August 20, 2013
Revision: Release
Tecumseh Compressor Company
Indoor Condensing Units
Model: VSA9514ZNAXM BoM: 2B3274-1 R-404A 1.5 HP AIRCOOLED
33.8 25.0 19.5 17.7 5/8” S 3/8” S 16.5 lbs 1525 24 290
* F = Flare, S = Solder, RF or RS = Rotolock with Flare or Solder Connections, C = Compression Fitting
Evaporator T
°F PSIG BTUH Watts Cond T BTUH Watts Cond T BTUH Watts Cond T BTUH Watts Cond T
0 33.5 10000 1750 92 9400 1890 102 8700 2040 111 7900 2200 120
5 36.5 11300 1780 94 10500 1920 103 9700 2080 112 8900 2240 121
10 42.4 12600 1810 95 11700 1960 104 10800 2120 113 9900 2280 122
15 48.2 14000 1840 97 13000 1990 105 12000 2150 114 11000 2330 123
20 54.5 15500 1870 98 14400 2030 107 13300 2190 115 12200 2370 124
25 61.2 17100 1900 100 15900 2060 108 14700 2230 117 13500 2410 125
30 68.4 18800 1930 101 17500 2090 110 16200 2270 118 14800 2450 126
35 76.1 20500 1960 103 19200 2130 112 17800 2310 120 16300 2490 128
40 84.4 22400 2000 105 20900 2170 113 19400 2350 121 17900 2540 129
45 94.3 24400 2040 107 22800 2220 115 21200 2400 123 19500 2590 131
Dimensions, inches Line Connection* Pumpdown Air Oil Ch Gr. Wt.
L W H CH Suction Liquid
80F 90F 100F 110F
90 F 90%
Ambient Temperatures
SCFM Oz. Lbs.
60 Hz Performance
Return gas temp. 40F Evaporator Temp. 20F or less, 5F sub-cooling
Return gas temp. 65F for Evaporator Temp. > 20F, 5F sub-cooling
August 20, 2013
Revision: Release
Specifications/ Parts:
Model VSA9514ZNAXM
Unit Bill of Material 2B3274-1 Fan Motor RLA 0.70
Nominal Volts-Hz-Ph 208-230-60-1 Fan Blade 51568-1 (2)
Refrigeration Range 0° to 45° Fan Guard 70831 (2)
Design Pressure Low 181 Fan Shroud 70648-2
Design Pressure High 450 High Pressure Switch 84095-2
Voltage Range 187 to 254 Low Pressure Control 84026-2
Min. Circuit Ampacity 16.3 Dual Pressure Control N/A
Max. Fuse Size (amps) 25 Condenser 50858-1
Compressor Model VSA9512ZNA Headmaster Valve * N/A
Comp. Bill of Material VS116ET-003-A4 Check Valve * N/A
Compressor RLA/LRA 11.9 / 65.9
Overload INTERNAL Liquid Valve 31581-1
Relay 820ARR3J50 Liquid Filter * N/A
Run Capacitor 85PR370F17 Sight Glass * N/A
Run Capacitor Rating 35 MFD 370V (M) VDE Suction Valve 31531-1
Start Capacitor 85PS330D76 Rotolock Valve Gasket 30233
Start Capacitor Rating 88-108 MFD 330V VDE Discharge Valve * 31527-2
Contactor 91017 Suction Filter * N/A
Unit Drawing DGU1950-04 Accumulator TK00042000
Wiring Diagram 14949125 Crankcase Heater * N/A
Defrost Timer * N/A
* = Outdoor Units Only
Options for Outdoor Units
Receiver Heater N/A
Solenoid Valve N/A
Fan Motor 810F050C20 (2)
Receiver Tank 51081-1
Electrical Diagram