Tekelec 1100 Hardware Manual

Tekelec 1100 Application Server

Hardware Manual

910-2969-001 Revision H
February 2007
Copyright 2007 Tekelec.
All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A.
Any export of Tekelec products is subject to the export controls of the United States and the other countries where Tekelec has operations.
No part of this documentation may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or recording, for any purpose without the express written permission of an authorized representative of Tekelec.
Other product names used herein are for identification purposes only, and may be trademarks of their respective companies.
RoHS 5/6 - As of July 1, 2006, all products that comprise new installations shipped to European Union member countries will comply with the EU Directive 2002/95/EC "RoHS" (Restriction of Hazardous Substances). The exemption for lead-based solder described in the Annex will be exercised. RoHS 5/6 compliant components will have unique part numbers as reflected in the associated hardware and installation manuals.
WEEE - All products shipped to European Union member countries comply with the EU Directive 2002/96/EC, Waste Electronic and Electrical Equipment. All components that are WEEE compliant will be appropriately marked. For more information regarding Tekelec's WEEE program, contact your sales representative.
The Tekelec logo, EAGLE, G-Flex, G-Port, IP
, IP7Edge, IP7 Secure Gateway, and TALI are registered trademarks of Tekelec. TekServer is a trademark of Tekelec. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
This product is covered by one or more of the following U.S. and foreign patents:
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Ordering Information
For additional copies of this document, contact your sales representative.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. About This Manual
Introduction ............................................................................................... 1-2
Where to Find Information in This Manual .......................................... 1-2
Where to Find Other Information .......................................................... 1-3
Programs Needed to View Linked Documents ............................ 1-4
Documents That Show How to Perform a Procedure................... 1-5
Installation Documents...................................................................... 1-5
Applications Documents ................................................................... 1-6
Documentation Packaging and Updates............................................... 1-6
Documentation Admonishments ........................................................... 1-6
Customer Assistance ................................................................................ 1-7
Chapter 2. Safety and Pre-Installation Requirements
Introduction ............................................................................................... 2-2
Safety Information .................................................................................... 2-2
Regulatory Compliance and Certification............................................. 2-4
Pre-Installation Site Requirements ......................................................... 2-6
Generic Site Requirements ................................................................ 2-6
Grounding and Power Requirements ............................................. 2-9
Chapter 3. T1100 AS Hardware System Overview
Introduction ............................................................................................... 3-2
T1100 AS Hardware System.................................................................... 3-2
T1100 AS Hardware Features.................................................................. 3-4
T1100 AS Rear I/O Panel .................................................................. 3-6
T1100 AS Status Indicators................................................................ 3-7
T1100 AS Chassis Installation and Replacement ........................... 3-8
Cable Management Arms.................................................................. 3-9
Breaker Panel ........................................................................................... 3-10
Breaker Panel LEDs.......................................................................... 3-11
Breaker Panel Power ........................................................................ 3-12
Breaker Panel Settings ..................................................................... 3-13
Power Distribution Units....................................................................... 3-13
910-2969-001 Revision H, February 2007 i
Table of Contents
Ethernet Switches or Hubs.................................................................... 3-14
Console Servers....................................................................................... 3-14
Chapter 4. How to Install a T1100 AS Frame
Introduction............................................................................................... 4-2
How to Unpack the T1100 AS Frame and Conduct Inventory.......... 4-2
How to Install a T1100 AS Frame........................................................... 4-3
How to Cable a T1100 AS Frame.......................................................... 4-20
Chapter 5. How to Install Hardware in an Existing Frame
Introduction............................................................................................... 5-2
How to Unpack and Conduct Inventory .............................................. 5-2
How to Install an Individual T1100 AS Unit ........................................ 5-4
Recommended Tools ......................................................................... 4-3
How to Prepare the Floor for Heavy Duty Frames....................... 4-4
How to Anchor the HD Frame to the Floor ................................... 4-6
How to Anchor to Overhead Rack of HD Frame........................ 4-18
How to Cable Components Added to Existing Frames.................... 5-14
How to Cable a T1100 AS Unit Added to an Existing Heavy
Duty Frame................................................................................... 5-14
How to Cable a T1100 AS Installed in Customer-Provided
Frame............................................................................................. 5-14
Chapter 6. Post Installation Procedures
Introduction............................................................................................... 6-2
How to Connect Frame Ground and Logic Ground ........................... 6-2
