August 23, 2016
Revision: A
Tecumseh Products Company
Hermetic Condensate Evaporative Unit
Model: AKA9460ZXDEC BoM: 32B769-1 R-404A 3/4 HP
AKA9460ZXDEC 21.8 13.8 13.6 10.6 1/2” F 1/4” F 3.0 575 17 76
Evaporator T, 80°F 90°F 100°F 110°F
°F PSIG BTUH Watts Cond T BTUH Watts Cond T BTUH Watts Cond T BTUH Watts Cond T
-10 24.8 3390 900 100 2900 890 108 2440 870 116 1990 840 123
-5 29.1 3720 960 102 3200 960 110 2720 940 117 2250 920 125
0 33.9 4140 1020 104 3590 1030 112 3080 1020 119 2580 1000 127
5 39.0 4620 1090 106 4040 1090 114 3490 1090 121 2960 1080 129
10 44.5 5150 1150 109 4530 1160 116 3950 1170 123 3380 1160 131
15 50.4 5720 1210 111 5050 1230 119 4430 1240 126 3820 1250 133
20 56.8 6300 1280 114 5590 1300 121 4920 1320 128 4260 1330 135
25 63.6 6880 1350 117 6120 1370 124 5400 1400 131 4700 1410 137
30 70.9 7450 1420 120 6630 1450 126 5860 1470 133 5100 1490 140
35 78.8 7980 1480 122 7110 1520 129 6280 1550 135 --- --- --40 87.1 8470 1560 125 7530 1590 131 6640 1630 138 --- --- ---
* F = Flare, S = Solder, RF or RS = Rotolock with Flare or Solder Connections, C = Compression Fitting
Factory charge: 20 PSIG Nitrogen – MUST BE EVACUATED
Ambient Temperatures
Dimensions, inches Line Connection* Pumpdown Air Oil Ch Gr. Wt.
L W H CH Suction Liquid
90 F 90%
SCFM Oz. Lbs.
60 Hz Performance
Return gas temp 40F below 20F evaporator,
and 65F above 20 evap, 5F sub cooling

August 23, 2016
Revision: A
Specifications/ Parts:
Unit Model AKA9460ZXDEC
Unit Bill of Material 32B769-1
Refrigeration Range -10 F to 45° F Fan Blade 51541-1
Design Pressure Low 181 Fan Shroud 70724-2
Design Pressure High 450 Fan Guard 71020
Nominal Volts-Hz-Ph 208-230/60/1 Condenser 50798-4
Voltage Range 187-254 Liquid Valve 31584-1
Min. Circuit Ampacity 7.99 Suction Valve 31579-1
Max. Fuse Size (amps) 15 Power Cord N/A
Compressor Model AKA9455ZXD Unit Drawing DGU1915-7
Comp. Bill of Material AK171ET-038-J7 Wiring Diagram 90719-1
Compressor RLA/LRA 5.7/31
Overload 8300MRAG29 Replacement Kit: Relay K71-17
Relay 8200RVAM01 Replacement Kit: O/L K90-20
Run Capacitor 85PR370E36 Replacement Kit: St. Cap K146-02
Start Capacitor 85685
Fan Motor 810M035B68
Fan Motor RLA 0.7
Electrical Diagram