Revision 3- June 11, 2003
Tecumseh Products Company
Hermetic Condensing Units
Note: Dimensioning = Inches [mm]
* F = Flare, S = Solder, RF or RS = Rotolock with Flare or Solder Connections, C = Compression Fitting
Factory charge: 20 PSIG Nitrogen – MUST BE EVACUATED
25.0 33.48 19.5 14.6 7/8” S 3/8” RS 13.8 lbs 1525 1141 150
Dimensions, inches Line Connection* Pumpdown Air Oil Ch Gr. Wt.
L W H CH Suction Liquid
90 °F 90%
SCFM cc Lbs.
60 Hz Performance
Evaporator 80°F 90°F 100°F 110°F
T, °F PSIG BTUH Watts Head Cond T BTUH Watts Head Cond T BTUH Watts Head Cond T BTUH Watts Head Cond T
-10 23.6 10185 2021 207 90 8659 1970 238 100 7287 1933 271 109 5874 1871 308 119
0 32.6 13115 2269 216 93 11392 2262 248 103 9822 2252 281 112 8221 2223 319 121
5 37.7 14790 2395 222 95 12952 2408 253 104 11255 2410 287 113 9542 2398 325 123
10 43.2 16603 2521 228 96 14642 2553 260 106 12800 2569 293 115 10962 2573 331 124
15 49.1 18556 2648 234 98 16461 2699 266 108 14456 2726 300 116 12480 2747 338 126
20 55.4 20648 2776 241 100 18409 2844 273 109 16224 2883 307 118 14096 2920 345 127
30 69.6 25250 3033 257 104 22694 3135 289 113 20091 3196 323 122 17624 3264 361 130
35 77.2 27760 3163 265 106 25030 3280 298 115 22192 3352 331 124 19536 3435 369 132
40 85.5 30410 3294 274 109 27495 3425 307 117 24403 3507 340 126 21546 3605 378 134
45 94.3 33198 3425 284 111 30090 3570 316 119 26726 3662 350 128 23654 3775 387 136
Return gas temperature 20˚ F max superheat above 20˚ F evaporator,
Below 20˚ F evaporator use 40˚ F return gas. 5˚ F Subcooling
Ambient Temperatures

Revision 3- June 11, 2003
Specifications: AWA9518ZXGXM R-404A 2HP AIRCOOLED
Model AWA9518ZXGXM Model AWA9518ZXGXM
Unit Bill of Material 2C2135-1 AND –9 Condenser 50858
Nominal Volts-Hz-Ph 460/60/3; 420/50/3 Receiver Tank 51081-1
Voltage Range 414 to 506 Volts Receiver Tank Valve 31581-1 (3/8” Rotolock Sweat)
Min. Circuit Ampacity 7.9 Amps Accumulator TK00042000
Max. Fuse Size (amps) 15 Amps Contactor 91014 (30AMP-3PH-230V)
Compressor Model AWA9514ZXG Low Pressure Control 84026-5
Comp. Bill of Material AW617TT-125-P2 High Pressure Switch 84095-2
Compressor RLA/LRA 5.40 / 36.0 Amps Fan Switch 84094-1 / 84094-2
Overload Internal Process Valve 31583-1 (1/4” Flare)
Fan Motor (2) 810GO50A49
Fan RLA 0.52 Amps Crankcase Heater 91022-2
Fan Blade (2) 51568 Unit Drawing SU 1918-6
Dbl. Fan Shroud 70648-2 Electrical Drawing 91029-5
Fan Guard (2) 70831 Low Side Design Pressure 181 PSIG
High Side Design Pressure 450 PSIG
Valve O′Ring Gaskets
Packaging Single Pack