Recommended Tools ......................................................................... 6-3
How to Ground in a DC Environment ........................................... 6-3
How to Ground the Logic Connector in a AC Environment..... 6-11
Post-Installation Checklist..................................................................... 6-13
How to Power Up................................................................................... 6-15
How to Power Up a Heavy Duty Frame ...................................... 6-15
How to Power Up Added T1100 AS Unit in
DC Environment.......................................................................... 6-15
How to Power Up a T1100 AS Unit in an AC Environment...... 6-16
How to Change Passwords ................................................................... 6-16
Chapter 7. Field Replaceable Units
Introduction............................................................................................... 7-2
Safety Information ............................................................................. 7-2
T1100 AS Hardware System FRUs and Part Numbers ................ 7-4
ii 910-2969-001 Revision H, February 2007
Table of Contents
T1100 AS FRUs.................................................................................... 7-5
Tools Required .......................................................................................... 7-6
How to Replace a Console Server, Ethernet Switch, or Hub ............. 7-7
How to Access T1100 AS FRUs............................................................... 7-9
How to Slide T1100 AS Chassis Out from Frame.......................... 7-9
How to Slide T1100 AS Chassis Back into Frame ........................ 7-11
How to Remove T1100 AS Chassis from a Frame ....................... 7-12
How to Return a T1100 AS Chassis to the Frame........................ 7-15
How to Replace T1100 AS FRUs........................................................... 7-19
How to Replace the Air Filters ....................................................... 7-19
How to Replace the Rectangular Fan Assembly.......................... 7-21
How to Replace the Square Fan Assembly................................... 7-23
How to Replace Hard Disk Drive Assemblies ............................. 7-26
How to Replace Removable Media Disk Drives (CD/DVD)..... 7-32
How to Replace a Power Supply Module..................................... 7-38
How to Replace PCI Cards.............................................................. 7-40
How to Replace a T1100 AS Chassis FRU..................................... 7-46
Appendix A. T1100 AS Hardware Feature Information
Introduction .............................................................................................. A-2
Hardware Components........................................................................... A-2
Interfaces ................................................................................................... A-3
Out of Band Management Card............................................................. A-4
Electrical Features .................................................................................... A-4
Mechanical Design................................................................................... A-4
Mechanical Maintenance Features.................................................. A-4
Component Access front fascia ....................................................... A-5
Fans, Fan Assemblies, and Air Filters ............................................ A-5
Tekelec 1100 AS Main Board ........................................................... A-6
T1100 AS Diagnostics .............................................................................. A-6
Appendix B. Hardware Repair and Return
Introduction .............................................................................................. B-2
How to Obtain a Return Material Authorization................................ B-2
How to Locate T1100 AS Part Numbers............................................... B-3
Air Filter Part Number Information ............................................... B-3
Fan Assembly Part Number Information ...................................... B-3
Removable Media Disk Drive Assembly
Part Number Information............................................................ B-6
910-2969-001 Revision H, February 2007 iii
Table of Contents
How to Arrange Return Shipping........................................................ B-19
Appendix C. ELAP or EPAP Network Integration
Introduction.............................................................................................. C-2
Network Overview.................................................................................. C-2
Customer-Supplied Information........................................................... C-4
IP Address Assignment .......................................................................... C-4
Netmask and Broadcast.......................................................................... C-6
Network Interface Functions ................................................................. C-6
Network Assumptions............................................................................ C-8
Network Configuration .......................................................................... C-8
Firewall and Router Filtering Considerations..................................... C-8
Hard Disk Drive Assembly Part Number Information................ B-9
PCI Card Part Number Information ............................................. B-12
T1100 AS Chassis Part Number Information............................... B-14
Specifically Targeted PCBs ............................................................. B-19
General Instructions ........................................................................ B-20
Returning a Crate............................................................................. B-20
Serial Communication .......................................................................... C-10
Modems ........................................................................................... C-11
Printers.............................................................................................. C-12
Tip Utility (EAGLE Only ............................................................... C-12
VT100 Ports ...................................................................................... C-12
Platform Security............................................................................. C-12
iv 910-2969-001 Revision H, February 2007

