul l on the wire you wish to remove.
HINT: If there is excess solder remaining on the post, you may remo ve it by heat ing the po st until the solder j ust start s to melt, then quickly tappi ng the spee d control agai nst the workbench to knock off the exces s solder .
Listed be low are a number o f tips to ensure t hat you will get years of trouble- free perfor mance from yo ur Tekin spe ed control.
LED2: NEUTRAL WIDTH adjusts your deadband a round the neu tral point . A low neutr al width value pro vides more sensit ive trigger response ar ound neutr al. LED3: CURRENT LIMITER adjusts the throttle response during acceleration to control annoying wheelspin. Low values allow low amounts of current to pass to the motor, higher val­ues allo w higher amount s of cur rent. The top value (11) turns OFF current limit. LED4: PUSH CONTROL or ANTI-DRAG BRAKING overcomes the natural drag of the motor when you return to neutral. Racers refer to this as “creep” , this setting eliminates the need to trim the throttle forward to create a coasting (pushing) effect . Low values give you a shor t duration pus h, higher value s a longe r duratio n push LED5: BRAKE/REVERSE TYPE ** B1R ONLY**
1) Proportional Brake with Reverse Lockout (LED1 ON). Propor tional brake will be applied dur ing rever se throt tle.
2) Forward to Brake to Reverse (LED1-2 ON). The car will
operate freely in forward and reverse. (Brakes to a stop before switching into reverse)..
3) Proportional Brake with Reverse Delay (LED1-3 ON).
The car will only go in reverse if the trigger has been in neutral for 1 second, otherwise it operates like proportional brake with no revers e.
NO LIGHTS COME ON Check f or dead batte ries. Chec k the connec tions bet ween the batteries and the speed controller and that the switch is in the “ON” position. Verify that there are no bad connections at the spee d controller . Check fo r reverse battery co nnection.
ALL L EDs F LASH ING No radio signal can be found. Chec k recei ver connect ion and verify t hat ESC is plugged int o corre ct channel . Verify t rans­mitter and recei ver are functi oning pro perly.
BOTTOM OR TOP 3 LEDs FL ASHING Radio s ignal fo und, but neutr al point from trans mitter is out of expec ted range. Spee d control not calibr ated properl y or radio setti ngs have been c hanged. Rec alibrate speed cont rol as de­scribe d in the R adio Cali bration sect ion.
Before se nding your B1 /B1-R in fo r service , please revie w the Instruc tions and Tro ubleshoo ting sectio ns. After reviewing these i nstructions , if your s peed control still requi res service , please contact our customer service department for additional assistance. To obtain the most current product service options and pricing, consult the following: WEBSITE: (www.teamtekin.com) Follow the instructions from the Service Re quest sectio n of our webs ite. PHONE/FAX: Contact our customer service department. WARRANTY SERVICE: For warranty work, you MUST CLAIM WARRANTY on A COMP LETELY FILLED OUT PRODUCT SERVICE FORM and include a VALID CASH REGISTER RECE IPT with pur chase dat e, deale r name & phone# on it, or an i nvoice fro m previous ser vice. If warr anty provisions have been voided, there will be service charges.
NOTE: Hobby de alers or distri butors are not authorize d to replace TEKIN produc ts thought t o be defec tive.
Tekin, Inc.
McCall, Idaho
(208) 634-5559 / (208) 634-5 569 (FAX)
www.teamt ekin.co m
TEKIN, INC. guarantees speed controllers to be free from fac­tory def ects in mat erials and wor kmanship fo r a perio d of 120 days fro m date of pur chase, when verifie d by sales re­ceipt. This warranty do es not co ver: suitabi lity for specific applicat ion, co mponents wo rn by use o r improper voltage, tamper ing, misuse, or shipping. O ur warranty l iabilit y shall be limite d to repairi ng unit to our original specific ations. Bec ause we have no control over the installation or use of this product, in no cas e shall we be liable fo r damages. Additionally, these items void the warranty:
1) Using the same polarity connectors on the battery and motor wires from the speed controller.
2) Allowing water or moisture into the speed controller.
3) Incorrect wiring.
4) Use inconsistent with the instructions.
1) Mildest profile, concave (LED1 ON)
2) Mild pr ofile, co ncave (LED1- LED2 ON)
3) Line ar profi le (LED1- LED3 ON)
4) Aggressive profile convex (LED1-LED4 ON)
5) More aggressive profile, convex (LED1-LED5 ON)
6) Custom— User Adjustable Using Tekin HotWire PC Connectio n (LED1-LED6 ON).
NiCd/NiMh Cells.
2) 6 Volts (LED1-LED2 ON)
2 Cells LiPo (2S)
3) 9 Volts (LED1-LED3 ON)
3 Cells LiPo (3S)
4) Custom (LED1-LED4 ON)
User Adjus table Cuto ff, requi res Tekin Ho tWire PC Connection.
