LE Minimum Flows ................................................................................................................................... A-5
Outline Drawing
Standard - C-60538 .......................................................................................................................... A-6
With ANSI Baseplate - C60541.......................................................................................................... A-7
Dynapump LE Series are canned motor, sealless pumps that offer a low cost, off the
shelf, environmentally friendly alternative to sealed and single containment sealless
pumps. Care should be exercised upon installation, start up, removal and maintenance
of the pumps. Recommended safety equipment should be used at all times.
Prior to returning any Dynapump LE Series to the factory the following procedure must
be followed:
1.Return Authorization must be obtained from the factory.
2.The pump must be decontaminated and cleaned.
3.The pump must be accompanied by a Decontamination Form, completely
filled out and signed by a responsible individual at the customer’s facility.
(Refer to copy of Decontamination Form in the Appendix of the Instruction
It is recommend that, as a minimum, a set of bearings and gaskets be purchased for
each Dynapump LE Series installed. When ordering spare parts, please reference the
serial number and model designation indicated on pump nameplate. When ordering an
impeller assembly, specify the diameter which can be measured across the blade tips.
Dynapump LE Series purchased for a particular application should only be used for that
service. Metallurgy, bearing materials and motor size may not be compatible if used on
a different application. Consult your local, authorized Teikoku USA Inc / Chempump
representative or distributor, or contact the factory for confirmation.
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SECTION 1. General Information
1.1 General Design and Operation
The Dynapump LE Series is a combined centrifugal
pump and squirrel cage induction electric motor built
together into a single hermetically sealed unit. The
pump impeller is of the closed type, and is mounted
on one end of the rotor shaft, which extends from the
motor section into the pump casing. The rotor is submerged in the fluid being pumped and is, therefore,
“canned” to isolate the motor rotor from contact with
the fluid. The stator winding is also “canned” to isolate it from the fluid being pumped. Bearings are
submerged in system fluid and are therefore, lubricated by the process fluid.
The Dynapump LE has only one moving part, a combined rotor-impeller assembly that is driven by the
induced magnetic field of an induction motor. A portion of the pumped fluid is allowed to re-circulate
through the rotor cavity to cool the motor and lubricate the bearings. The stator windings are protected
from contact with the re-circulating fluid by a corrosion resistant, non-magnetic, alloy liner, which completely seals or “cans” the stator winding. The recirculating fluid is channeled into the motor section
by holes drilled in the front bearing housing. A portion of the pumpage flows across the front bearing
and returns to the rear of the impeller. The remainder passes over the rotor, across the rear bearing,
and returns to suction through a hollow shaft. See
Figure 1-1.
The Dynapump LE offers true positive secondary
containment as a standard design feature. In the
event of a failure of the primary containment can, the
stator assembly in conjunction with the leak proof
terminal post assembly provides the secondary con-
tainment. This design prevents any release of the
process fluid out to the atmosphere.
A standard feature of the Dynapump LE is the patented Teikoku Rotary Guardian (TRG). The TRG is
an electrical meter that continuously monitors the
condition of the bearings. For more information on
the TRG refer to 2-3.4 Bearing Wear Monitor, Page 7.
The Dynapump LE sealless pump is a precisionbuilt unit that, with proper care, will give years of
trouble-free, leakproof service. The entire unit is
mounted on a fabricated steel base cradle. Operation is unaffected by the mounting or operating position, eliminating the need for any costly alignment
procedures. This manual, containing basic instructions for installation, operation and maintenance of
the Dynapump LE Series, is designed to assist you
in obtaining this service.
It is important that the persons responsible for the
installation, operation, and maintenance of the pump,
read and understand the manual thoroughly.
Trouble-free Dynapump LE performance begins with
proper pump selection and application. If the selected pump does not have the required performance
characteristics, or if the materials of construction are
not properly specified for the fluid being handled,
unsatisfactory operation may result. No amount of
maintenance can compensate for this.
If you are in doubt about proper Dynapump LE selection or application, write or call your Dynapump LE
engineering representative or the factory for assistance. Additional copies of this manual are available
from the Dynapump LE field representative, the fac-
tory or on our website: www.dynapump.com.