List of Figures

Figure 2-1. European Directives CE Mark ..................................................2-4
Figure 2-2. Combined UL Mark for the United States and Canada ........2-5
Figure 2-3. Hazardous Substances ...............................................................2-5
Figure 2-4. Door Grounding Strap Placement ..........................................2-10
Figure 3-1. T1100 AS Hardware System in DC Environment ..................3-4
Figure 3-2. Tekelec 1100 AS Chassis ............................................................3-5
Figure 3-3. Interior View of T1100 AS Chassis ...........................................3-6
Figure 3-4. Rear I/O Panel ............................................................................3-7
Figure 3-5. T1100 AS Status Indicators ........................................................3-8
Figure 3-6. T1100 AS with Side Cable Management Arms ...................3-10
Figure 3-7. Front of Breaker Panel ..............................................................3-10
Figure 3-8. Breaker Panel LEDs ..................................................................3-11
Figure 3-9. Front and rear of AC power distribution unit ......................3-14
Figure 4-1. Floor Marking Template for HD Frame ..................................4-4
Figure 4-2. Anchor Assembly for Slab Floors .............................................4-7
Figure 4-3. Anchor Installation of HD Frame into Slab Floor ..................4-9
Figure 4-4. Anchor Assembly for Raised Floor Over Concrete .............4-10
Figure 4-5. Anchoring on Raised Floor Over Concrete Slab ..................4-12
Figure 4-6. Anchor Assembly for Use with Support Channel ...............4-14
Figure 4-7. Anchoring Frame to Raised Floor with Support
Channel .....................................................................................................4-15
Figure 4-8. Anchor Assembly for Support Channel with
Spring Nut ................................................................................................4-17
Figure 4-9. Anchoring Frame Using Support Channel/Spring Nut .....4-18
Figure 4-10. HD Frame with Overhead Rack ...........................................4-19
Figure 5-1. Slide Assembly ............................................................................5-3
Figure 5-2. Slide Assembly Extended View ...............................................5-5
Figure 5-3. Slide Assembly Inner Member Roller Side View ..................5-6
Figure 5-4. Frame Adapter Bracket Expanded ...........................................5-7
Figure 5-5. Frame Adapter Brackets and Slide Assemblies ......................5-7
Figure 5-6. Slide Assembly Outer Member .................................................5-8
Figure 5-7. Slide Assembly Detail Left Side From Rear ............................5-9
910-2969-001 Revision H, February 2007 v
List of Figures
Figure 5-8. Slide Assembly Inner Member Mounting ...........................5-10
Figure 5-9. Detail of a Side Cable Management Arm ............................. 5-11
Figure 5-10. Side Cable Management Arm Installation
Figure 5-11. T1100 AS Rear Detail .............................................................5-13
Figure 5-12. Frame Mounting Detail ......................................................... 5-13
Figure 6-1. Frame Ground Cable Routes in DC Environment ................6-5
Figure 6-2. Frame Ground Cable Attachment Locations in
Figure 6-3. Chassis Ground Cable Attachment Location in
Figure 6-4. Logic Ground Cable Routes in DC Environment .................. 6-9
Figure 6-5. Frame and Logic Ground Cable Attachment Locations ..... 6-10
Figure 6-6. Logic Ground Cable Route in AC Environment ..................6-12
Figure 7-1. T1100 AS Chassis Front View ................................................. 7-10
Figure 7-2. Chassis Retention Hardware .................................................. 7-14
(T1000 AS shown) ................................................................................... 5-12
DC Environment ......................................................................................6-6
DC Environment .......................................................................................6-7
Figure 7-3. Right Slide Assembly Mounting and Retention Bracket .... 7-17
Figure 7-4. T1100 AS Chassis Rear View .................................................. 7-18
Figure 7-5. Inside view of T1100 showing fan filters ..............................7-20
Figure 7-6. Front Top Cover Removal - Screw Locations ......................7-22
Figure 7-7. Inside view of T1100 showing square fan assembly ........... 7-25
Figure 7-8. Inside view of T1100 showing hard drive locations ...........7-28
Figure 7-9. Hard drive removal .................................................................7-29
Figure 7-10. T1100 AS Chassis Label Locations .......................................7-30
Figure 7-11. Hard Disk Drive Label on T1100 AS Chassis ..................... 7-30
Figure 7-12. Disk Drive label locations (fans removed) .........................7-30
Figure 7-13. Inside view of T1100 showing CD/DVD
drive location ........................................................................................... 7-34
Figure 7-14. Front Top Cover Removal - Screw Locations ....................7-34
Figure 7-15. Removable Media Disk Drive Cables (drives
removed) ..................................................................................................7-35
Figure 7-16. CD/DVD inside bracket screw location .............................7-36
Figure 7-17. CD/DVD chassis screws .......................................................7-37
Figure 7-18. Rotate lock ring down to disengage power
supply module. .......................................................................................7-39
Figure 7-19. PCI Card Part Label ............................................................... 7-40
Figure 7-20. PCI Slots Label ........................................................................7-41
Figure 7-21. Chassis Rear Top Cover Views. ...........................................7-43
vi 910-2969-001 Revision H, February 2007
List of Figures
Figure 7-22. PCI Cards and Slot Assignments ..........................................7-44
Figure 7-23. Left Slide Member Mounting ................................................7-47
Figure B-1. T1100 AS Chassis Front View .................................................. B-4
Figure B-2. T1100 AS Front Top Cover screws .......................................... B-5
Figure B-3. Fan Part number labels .............................................................B-5
Figure B-4. Removable Media Disk Drive Assembly Part Label ............ B-6
Figure B-5. T1100 AS Chassis Front View .................................................. B-7
Figure B-6. T1100 AS Front Top Cover screws .......................................... B-8
Figure B-7. CD/DVD label location ............................................................B-8
Figure B-8. T1100 AS Chassis Label Locations .......................................... B-9
Figure B-9. Base Unit/Hard Disk Label on T1100 AS Chassis .............. B-10
Figure B-10. T1100 AS front fascia open with hard drive locations ..... B-11
Figure B-11. Hard disk label locations ...................................................... B-11
Figure B-12. T1100 AS Chassis Label Locations ...................................... B-12
Figure B-13. PCI Slots Label on T1100 AS Chassis ................................. B-12
Figure B-14. T1100 AS Chassis Front View .............................................. B-13
Figure B-15. Frame Identification Label ................................................... B-15
Figure B-16. T1100 AS Chassis Front View .............................................. B-16
Figure B-17. Base Unit/Hard Disk Label on T1100 AS Chassis ............ B-17
Figure B-18. Memory Label on T1100 AS Chassis .................................. B-18
Figure B-19. PCI Card Label on T1100 AS Chassis ................................. B-18
Figure C-1. MPS Network Connections, Netra .........................................C-3
Figure C-2. MPS Network Connections, T1000 AS, T1100 AS ................C-3
910-2969-001 Revision H, February 2007 vii

List of Tables

Table 1-1. Manual Organization ..................................................................1-2
Table 2-1. Space Requirements .....................................................................2-7
Table 3-1. Tekelec 1100 AS Chassis Dimensions and Weight .................. 3-9
Table 3-2. Breaker Panel LED Settings ...................................................... 3-12
Table 6-1. Post-Installation Checklist ........................................................ 6-14
Table 7-1. T1100 AS Field Replaceable Units and Part Numbers ...........7-5
Table A-1. Basic Interfaces ...........................................................................A-3
Table A-2. Optional Interfaces (on PCI Cards) .........................................A-3
Table C-1. IP Address for the DSM Network ............................................ C-4
Table C-2. IP Address for the Sync Network ............................................ C-5
Table C-3. EAGLE 5 ISS IP Addresses ....................................................... C-5
Table C-4. Interface Functions Required for MPS .................................... C-7
Table C-5. Interface Functions Required for MPS .................................... C-9
Table C-6. Serial Port Assignments for MPS Servers A and B .............. C-10
viii 910-2969-001 Revision H, February 2007

