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The Tekelec logo, EAGLE, G-Flex, G-Port, IP7, IP7 Edge, and IP7 Secure Gateway are registered trademarks of Tekelec.
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This product is covered by one or more of the following U.S. and foreign patents:
Table 5-12. CTP Configuration Data Descriptions for Tekelec EAGLE 5 ISS................... 5-22
Table 6-1. EAGLE 5 ISS IP signaling maximum capacities by card and application........... 6-2
910-5346-001 Revision A, September 2008
List of TablesSIGTRAN User Guide
910-5346-001 Revision A, September 2008
About this manual ...............................................................................................................................................
Updates for this Release ..................................................................................................................................... 1-2
Customer Care Center ........................................................................................................................................ 1-4
Related Publications ........................................................................................................................................... 1-5
Documentation Availability, Packaging, and Updates ....................................................................................... 1-5
Locate Product Documentation on the Customer Support Site .......................................................................... 1-6
About this manual
An SS7-over-IP network consists of a traditional SS7 network that utilizes an IP network. This document
describes SS7-over-IP networks that use the Signaling Transport (SIGTRAN) protocol suite as an enabler to
access IP networks. IP-enabled or all-IP networks are growing in popularity for both wireline and wireless operators
as they promise higher bandwidth at a lower cost, higher efficiency, and access to an exploding number of
revenue-generating services. Participation in such services becomes increasingly difficult because of the high
bandwidth required and the link restriction imposed by the traditional SS7 network.
A first step to IP success is an SS7-over-IP or SIGTRAN converged network to make reliable signaling over IP
possible without replacing the entire network. The goal is to eventually move from the converged TDM /IP network
to an all-IP network to take advantage of bandwidth, redundancy, reliability, and access to IP-based functions and
applications. Tekelec is prepared to take customers through this process at their own pace by offering expertise
and tested products that will assist in achieving this goal.
910-5346-001 Revision A, September 2008
AudienceSIGTRAN User Guide
Figure 1-1. Transition from SS7 to IMS
This document examines the reasons for transitioning to an SS7-over-IP (SSoIP) network, the considerations that
go into planning and dimensioning, and helpful information for implementing the network. This document does
not attempt to provide a beginning-to-end solution for such a transition; contact your Tekelec Sales Representative
to discuss your specific needs.
The audience
SIGTRAN-related products, as well as Tekelec customers that require an overview of SS7-over-IP networks,
SIGTRAN, and products that are part of the Tekelec solution.
for this document are Tekelec departments affected by the development, sale, or service of
Updates for this Release
The IP Signaling Gateway (IPSG) feature is introduced in release 38.0. This feature provides a signaling gateway
(SG) application as an alternative to the IPLIM and IPGW applications (the IPLIM and IPGW applications continue
to be supported). The IPSG feature can run the M2PA and M3UA protocols simultaneously on the same card, and
supports ANSI, ITU-N or ITUN-24, and ITU-I simultaneously on one card and one association. The SUA protocol
is not supported by this feature The IPSG feature runs on the E5-ENET cards only.
As part of the IPSG feature, the IPGWx Signaling TPS FAK is removed. Since customers will no longer be required
to purchase IP Signaling TPS, they can allocate as much SLKTPS as needed (up to the card limit) to accommodate
failover scenarios. The Eagle OAM enforces a system-wide IP Signaling TPS limit of 500,000 TPS provisioned
for IPGWx and IPSG link sets.
The IPSG feature works in conjunction with the SIGTRAN Measurements Phase 1 feature. The IPVSHL and the
IPVL link classes introduced in the SIGTRAN feature are used for the M2PA and the M3UA links, respectively.
See the EAGLE 5 ISS 38.0 Feature Manual for more information on these new features.
Manual organization
The manual is organized into these chapters:
Chapter 1 Introduction provides the purpose of this document, the targeted audience, how the manual is
organized, and Tekelec contact information.
•Chapter 2 SS7-over-IP networks describes the concept of an SS7- over-IP network and the protocols it uses,
the opportunities it provides now and what it means for future directions. This section takes the reader from
current TDM limitations, to the role of SIGTRAN, to the reasoning of why and when to transition to an
SS7-over-IP network.
910-5346-001 Revision A, September 2008
SIGTRAN User GuideManual conventions
•Chapter 3 Tekelec solutions describes how Tekelec products are a part of the SS7-over-IP solution. This
section describes how the EAGLE 5 Integrated Signaling System (ISS) functions as a gateway to internet
networks; and the Integrated Application Solution (IAS)
and performance tools including IP traffic monitoring through the Integrated Message Feeder (IMF) .
