Tegam 3550 Instruction Manual

Model 3550
Fully Programmable
LCR Meter
© Copyright 2004, TEGAM, Inc. All rights reserved.
NOTE: This user’s manual was as current as possible when this product was manufactured. However, products are constantly being updated and improved. Because of this, some differences may occur between the descriptions in this manual and the product received. Please refer to www.tegam.com for future updates of this manual.
Model 3550 Programmable LCR Meter Instruction Manual a
MODEL 3550
Instruction Manual
Publication Date April 2004
Model 3550 Programmable LCR Meter Instruction Manual b
Table of Contents
I INSTRUMENT DESCRIPTION............................................................................1-1
Instrument Description ........................................................................... 1-1
Feature Overview ................................................................................... 1-1
3550 Options and Accessories .................................................................. 1-4
Performance Specifications ...................................................................... 1-5
Table 1.1 – Model 3550 Measurement Range Limits ............................... 1-5
Table 1.2 Model 3550 Measurement Frequencies ................................. 1-7
Table 1.3 Model 3550 Measurement Amplitudes .................................. 1-7
Table 1.4 Model 3550 Amplitude Accuracies ....................................... 1-8
Table 1.5 Model 3550 Measurement Ranges ....................................... 1-8
Table 1.6 Typical Analog Measurement Times ..................................... 1-9
Table 1.7a Absolute Comparator Operation......................................... 1-11
Table 1.7b Percentage Comparator Operation ..................................... 1-11
Table 1.8 – Numeric Displays and Annunciators ..................................... 1-11
Formulas and Measurement Accuracy........................................................ 1-13
Table 1.9 – Series and Parallel Equivalent Circuit Measurements .............. 1-14
II PREPARATION FOR USE ..................................................................................2-1
Unpacking and Inspection........................................................................ 2-2
Safety Information and Precautions .......................................................... 2-2
Servicing Safety Summary ...................................................................... 2-4
Line Voltage and Fuse Selection ............................................................... 2-5
III QUICK START INSTRUCTIONS .........................................................................3-1
Power the Unit ....................................................................................... 3-2
Instrument Settings................................................................................ 3-2
Table 3.1 Factory Default Settings .................................................... 3-2
Table 3.2 Control Command Summary............................................... 3-3
Table 3.3 Shift Function Summary .................................................... 3-4
Instrument Setup for Basic Measurements ................................................. 3-5
Table 3.4 Settings Summary ............................................................ 3-5
Setting the Absolute Comparator.............................................................. 3-6
Setting the Percent Comparator ............................................................... 3-7
IV OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS............................................................................4-1
Basic Operation...................................................................................... 4-2
Default Parameters................................................................................. 4-2
Precautions ........................................................................................... 4-2
Measurement Tips .................................................................................. 4-2
Making Measurements that are Sensitive to Voltage and Current.............. 4-2
Measuring Earth Grounded Test Pieces ................................................. 4-2
Measurement Circuit Modes ................................................................ 4-3
Table 4.1 – Relationship Between Series and Parallel Equivalent Circuits ... 4-3
Negative Capacitance or Inductance Readings ....................................... 4-4
Zero Correction of Parasitic Impedance ................................................ 4-4
Table 4.2 – Short and Open Null Connections ........................................ 4-4
Model 3550 Programmable LCR Meter Instruction Manual c
Table of Contents
IV OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS CONT’D...............................................................
Measurement Tips ..................................................................................