If us ing Lithium Polymer (LiPo) bat teries, DO NOT operate your vehicle with the factory default Cutoff Volt­age sett ing (None) .
PROPER ON/OFF PROCEDURE Always turn your transmitter on first and then turn on your speed co ntrol. At the conclus ion of your r un, simply re verse the above procedure. BATTERY POLARITY It is e xtremely im portant to e nsure the bat tery pack i s connec ted to the s peed contro l properly. Connecting t hem backwards could ca use severe damage to the battery pack and/ or speed control. DO NOT JAM THROTTLE This will cause tre mendous reduc tion in run t ime and exce ssive heat buil d-up. RADIO INTERFERENCE Try to kee p the rece iver at l east 1-2 inc hes away fro m any mo­tor or battery wires. RECEIVER BATTERY The built -in BEC (Bat tery Eli minator Ci rcuit) is str ong enough for 1 st andard ser vo. If you are us ing a high po wer ser vo you may need a s eparate r eceiver bat tery (see Receiver Bat tery section).
NO REVERSE QuickTune mode, Brake /Reverse Type is set to option 1. QuickTune mode, Brake /Reverse Type is set to option 3 (trans mitter tr igger must be in neutr al posit ion for 1 s econd before reverse is enabled). Speed control is a B1, not a B1R (not a reversing type).
MOTOR WILL NOT SHUT OFF OR RUNS SLOWLY Incor rect radio calibratio n or thro ttle trim se tting on t ransmit­ter. Check tr ansmitter settings and recal ibrate s peed contro l. Moisture in speed control: Unhook batteries and let the speed control dry.
MOTOR CUT OUT/RADIO INTERFERENCE /POOR RANGE Transmit ter batte ries are low or damaged. M ismatc hed crys­tals. The three-wire cable from speed control to receiver may also be too long; 6 inc hes is t he maximum. Thi s speed co ntrol radiate s very lo w noise and you sho uld have no t rouble with interf erence. If you do have inte rferenc e, mount the speed control in the pan, and mount the receiver and antenna at the top of the shock tower. Try to keep the receiver away from the batteries, power wires, metal or graphite.
NOTE: Optio nal. Connec t a separate battery pac k to the
receiver using the “B” or “BAT” socket on your receiver. A small switch should be used on the receiver pack to operate the radio., and the receiver pack should have no more than 5 cells. IMPORTANT: You must remove the red wire from the speed control servo plug an d cover it with heat shr ink tubing.
The On-Bo ard Temperat ure Monito r works to provide you with important feedback o n speed co ntrol tem perature, he lping you to adjus t gearing and avoid long t erm heat damage. To us e;
1) The spe ed control must be c alibrated to your radio and the radi o must be in the ne utral posit ion.
2) The middl e LED will be on st eady, and sho uld blink ou t every 2 seconds.
3) At the moment that the center LED blinks out, one or more of the other LED s will ligh t up.
4) LEDs 1-3 lit is typi cal of li ght loads or a s tock motor . LEDs 1-5 lit indi cates he avy loads and i s typic al when running mo d motors. LEDs 1-6 li t indicates hi gh inter nal temper atures appro aching the rmal shutdo wn. Disco n­tinue us e until the speed cont rol return s to normal o perat­ing temperature.
SERVO WORKS, THROTTLE DE AD Speed co ntrol not adjusted corr ectly. May be i n Pit Tune mode. If LEDs are fl ickering, may i ndicate that Volt age Cutoff is set above battery pack voltage. Check that cutoff is cor­rectl y set and that battery i s fully char ged. Motor or connec­tions to motor are bad. Receiver plug or connections are bad. Speed c ontrol no t plugged in to thrott le channel o n receiver .
STUTTERING UNDER HE AVY ACCELERATION Recei ver is getti ng magneti c field interfere nce. Try mount ing receiver on its side and/or spacing it 3/16 inch up from the chassis . If this doe s not work, t ry mounti ng it on its other side. Move power wires away from receiver. Check for low current limiter setting. Check for incorrect Voltage Cutoff setting.
BRAKES DO NOT WORK AT ALL Speed control or radio transmitter improperly adjusted. Adjust EPAs on transmitter all the way out and recalibrate speed con­trol to radio.
AUTO COU NT NO T WO RKI NG Mount t ransponder at front of car away fro m batterie s and wir es .
SERVO AND THROTTLE DEAD Check f or dead batt eries, bad c onnec tions to s peed cont rol, dad rece iver plug c onnectio n. Switch may nee d replaci ng. Broke n wires, bad crys tal, bad radi o equipme nt.
THROTTLE WORKS, SERVO DE AD Broke n servo. Wiri ng of plug is bad or incor rectly wir ed.
Figure 2.
B1 Connection Diagram
Figure 3.
B1R Connection Diagram