Chapter 4 Transition planning provides a guideline on how to prepare for a transition to an SS7-over-IP
•Chapter 5 Dimensioning describes dimensioning issues and calculations required to maximize the efficiency
of the new network. This section addresses scalability, redundancy schemes, throughput calculations for
both normal and failover mode, LAN
Chapter 6 Implementation ” provides hardware information, high-level configuration steps for the
IPLIMx and IPGWx applications, how to refine timers and parameters after the installation, and highlevel system verification steps.
•Chapter 7 Troubleshooting offers troubleshooting procedures based on symptoms occurring in the network.
•Appendix A Additional Deployment Scenarios provides other possible deployment scenarios.
•Appendix B References lists Tekelec-internal and external references used in this manual. Customers
requiring access to Tekelec-internal references should contact their Sales Representative to obtain equivalent
information. This section also provides the location of customer documentation on the Tekelec Customer
Support site.
•“Glossary” defines both acronyms and terminology used in this manual.
/WAN considerations, and retransmission concepts.
, which provides several network management
Manual conventions
Several conventions are used in this document. While certain acronyms are standard in the telecom industry and
are understood by most readers, this document treats network components and feature name as proper names and
spells out their names to improve the reading of this document.
For some process descriptions, figures or tables are displayed at the beginning of the process to allow the reader
to follow most of the process on the same page. This convention is identified with each process.
Tekelec customer documentation is transitioning to sentence-style section headings to accommodate new
documentation development technologies.
Where “end points” are mentioned, the full range is included: Service Switching Points (SSPs)
Points (SCPs), Home Locator Registers (HLRs), Short Message Service Centers (SMSCs) .
, Signaling Control
Documentation Admonishments
Admonishments are icons and text throughout this manual that alert the reader to assure personal safety, to
minimize possible service interruptions, and to warn of the potential for equipment damage.
Table 1-1. Admonishments
910-5346-001 Revision A, September 2008
Customer Care CenterSIGTRAN User Guide
(This icon and text indicate the possibility of personal injury.)
(This icon and text indicate the possibility of equipment damage.)
(This icon and text indicate the possibility of service interruption.)
Customer Care Center
The Tekelec Customer Care Center offers a point of contact for product and service support through highly trained
engineers or service personnel. The Tekelec Customer Care Center is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at
the following locations:
Tekelec, USA
+1 888 367 8552 (US and Canada only)
+1 919 460 2150 (international)
•Tekelec, Europe
Phone: +44 1784 467804
When a call is received, a Customer Service Report (CSR) is issued to record the request for service. Each CSR
includes an individual tracking number.
After a CSR is issued, the Customer Care Center determines the classification of the trouble. If a critical problem
exists, emergency procedures are initiated. If the problem is not critical, information regarding the serial number
of the system, COMMON Language Location Identifier (CLLI), initial problem symptoms (includes outputs and
messages) is recorded. A primary Customer Care Center engineer is also assigned to work on the CSR and provide
a solution to the problem. The CSR is closed when the problem is resolved.
Emergency Response
In the event of a critical service situation, emergency response is offered by the Tekelec Customer Care Center 24
hours a day, 7 days a week. The emergency response provides immediate coverage, automatic escalation, and other
features to ensure that the critical situation is resolved as rapidly as possible.
A critical situation is defined as a problem with an EAGLE 5 ISS that severely affects service, traffic, or
maintenance capabilities, and requires immediate corrective action. Critical problems affect service and/or system
operation resulting in:
•A total system failure that results in loss of all transaction processing capability
•Significant reduction in system capacity or traffic handling capability
910-5346-001 Revision A, September 2008
SIGTRAN User GuideRelated Publications
•Loss of the system’s ability to perform automatic system reconfiguration
Inability to restart a processor or the system
•Corruption of system databases that requires service affecting corrective actions
•Loss of access for maintenance or recovery operations
•Loss of the system ability to provide any required critical or major trouble notification
Any other problem severely affecting service, capacity/traffic, billing, and maintenance capabilities may be defined
as critical by prior discussion and agreement with the Tekelec Customer Care Center.
Related Publications
For information about additional publications that are related to this document, refer to the Related Publications
document. The Related Publications document is published as a part of the Release Documentation and is also
published as a separate document on the Tekelec Customer Support Site.
Documentation Availability, Packaging, and Updates
Tekelec provides documentation with each system and in accordance with contractual agreements. For General
Availability (GA) releases, Tekelec publishes a complete EAGLE 5 ISS documentation set. For Limited
Availability (LA) releases, Tekelec may publish a documentation subset tailored to specific feature content or
hardware requirements. Documentation Bulletins announce a new or updated release.
The Tekelec EAGLE 5 ISS documentation set is released on an optical disc. This format allows for easy searches
through all parts of the documentation set.
The electronic file of each manual is also available from the Tekelec Customer Support site. This site allows for
24-hour access to the most up-to-date documentation.