Test Lead Requirements..................................................................... 4-5
Figure 4.1a Four-Wire Kelvin Measurement ........................................ 4-5
Figure 4.1b – Proper Application of Four Wire Kelvin Measurement ........... 4-5
Measurement Signal Levels................................................................. 4-6
Series or Parallel Circuit Modes............................................................ 4-6
Auto range Switching Threshold .......................................................... 4-6
Display Resolution ............................................................................. 4-6
AC Resistance of Coils with Cores ........................................................ 4-6
Front Panel Description ........................................................................... 4-7
Figure 4.2 – Front Panel Layout........................................................... 4-7
Power Switch.................................................................................... 4-8
Circuit Mode Panel............................................................................. 4-8
Trigger Panel .................................................................................... 4-8
Zero Panel ....................................................................................... 4-9
Range Selection Panel........................................................................ 4-9
Shift Key.......................................................................................... 4-10
Frequency Set Mode........................................................................ 4-10
Test Voltage Set Mode..................................................................... 4-11
Test Current Set Mode..................................................................... 4-11
Averaging Set Mode ........................................................................ 4-12
Key Lock Mode ............................................................................... 4-12
Comparator buzzer Function............................................................. 4-13
Trigger Delay Time.......................................................................... 4-13
Comparator Functions Mode ............................................................. 4-14
Defining Spot Frequencies for Zero Adjustments ................................. 4-14
RS-232C Settings Mode ................................................................... 4-15
Correction Frequency Limit Setting Mode............................................ 4-16
Spot Correction Mode (Open Correction) ............................................ 4-16
Spot Correction Mode (Short Correction) ............................................ 4-16
Unknown Terminals Panel................................................................... 4-17
Table 4.3 Unknown Terminals........................................................... 4-17
Comparator Limit Set Panel ................................................................ 4-17
The Guard Terminal ........................................................................... 4-17
Remote Interface Status LEDs............................................................. 4-18
Panel Selector Switch......................................................................... 4-18
Panel Display LED.............................................................................. 4-18
Display A Parameter Selection Key....................................................... 4-18
Display A ......................................................................................... 4-18
Bin Display LED................................................................................. 4-18
Comparator State Annunciators........................................................... 4-19
Sample LED (Trigger Status)............................................................... 4-19
Comparator ON/OFF Switch ................................................................ 4-19
Display B Parameter Selection Key....................................................... 4-19
Display B ......................................................................................... 4-19
Model 3550 Programmable LCR Meter Instruction Manual d
Table of Contents
IV OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS CONT’D...............................................................
Front Panel Description Cont’d ............................................................
Display C Measurement Panel ............................................................. 4-20
Table 4.4 CV/CC Indicators .............................................................. 4-21
Display C ......................................................................................... 4-21
Enter Key......................................................................................... 4-21
Rear Panel Description ............................................................................ 4-22
Figure 4.3 – Rear Panel Layout............................................................ 4-22
Making Accurate Measurements ............................................................... 4-23
Connections to the Device Under Test .................................................. 4-23
3-Terminal Measurement.................................................................... 4-23
4 or 5-Terminal Measurements............................................................ 4-23
Test Fixture Selection ........................................................................ 4-24
Table 4.4 – Impedance and Frequency Limitations of Kelvin Klip Leads ..... 4-24
Table 4.5 – Impedance and Frequency Limitations of the SMD Test Fixture 4-25
Zero Corrections ............................................................................... 4-26
Table 4.6 Zero Correction Limits ....................................................... 4-26
Figure 4.4 – Terminal Connections for Zero Correction............................ 4-27
Equivalent Circuits............................................................................. 4-28
Table 4.7 Equivalent Circuit Relationships .......................................... 4-29
Operating the 3550 ................................................................................ 4-30
Preparation ...................................................................................... 4-30
How to Perform a Zero Correction........................................................ 4-30
Measuring L, C, and R........................................................................ 4-31
Measuring |Z| and |Y|........................................................................ 4-33
Measuring D, Q, Rs, Rp, G, X, B, and LJ................................................. 4-34
The Comparator..................................................................................... 4-35
Important Notes for the Absolute and Comparator Functions ................... 4-35
Absolute Value Settings...................................................................... 4-36
Percent Value Settings ....................................................................... 4-37
Bin Operation ................................................................................... 4-39
Figure 4.5 – Sequenced Bin Sorting ..................................................... 4-39
Figure 4.6 – Nested Bin Sorting........................................................... 4-40
Outputting the Comparator’s Results.................................................... 4-41
Audible Buzzer Operation ................................................................... 4-41
Model 3550 Programmable LCR Meter Instruction Manual e
Table of Contents
V PROGRAMMING AND INTERFACING ................................................................5-1
Interfacing to the 3550 ........................................................................... 5-2
Control I/O Connector............................................................................. 5-2