Figure 1-1. Dynapump LE Series Standard Circulation
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1-2. Stator Assembly
1-5. Thrust Collars and Shaft Sleeves
The stator assembly consists of a set of three-phase
windings connected in a one-circuit wye arrangement. Stator laminations are of low-silicon grade
steel. Laminations and windings are mounted inside the cylindrical stator band. End bells, welded to
the stator band, close off the ends of the stator assembly. The stator liner is, in effect, a cylindrical “can”
placed in the stator bore and welded to the rear end
bell and front end bell to hermetically seal off the
windings from contact with the liquid being pumped.
Terminal leads from the windings are brought into
an oversized electrical terminal box. Motor lead wires
are isolated from the users’ conduit line by a leakproof terminal post assembly mounted inside the
terminal box. The design of the stator assembly in
conjunction with the leakproof terminal post assembly provides a true positive secondary containment.
1-3. Rotor Assembly
The rotor assembly is a squirrel cage induction rotor
constructed and machined for use in the Dynapump
LE. It consists of a machined corrosion resistant
hollow shaft, laminated core with cast aluminum bars
and end rings, corrosion resistant end covers, and a
corrosion resistant can. The impeller is keyed to the
shaft and held in place with a bolt and lockwasher.
All Dynapump LE models are equipped with thrust
collars providing a replaceable surface against which
axial loads can be carried during process upset conditions. The shaft is also fitted with replaceable shaft
sleeves. Both the thrust collars and shaft sleeves
are constructed of 316SS with a hard chrome wear
surface for long life. These parts are pinned or keyed
to prevent rotation.
1-6. Cooling Flow
Cooling for stator, rotor, and bearings, as well as
bearing lubrication, is provided by circulation of the
pumped fluid. A portion of the process fluid enters
the motor section through ports in the front bearing
housing. The fluid flows across the front bearing
and returns to the rear of the impeller. The remainder passes over the rotor, across the rear bearing,
and returns to suction through the hollow shaft. See
Figure 1-1, Page 1.
1-7. Automatic Thrust Balance
Based on hydraulic principles, Dynapump LE’s automatic thrust balance is accomplished by the pressure of the pumped fluid itself, operating in a balance chamber at the front and rear of the impeller.
The rotor end covers are welded to the shaft and
also to the rotor can which surrounds the outside of
the rotor, thus hermetically sealing off the rotor core
from contact with the liquid being pumped.
The shaft is fitted with replaceable shaft sleeves and
thrust collars. These parts are pinned or keyed to
prevent rotation. Axial movement is restricted by the
thrust collars contacting the face of the front and rear
1-4. Bearings
The bearings for the Dynapump LE Series are carbon graphite as standard (silicon carbide is available as an option) and are machined with special
helix grooves through the bore to assure adequate
fluid circulation at the journal area. Each bearing is
manufactured to close tolerances for a high degree
of concentricity and is held in a bearing housing by a
retaining screw. Bearings are easily replaced by removing the retaining screw and sliding the bearing
from its housing.
When a change in load shifts the position of the impeller away from the balance condition, there is an
equalizing change of hydraulic pressure in the balance chamber, which immediately returns the impeller-rotor assembly to the balanced position.
1-8. Safety Precautions.
1. Do not run pump dry. If the pump is allowed to
run dry the bearing sleeves and other components will be damaged and serious overheating
of the motor windings will occur.
2. Avoid rapid temperature changes. Rapid
changes in temperature can cause leaks to occur in the gasket areas of the pump.
3. Pump may be hot. Motor section of the pump
can be very hot, even when pumping cool liquids. Motor windings are rated to 356o F.
4. If the motor trips due to the thermal cutouts, do
not restart before determining the cause.
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Restarting the motor before ascertaining the
cause can result in excessive heat leading to
premature failure.
5. Do not remove internal bolts in the terminal box
without taking the necessary precautions. The
electrical junction box is a pressure-containing
component of the pump. It is possible the fluid
you are pumping may be present in the motor
cavity in the event of a stator liner rupture.
6. Do not remove any bolts on the pump, motor or
drain plug without taking the necessary precautions. The pump may be under pressure. Always
loosen the drain plug slowly to relieve any inter-
nal pressure before attempting to disassemble
the pump. Adequate precautions must be taken
if the liquid in the pump could be hazardous to
personnel or the environment.
7. Always assume that there is liquid left in the
pump. There is always the possibility that residual liquid could remain in the pump and
motor, even after thorough decontamination. Pay
particular attention to the clearances between
the shaft and the impeller, bearings, sleeves,
bearing housings, and gaskets. Adequate precautions must be taken if the liquid in the pump
could be hazardous to personnel or the environment.
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