List of Procedures

Procedure 4-1. How to Unpack Frame and Conduct Inventory...............4-2
Procedure 4-2. Mark Floor Layout................................................................4-4
Procedure 4-3. Create Cable and Anchor Holes for Raised Floors ..........4-5
Procedure 4-4. Anchor a HD Frame into a Slab Floor................................4-7
Procedure 4-5. Anchor the Frame to the Slab Beneath the
Raised Floor ..............................................................................................4-11
Procedure 4-6. Anchor Frame to Raised Floor with
Support Channel ......................................................................................4-14
Procedure 4-7. Anchor Frame with Support Channel/Spring Nut .......4-16
Procedure 4-8. Attach Overhead Rack Support ........................................4-19
Procedure 5-1. Unpack a T1100 AS Chassis.................................................5-2
Procedure 5-2. Installing a T1100 AS Chassis..............................................5-4
Procedure 6-1. Prepare the Ground Cables .................................................6-4
Procedure 6-2. Connect Ground Cable: Frame to Ground Window........6-4
Procedure 6-3. Connect T1100 AS Chassis Ground:
T1100 AS Chassis to Frame.......................................................................6-7
Procedure 6-4. Connect Logic Ground from Logic Ground
Terminal Strip to Ground Window........................................................6-9
Procedure 6-5. Connect Logic Ground: T1100 AS Logic
Ground Port to Logic Ground Terminal Strip ....................................6-11
Procedure 6-6. Connect Logic Ground Between Logic Ground Ports...6-12
Procedure 6-7. Verify AC ground ...............................................................6-13
Procedure 6-8. Power Up T1100 AS Unit in an AC Environment..........6-16
Procedure 7-1. Replace an Ethernet Switch, Hub, or Console Server......7-7
Procedure 7-2. Slide T1100 AS Chassis Out from Frame.........................7-10
Procedure 7-3. Slide T1100 AS Chassis Back into Frame.........................7-11
Procedure 7-4. Remove a T1100 AS Chassis from Frame........................7-12
Procedure 7-5. Return a T1100 AS Chassis to the Frame.........................7-16
Procedure 7-6. Replace Rectangular and Square Air Filters ...................7-20
Procedure 7-7. Replace a Rectangular Fan Assembly ..............................7-21
Procedure 7-8. Replace a Square Fan Assembly .......................................7-23
Procedure 7-9. Replace a Hard Disk Drive Assembly..............................7-26
Procedure 7-10. Replace a Removable Media Disk Drive Assembly.....7-32
910-2969-001 Revision H, February 2007 ix
List of Procedures
Procedure 7-11. Replace a power supply module....................................7-38
Procedure 7-12. Replace a PCI Card........................................................... 7-40
Procedure 7-13. Replace a T1100 AS Chassis FRU ................................... 7-46
Procedure B-1. Obtaining an RMA...............................................................B-2
Procedure B-2. How to Locate serial numbers for Fan Assembly ...........B-3
Procedure B-3. How to Locate serial numbers for Removable
Media Disk Drive Assembly....................................................................B-7
Procedure B-4. How to Locate serial numbers for Hard Disk
Drive Assembly........................................................................................B-10
Procedure B-5. How to Locate serial numbers for PCI Cards ................B-13
Procedure B-6. How to Locate serial numbers for a
T1100 AS Chassis.....................................................................................B-15
Procedure B-7. Preparing Crate and Dolly for Return to Tekelec..........B-20
Procedure C-1. Configure Modem with Script ....................................... C-12
x 910-2969-001 Revision H, February 2007

About This Manual

Where to Find Information in This Manual..................................................1-2
Where to Find Other Information ..................................................................1-3
Programs Needed to View Linked Documents .....................................1-4
Documents That Show How to Perform a Procedure ..........................1-5
Installation Documents .............................................................................1-5
Applications Documents...........................................................................1-6
Documentation Packaging and Updates.......................................................1-6
Documentation Admonishments...................................................................1-6
Customer Assistance........................................................................................1-7
910-2969-001 Revision H, February 2007 1-1


This manual is a generic manual that describes common components of Tekelec 1100 Application Server (AS) hardware systems and describes how to install and replace them. A T1100 AS hardware system consists of one or more T1100 AS (with applications loaded) and any additional hardware (such as hubs, switches, or power distribution equipment) needed to support the applications.
NOTE: This manual includes links to documents that are specific to a given product, depending on which product CD this manual is viewed. Although the manual is the same on CDs for various products, the linked documents are different on different product CDs. For more information about linked documents, see “Where to Find Other Information” on page 1-3.
T1100 AS hardware systems are delivered with applications already loaded.
For more information about T1100 AS hardware systems in AC and DC environments, see Chapter 3, “T1100 AS Hardware System Overview.”
Each time this manual is published, the revision level is changed. For example, the first time this manual is published, it uses Revision A; the second time it is published, it uses Revision B.
Draft About This Manual