Inputs ............................................................................................. 5-2
Figure 5.1 – Input Schematic .............................................................. 5-2
Outputs ........................................................................................... 5-3
Figure 5.2 – Output Schematic ............................................................ 5-3
Timing Diagrams............................................................................... 5-4
Figure 5.3a Test Busy Operation ....................................................... 5-4
Figure 5.3b Measure End Operation................................................... 5-4
Figure 5.3c GO/NO-GO Operation ..................................................... 5-4
Table 5.1 Connector Pin Designations ................................................ 5-5
Table 5.2 Control I/O Function Summary ........................................... 5-6
Sample Diagram of External Connections to Sequencer........................... 5-7
RS-232C ............................................................................................... 5-8
Interface Cable ................................................................................. 5-8
Input Format .................................................................................... 5-8
Table 5.3a Command Summary........................................................ 5-11
Table 5.3b Command Summary cont’d .............................................. 5-12
Table 5.3c Command Summary cont’d............................................... 5-13
Table 5.4 - Comparator Instructions..................................................... 5-14
Data Output Format for Measurement Settings ...................................... 5-15
Table 5.5a – Data Output Code Functions ............................................. 5-16
Table 5.5b – Data Output Code Functions cont’d .................................... 5-17
Monitor Output Format....................................................................... 5-18
Table 5.6c Monitor Output Code Functions.......................................... 5-21
Table 5.6b – Monitor Output Code Functions cont’d ................................ 5-22
RS-232C Hardware and Computer Settings ........................................... 5-23
Sample Programs for RS-232C ............................................................ 5-23
The GPIB Interface (Optional) .................................................................. 5-28
General Description of GPIB................................................................ 5-28
Primary Specifications of GPIB ............................................................ 5-28
Table 5.7 GPIB Functions ................................................................. 5-28
Installation of the GPIB Board ............................................................. 5-29
Figure 5.4a – Rear View ..................................................................... 5-29
Figure 5.4b – Side View ..................................................................... 5-30
Figure 5.4c – Top View....................................................................... 5-30
Front Panel Status LEDs ..................................................................... 5-31
Local Key Switch ............................................................................... 5-31
GPIB Switches .................................................................................. 5-31
Delimiter Output Formats ................................................................... 5-31
Output Status Bits for Service Requests................................................ 5-31
Figure 5.5 – GPIB Status Bits.............................................................. 5-31
Additional Notes for Using the GPIB Interface ........................................ 5-31
Programming Examples...................................................................... 5-33
Model 3550 Programmable LCR Meter Instruction Manual
Table of Contents
VI SERVICE INFORMATION..................................................................................6-1
Warranty .............................................................................................. 6-2
Warranty Limitations .............................................................................. 5-2
Statement of Calibration ......................................................................... 6-2
Contact Information ............................................................................... 6-2
Repair Parts .......................................................................................... 6-3
Troubleshooting .................................................................................... 6-4
Preparation for Repair or calibration Service............................................... 6-5
Expedite Repair and calibration Form ........................................................ 6-6
Performance Verification Procedure........................................................... 6-7
Model 3550 Calibration Adjustment Procedure ............................................ 6-12
VII APPENDIX .......................................................................................................A.1
Setting the Constant Voltage Mode ........................................................... A.3
To Enable the Constant Voltage Mode................................................... A.3
Calculating the maximum Allowable Constant Voltage Setting.................. A.3
Setting the Constant Current Mode ........................................................... A.4
Calculating the maximum Allowable Constant Current Setting.................. A.4
Basic Measurement Accuracy Tables ......................................................... A.5
Table A.1 Basic Accuracy Table ......................................................... A.5
Table A.2 – Basic Accuracy Table [0.01V to 0.04V]................................. A.6
Table A.3 – Basic Accuracy Table [0.05V to 0.10V]................................. A.7
Table A.4 – Basic Accuracy Table [0.11V to 0.20V]................................. A.8
Table A.5 – Basic Accuracy Table [0.21V to 0.45V]................................. A.9
Table A.6 – Basic Accuracy Table [0.46V to 1.00V]................................. A.10
Table A.7 – Basic Accuracy Table [1.01V to 5.00V]................................. A.11
LC Impedance Calculation Chart ............................................................... A.12
Error Codes ........................................................................................... A.13
Model 3550 Programmable LCR Meter Instruction Manual g
Model 3550 Programmable LCR Meter Instruction Manual h
Instrument Description
Model 3550 LCR Meter Instruction Manual Instrument Description
Instrument Description
The Model, 3550, is a high-speed LCR Meter capable of measuring Inductance (L), Capacitance(C), Resistance (R), Absolute Impedance (|Z|), Absolute Admittance (|Y|), Dissipation factor (D), Quality (Q), Serial Equivalent Resistance (Rs), Parallel Equivalent Resistance (Rp), Conductance (G), Reactance (X), Susceptance (B), and Phase Angle (LJ). It has a wide measurement range, and includes full adjustability of Measurement Frequency and Measurement Signal Level. It also features Automatic adjustment for Zero Correction, Range Switching, and Series and Parallel Mode Switching.
The basic comparator function of the 3550 is extended to allow sorting of components to up to 10 different bins. Up to 9 panels worth of measurement settings can be stored in the instrument’s non-volatile memory for convenient recall. The instrument can perform a complete measurement including a comparator judgment in as little as 40ms.
The 3550 has standard RS-232C and Control I/O Connector Interfaces with the availability of an optional GPIB Interface. The Control I/Os are optically isolated thus making the instrument ideal for noise immunity.
