Tecumseh Compressor Company
Indoor Condensing Units
Model: VSC9576XXTXF
BoM: 2A9002-1
Air Cooled: 9 1/2 HP
Application: Commercial Temp
Refrigerant: R-404A/R-507/R-22/R-134a/R-407A/R-407F
Voltage: 200-230/60/3
June 15, 2016
Revision: A
* F = Flare, S = Solder, RF or RS = Rotolock with Flare or Solder Connections, C = Compression Fitting
45.2 28.5 36.9 23 1 1/8” S 5/8” S
Dimensions, inches Line Connection* Pumpdown Air Oil Ch Gr. Wt.
L W H CH Suction Liquid
90 F 90%
41.39 lbs
47.76 lbs
48.35 lbs
45.53 lbs
44.31 lbs
Units are Factory Charged with 20 psig of dry air. MUST BE EVACUATED.
SCFM Oz. Lbs.
3800 89.95 250

June 15, 2016
Revision: A
VSC9576XXTXF R404A / R507 Performance
Performance @ 60Hz, Return Gas 400F Below 200F Evaporator and 650F above 200F Evaporator, Sub cooling 50F
Ambient Temperatures
Evaporator T
°F PSIG BTUH Watts Cond T BTUH Watts Cond T BTUH Watts Cond T BTUH Watts Cond T
-10 23.2 49200 8530 100 45700 9320 108 42100 10200 116
-5 27.5 54300 8840 102 50400 9630 110 46400 10510 118
0 32.1 59500 9150 104 55300 9940 112 50900 10810 120
5 37.0 65000 9450 107 60300 10240 114 55500 11110 122 50600 12060 129
10 42.4 70500 9770 109 65400 10550 117 60300 11410 124 54900 12350 131
15 48.2 76100 10100 112 70600 10880 119 65000 11720 126 59300 12650 133
20 54.5 81800 10450 114 75800 11220 121 69800 12060 128 63600 12980 135
25 61.2 87400 10830 117 80900 11600 124 74500 12430 131 67800 13330 137
30 68.4 92800 11250 121 86000 12010 127 79000 12830 133
35 76.1 98200 11720 124 90800 12470 130 83400 13270 136
40 84.4 103300 12240 127 95500 12980 133 87600 13770 139
80F 90F 100F 110F
VSC9576XXTXF R22 Performance
Performance @ 60Hz, Suction Superheat (MAX) 200F, Sub cooling 50F
Ambient Temperatures
Evaporator T
°F PSIG BTUH Watts Cond T BTUH Watts Cond T BTUH Watts Cond T BTUH Watts Cond T
-10 16.7 35000 7080 95
-5 20.3 40100 7330 97 37400 7980 106
0 24.2 45700 7590 99 42900 8280 108 39600 9030 117
5 28.5 51900 7870 102 48900 8590 111 45500 9370 119
10 33.0 58600 8180 105 55500 8910 113 51900 9720 122 47800 10600 130
15 38.0 65900 8500 108 62500 9260 116 58700 10080 124 54400 10980 132
20 43.3 73600 8860 111 70000 9630 119 65900 10470 127 61300 11390 135
25 49.0 81900 9250 115 78000 10030 122 73600 10880 130 68700 11810 137
30 55.2 90700 9670 118 86400 10460 126 81700 11320 133 76400 12260 140
35 61.7 99900 10140 122 95300 10920 129 90200 11790 136 84500 12730 143
40 68.8 109700 10640 126 104600 11430 133 99100 12300 140 93000 13240 146
80F 90F 100F 110F