Where to Find Information in This Manual

Table 1-1 shows how this manual is organized.
Table 1-1. Manual Organization
Chapter Number and Title Description
Chapter 1, “About This Manual” Describes how to use the manual, where to find
other information, and how to contact Technical Services.
Chapter 2, “Safety and Pre-Installation Requirements”
Chapter 3, “T1100 AS Hardware System Overview”
Chapter 4, “How to Install a T1100 AS Frame”
Lists general safety instructions that readers should be familiar with, and lists site requirements that should be verified before installing T1100 AS hardware systems.
Presents an overview of the various hardware components that can be included in T1100 AS hardware systems.
Describes how to install a heavy duty frame which is delivered from manufacturing with T1100 AS units mounted in a heavy-duty frame for use in a DC environment.
1-2 910-2969-001 Revision H, February 2007
About This Manual Draft
Table 1-1. Manual Organization (Continued)
Chapter Number and Title Description
Chapter 5, “How to Install Hardware in an Existing Frame”
Chapter 6, “Post Installation Procedures”
Chapter 7, “Field Replaceable Units” Describes the components of a T1100 AS hardware
Appendix A, “T1100 AS Hardware Feature Information,”
Appendix B, “Hardware Repair and Return,”
Describes how to install an individual T1100 AS unit into a frame that has already been installed. This chapter covers both:
• Adding a T1100 AS unit into a heavy duty frame that already contains from 1 to 4 T1100 AS units in a DC environment
• Installing a single T1100 AS unit into a customer’s frame in an AC environment.
Presents a post-installation checklist and instructions on how to verify voltage and to power-up the system.
system that can be replaced in the field, and includes procedures for replacing each type of field-replaceable unit (FRU).
Describes in greater detail some of the hardware features of the T1100 AS chassis.
Describes how to obtain a Return Material Authorization, find part numbers on labels, and ship returned equipment.

Where to Find Other Information

This manual is delivered on a compact disk (CD) that also contains the following documentation (these documents can also be accessed from the introductory page of the documentation CD):
The CD contains linked documents shown in the following sections. To display one of these documents from within this document, click anywhere in the highlighted area. For information about software needed to open these links, see “Programs Needed to View Linked Documents” on page 1-4.
Optionally, the CD may also contain application documentation, which describes the environment in which the T1100 AS hardware system runs as well as provides information about the application.
NOTE: Documentation about T1100 AS hardware components (such as breaker panels or Ethernet switches) that are supplied by other companies is shipped with the T1100 AS hardware system. When unpacking a frame or individual components, be sure to obtain this documentation and store it where it can be accessed later.
910-2969-001 Revision H, February 2007 1-3
Draft About This Manual
The following related publications are also included with the LSMS documentation set
The Tekelec EAGLE
Manual contains detailed information about the command-rejected error messages generated by the commands used on the EAGLE 5 ISS as well as error recovery procedures. This information can be helpful for the LSMS user when viewing certain exception logs.
5 Integrated Signaling System Commands Error Recovery
The Tekelec EAGLE 5 ISS ELAP Administration Manual provides a definition of
the user interface to the EAGLE MPS/ELAP platform. The manual defines the methods for accessing the interface, menus, screens available to the user and describes their impact. It provides the syntax and semantics of user input and defines the output the user receives, including information and error messages.
The Tekelec EAGLE 5 ISS Maintenance Manual contains procedural
information required for maintaining the EAGLE 5 ISS and the card removal and replacement procedures. The Tekelec EAGLE 5 ISS Maintenance Manual provides preventive and corrective maintenance procedures used in maintaining the different systems.
•The Tekelec EAGLE 5 ISS LNP Feature Activation Guide contains the procedures
necessary to activate the LNP feature using telephone number quantities from 24 million to 120 million telephone numbers.
•The Tekelec 1100 Application Server MPS Platform Software and Maintenance Manual describes the platform software for the Multi-Purpose Server (MPS) based on the Tekelec 1100 Application Server (T1100 AS) and describes how to perform preventive and corrective maintenance for the T1100 AS-based MPS. This manual should be used with the ELAP-based application (LNP).
Programs Needed to View Linked Documents
5 ISS LNP Application Processor on the
To view the linked documents, the workstation on which this manual is being viewed needs to have the following programs:
Most of the linked documents are in Portable Document Format (PDF), which has a file type of is clicked, the linked document is opened in the same window as this manual. To return to this manual, click the Back button on the PDF display window.
A document with a linked document may open in a minimized window.
A document with an programs. Two commonly used programs are:
— Microsoft Windows® Media Player (this program is usually included with
Microsoft Internet Explorer)
— RealOne™ Player
1-4 910-2969-001 Revision H, February 2007
.pdf. PDF is also the format of this manual. When a PDF link
.doc file type can be viewed with Microsoft® Word. The
.mpg file type can be viewed with a variety of video
About This Manual Draft
Documents That Show How to Perform a Procedure
The following documents illustrate how to perform procedures. The first document uses a Word format; the others are videos with sound that can be opened with most video programs.
fru-filter.mpg “Replace Rectangular and Square Air Filters,” on page 7-20)
fru-rect-fan.mpg Procedure 7-7, “Replace a Rectangular Fan Assembly,” on page 7-21)
fru-square-fan.mpg Procedure 7-8, “Replace a Square Fan Assembly,” on page 7-23)
fru-hdd.mpg (also see Procedure 7-9, “Replace a Hard Disk Drive Assembly,” on page 7-26)
fru-dvd.mpg Procedure 7-10, “Replace a Removable Media Disk Drive Assembly,” on page 7-32)
fru-pwr-sup.mpg Procedure 7-11, “Replace a power supply module,” on page 7-38)
replace_main_unit.mpg chassis (also see Procedure 7-13, “Replace a T1100 AS Chassis FRU,” on page 7-46)
, video that shows how to replace a filter (also see Procedure 7-6,
, video that shows how to replace a fan assembly (also see
, video that shows how to replace a fan assembly (also see
, video that shows how to replace a hard disk drive assembly
, video that shows how to replace a fan assembly (also see
, video that shows how to replace a fan assembly (also see
, video that shows how to replace a Tekelec 1000
Installation Documents
This section contains links to assembly drawings, interconnect diagrams, and related installation documents.
NOTE: A given application or set of applications might support only a DC environment or only an AC environment. For information about which environment is supported, refer to the application documentation. If the environment is not supported by the application, the link in this hardware manual will open a document that states that the drawing is not available.
Linked Documents
The following documents provide information about T1100 AS hardware systems:
AssemblyDrawingT1100.pdf possible in a frame for AC and DC environments.
InterconnectDiagramT1100.pdf frame should be connected.
910-2969-001 Revision H, February 2007 1-5
, a drawing of the maximum configuration
, a diagram that shows how the elements in a
Draft About This Manual
BreakerSettingsT1100.pdf, information that shows mapping of breakers to hardware components.
PowerReqmtsT1100.pdf required by each of the components in a T1100 frame.
Applications Documents
Tekelec 1100 Application Server units support a variety of applications. For more information, refer to application documentation.
NOTE: Application documentation may also contain information about additional hardware.
, information that shows the amount of power