Printed documentation is available for GA releases on request only and with a lead time of six weeks. The printed
documentation set includes pocket guides for commands and alarms. Pocket guides may also be ordered as a set
or individually. Exceptions to printed documentation are:
•Hardware or Installation manuals are printed only without the linked attachments found in the electronic
version of the manuals.
•The Release Notice is available only on the Customer Support site.
NOTE: Customers may print a reasonable number of each manual for their own use.
Documentation is updated when significant changes are made that affect system operation. Updates resulting from
Severity 1 and 2 PRs are made to existing manuals. Other changes are included in the documentation for the next
scheduled release. Updates are made by re-issuing an electronic file to the customer support site. Customers with
printed documentation should contact their Sales Representative for an addendum. Occasionally, changes are
communicated first with a Documentation Bulletin to provide customers with an advanced notice of the issue until
officially released in the documentation. Documentation bulletins are posted on the Customer Support site and
can be viewed per product and release.
910-5346-001 Revision A, September 2008
Locate Product Documentation on the Customer
Support Site
SIGTRAN User Guide
Locate Product Documentation on the Customer Support Site
To view or download product documentation, log into the Tekelec Customer Support site at:
1.Log in with your user name and password. (Click on Need an Account? if you need to register).
2.Select EAGLE from the Product Support menu.
3.Select the release number from the Release menu.
4.Locate the Notices section to view the latest Feature Notice.
5.Locate the Manuals section to view all manuals applicable to this release.
The documentation is listed in alphabetical order by the manual name. Only the first three manuals display.
Click more… to see the remaining manuals.
6.Locate the latest revision of the manual name.
Confirm the release number and last available revision.
Select the 936-xxxx-x01 part number to download the complete documentation set with all linked files.
NOTE: The electronic file for this part number is quite large.
7.To view a manual, double-click the manual name.
8.To download a manual, right-click and select Save Target As.
NOTE: Customers may print a reasonable number of each manual for their own use.
Role of SIGTRAN .............................................................................................................................................. 2-2
SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol) .......................................................................................... 2-3
M2PA (MTP2 User Peer-to-Peer Adaptation Layer) protocol ................................................................... 2-4
M3UA (MTP Level 3 User Adaptation Layer) protocol ............................................................................. 2-5
SUA (SCCP User Adaptation) protocol ...................................................................................................... 2-6
SS7-over-IP signaling transport .......................................................................................................................... 2-6
From SS7 message to IP packet .................................................................................................................. 2-7
Communication inside the Wide Area Network (WAN) ............................................................................ 2-7
Reasons to transition to an SS7-over-IP SIGTRAN network ............................................................................. 2-8
Type of network change ................................................................................................................................... 2-10
Dedicated network versus converged IP networkt .................................................................................... 2-10
Replacement versus expansion .................................................................................................................. 2-10
When to transition to an SS7-over-IP SIGTRAN network .............................................................................. 2-11
SS7-over-IP networks overview
An SS7-over-IP network consists of a traditional SS7 network that can integrate IP-enabled or all-IP devices with
protocols defined by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standards organization.
SS7-over-IP signaling primarily addresses the transport aspect of SS7. Call-control services and other types of
services, therefore, can continue to be offered and deployed without concern for the method of interconnection.
The method of service implementation, however, remains dependent on the particular network element chosen to
support the service rather than the transport chosen.
This section looks at the limitations of the traditional SS7 network and its network components, the role of
SIGTRAN protocols, the purpose of SS7-over-IP networks, the advantages of transitioning to this network, and
when it is time to consider transitioning.
910-5346-001 Revision A, September 2008
SS7 limitationsSIGTRAN User Guide
SS7 limitations
SS7 is a signaling network (data traffic) protocol used to send and receive signaling messages between Signaling
End Points over dedicated signaling links. Operators deploy SS7 services over a dedicated network of 56- or 64kbps Time Division Multiplexed (TDM) lines, or utilize high-speed T1 (1.5 Mbps) or E1 (2.048 Mbps) lines. SS7
uses centralized databases and services, achieves reliable connections through
because of its isolation from end users and the dedicated network. SS7 signaling is mature with standards and a
rich feature set, and offers these advantages to both wireline and wireless services.
However, SS7 limitations in scalability, bandwidth, and network availability slow network growth and
opportunities to participate in new IP services:
•Scalability is limited by 16-link linksets consisting of 64 kbps transport
Up to 16 links may be grouped into one circuit, or linkset. Adjacent network elements, such as Signal
Transfer Points (STPs) and Service Control Points (SCPs), may be connected by no more than one linkset.
The protocol further recommends that links and linksets are configured to no more than 40% of their
maximum capacity, so that the alternate path can carry the full load of messages during failover.