Feature Overview
The 3550 Programmable LCR Meter offers a complete solution for a wide variety of specialized LCR measurement applications. Listed below are some of the features.
High Speed
The measurement time, including data display, zero correction, and comparator function is approximately 40 milliseconds.
Extended Frequency Range
The Measurement Frequency can be adjusted between 42.0Hz - 5.00MHz.
Programmable Test Voltage and Current
The test signal level can be adjusted between 10mV to 5.00V in the constant voltage mode and from 10µA to 99.99mA in the constant current mode.
Voltage & Current Monitor
The voltage at the test piece terminals and the current, which is flowing through the test piece, can be displayed up to 3 significant digits.
Model 3550 LCR Meter Instruction Manual Instrument Description
Feature Overview cont’d:
/2 Digits Resolution
"DISPLAY A" (L, C, R, |Z|, |Y|), and "DISPLAY B" (D, Q, R up to 4
For L, C, R, |Z|, |Y|, D, Q, R
, RP, G, X, B, and LJ, upper and lower limit values can be set
for 9 items (10 categories), for up to 9 panels of settings.
Series or Parallel Equivalent Circuit Mode
When in "Auto" mode, Parallel or Series Equivalent Circuit measurements are automatically determined by the active measurement range. In manual range, the Parallel or Series Equivalent Circuit mode are user selectable.
, RP, G, X, B, LJ) can both display
Front Panel Key Lock
The Key Switch on the front panel can be set to lock the instrument settings for protection against accidental changes.
Automatic Zero Correction of Parasitic Impedance
Performing Open and Short Circuit Zeroing cancel the offset errors caused by Stray Capacitance, Stray Conductance, Residual Inductance, and Residual Resistance.
Non-Volatile Memory
All measurement settings such as the Zero Correction Values, Comparator Limits, Panel Settings etc. are stored in non-volatile memory and are retained in the event of power loss.
Remote Operation
The TEGAM Model 3550 provides standard RS-232C and I/O Control Connector interfaces for remote operation. There is an optional GPIB (IEEE-488) interface available for purchase.
Model 3550 LCR Meter Instruction Manual Instrument Description
3550 Options and Accessories
2005B - Chip Tweezers (5ft)
This four-terminal tweezer set makes solid connections to chip components in manual sorting applications. Capacity of jaws is 12.7mm (0.5 in.). The 2005B Chip Component Tweezer Set includes a 1.5m (5 ft) cable for connection to the 2150/2160. Contact tips are replaceable. P/N 47422.
47422 Chip Tweezer Replacement Kit
Tweezer tips are intended to last 100,000 to 500,000 operations. An optional tip replacement kit includes 12 replacement tips, 2 screws and 1 wrench.
3510-Radial Lead Adapter
This sorting fixture allows for efficient four-wire measurement of leaded parts. The test fixture features spring action contacts for easy insertion and removal of test components.
47454 – Kelvin Klips
Kelvin Klips allow solid four-terminal, Kelvin connections to leaded components. The jaws are assembled with hardened gold-plated, beryllium copper, which ensures low contact resistance, low thermal emf to copper, high corrosion resistance, and long service life. An alligator clip is provided allowing connection of a passive guard. The assembly includes a 5 ft (1.5m) cable for connection to the 3525.
KK100- Kelvin Klip™ Rebuild Kit
Kelvin Klip™ replacements for construction or repair of Kelvin Klip leads.
GPIB (IEEE-488) Cables
1583-3 – 1-meter GPIB buss cable 1583-6 – 2-meter GPIB buss cable 1583-9 – 3-meter GPIB buss cable
3505 – GPIB Interface
3550-900-01 – User’s Manual­Hard Copy
3511 - SMD Test Fixture
Available for performing three terminal measurements on surface mount devices. Connects directly to the front panel of the 3550. Use the 3511 for medium and high impedance measurements.
NOTE: Under certain measurement conditions, Kelvin Klips can cause a loss of measurement accuracy. Fixtures 3510, 3511, or 2005B chip tweezers are recommended for the following component values:
C<100pF; L < 100µH; R > 1Mƻ
Model 3550 LCR Meter Instruction Manual Instrument Description
Performance Specifications
The advertised specifications of the model 3550 are valid under the following conditions:
1. The instrument must be verified and/or adjusted using the methods and intervals as described in the calibration section of this user’s manual.
2. The instrument must be in an environment, which does not exceed the limitations as defined under “Environmental” in the Miscellaneous Specifications section.
3. The unit is allowed to warm up for a period of at least 30 minutes before measurements are taken. A warm-up period of 60 minutes is recommended after exposure to or storage in a high humidity, (non-condensing), environment.