Documentation Packaging and Updates

Customer documentation is provided with each system and is shipped to the sites specified by the customer. The number of documentation sets provided are in accordance with the contractual agreements.
Customer documentation is updated whenever significant changes are made that affect system operation or configuration. Updates may be issued in the form of an addendum or a reissue of the relevant documentation.
The document part number is shown on the title page along with the current revision of the document and the date of publication. The bottom of each page contains the document’s date of publication and the document’s part number.
When a document is reissued, the following information changes:
The title page and revision number, the date of publication, and the new software release number, if applicable.
The date of publication and the document part number, if applicable, on the bottom of each page.

Documentation Admonishments

Admonishments are icons and text that may appear in this and other Tekelec manuals. Admonishments alert the reader to assure personal safety, to minimize possible service interruptions, and to warn of the potential for equipment damage.
The following admonishments, listed in descending order of priority, are used in Tekelec manuals.
TOPPLE: This icon and text indicate the possibility of equipment damage and personal injury from toppling.
1-6 910-2969-001 Revision H, February 2007
About This Manual Draft
DANGER: This icon and text indicate the possibility of personnel injury.
WARNING: This icon and text indicate the possibility of equipment damage.
CAUTION: This icon and text indicate the possibility of service interruption.

Customer Assistance

The Customer Care Center offers a point of contact through which customers can receive support for problems that may be encountered during the use of Tekelec’s products. The Customer Care Center is staffed with highly trained engineers to provide solutions to your technical questions and issues seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day. A variety of service programs are available through the Customer Care Center to maximize the performance of Tekelec products that meet and exceed customer’s needs.
To receive technical assistance, call the Customer Care Center at one of the following locations:
Tekelec, USA
Phone (US and Canada) +1 888-FOR-TKLC or 888-367-8552
Phone (international) +1 919-460-2150
Fax +1-919-460-0877
Email: support@tekelec.com
Tekelec, Europe and UK
Phone +44 1784 467 804
Fax +44 1784 477 120
Email: ecsc@tekelec.com
910-2969-001 Revision H, February 2007 1-7
Draft About This Manual
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Safety and Pre-Installation
Safety Information............................................................................................2-2
Regulatory Compliance and Certification ....................................................2-4
Pre-Installation Site Requirements.................................................................2-6
Generic Site Requirements........................................................................2-6
Grounding and Power Requirements.....................................................2-8
910-2969-001 Revision H, February 2007 2-1


This chapter presents:
General safety considerations that should always be kept in mind when Tekelec products are installed or replaced
Listing of regulatory compliances and certifications that Tekelec products support
Site requirements that should exist before Tekelec products are installed

