Techical Data Sheet
TEGAM 2411B 2MS/s Arbitrary Waveform Generator
Output Waveforms
Up to 100 High-Definition User-defined Waveforms,
Standard Waveforms: Sine, Square, Triangle, ±Sawtooth,
DC, ±Pulse, ±Exponential, AM, SCM, FM, Lin/Log
Sweep, Sin x/x (Sine), Gaussian, Haversine, Circle,
4 programmable sync pulses per waveform.
Sequence Generator (Optional)
Waveform: Transient-free Loop and Link
Repetitions: Loop: 1,048,575 times Link: 100 waveforms
Program: 1000 Steps total
File: 100 Sequences
Storage: 100 waveforms
Horizontal Points: 65,504 max., 16 min.
Vertical Points: 16 bits, 65,536 (-32768 to +32767)
Sample Rate:
Range: 0.1 Hz to 2MHz (10s to 500ns)
Resolution: 4 digits
Transition Time: <150ns
(Tested with square wave, filter off, 10Vp-p, 50Ω
THD + Noise: -86dB typical (2kHz sinewave)
(Tested with 80kHz measurement bandwidth, 2 MHz
clock, sinewave, 1000 points, filter on. full amplitude, 50Ω
Amplitude and Offset
Resolution Accuracy
±1.00 to 10V 10mV 1 % of setting + 20mV
±100mV to 999mV 1mV 3% of setting + 5mV
±10mV to 99.9mV 100mV 5% of setting + 1mV
(Tested with 1kHz sinewave plus DC offset, 50
impedance, open circuit.)
Selectable Analog Filter
Cutoff: 700kHz, 7th order; 40kHz, 3rd order
Operational Modes
Continuous: Output runs continuously between selected
memory address locations
Triggered: Output at start point until triggered, then runs
Gated: As triggered except output is continuous until gate
signal ends.
Burst: Each trigger outputs a preprogrammed number of
waveforms from 1 to 1,048,575.
Toggled: Alternate triggers gate the output waveform.
Master-Slave: For multi-unit operation.
Cont-Sync: multiple units run continuously in sync with
the master unit
Trig-Sync: multiple units run in sync with the master unit
for one cycle when the master unit is triggered.
Trig-Sequence: a tail-chasing mode between the master
and the slave unit initiated by triggering the master unit.
Output: Front-panel main waveform output, 50Ω
Sync Outputs: Front-panel TTLsync output, 50Ω
impedance plus 3 rear-panel TTL outputs.
Clock Out: Rear-panel AWG waveform sample clock
output (TTL). x2 sample clock.
Reference Out: Rear-panel internal 10MHz reference
output (TTL).
Sync Trigger Out: Triggers additional units
Trigger Input: Rear-panel TTL trigger input for trig-
gered,gated, burst, toggled and master-slave modes.
External TTL Sample Clock Input:< 4MHz
Reference In: Rear-panel 10MHz reference input will
phase lock the internal crystal-controlled oscillator.
Trigger Sources
External Trigger Input
Manual Trigger
Waveform Creation Tools (Option)
WaveWorks Pro+ for Windows
Operating System: Windows 2000, 98 or 95.
PC Requirements: 486DX or better with 4MB RAM
Interface: COM port or National Instrument AT-GPIB
card (or equivalent)
Standard Function: 30
Math Operation:
Operators: 13
Transfer Functions: 20
Sequence Creation (optional hardware required)
Waveform Analysis:
Frequency Domain: FFT and IFFT: up to 500th
harmonic, graphic display and
Time Domain: Waveform and Digital Pattern
Edit: Point, Vertex and Harmonics (FFT, IFFT).
Computer Interface
RS-232C: 19.2kBaud. max.
GPIB (optional): IEEE Std. 488.2-1987
Stored Settings: 31
Temperature Range: +23 °C ± 3°C for specified oper-
ation. Operates 0°C to +50°C. Storage -20°C to +60°C.
Dimensions: 11.5cm (4.53 in.) H; 25.8cm (10.14 in.)
W; 30cm (11.81 in.)D.
Weight: 5.0kg (11 Ibs)
Power: 55VA; 45W (max) 100/120/220/240 VAC. +5%,
-10%; 48 to 63 Hz.
Weight and dimensions are approximate. Errors and omissions excepted. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. TEGAM
is the registered trademark of TEGAM, Inc.
© Copyright 2000 TEGAM Inc. All rights reserved.