4. Only TEGAM-manufactured Kelvin Klips™, Tweezers and other test fixtures are used with this device during measurements.
Measurement Parameters:
Inductance (L), Capacitance(C), Resistance(R), Impedance (|Z|), Admittance (|Y|), Dissipation Factor (D), Quality (Q), Equivalent Series Resistance (R Resistance (R
), Conductance (G), Reactance (X), Susceptance (B), and Phase Angle (LJ).
), Equivalent Parallel
Measurement Ranges
Table 1.1 – Model 3550 Measurement Range Limits
Parameter Low Limit High Limit
L 320.0nH (At: 10ƻ 5MHz) 0.7500MH(At: 199.99Mƻ 42Hz) (LJ=90°) C 0.160pF (At: 100kƻ 5MHz) 0.037F(At: 100mƻ 42Hz) (LJ=-90°) R 0.01mƻ 199.99Mƻ |Z| 0.01mƻ 199.99Mƻ |Y| 5.000nS(199.99Mƻ) 100.00S(100mƻ) D 0.0001 9.999 Q 0.1 1999.9 R
G 5.000nS(199.99Mƻ) 100.00S(100mƻ) X 0.01mƻ 199.99Mƻ B 5.000nS(199.99Mƻ) 100.00S(100mƻ) LJ -180.00° 180.00°
0.01mƻ 199.99Mƻ
0.01mƻ 199.99Mƻ
NOTE: The Measurement Range is dependent on the Measurement Frequency. The figures in parentheses are DUT impedance values.
Model 3550 LCR Meter Instruction Manual Instrument Description
Performance Specifications cont’d:
Basic Accuracy
Display Specifications:
x Numeric Display (DISPLAY A)
L, C, R, |Z|, |Y| (4
x Numeric Display (DISPLAY B) D, Q, R
, RP, G, X, B, LJ (41/2 digits)
x Numeric Display (DISPLAY C)
Frequency, Voltage, Current, Terminal Voltage, Terminal Current, PANEL (3 digits)
x Unit Prefix Display (DISPLAY A) p, n, µ, m, k, M
/2 digits)
x Unit Prefix Display (DISPLAY B) n, µ, m, k, M
x Unit Display (DISPLAY A)
F, H, ƻ, S
x Unit Display (DISPLAY B)
ƻ, S, deg
x Unit Display (DISPLAY C)
Hz, kHz, MHz, V, mA
Switch Indicator Lamps
Model 3550 LCR Meter Instruction Manual Instrument Description
Performance Specifications cont’d:
Measurement Frequency
Table 1.2 – Model 3550 Measurement Frequencies
Frequency Range Resolution
42.0Hz ~99.9Hz 0.1Hz Steps 100Hz~999Hz 1Hz Steps
1.00kHz~9.99kHz 10Hz Steps
10.0kHz~99.9kHz 100Hz Steps 100kHz~999kHz 1kHz Steps
1.00MHz~5.00MHz 10kHz Steps
Measurement Frequency Accuracy
Measurement Signal Level
Table 1.3 – Model 3550 Measurement Amplitudes
Frequency Range Test Voltage
42.0Hz~1.00MHz 0.01~5.00Vrms 0.01~99.99mArms
1.01MHz~5.00MHz 0.05~1.00Vrms 0.05~20.00mArms
Test Current Range
Open Terminal Voltage Mode
x Increment/Resolution 0.01V Steps x Max. Shorting Current 99.99mA (Dependent on Measurement Frequency)
Fixed Voltage Mode
x Increment/Resolution 0.01V Steps x Max. Shorting Current 99.99mA(Dependent on Measurement Frequency)
Fixed Current Mode
x Increment/Resolution 0.01mA Steps x Max. Shorting Current 99.99mA(Dependent on Measurement Frequency)
Model 3550 LCR Meter Instruction Manual Instrument Description
Performance Specifications cont’d:
Monitor Functions
Voltage Monitor 0.00V~5.00V Current Monitor 0.00mA~99.99mA
Settings and Monitor Accuracy
Table 1.4 – Model 3550 Amplitude Accuracies
Frequency Range Test Voltage
42.0Hz~4.00MHz ±(10%+10mV) ±(10%+10µA)
4.01MHz~5.00MHz ±(20%+10mV) ±(20%+10µA)
Signal Source Impedance
50ƻ ±10%
Test Current
Measurement Circuit Modes
x Auto/Manual Circuit Selection x Parallel Equivalent Circuit Mode x Series Equivalent Circuit Mode
Measurement Range is determined by the DUT’s absolute impedance |Z|. There are 9 total ranges selectable in either AUTO or MANUAL modes. Measurement parameters (L, C, R, etc.) are calculated from actual test voltage and current values.