Safety Information

Safety icons and text are used throughout Tekelec manuals to warn the reader of the potential of personal injury, service interruption, and equipment damage. For information about what each of the icons mean, see “Documentation Admonishments” on page 1-6.
Before beginning any procedure described in this manual, ensure that you are familiar with each of the following safety admonishments. Additional safety admonishments may be included, or repeated, for specific procedures.
Safety and Pre-Installation Requirements
TOPPLE: Always read and understand instructions completely before working on, moving, raising or lowering the frame, any portion of the frame, or attachments to the frame or equipment.
TOPPLE: Never try to unpack any frame from the shipping container without at least two people to steady any movement of the frame and related components. At least two people are required to safely move and position any
TOPPLE: Never pull out the shelf of any frame that is not anchored properly. Some frames are required to be attached to overhead ladder racks before shelves are extended.
DANGER: No commercially AC powered equipment may be used or placed within 7 ft. of –48V equipment. AC powered equipment within 7 ft. of –48V equipment may create a shock or current loop that can be severely hazardous to personnel and equipment.
2-2 910-2969-001 Revision H, February 2007
Safety and Pre-Installation Requirements
DANGER: Do not wear metal, chains, rings, watches, or jewelry or carry exposed metal, keys or tools in pockets when working on system equipment or other related electrostatic-sensitive components. Always wear a wrist strap or other electrostatic protection when handling printed circuit boards and other electrostatic-sensitive devices.
WARNING: Do not leave or allow unused metal objects, such as screws or washers, to remain anywhere within the equipment. Remove all unused material from the equipment
WARNING: Do not allow any metal shavings to remain in the equipment area. Metal Shavings may result from over tightened screws or bolts. These small metal particles are hazardous to electronic equipment. Be careful not to over tighten screws or bolts.
WARNING: Do not use tie wraps on or above the top traverse arms on a frame. Always trim tie wrap flush and turn the trimmed tie wrap to the rear of the cable.
CAUTION: All personnel associated with the installation of these systems must adhere to all safety precautions and use required protection equipment, to avoid the possibility of injury to personnel, service degradation, and/or service interruption.
CAUTION: These systems have redundant power supplies to allow service during normal maintenance. When repairs require a total power disconnect, both input supply sources must be disconnected. This causes service interruption and takes down the systems.
CAUTION: This equipment has a connection between the earthed conductor of the DC supply circuit and the earthing conductor.
CAUTION: The Branch Circuit Overcurrent Protection shall be rated minimum -48V, maximum 40A.
CAUTION: Equipment is to be installed in restricted access areas in accordance with articles 110-16, 110-17, and 110-18 of the National Electric Code, ANSI/NFPA 70.
910-2969-001 Revision H, February 2007 2-3
Safety and Pre-Installation Requirements
CAUTION: A readily accessible disconnect device that is suitable, approved, and rated shall be incorporated in the field wiring.
CAUTION: Connect to a reliably grounded SELV source which is reliably earthed and electrically isolated from the AC source.
CAUTION: Use only listed closed loop connectors for connection to the supply.
CAUTION: When some CPCI cards arrive from the manufacturer, they may have a small plastic cover over the screws and/or the alignment ejector pins. Remove and discard these plastic covers. If inserting the cards takes an excessive amount of force, check for obstructions. Forcing the card into a slot may damage the ejector handle or pin.
NOTE: Use a minimum of 26 AWG telecommunications line cord for connection to the modem.

Regulatory Compliance and Certification

Tekelec products are tested to meet the following regulatory standards:
Network Equipment Building System (NEBS) level 3 as listed in Telcordia SR-3580.
Applicable Telcordia Electromagnetic Compatibility and Electrical Safety requirements in GR-1089-CORE.
Applicable Physical Protection requirements in GR-63-CORE.
Relevant directives and harmonized standards in support of the products Compliance European (CE) mark required in Europe. Figure 2-1 shows the mark used to indicate this compliance.
Figure 2-1. European Directives CE Mark
2-4 910-2969-001 Revision H, February 2007
Safety and Pre-Installation Requirements
Relevant standards in ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) directive 89/336/EEC.
Relevant standards in Safety directive 73/23/EEC, supported by Certified Body (CB) Test Certificates US/5923/UL or US/5451/UL issued by the National Certification Body as tested to IEC 60950 with national differences for European countries
Underwriters Laboratories (UL) listed under UL File E200146 for USA and c-UL for Canada. Figure 2-2 shows the mark used to indicate this compliance.
Figure 2-2. Combined UL Mark for the United States and Canada
Relevent standards in SJ/T 11363-2006 for limits of certain hazardous substances.
910-2969-001 Revision H, February 2007 2-5
Figure 2-3. Hazardous Substances
Safety and Pre-Installation Requirements
(Metal Parts)
Circuit Modules)
Cables & Cable Assemblies)
(Plastic and Polymeric parts)
᳝↦᳝ᆇ⠽䋼៪ܗ㋴(Hazardous Substance)
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Indicates that the concentration of the hazardous substance in all homogeneous materials in the parts is below the relevant threshold of the SJ/T 11363-2006 standard.
Indicates that the concentration of the hazardous substance of at least one of all homogeneous materials in the parts is above the relevant threshold of the SJ/T 11363-2006 standard.
3%% 3%'(

