Release, 4/16/2003
Tecumseh Products Company
Hermetic Condensing Units
Model: AJA2429ZXAXC R-404a 3/4 HP AIR COOLED
Note: Dimensioning = Inches [mm]
* F = Flare, S = Solder, RF or RS = Rotolock with Flare or Solder Connections, C = Compression Fitting
Factory charge: 20 PSIG Nitrogen – MUST BE EVACUATED
L W H CH Suction Liquid
21.3” 13.9” 13.0” 11.4” ½ Flare ¼ Flare 3 Lbs 800 29 77
Dimensions, inches Line Connection* Pump down Air Oil Ch Gr. Wt.
90 °F 90%
SCFM Oz. Lbs.
60 Hz Performance
Ambient Temps
Evaporator 80°F 90°F 100°F 110°F
°F PSIG BTUH Watts Head Cond T BTUH Watts Head Cond T BTUH Watts Head Cond T BTUH Watts Head Cond T
-40 11.9 1140 514 195 87 842 479 223 96 540 442 255 105 176 376 283 113
-35 15.0 1492 571 200 89 1189 544 228 98 866 507 259 107 513 451 289 115
-30 18.4 1858 631 207 91 1545 612 235 100 1199 576 264 108 850 529 296 116
-25 22.1 2238 694 214 93 1909 681 242 102 1539 647 271 110 1188 609 303 118
-20 26.1 2633 760 221 96 2283 753 250 104 1886 722 279 112 1526 692 312 120
-10 30.4 3464 900 240 101 3057 904 268 109 2602 880 298 117 2203 863 331 125
-15 32.6 3041 828 230 98 2665 827 258 107 2240 799 288 114 1864 776 321 123
-5 35.0 3902 974 250 104 3457 982 279 112 2971 964 309 119 2542 952 342 127
0 40.0 4353 1051 261 107 3867 1063 290 115 3347 1051 321 122 2881 1043 354 130
5 45.4 4819 1130 273 110 4285 1147 302 118 3730 1140 334 125 3220 1136 367 133
10 51.2 5299 1213 285 114 4713 1232 315 121 4121 1233 348 129 3560 1231 380 136
Return gas temp. 40°F, 5°F sub cooling

Release, 4/16/2003
Model AJA2429ZXAXC Model AJA2429ZXAXC
Nominal Volts-Hz-Ph 115/60/1; 100/50/1 Condenser 50798-3
Unit Bill of Material 2E265-1 Receiver 51080-1
Voltage Range 103.5 to 126.5 Volt Liquid Valve -Receiver 31584-1, ¼” Flare
Min. Circuit Ampacity 11.7 Rotolock Valve Gasket 30334
Max. Fuse Size (amps) 15 Suction Valve 31547-7, ½” Flare
Compressor Model AJA2425ZXA Rotolock Valve Gasket 30334
Comp. Bill of Material AJ532AT-336-P2 Fan Shroud 70724-2
Alt. Comp. Bill of Mat. ---------------------- Fan Blade 51541-1
Compressor RLA/LRA 8.20 / 62.0 Fan Guard 71020
Overload 8300CRAN05
Relay 820ARR3C22
Alternate Relay 8200128G40
Start Capacitor 855S165C47
Start Capacitor Rating 270-324 µF / 165V
Run Cap. 85PR370E36 or F40
Run Cap. Rating 15 µF / 370 V
Fan Motor 810M035A29 Unit Drawing SU1893-61
Fan RLA 1.10 Electrical Drawing 90657