A traditional SS7 message size is limited to about 272 octets. E1/T1 links allow the transmission of larger
messages, but not without originating, routing, or end points supporting either large messages or message
network management, and is secure
A bandwidth of 56 kbps or 64 kbps per link and dedicated links reduce flexibility and increase cost
significantly when creating sufficient bandwidth for new service applications. In a TDM network, entire
transmission segments must be reserved for each call, even if the TDM connection is idle.
TDM-based SS7 is continuing to evolve, but slowly. Instead, wireline and wireless operators are looking to IP
SIGTRAN is a working group of the IETF , addressing packet -based Public Switched Telephone Network
(PSTN) signaling over IP networks. A set of signaling transport protocols has been developed out of the group’s
work. For the purposes of this document, the protocols are collectively called the “SIGTRAN” protocols or suite.
The SIGTRAN architecture used by Tekelec includes the following protocols. The figure shows their location
in the protocol stack:
•Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP); RFC 4960
•MTP2 User Peer-to-Peer Adaptation Layer (M2PA) protocol; RFC 4165
•MTP3 User Adaptation Layer (M3UA) protocol; RFC 4666
•SCCP User Adaptation Layer (SUA) protocol; RFC 3868
910-5346-001 Revision A, September 2008
Figure 2-1. SIGTRAN protocols used by Tekelec
SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol)
SCTP is a new reliable transport protocol that operates on top of a connectionless packet network such as IP,
and operates at the same layer as TCP. It establishes a connection between two endpoints, called an association,
for transmission of user messages. To establish an association between SCTP endpoints , one endpoint provides
the other with a list of its transport addresses (one or more IP addresses in combination with an SCTP port).
These transport addresses identify the addresses that will send and receive SCTP packets. SCTP was developed
to eliminate deficiencies in TCP and offers acknowledged, error-free, non-duplicated user data transport.
IP signaling traffic is usually composed of many independent message sequences between many different signaling
endpoints. SCTP allows signaling messages to be independently ordered within multiple streams (unidirectional
logical channels established from one SCTP end point to another) to ensure in-sequence delivery between
associated end points. By transferring independent message sequences in separate SCTP streams, it is less likely
that the retransmission of a lost message will affect the timely delivery of other messages in unrelated sequences
(called head-of-line blocking). Because TCP does enforce head-of-line blocking, the SIGTRAN Working Group
recommends SCTP rather than TCP for the transmission of signaling messages over IP networks.
SCTP provides certain transport-related security features, such as resistance against blind denial of service attacks,
masquerades, or improper monopolization of services.
SIGTRAN protocols do not define new security mechanisms, as the currently available security protocols provide
the necessary mechanisms for secure transmission of SS7 messages over IP networks.
Tekelec deviations
The following sections summarize the most important deviations from the IETF RFCs that Tekelec has made.
Refer to the Tekelec protocol compliance matrices for details; see
Representative for access to the information contained in these documents.
910-5346-001 Revision A, September 2008
Tekelec internal references . Contact your Sales
SCTP multiple streams
There are several architectural issues regarding the use of multiple streams as described in the SCTP protocol. The
issues include:
Synchronization between data streams
•Synchronization from control stream to data streams
•Load-sharing implementation based on SLS across streams, either within a connection or across all the
connections in an Application Server
Since the underlying SS7 network is connectionless, a stringent requirement for missequenced messages has
been set because it is often easier to recover from the loss of a message by a time-out than from one message
delivered out-of-sequence. The Message Transfer Part (MTP) is able to maintain a high probability of
message sequencing. This is ensured by the MTP user, which generates a value for a Signaling Link Selection
(SLS) field as a parameter for each message. As the message is routed through the network, wherever there
is a choice to be made between alternate routes, the link selection is made based on the SLS value in the
•Connection behavior when a stream becomes congested
A lack of consensus on the IETF SIGTRAN mailing list regarding these issues resulted in Tekelec supporting a
maximum of two streams: a control stream and a data stream.
SCTP timer
Based on experiences in the field, Tekelec has deviated from some RFC-recommended timer settings, especially
related to retransmission, to better accommodate signaling networks.
The Tekelec default mode for the retransmission timer (RMODE) is linear, whereas the RFC-recommended timer
setting is exponential. Tekelec makes both settings available through configuring an association to use either the
Linear (LIN) or the exponential (RFC) method. For more information about both modes and the timer settings,
“SCTP timers” .
M2PA (MTP2 User Peer-to-Peer Adaptation Layer) protocol
M2PA is used primarily to replace B-, C-, and D-links. When used with A-links, M2PA connects to Service
Switching Points , Signaling Control Points
replacement for channelized TDM circuits because it has specific controls for assurance of in-sequence delivery
of messages. As such, M2PA is needed to connect points that pass call-related data that is time-sensitive, such
as ISUP calling data.