Pre-Installation Site Requirements

Before installing any T1100 AS hardware system, ensure that the requirements described in both of the following sections have been met.
“Generic Site Requirements” on page 2-6
“Grounding and Power Requirements” on page 2-8
Generic Site Requirements
Ensure that the site where the product will be installed conforms to the specifications listed in the following sections. These specifications are standard telephony industry requirements for equipment installation.
Fire Protection
Local fire protection codes must be satisfied in the equipment room where the system is to be located.
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Safety and Pre-Installation Requirements
Environmental Requirements
Tekelec products are designed for environments that have temperature and humidity controls.Temperature and humidity controls must be activated as quickly as possible for equipment to operate at an optimum level.
When temperature and humidity controls fail, the equipment has been tested to operate within the following ranges:
— 5° C to 40° C (41° F to 104° F) for normal operation
— -5° C to 50° C (23° F to 122° F) for no more than 96 hours in duration and at
elevations less than 1800 meters
— -5° C to 50° C (23° F to 122° F) for storing the product
— 5% to 85% non-condensing for normal operation
— 5% to 90% non-condensing (but not to exceed 0.024 kilograms of water per
kilogram of dry air) for no more than 96 hours in duration and at elevations less than 1800 meters
Tekelec products are tested to operate at an elevations within the following range:
Minimum: 60 meters below sea level at ambient temperature of 30° C (86° F)
Maximum: 4000 meters above sea level at ambient temperature of 40° C (104° F)
HVAC Requirements
Tekelec products are designed to bring cool air in from the bottom front and exit heated air out the top rear of the installed equipment.
The required HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) capacity depends on the installed equipment. To calculate needed HVAC capacity, determine the total wattage of the installed equipment and use the following formula:
BTUs/hr. = watts x 3.413
The amount of power required by frame components is found at:
Adequate lighting should be provided in the room where the equipment is to be located. Lighting fixtures must be far enough from the equipment and cables to prevent heat damage and to allow safe access to equipment and cables.
910-2969-001 Revision H, February 2007 2-7
Safety and Pre-Installation Requirements
Earthquake Resistance
All Tekelec system configurations are designed to assure that the system remains operational during and after an earthquake, even when the system is located on the upper floors of a zone 4 central office.
Space Requirements
Provide space as described in Table 2-1. These space requirements provide for Tekelec equipment installed in a 23-inch heavy-duty frame, which measures 7 feet high. Separator panels and end panels add to the width of multiple frame systems.
Table 2-1. Space Requirements
Building Area Dimensions Notes
Halls 4.5 feet wide by 8
feet tall
(1.4 meters wide by 2.4 meters tall)
Frame location 30 inches wide by
24 inches deep
(76.2 cm wide by
60.96 cm deep)
Side aisles 4 feet (1.2 meters) To allow maneuvering frames into
Front and rear access
Side access 12 inches (31 cm) From walls or other frames
In addition, when planning the installation, be sure to take into account spare hardware storage, modems, terminals, printers, cross connect panels, and all other items that might require space in a system.
3 feet 6 inches (107 cm)
To provide a clear, uncluttered route for moving equipment between the loading/receiving dock and the planned system location
Floor area recommended for one Tekelec frame (multiply by the number of frames listed on the Initial Sales Order)
Total area per frame = 720 square inches (5.0 square feet)
(0.465 square meters)
place and provide ample work space around the equipment
From walls or other frames
2-8 910-2969-001 Revision H, February 2007
Safety and Pre-Installation Requirements
Floor Loading
Tekelec products installed in heavy-duty frames are designed for installation on raised or solid floors, which are recommended to have a distributed load capacity of no less than 100 pounds per square foot (504 kg/m2). Following are the maximum weights of Tekelec frames:
Maximum weight of EAGLE 5 ISS Control or Extension frames: 850 lbs (386 kg).
Maximum weight of a two T1000/T1100 server frame (for example, the MPS frame), including AC and DC LSMS frames: 600 lbs (273 kg).
Maximum weight of the EOAP frame: 450 lbs (205 kg).
Maximum weight of an application frame with up to six T1000/T1100 servers: 925 lbs (421 kg).
Use the following equation to calculate the floor loading:
Distributed floor capacity = Total equipment weight/floor area
Grounding and Power Requirements
Before installing a T1100 AS hardware system, refer to the application documentation to determine whether it is to be installed in an Alternating Current (AC) or Direct Current (DC) environment. Then, ensure that the grounding and power requirements in the appropriate following sections have been met.
“Grounding Requirements” on page 2-9 (this section describes requirements both for AC and DC environments)
“Power Requirements in a DC Environment” on page 2-10
“Power Requirements in an AC Environment” on page 2-11
Grounding Requirements
Tekelec systems operate as digital isolated ground plane systems in a central office environment and require a single connection to the central office ground window. The system’s ground cables must provide the sole grounding connection between the entire system and the central office grounding.
WARNING: Always install an isolator pad between the frame and ground. Tekelec frames are shipped with isolator pads to completely isolate the frames from ground. If a non-Tekelec frame is used, an isolator pad must be provided.
910-2969-001 Revision H, February 2007 2-9
Safety and Pre-Installation Requirements
The system can use three types of grounding paths:
Battery return
The battery return grounding path is the return path for all –48VDC loads in the system. This path is isolated from other system grounds and connects to the rest of the central office through the –48VDC return connections located on the breaker panels of each frame.
Logic Ground
Some system types require connection to a logic ground. The logic ground path provides a common voltage reference point between all circuit boards of a system. Each connection terminates to the system ground. The logic ground path is shown on your system’s interconnect drawing. The logic ground path does not carry current.
NOTE: If the AC-powered T1100 AS unit uses serial RS232 connections, the grounding in a standard serial cable will provide the logic ground necessary for the data transmission.
NOTE: AC-powered T1100 AS units should not be used for RS485, DS0, V.35, or other network connections unless specified by Tekelec.
Frame/chassis ground
The frame/chassis ground path provides a low impedance connection for all metal parts of the entire system, including the frame, doors, shelves, and end panels. Each frame/chassis connection within the system lineup terminates to the frame and connects to the main ground by way of Htaps, #6 American Wire Gauge (AWG) to 1/0 cable.
NOTE: The frame/chassis ground path does not carry current.
For products installed in a frame, the doors installed are grounded to the frame through a two-hole lug ground wire and through a screw-down latch. Figure 2-4 shows a cutaway view example of an open frame door showing the door ground strap.
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