Table 1.5 – Model 3550 Measurement Ranges
Range 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 AUTO Upper
100mƻ 10ƻ 100ƻ 1kƻ 10kƻ 100kƻ 1Mƻ 10Mƻ 100mƻ~10Mƻ
Model 3550 LCR Meter Instruction Manual Instrument Description
Performance Specifications cont’d:
Measurement Time
Open Terminal Voltage Mode
When the Measurement Frequency is 10kHz, no averaging, the range is held constant, RS-232C is OFF and the Comparator is ON, the shortest measurement time is 18ms.
Typical Analog Measurement Times
Conditions: Averaging= 1, range held, RS-232C is OFF, and Comparator ON:
Table 1.6 – Typical Analog Measurement Times
Test Frequency Typical Analog Measurement Time
42Hz 624ms Max.
120Hz 221ms Max.
1kHz 31ms Max.
10kHz 18ms Max.
100kHz 30ms Max.
1MHz 25ms Max. 5MHz 21ms Max.
About the Typical Analog Measurement Time
The Typical Analog Measurement Time is dependent upon the Measurement Frequency. For ranges
42.0Hz~750Hz, and 10.1kHz~19.0kHz, Typical Analog Measurement Time will exceed 40 ms. For other frequencies, 40ms will not be exceeded. (Conditions: Averaging = 1, range held, RS-232C is OFF, and Comparator ON)
Fixed Voltage/Fixed Current Mode
The measurement time can be up to 4X the time of the Open Terminal Voltage Mode.
Average Mode
The user can define from 1~100 averages.
Model 3550 LCR Meter Instruction Manual Instrument Description
Performance Specifications cont’d:
Measurement Terminals
x 2 – BNC Source Terminals x 2 – BNC Detect Terminals x 1 – Guard Banana/Binding Post
Parasitic Impedance Correction
Open Correction 1kƻ or higher Impedance Short Correction Less than 1kƻ Impedance
Programmable Delay Time
Measurements will be started after a trigger is detected from the front panel, Control I/O Connector or RS232C interface. The delay time setting is user-definable and ranges from 0~10 seconds in 1ms increments.
GO/NO-GO Limits Comparator/Binning
Absolute Value
x Absolute Settings must fall within the Measurement Ranges of DISPLAY A and DISPLAY B. x Comparator Settings must be applied to existing preset panels. x Up to 9 programmable bins (1-9) may be defined. Bin 0 is reserved for measured values
that fall outside of the limits.
x User may program the High or Low limits of DISPLAY A and DISPLAY B to be ignored.
Percent Value
x Percent Settings must fall within the Measurement Ranges of DISPLAY A and DISPLAY B. x Limit Values of 00000~999.99 % for both DISPLAY A and DISPLAY B x Comparator Settings must be applied to existing panels. x Up to 9 programmable bins (1-9) may be defined. Bin 0 is reserved for measured values
that fall outside of the limits.
x User may program the High or Low limits of DISPLAY A and DISPLAY B to be ignored.
Model 3550 LCR Meter Instruction Manual Instrument Description
Performance Specifications cont’d:
Comparator/Binning: Absolute Limits Operation
Table 1.7a – Absolute Comparator Operation
Operation Function
Bins 1~9 "LOW LIMIT" Measurement Value "HIGH LIMIT" LO Measurement Value < "LOW LIMIT" HI "HIGH LIMIT" < Measurement Value TOTAL GO When both DISPLAY A and DISPLAY B are not LO or HI
Comparator/Binning: Percent Limits Operation
*The location of the decimal point affects the % comparator/binning values.
Table 1.7b – Percentage Comparator Operation
Operation Function
Bins 1~9 "LOW LIMIT" Measurement Value "HIGH LIMIT" LO Measurement Value < "LOW LIMIT" HI "HIGH LIMIT" < Measurement Value TOTAL GO When both DISPLAY A and DISPLAY B are not LO or HI
Table 1.8 – Numeric Displays and Annunciators
Display Display Description & Range
Numeric DISPLAY A -19999 ~ 19999 (4-1/2 digits) Numeric DISPLAY B -19999 ~19999 (4-1/2 digits) Unit Prefix Annunciators for DISPLAY A p, n, µ, m, k, M Unit Prefix Annunciators for DISPLAY B n, µ, m, k, M Unit Annunciators for DISPLAY A F, H, ƻ, S Unit Annunciators for DISPLAY B ƻ, S, deg Comparator Limit LOW & HIGH Pushbuttons Comparator Enabled ON Pushbutton Comparator State LO-HI (For DISPLAY A & B) Comparator Total GO TOTAL GO LED
BIN 0-9 Seven Segment LED Display PANEL 0-9 Seven Segment LED Display GPIB Status SRQ, LTN, TLK, RMT
Model 3550 LCR Meter Instruction Manual Instrument Description
Performance Specifications cont’d:
Digital Interfaces
RS-232C Standard interface GPIB Optional Interface Control I/O Standard Interface Connector
External Control Signals
External Output Signals
Audible Buzzer
Can be set to turn ON with GO or NO-GO comparator state; or it can be disabled.