Congestion procedures conform to those specified by the ANSI/ITU standards. The M2PA protocol can coexist
in a linkset with other link types such as low-speed links and ATM high speed links. When using other link types,
the throughput will always match the lowest-speed link in the linkset.
Tekelec implemented the M2PA protocol through its IPLIMx application. For more information on the IPLIMx
application, see
IPLIMx, IPGWx and IPSG applications .
, Home Locator Registers and other endpoints. M2PA is a direct
910-5346-001 Revision A, September 2008
Figure 2-2. M2PA network
M3UA (MTP Level 3 User Adaptation Layer) protocol
M3UA seamlessly transports SS7 MTP3 user part signaling messages over IP using SCTP. M3UA-connected
IP endpoints do not have to conform to standard SS7 topology, because each M3UA association does not require
an SS7 link; there are no 16-link-per-linkset restrictions. Each M3UA-connected IP endpoint can be addressed by
an SS7 point code unique from the signaling gateway’s point code. Tekelec offers two types of topologies M3UA:
IPGWx using routing keys, and IPSG using IPSG-M3UA links.
NOTE: A-links for nodes requiring in-sequence delivery of messages should be configured on the IPLIMx
card using M2PA; M3UA does not have sequence numbers to support lossless changeover/changeback. For
more information on the IPLIMx application, see “IPLIMx and IPGWx applications” on page 20.
A routing key defines a set of IP connections as a network path for a portion of SS7 traffic, and is the IETF Signaling
Gateway equivalent of a Signal Transfer Point’s SS7 route. Routing keys are supported by the M3UA protocols
to partition SS7 traffic using combinations of Destination Point Code (DPC), Origination Point Code (OPC),
Service Indicator (SI), Network Indicator (NI), SS7 Subsystem Number (SSN), and/or Circuit Identification Code
(CIC) message fields.
Using IPGWx, M3UA-connected IP endpoints do not have to conform to standard SS7 topology, because each
M3UA association does not require an SS7 link; there are no 16-link-per-linkset restrictions. Each M3UAconnected IP endpoint can be addressed by an SS7 point code unique from the signaling gateway’s point code.
In release 38.0, M3UA can also be implemented using IPSG, supports routing keys in the form of SS7 Routes
referencing IPSG M3UA linksets, rather than as distinct ‘routing key’ managed elements. Instead, it performs
similarly to the M2PA protocol. Each M3UA association is viewed as a link by the core EAGLE, and each IPSG
card can have up to 32 associations/links per card. MTP Origin-Based Routing cannot be used with adjacent point
M3UA does not have a 272-octet Signaling Information Field (SIF) length limit as specified by some SS7 MTP3
variants. Larger information blocks can be accommodated directly by M3UA/SCTP without the need for an upper
layer segmentation or re-assembly procedure as specified by the SCCP and ISUP standards. However, a Signaling
Gateway will enforce the maximum 272-octet limit when connected to a SS7 network that does not support the
transfer of larger information blocks to the destination.
910-5346-001 Revision A, September 2008
SS7-over-IP signaling transportSIGTRAN User Guide
At the Signaling Gateway, M3UA indicates to remote MTP3 users at IP end points when an SS7 signaling point
is reachable or unreachable, or when SS7 network congestion or restrictions occur.
NOTE: IPGW and IPSG M3UA links cannot be in the same link set at the same time. However, the EAGLE
allows IPGW and IPSG-M3UA link sets to have separate routes to the same AS, aiding in cutover.
SUA (SCCP User Adaptation) protocol
SUA transports any SS7 SCCP signaling messages over IP using SCTP, and is used between a Signaling Gateway
and a signaling end point
SUA is used to direct queries to the correct IP-based Application Server Process . It replaces the SCCP layer with
its own SUA layer and is used when source and destination are both IP.
A Signaling Gateway can determine the “next hop ” using the Global Title Translations delivered in the Called
Party Address of the Message Signaling Unit (MSU) .
NOTE: A-links for nodes requiring in-sequence delivery of messages should be configured on the
IPLIMx card using M2PA; SUA does not have sequence numbers to support lossless changeover/
changeback. For more information on the IPLIMx application, see
Routing keys are supported by the SUA protocol as in M3UA. Routing key parameters include DPC, OPC, SI,
and SSN.
or between signaling end points.
IPLIMx, IPGWx and IPSG applications
IPSG does not support SUA.
SS7-over-IP signaling transport
SIGTRAN protocols connect IP-based or IP-enabled Media Gateway Controllers (MGCs)
(SGs) , switches, databases and other Next Generation signaling applications with traditional circuit-switched
signaling architecture.
Figure 2-3. SS7-over-IP network.
, Signaling Gateways
In SS7-over-IP networks, traditional SS7 signals from a telephone company switch are transmitted to a Signaling
or to a MGC , other Service Control Points, or Mobile Switching Centers (MSCs) . SIGTRAN protocols define
how the SS7 messages can be transported reliably over the IP network; see also
, which wraps the signals in an IP packet for transmission over IP to either the next Signaling Gateway
“Role of SIGTRAN” .
910-5346-001 Revision A, September 2008
SIGTRAN User GuideSS7-over-IP signaling transport
The Signaling Gateway has a critical role in the integrated network and is often deployed in groups of two or more
to ensure high availability. The Signaling Gateway provides transparent interworking of signaling between TDM
and IP networks. The Signaling Gateway may terminate SS7 signaling or translate and relay messages over an IP
network to a Signaling End Point (SEP)
or integrated in any combination. For example, the EAGLE 5 ISS can perform the functions of a Signal Transfer
Point in addition to those of a Signaling Gateway.
or another Signaling Gateway, which may be separate physical devices
From SS7 message to IP packet
The following figure and description show how SS7 messages are encapsulated and sent over an IP network to a
host in another network.
Figure 2-4. Change from SS7 message to IP packet
1.A signaling point issues an SS7 message, unaware that there is IP signaling in the network. The message
contains Link Status Signaling Units (LSSU), Fill In Signal Units (FISU), Final Signal Units (FSU), and
Message Signal Units (MSUs).
The Signaling Gateway receives the SS7 packet and encapsulates all necessary SS7 information into the
data section of the IP packet. The packet includes the data, source and destination IP address.
3.The packet travels across the IP network. The network is unaware that it is delivering SS7 data. There is no
need to modify the routers or gateways along the way.
4.The packet is delivered to the Signaling Gateway on the receiving network. The SS7 information is recovered
from the IP packet.
5.A well-formed SS7 packet is sent to the destination Signaling Point.
Communication inside the Wide Area Network (WAN)
The following figure and description show the routing inside the Wide Area Network (WAN).
910-5346-001 Revision A, September 2008
Reasons to transition to an SS7-over-IP SIGTRAN
Figure 2-5. Communication inside the WAN
SIGTRAN User Guide
1.The Source Host (Signaling Gateway) builds a packet with a destination IP address.
A router on the LAN converts the packet to the WAN protocol and places it on the WAN.
3.Each router on the WAN looks at the destination IP address and determines the port to which it forwards
the packet. Each router needs to know only how to get the packet closer to the destination.
4.The final router converts the packet to the local LAN format and delivers it to the Destination Host.
Reasons to transition to an SS7-over-IP SIGTRAN network
There are many reasons for transitioning to an SS7-over-IP network. The resulting network offers better cost
effectiveness, increased capacity that can be further scaled as needed, a high Quality of Service (QoS) including
redundancy and security, and efficient deployment using existing equipment.
Cost effectiveness
SS7-over-IP networks lower network capital and operational expenditures. SIGTRAN is based on the IP protocol;
these networks use industry standard, off-the-shelf network interfaces, cables, switches, and software.
Improvements in technology and reductions in cost found in the general computer industry can be applied readily
in signaling applications. As an industry standard, SIGTRAN allows customers to interoperate in a multivendor
Replacing long-haul point-to-point SS7 links between network elements with IP connectivity can reduce recurring
signaling transport costs and the need for dedicated TDM lines. IP-based network monitoring and provisioning
improve operation efficiencies.
910-5346-001 Revision A, September 2008
SIGTRAN User GuideReasons to transition to an SS7-over-IP SIGTRAN
Increased capacity
SS7-over-IP networks offer increased capacity. The bandwidt overall is greater, both due to inherent capacity
and to dynamic bandwidth sharing. Data traffic including Short Message Service (SMS) can run more efficiently
over SIGTRAN . For example, SMS data is saturating some SS7 networks. Using devices such as the Tekelec
EAGLE 5 ISS with its gateway functions, operators can have a Short Message Service Center communicate
directly to Home Location Registers (HLR) and Mobile Switching Centers (MSCs) using SIGTRAN .
SIGTRAN uses the packet IP network to define logical connections between devices. Because the network
developers, planners, and installers are no longer tied to deploying fixed circuits for signaling, they have the
flexibility to define the network as needs and demands change. Flexibility is key in adapting bandwidth on demand;
redimensioning the SS7-over-IP network can be done completely through software. With legacy SS7, users are
limited to either 56 or 64 kbps links.
There is also flexibility when adding capacity for new IP-based solutions and value-added services ; future
enhancements are more transparent.