Panel Presets
9 panel presets including comparator settings can be programmed into non-volatile memory.
Front Panel Key Lock
Protects accidental changing of front panel settings all panel keys except the Manual Trigger are disabled.
Operating Temperature = 5°C~40°C (41°F~104°F) <80%RH Non-Condensing
o Accuracy specifications are based on temperature conditions within 23°C±5°C
o For temperatures exceeding 23°C±5°C and still within the operating temperature,
the margin of error will be 2 times larger.
Power Source
x Operating Voltage=100/120/220/240V AC ±10%(MAX250V) x Power Frequency=50/60Hz x Maximum Power Usage=40VA
Width: 9.84” (250mm) Height: 5.83” (148mm) Depth: 15.74” (400mm)
Approximately 15.4lb (7kg)
Model 3550 LCR Meter Instruction Manual Instrument Description
Formulas and Measurement Accuracy
Parameters and Formulas
Generally speaking, the characteristics of circuit components can be evaluated in terms of impedance (Z). The 3550 LCR Meter measures the voltage and current components of the circuit in relation to the alternating signal of the measurement frequency, and uses these values to calculate impedance (Z) and phase angle (LJ). Displaying impedance (Z) in a complex notation as below allows us to determine the following values.
Z=R+jX LJ = TAN |Z| =
R2 +X
Z =V / I
Z: Impedance (ƻ) LJ: Phase Angle (deg)
R: Resistance (ƻ) X: Reactance (ƻ) |Z|: Absolute Value of Impedance (ƻ)
Depending on the properties of the DUT, Admittance (Y), which is the inverse of Impedance (Z), may be used to calculate parameter values instead. Admittance (Y), like Impedance (Z) can be represented in complex notation in order to calculate the following values.
Y=G+jB ĭ= TAN |Y|=
G2 +B
Y: Admittance (S)
G: Conductance (S) B: Susceptance (S) |Y|: Absolute value of Admittance (S)
Model 3550 LCR Meter Instruction Manual Instrument Description
Formulas and Measurement Accuracy cont’d:
The 3550 calculates the various measurement values using the inter-terminal voltage (V) applied to the DUT (device under test) terminals, the current (I) that occurs in relation to the voltage, the Phase Angle (LJ) of (V) and (I), and the Angular Velocity (ǔ) of the measurement frequency. These factors are used in the formulas below to determine values for the measurements made by the TEGAM 3550.
Note: The Phase Angle is based on Impedance (Z). In order to base the Phase Angle on Admittance (Y), add a "-" sign to the Impedance value to negate it. Thus, ij for Admittance will be ij=-LJ.
Table 1.9 – Series and Parallel Equivalent Circuit Measurements
Item Series Equivalent Circuits Parallel Equivalent Circuits
|Z| = V/I( )
R2 +X
|Y| = 1/|Z|( )
RS = ESR = | |Z|cosLJ | RP = EPR = | 1/(|Y|cosLJ) | = 1/G
X = |Z| sinLJ
*** ij is the Phase Angle of Admittance: ij = -LJ
, CS, RSrepresent the L, C, R measurements for series equivalent circuits.
, CP, RPrepresent the L, C, R measurements for parallel equivalent circuits.
LS = X/ǔ LP = 1/(ǔ*B)
CS = 1/(ǔ*X) CP = B/ǔ
D = 1/tanLJ = 1/Q
Q = tanLJ = 1/D
G2 +B
|Y|cosLJ ***
B = |Y|sinLJ ***
Model 3550 LCR Meter Instruction Manual Instrument Description
Measurement Accuracy
The impedance of the DUT is either the actual measured value or a value, which is derived from the formulas below:
If LJ=90° ĺ |Z| = ǔL
If LJ= -90° ĺ |Z| = 1/ǔC
If LJ=0° ĺ |Z| = R
Voltage Level Accuracy Limit
See the Measurement Accuracy Tables located in the Appendix. The tables contain formulas for calculating the Voltage Level Accuracies.