Enabling a network with IP does not require expensive investments or costly upgrades for existing end nodes; it
enables migration to packet-based architecture without adding new point codes or reconfiguring the network.
For M2PA, there are no architectural changes. When using SIGTRAN, SS7 routing translations are the same for
TDM or IP linksets.
An SS7-over-IP network is the first step to an all-IP network. The following figure shows the diversity of solutions
that are possible using SIGTRAN protocols. For example, M3UA and SUA support an IP-enabled Short Message
Service Center (SMSC) or Home Location Register (HLR) . SS7-over-IP solves the throughput limitations that
were inherited from the SS7 standards, thus allowing Short Message Service Center, Home Location Register, and
other equipment to support heavy SS7 traffic needs.
910-5346-001 Revision A, September 2008
Type of network changeSIGTRAN User Guide
Figure 2-6. Typical EAGLE 5 ISS SS7-over-IP deployment
Type of network change
When considering a transition, determine the type of change to make. Consider the advantages and disadvantages
of a dedicated network versus a converged network. Does the equipment need to be phased out or will new
equipment be added? Does the network require additional protection or supplier integration through diversity? All
these issues should be considered in the initial planning because of their significant impact on the overall network
Dedicated network versus converged IP networkt
While a dedicated IP network offers inherent security and minimal routing, a converged network carrying both
voice and data also will satisfy these needs at less cost, provided that the QoS attributes such as Round Trip Time
(RTT) , Packet Loss, andJitter
the IP network.
Implementing SS7-over-IP on an SS7 system creates a converged IP network that allows quick, cost-effective
implementation of IP-based services using existing network elements. The Tekelec EAGLE 5 ISS with its Signaling
Transfer Point and Signaling Gateway functions offers a reliable solution for this transition.
Decisions regarding the customization of the IP network are left up to the customer, but Tekelec Professional
Services can provide recommendations based on their experiences with previous SIGTRAN deployments.
Replacement versus expansion
When transitioning to an SS7-over-IP network, consider these strategies:
are satisfied. These attributes should always be given the highest priority on
•Replacement of out-phased (end of life) TDM equipment
•Gradual replacement, which means coexistence of the two technologies: there is no need to retire an existing
switch if you are deploying purely for additional capacity
910-5346-001 Revision A, September 2008
SIGTRAN User GuideWhen to transition to an SS7-over-IP SIGTRAN
•Full accelerated replacement with a short transition period based on cost, efficiency, and fault management:
even if complete transition is desired, it is unrealistic to expect to instantaneously cut over unless the
subscriber base is very small.
There is enormous leverage when one platform provides both TDM and SS7-over-IP. The issue is more than
cost savings. A combined platform can support new multimodal voice, data and video services that utilize
a combination of IP data with diverse messaging capabilities, location and presence information, voice
connections, speech recognition and Intelligent Network control. Of course, not every application requires
every capability, so flexibility is key
Maintaining the existing PSTN network, and use Next Generation Network (NGN) equipment to satisfy
growing demands: legacy switches have many features and services.
•Operators may have to wait until new switches support all required features and services.
•Out-of-region or in-region expansion Traditional services or new features
Supporting businesses with critical operations such as banking requires strategies for predictable recovery, not
only from regular network faults, but also from attacks on signaling networks. When planning to move to an SS7over-IP network, the operator should consider diversity to assist in recovery.
The range of diversity will differ from customer to customer and it may include a multitude of factors:
•Entry diversity offers more than one cable entrance into a building
•Pair and cable diversity provides a local loop connection through multiple, nonadjacent pairs in more than
one cable
•Path or route diversity provides end-to-end, physically or logically separate routes for a circuit
•Central office diversity provides local loops that terminate in more than one central office
•Site diversity provides alternative or backup locations
When to transition to an SS7-over-IP SIGTRAN network
Consider transitioning to an SS7-over-IP network if:
•Traffic-volume growth on the network is demanding additional capacity
•New networks are planned or IP services will be added to existing networks
•Traffic volume between signaling points is surpassing the bandwidth of 16-link linksets
•A data or voice-over-IP network is already present
•Signaling traffic is deployed over very high latency or lossier networks, such as satellite links
If signaling messages are transported over a private intranet, security measures can be applied as deemed necessary
by the network operator.
910-5346-001 Revision A, September 2008
When to transition to an SS7-over-IP SIGTRAN
EAGLE 5 ISS ..................................................................................................................................................... 3-1
IPLIMx, IPGWx and IPSG applications ..................................................................................................... 3-2
Tekelec has set the standard for ultra-reliable, high-performance, scalable signaling in wireless and wireline
networks around the world. Advanced solutions optimize network efficiency and save customer capital and
operational costs. Tekelec addresses network transition by providing the signaling bridge to seamlessly converge
circuit and packet-switched technologies.
Operators can leverage existing TDM and ATM network resources as they transition at their own pace to new IPbased transport and services. Tekelec’s innovative switching solutions create cost-effective, fully scalable
networks with built-in flexibility , making it quick and easy to roll out high-margin multimedia services to business
and residential customers.
Tekelec is the IP signaling leader and the first to recognize the value of IP Signaling by developing the TALI
protocol (RFC 3094) in 1998. Tekelec was first to market with an IP Signaling solution (IPLIMx application) in
2000, and has years of IP signaling deployment experience.
There are a variety of Tekelec products available to implement a new IP network or upgrade an existing SS7
The Tekelec EAGLE 5 ISS is a robust SS7-over-IP solution that delivers centralized signaling routing, and bridges
the legacy circuit-switched and packet networks. It provides seamless interworking between TDM resources such
as Service Control Points and IP-enabled elements such as Media Gateway Controllers and next-generation
databases. With its packet-based technology, the EAGLE 5 ISS can handle signaling requirements of the most
complex networks, delivering dynamic bandwidth sharing to support increases in signaling traffic without
additional nodes. The same platform delivers full Signal Transfer Point capabilities and a complete portfolio of
integrated applications.
910-5346-001 Revision A, September 2008
Using the EAGLE 5 ISS to structure the network provides a predictable and reliable architecture with all required
interfaces. It is easily scalable
expansion on different parts of the network independent of each other.
The EAGLE 5 ISS provides ease of database management for the SS7-over-IP architecture. Key benefits of using
the Tekelec SS7-over-IP solution are:
sharing to enable carriers to effectively expand their signaling networks and reduce network bottlenecks. By
replacing TDM links with an IP interface, service providers can significantly increase signaling capacity to
Service Control Points.
•Reduced transport costs. Replacing long-haul, point-to-point SS7 links between network elements with IP
connectivity can reduce recurring signaling transport costs by 40% to 70%.
•More efficient networks. Transitioning to SS7-over-IP signaling does not require expensive equipment
replacement or costly software upgrades for existing end nodes. With Tekelec solutions, carriers can
streamline their networks while reducing administration, without service interruption during installation..
•Migration to next-generation architecture. The EAGLE 5 ISS can appear as an end office to the SS7
network by sharing its point code with the IP endpoints. This allows carriers to migrate to a packet-based
architecture without adding a new point code or reconfiguring the network. Tekelec’s open, multi-protocol
architecture (SS7, SCTP, M2PA, M3UA, and SUA) gives carriers the capability to grow and migrate their
network and the independence to choose best-in-class products.
to cover huge core networks, with an independent control layer that allows
IPLIMx, IPGWx and IPSG applications
The EAGLE 5 ISS implements SIGTRAN with three applications:
•IPLIMx , which represents IPLIM for ANSI networks and IPLIMi for ITU-N and ITU-I networks
•IPGWx , which represents IPGWx for ANSI networks and IPGWi for ITU-N and ITU-I networks
•IPSG in Release 38.0, which represents a unified application for both ANSI and ITU links on a single
The IPLIMx application uses SCTP with M2PA protocols to support B-, C-, and D- links; but it can also be used
for A-links to connect to SEPs on other vendor equipment that have M2PA SIGTRAN specifications implemented.
IPLIMx is fully compliant with RFC 4165.
IPLIMx is installed on either an SSEDCM card or an card. Based on the card type, IPLIMx allows up to 8 links
per SSEDCM card and up to 16 links per E5-ENET card, each with one SCTP association per link. IPLIMx can
be implemented with just one card and expanded to 100 cards per system.
The IPGWx application uses SCTP with M3UA and SUA protocols to provide user part support such as SCCP
and ISUP over A-links to IP-resident network elements such as Service Switching Points , Mobile Switching
Centers, Service Control Points and Home Location Registers using SIGTRAN. Since IPGWx applications use
M3UA/SUA to replace MTP3 functions, it cannot be used in mixed linksets of both M3UA/SUA and MTP3, as
the application will not participate in any changeover/changeback procedure. IPGWx supports statically
provisioned routing keys by selecting IP connections based on DPC/OPC/SI/CIC/SSN. The application also
supports the End Office mode where the EAGLE 5 ISS shares its point codes with IP-remote applications.
However, A-links for nodes requiring in-sequence delivery of messages should be configured on the IPLIMx
application using M2PA; M3UA/SUA does not have sequence numbers to support lossless changeover/
changeback procedures.
IPGWx is installed on either an SSEDCM card or an E5-ENET card. IPGWx allows one link per card and up to
50 SCTP associations.The link terminates at a private adjacent point code. IPGWx is installed with just one card,
and can be expanded to 64 cards per system.
910-5346-001 Revision A, September 2008
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