Model 3550 LCR Meter Instruction Manual Instrument Description
Preparation for Use
Model 3550 LCR Meter Instruction Manual 2-1
Model 3550 LCR Meter Instruction Manual Preparation for Use
Unpacking & Inspection:
Each 3550 is put through a series of electrical and mechanical inspections before shipment to the customer. Upon receipt of your instrument unpack all of the items from the shipping carton and inspect for any damage that may have occurred during transit. Report any damaged items to the shipping agent. Retain and use the original packing material for reshipment if necessary.
Upon Receipt, inspect the carton for the following items:
Model 3550 General Purpose, Programmable LCR Meter Model 3550 User’s Manual CD Power Cord
Safety Information & Precautions:
The following safety information applies to both operation and service personnel. Safety precautions and warnings may be found throughout this instruction manual and the equipment. These warnings may be in the form of a symbol or a written statement. Below is a summary of these precautions.
Terms in This Manual:
CAUTION statements identify conditions or practices that could result in damage to the equipment or other property.
Terms as Marked on Equipment:
CAUTION indicates a personal injury hazard not immediately accessible as one reads the marking, or a hazard to property including the equipment itself.
statements apply conditions or practices that could result in personal injury or loss of
indicates a personal injury hazard immediately accessible as one reads the marking.
Model 3550 LCR Meter Instruction Manual Preparation for Use
Safety Information & Precautions Cont’d:
As Marked in This Manual:
This symbol denotes where precautionary information may be found.
As Marked on Equipment:
Caution – Risk of Danger
Danger – Risk of Electric Shock
Earth Ground Terminal-
Grounding the Equipment
This product is grounded through the grounding conductor of the power cord. WARNING: properly wired receptacle before using this instrument. The proper grounding of this instrument is essential for safety and optimizing instrument operation.
Chassis Terminal
Alternating Current
Earth Ground Terminal / Guard
To avoid electrical shock or other potential safety hazards, plug the power cord into a
Danger Arising from Loss of Ground
WARNING: in the instrument. Under these conditions all accessible parts, including insulating parts such as keypads and buttons could develop a hazardous voltage and put the user at risk.
If the connection to ground is lost or compromised, a floating potential could develop
Model 3550 LCR Meter Instruction Manual Preparation for Use
Use the Proper Fuse
To avoid fire hazard, use only the correct fuse type as specified for the AC power supply in the “Preparation for Use”” or “Service” sections of this manual. Please note that the fuse rating for 100 & 120-volt operation is different than the rating for 200 & 240-volt operation. Information about the proper fuse type is also printed on the rear panel of the instrument.
Refer fuse replacement to qualified service personnel.
Do Not Use in Explosive Environments
WARNING: The 3550 is not designed for operation in explosive environments.
Do not Operate Without Covers
WARNING: missing panels or covers could result in personal injury.
This device should be operated with all panels and covers in place. Operation with
Servicing Safety Summary:
Do Not Service Alone
Do not perform service or adjustment on this product unless another person capable of rendering first aid is present.
Use Care When Servicing with Power On or Off
Dangerous voltages may exist at several points in this product. To avoid personal injury or damage to this equipment, avoid touching exposed connections or components while the power is on. Assure that the power is off by unplugging the instrument when removing panels, soldering, or replacing components. WARNING: present throughout the instrument even when the instrument is in the OFF state. Always unplug the instrument and wait 5 minutes before accessing internal components.
Power Source
This product is intended to connect to a power source that will not apply more than 250V RMS between the supply conductors or between either supply conductor and ground. A protective ground connection by way of the grounding conductor in the power cord is essential for safe operation.
The instrument power source is electronically controlled meaning that there is power
Model 3550 LCR Meter Instruction Manual Preparation for Use
Line Voltage & Fuse Selection:
Unless other wise specified, the Model 3550 is delivered from TEGAM with its power supply set for 120V, 60 Hz operation. However, the 3550 design allows it to operate under 100, 120V, 220 or 240V @ 50/60 operation. It is strongly recommended that the line voltage and fuse size be verified before powering the unit.
First, determine the supply voltage that the instrument will be operating under and verify that the supply voltage does not fall outside of the allowable ranges in the table below:
LINE VOLTAGE RANGE FUSE SIZE 100/120V 90~132VAC 1A 220/240V 198~250VAC 0.5A
Make sure that the proper fuse size is installed.
Next, verify that the jumper block in the rear panel of the instrument is securely plugged into the correct position. There are four positions that the block may be set to. Set the jumper block to point to one of the four voltage settings. You can remove the jumper block by pulling it from the jumper socket.
220V 100V
Unit set for 120VAC Operation 50/60Hz
The instrument is ready for power up. Proceed to “Quick Start Instructions” for continued operation.
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